path: root/src/ext_depends/D-YAML/source/dyaml/emitter.d
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authorRalph Amissah <ralph.amissah@gmail.com>2021-02-19 17:10:51 -0500
committerRalph Amissah <ralph.amissah@gmail.com>2021-02-24 16:46:47 -0500
commit02ca32ae0a5bc290918d2b2a3288e385b9cc6b11 (patch)
tree06379785e8a0165a7deb981c2eba362894820634 /src/ext_depends/D-YAML/source/dyaml/emitter.d
parentbuild from static source-tree pre fetch depends (diff)
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- external & build dependences boost licensed - ext_depends (external depends) - D-YAML - tinyendian - d2sqlite3 - imageformats - build_depends - dub2nix
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ext_depends/D-YAML/source/dyaml/emitter.d')
1 files changed, 1689 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ext_depends/D-YAML/source/dyaml/emitter.d b/src/ext_depends/D-YAML/source/dyaml/emitter.d
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c797eb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ext_depends/D-YAML/source/dyaml/emitter.d
@@ -0,0 +1,1689 @@
+// Copyright Ferdinand Majerech 2011.
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+ * YAML emitter.
+ * Code based on PyYAML: http://www.pyyaml.org
+ */
+module dyaml.emitter;
+import std.algorithm;
+import std.array;
+import std.ascii;
+import std.conv;
+import std.encoding;
+import std.exception;
+import std.format;
+import std.range;
+import std.string;
+import std.system;
+import std.typecons;
+import std.utf;
+import dyaml.encoding;
+import dyaml.escapes;
+import dyaml.event;
+import dyaml.exception;
+import dyaml.linebreak;
+import dyaml.queue;
+import dyaml.style;
+import dyaml.tagdirective;
+//Stores results of analysis of a scalar, determining e.g. what scalar style to use.
+struct ScalarAnalysis
+ //Scalar itself.
+ string scalar;
+ enum AnalysisFlags
+ {
+ empty = 1<<0,
+ multiline = 1<<1,
+ allowFlowPlain = 1<<2,
+ allowBlockPlain = 1<<3,
+ allowSingleQuoted = 1<<4,
+ allowDoubleQuoted = 1<<5,
+ allowBlock = 1<<6,
+ isNull = 1<<7
+ }
+ ///Analysis results.
+ BitFlags!AnalysisFlags flags;
+private alias isNewLine = among!('\n', '\u0085', '\u2028', '\u2029');
+private alias isSpecialChar = among!('#', ',', '[', ']', '{', '}', '&', '*', '!', '|', '>', '\\', '\'', '"', '%', '@', '`');
+private alias isFlowIndicator = among!(',', '?', '[', ']', '{', '}');
+private alias isSpace = among!('\0', '\n', '\r', '\u0085', '\u2028', '\u2029', ' ', '\t');
+//Emits YAML events into a file/stream.
+struct Emitter(Range, CharType) if (isOutputRange!(Range, CharType))
+ private:
+ ///Default tag handle shortcuts and replacements.
+ static TagDirective[] defaultTagDirectives_ =
+ [TagDirective("!", "!"), TagDirective("!!", "tag:yaml.org,2002:")];
+ ///Stream to write to.
+ Range stream_;
+ /// Type used for upcoming emitter steps
+ alias EmitterFunction = void function(typeof(this)*) @safe;
+ ///Stack of states.
+ Appender!(EmitterFunction[]) states_;
+ ///Current state.
+ EmitterFunction state_;
+ ///Event queue.
+ Queue!Event events_;
+ ///Event we're currently emitting.
+ Event event_;
+ ///Stack of previous indentation levels.
+ Appender!(int[]) indents_;
+ ///Current indentation level.
+ int indent_ = -1;
+ ///Level of nesting in flow context. If 0, we're in block context.
+ uint flowLevel_ = 0;
+ /// Describes context (where we are in the document).
+ enum Context
+ {
+ /// Root node of a document.
+ root,
+ /// Sequence.
+ sequence,
+ /// Mapping.
+ mappingNoSimpleKey,
+ /// Mapping, in a simple key.
+ mappingSimpleKey,
+ }
+ /// Current context.
+ Context context_;
+ ///Characteristics of the last emitted character:
+ ///Line.
+ uint line_ = 0;
+ ///Column.
+ uint column_ = 0;
+ ///Whitespace character?
+ bool whitespace_ = true;
+ ///indentation space, '-', '?', or ':'?
+ bool indentation_ = true;
+ ///Does the document require an explicit document indicator?
+ bool openEnded_;
+ ///Formatting details.
+ ///Canonical scalar format?
+ bool canonical_;
+ ///Best indentation width.
+ uint bestIndent_ = 2;
+ ///Best text width.
+ uint bestWidth_ = 80;
+ ///Best line break character/s.
+ LineBreak bestLineBreak_;
+ ///Tag directive handle - prefix pairs.
+ TagDirective[] tagDirectives_;
+ ///Anchor/alias to process.
+ string preparedAnchor_ = null;
+ ///Tag to process.
+ string preparedTag_ = null;
+ ///Analysis result of the current scalar.
+ ScalarAnalysis analysis_;
+ ///Style of the current scalar.
+ ScalarStyle style_ = ScalarStyle.invalid;
+ public:
+ @disable int opCmp(ref Emitter);
+ @disable bool opEquals(ref Emitter);
+ /**
+ * Construct an emitter.
+ *
+ * Params: stream = Output range to write to.
+ * canonical = Write scalars in canonical form?
+ * indent = Indentation width.
+ * lineBreak = Line break character/s.
+ */
+ this(Range stream, const bool canonical, const int indent, const int width,
+ const LineBreak lineBreak) @safe
+ {
+ states_.reserve(32);
+ indents_.reserve(32);
+ stream_ = stream;
+ canonical_ = canonical;
+ nextExpected!"expectStreamStart"();
+ if(indent > 1 && indent < 10){bestIndent_ = indent;}
+ if(width > bestIndent_ * 2) {bestWidth_ = width;}
+ bestLineBreak_ = lineBreak;
+ analysis_.flags.isNull = true;
+ }
+ ///Emit an event.
+ void emit(Event event) @safe
+ {
+ events_.push(event);
+ while(!needMoreEvents())
+ {
+ event_ = events_.pop();
+ callNext();
+ event_.destroy();
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ ///Pop and return the newest state in states_.
+ EmitterFunction popState() @safe
+ in(states_.data.length > 0,
+ "Emitter: Need to pop a state but there are no states left")
+ {
+ const result = states_.data[$-1];
+ states_.shrinkTo(states_.data.length - 1);
+ return result;
+ }
+ void pushState(string D)() @safe
+ {
+ states_ ~= mixin("function(typeof(this)* self) { self."~D~"(); }");
+ }
+ ///Pop and return the newest indent in indents_.
+ int popIndent() @safe
+ in(indents_.data.length > 0,
+ "Emitter: Need to pop an indent level but there" ~
+ " are no indent levels left")
+ {
+ const result = indents_.data[$-1];
+ indents_.shrinkTo(indents_.data.length - 1);
+ return result;
+ }
+ ///Write a string to the file/stream.
+ void writeString(const scope char[] str) @safe
+ {
+ static if(is(CharType == char))
+ {
+ copy(str, stream_);
+ }
+ static if(is(CharType == wchar))
+ {
+ const buffer = to!wstring(str);
+ copy(buffer, stream_);
+ }
+ static if(is(CharType == dchar))
+ {
+ const buffer = to!dstring(str);
+ copy(buffer, stream_);
+ }
+ }
+ ///In some cases, we wait for a few next events before emitting.
+ bool needMoreEvents() @safe nothrow
+ {
+ if(events_.length == 0){return true;}
+ const event = events_.peek();
+ if(event.id == EventID.documentStart){return needEvents(1);}
+ if(event.id == EventID.sequenceStart){return needEvents(2);}
+ if(event.id == EventID.mappingStart) {return needEvents(3);}
+ return false;
+ }
+ ///Determines if we need specified number of more events.
+ bool needEvents(in uint count) @safe nothrow
+ {
+ int level;
+ foreach(const event; events_.range)
+ {
+ if(event.id.among!(EventID.documentStart, EventID.sequenceStart, EventID.mappingStart)) {++level;}
+ else if(event.id.among!(EventID.documentEnd, EventID.sequenceEnd, EventID.mappingEnd)) {--level;}
+ else if(event.id == EventID.streamStart){level = -1;}
+ if(level < 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return events_.length < (count + 1);
+ }
+ ///Increase indentation level.
+ void increaseIndent(const Flag!"flow" flow = No.flow, const bool indentless = false) @safe
+ {
+ indents_ ~= indent_;
+ if(indent_ == -1)
+ {
+ indent_ = flow ? bestIndent_ : 0;
+ }
+ else if(!indentless)
+ {
+ indent_ += bestIndent_;
+ }
+ }
+ ///Determines if the type of current event is as specified. Throws if no event.
+ bool eventTypeIs(in EventID id) const pure @safe
+ in(!event_.isNull, "Expected an event, but no event is available.")
+ {
+ return event_.id == id;
+ }
+ //States.
+ //Stream handlers.
+ ///Handle start of a file/stream.
+ void expectStreamStart() @safe
+ in(eventTypeIs(EventID.streamStart),
+ "Expected streamStart, but got " ~ event_.idString)
+ {
+ writeStreamStart();
+ nextExpected!"expectDocumentStart!(Yes.first)"();
+ }
+ ///Expect nothing, throwing if we still have something.
+ void expectNothing() @safe
+ {
+ assert(0, "Expected nothing, but got " ~ event_.idString);
+ }
+ //Document handlers.
+ ///Handle start of a document.
+ void expectDocumentStart(Flag!"first" first)() @safe
+ in(eventTypeIs(EventID.documentStart) || eventTypeIs(EventID.streamEnd),
+ "Expected documentStart or streamEnd, but got " ~ event_.idString)
+ {
+ if(event_.id == EventID.documentStart)
+ {
+ const YAMLVersion = event_.value;
+ auto tagDirectives = event_.tagDirectives;
+ if(openEnded_ && (YAMLVersion !is null || tagDirectives !is null))
+ {
+ writeIndicator("...", Yes.needWhitespace);
+ writeIndent();
+ }
+ if(YAMLVersion !is null)
+ {
+ writeVersionDirective(prepareVersion(YAMLVersion));
+ }
+ if(tagDirectives !is null)
+ {
+ tagDirectives_ = tagDirectives;
+ sort!"icmp(a.handle, b.handle) < 0"(tagDirectives_);
+ foreach(ref pair; tagDirectives_)
+ {
+ writeTagDirective(prepareTagHandle(pair.handle),
+ prepareTagPrefix(pair.prefix));
+ }
+ }
+ bool eq(ref TagDirective a, ref TagDirective b){return a.handle == b.handle;}
+ //Add any default tag directives that have not been overriden.
+ foreach(ref def; defaultTagDirectives_)
+ {
+ if(!std.algorithm.canFind!eq(tagDirectives_, def))
+ {
+ tagDirectives_ ~= def;
+ }
+ }
+ const implicit = first && !event_.explicitDocument && !canonical_ &&
+ YAMLVersion is null && tagDirectives is null &&
+ !checkEmptyDocument();
+ if(!implicit)
+ {
+ writeIndent();
+ writeIndicator("---", Yes.needWhitespace);
+ if(canonical_){writeIndent();}
+ }
+ nextExpected!"expectRootNode"();
+ }
+ else if(event_.id == EventID.streamEnd)
+ {
+ if(openEnded_)
+ {
+ writeIndicator("...", Yes.needWhitespace);
+ writeIndent();
+ }
+ writeStreamEnd();
+ nextExpected!"expectNothing"();
+ }
+ }
+ ///Handle end of a document.
+ void expectDocumentEnd() @safe
+ in(eventTypeIs(EventID.documentEnd),
+ "Expected DocumentEnd, but got " ~ event_.idString)
+ {
+ writeIndent();
+ if(event_.explicitDocument)
+ {
+ writeIndicator("...", Yes.needWhitespace);
+ writeIndent();
+ }
+ nextExpected!"expectDocumentStart!(No.first)"();
+ }
+ ///Handle the root node of a document.
+ void expectRootNode() @safe
+ {
+ pushState!"expectDocumentEnd"();
+ expectNode(Context.root);
+ }
+ ///Handle a mapping node.
+ //
+ //Params: simpleKey = Are we in a simple key?
+ void expectMappingNode(const bool simpleKey = false) @safe
+ {
+ expectNode(simpleKey ? Context.mappingSimpleKey : Context.mappingNoSimpleKey);
+ }
+ ///Handle a sequence node.
+ void expectSequenceNode() @safe
+ {
+ expectNode(Context.sequence);
+ }
+ ///Handle a new node. Context specifies where in the document we are.
+ void expectNode(const Context context) @safe
+ {
+ context_ = context;
+ const flowCollection = event_.collectionStyle == CollectionStyle.flow;
+ switch(event_.id)
+ {
+ case EventID.alias_: expectAlias(); break;
+ case EventID.scalar:
+ processAnchor("&");
+ processTag();
+ expectScalar();
+ break;
+ case EventID.sequenceStart:
+ processAnchor("&");
+ processTag();
+ if(flowLevel_ > 0 || canonical_ || flowCollection || checkEmptySequence())
+ {
+ expectFlowSequence();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ expectBlockSequence();
+ }
+ break;
+ case EventID.mappingStart:
+ processAnchor("&");
+ processTag();
+ if(flowLevel_ > 0 || canonical_ || flowCollection || checkEmptyMapping())
+ {
+ expectFlowMapping();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ expectBlockMapping();
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(0, "Expected alias_, scalar, sequenceStart or " ~
+ "mappingStart, but got: " ~ event_.idString);
+ }
+ }
+ ///Handle an alias.
+ void expectAlias() @safe
+ in(event_.anchor != "", "Anchor is not specified for alias")
+ {
+ processAnchor("*");
+ nextExpected(popState());
+ }
+ ///Handle a scalar.
+ void expectScalar() @safe
+ {
+ increaseIndent(Yes.flow);
+ processScalar();
+ indent_ = popIndent();
+ nextExpected(popState());
+ }
+ //Flow sequence handlers.
+ ///Handle a flow sequence.
+ void expectFlowSequence() @safe
+ {
+ writeIndicator("[", Yes.needWhitespace, Yes.whitespace);
+ ++flowLevel_;
+ increaseIndent(Yes.flow);
+ nextExpected!"expectFlowSequenceItem!(Yes.first)"();
+ }
+ ///Handle a flow sequence item.
+ void expectFlowSequenceItem(Flag!"first" first)() @safe
+ {
+ if(event_.id == EventID.sequenceEnd)
+ {
+ indent_ = popIndent();
+ --flowLevel_;
+ static if(!first) if(canonical_)
+ {
+ writeIndicator(",", No.needWhitespace);
+ writeIndent();
+ }
+ writeIndicator("]", No.needWhitespace);
+ nextExpected(popState());
+ return;
+ }
+ static if(!first){writeIndicator(",", No.needWhitespace);}
+ if(canonical_ || column_ > bestWidth_){writeIndent();}
+ pushState!"expectFlowSequenceItem!(No.first)"();
+ expectSequenceNode();
+ }
+ //Flow mapping handlers.
+ ///Handle a flow mapping.
+ void expectFlowMapping() @safe
+ {
+ writeIndicator("{", Yes.needWhitespace, Yes.whitespace);
+ ++flowLevel_;
+ increaseIndent(Yes.flow);
+ nextExpected!"expectFlowMappingKey!(Yes.first)"();
+ }
+ ///Handle a key in a flow mapping.
+ void expectFlowMappingKey(Flag!"first" first)() @safe
+ {
+ if(event_.id == EventID.mappingEnd)
+ {
+ indent_ = popIndent();
+ --flowLevel_;
+ static if (!first) if(canonical_)
+ {
+ writeIndicator(",", No.needWhitespace);
+ writeIndent();
+ }
+ writeIndicator("}", No.needWhitespace);
+ nextExpected(popState());
+ return;
+ }
+ static if(!first){writeIndicator(",", No.needWhitespace);}
+ if(canonical_ || column_ > bestWidth_){writeIndent();}
+ if(!canonical_ && checkSimpleKey())
+ {
+ pushState!"expectFlowMappingSimpleValue"();
+ expectMappingNode(true);
+ return;
+ }
+ writeIndicator("?", Yes.needWhitespace);
+ pushState!"expectFlowMappingValue"();
+ expectMappingNode();
+ }
+ ///Handle a simple value in a flow mapping.
+ void expectFlowMappingSimpleValue() @safe
+ {
+ writeIndicator(":", No.needWhitespace);
+ pushState!"expectFlowMappingKey!(No.first)"();
+ expectMappingNode();
+ }
+ ///Handle a complex value in a flow mapping.
+ void expectFlowMappingValue() @safe
+ {
+ if(canonical_ || column_ > bestWidth_){writeIndent();}
+ writeIndicator(":", Yes.needWhitespace);
+ pushState!"expectFlowMappingKey!(No.first)"();
+ expectMappingNode();
+ }
+ //Block sequence handlers.
+ ///Handle a block sequence.
+ void expectBlockSequence() @safe
+ {
+ const indentless = (context_ == Context.mappingNoSimpleKey ||
+ context_ == Context.mappingSimpleKey) && !indentation_;
+ increaseIndent(No.flow, indentless);
+ nextExpected!"expectBlockSequenceItem!(Yes.first)"();
+ }
+ ///Handle a block sequence item.
+ void expectBlockSequenceItem(Flag!"first" first)() @safe
+ {
+ static if(!first) if(event_.id == EventID.sequenceEnd)
+ {
+ indent_ = popIndent();
+ nextExpected(popState());
+ return;
+ }
+ writeIndent();
+ writeIndicator("-", Yes.needWhitespace, No.whitespace, Yes.indentation);
+ pushState!"expectBlockSequenceItem!(No.first)"();
+ expectSequenceNode();
+ }
+ //Block mapping handlers.
+ ///Handle a block mapping.
+ void expectBlockMapping() @safe
+ {
+ increaseIndent(No.flow);
+ nextExpected!"expectBlockMappingKey!(Yes.first)"();
+ }
+ ///Handle a key in a block mapping.
+ void expectBlockMappingKey(Flag!"first" first)() @safe
+ {
+ static if(!first) if(event_.id == EventID.mappingEnd)
+ {
+ indent_ = popIndent();
+ nextExpected(popState());
+ return;
+ }
+ writeIndent();
+ if(checkSimpleKey())
+ {
+ pushState!"expectBlockMappingSimpleValue"();
+ expectMappingNode(true);
+ return;
+ }
+ writeIndicator("?", Yes.needWhitespace, No.whitespace, Yes.indentation);
+ pushState!"expectBlockMappingValue"();
+ expectMappingNode();
+ }
+ ///Handle a simple value in a block mapping.
+ void expectBlockMappingSimpleValue() @safe
+ {
+ writeIndicator(":", No.needWhitespace);
+ pushState!"expectBlockMappingKey!(No.first)"();
+ expectMappingNode();
+ }
+ ///Handle a complex value in a block mapping.
+ void expectBlockMappingValue() @safe
+ {
+ writeIndent();
+ writeIndicator(":", Yes.needWhitespace, No.whitespace, Yes.indentation);
+ pushState!"expectBlockMappingKey!(No.first)"();
+ expectMappingNode();
+ }
+ //Checkers.
+ ///Check if an empty sequence is next.
+ bool checkEmptySequence() const @safe pure nothrow
+ {
+ return event_.id == EventID.sequenceStart && events_.length > 0
+ && events_.peek().id == EventID.sequenceEnd;
+ }
+ ///Check if an empty mapping is next.
+ bool checkEmptyMapping() const @safe pure nothrow
+ {
+ return event_.id == EventID.mappingStart && events_.length > 0
+ && events_.peek().id == EventID.mappingEnd;
+ }
+ ///Check if an empty document is next.
+ bool checkEmptyDocument() const @safe pure nothrow
+ {
+ if(event_.id != EventID.documentStart || events_.length == 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const event = events_.peek();
+ const emptyScalar = event.id == EventID.scalar && (event.anchor is null) &&
+ (event.tag is null) && event.implicit && event.value == "";
+ return emptyScalar;
+ }
+ ///Check if a simple key is next.
+ bool checkSimpleKey() @safe
+ {
+ uint length;
+ const id = event_.id;
+ const scalar = id == EventID.scalar;
+ const collectionStart = id == EventID.mappingStart ||
+ id == EventID.sequenceStart;
+ if((id == EventID.alias_ || scalar || collectionStart)
+ && (event_.anchor !is null))
+ {
+ if(preparedAnchor_ is null)
+ {
+ preparedAnchor_ = prepareAnchor(event_.anchor);
+ }
+ length += preparedAnchor_.length;
+ }
+ if((scalar || collectionStart) && (event_.tag !is null))
+ {
+ if(preparedTag_ is null){preparedTag_ = prepareTag(event_.tag);}
+ length += preparedTag_.length;
+ }
+ if(scalar)
+ {
+ if(analysis_.flags.isNull){analysis_ = analyzeScalar(event_.value);}
+ length += analysis_.scalar.length;
+ }
+ if(length >= 128){return false;}
+ return id == EventID.alias_ ||
+ (scalar && !analysis_.flags.empty && !analysis_.flags.multiline) ||
+ checkEmptySequence() ||
+ checkEmptyMapping();
+ }
+ ///Process and write a scalar.
+ void processScalar() @safe
+ {
+ if(analysis_.flags.isNull){analysis_ = analyzeScalar(event_.value);}
+ if(style_ == ScalarStyle.invalid)
+ {
+ style_ = chooseScalarStyle();
+ }
+ //if(analysis_.flags.multiline && (context_ != Context.mappingSimpleKey) &&
+ // ([ScalarStyle.invalid, ScalarStyle.plain, ScalarStyle.singleQuoted, ScalarStyle.doubleQuoted)
+ // .canFind(style_))
+ //{
+ // writeIndent();
+ //}
+ auto writer = ScalarWriter!(Range, CharType)(&this, analysis_.scalar,
+ context_ != Context.mappingSimpleKey);
+ with(writer) final switch(style_)
+ {
+ case ScalarStyle.invalid: assert(false);
+ case ScalarStyle.doubleQuoted: writeDoubleQuoted(); break;
+ case ScalarStyle.singleQuoted: writeSingleQuoted(); break;
+ case ScalarStyle.folded: writeFolded(); break;
+ case ScalarStyle.literal: writeLiteral(); break;
+ case ScalarStyle.plain: writePlain(); break;
+ }
+ analysis_.flags.isNull = true;
+ style_ = ScalarStyle.invalid;
+ }
+ ///Process and write an anchor/alias.
+ void processAnchor(const string indicator) @safe
+ {
+ if(event_.anchor is null)
+ {
+ preparedAnchor_ = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(preparedAnchor_ is null)
+ {
+ preparedAnchor_ = prepareAnchor(event_.anchor);
+ }
+ if(preparedAnchor_ !is null && preparedAnchor_ != "")
+ {
+ writeIndicator(indicator, Yes.needWhitespace);
+ writeString(preparedAnchor_);
+ }
+ preparedAnchor_ = null;
+ }
+ ///Process and write a tag.
+ void processTag() @safe
+ {
+ string tag = event_.tag;
+ if(event_.id == EventID.scalar)
+ {
+ if(style_ == ScalarStyle.invalid){style_ = chooseScalarStyle();}
+ if((!canonical_ || (tag is null)) &&
+ (style_ == ScalarStyle.plain ? event_.implicit : !event_.implicit && (tag is null)))
+ {
+ preparedTag_ = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(event_.implicit && (tag is null))
+ {
+ tag = "!";
+ preparedTag_ = null;
+ }
+ }
+ else if((!canonical_ || (tag is null)) && event_.implicit)
+ {
+ preparedTag_ = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ assert(tag != "", "Tag is not specified");
+ if(preparedTag_ is null){preparedTag_ = prepareTag(tag);}
+ if(preparedTag_ !is null && preparedTag_ != "")
+ {
+ writeIndicator(preparedTag_, Yes.needWhitespace);
+ }
+ preparedTag_ = null;
+ }
+ ///Determine style to write the current scalar in.
+ ScalarStyle chooseScalarStyle() @safe
+ {
+ if(analysis_.flags.isNull){analysis_ = analyzeScalar(event_.value);}
+ const style = event_.scalarStyle;
+ const invalidOrPlain = style == ScalarStyle.invalid || style == ScalarStyle.plain;
+ const block = style == ScalarStyle.literal || style == ScalarStyle.folded;
+ const singleQuoted = style == ScalarStyle.singleQuoted;
+ const doubleQuoted = style == ScalarStyle.doubleQuoted;
+ const allowPlain = flowLevel_ > 0 ? analysis_.flags.allowFlowPlain
+ : analysis_.flags.allowBlockPlain;
+ //simple empty or multiline scalars can't be written in plain style
+ const simpleNonPlain = (context_ == Context.mappingSimpleKey) &&
+ (analysis_.flags.empty || analysis_.flags.multiline);
+ if(doubleQuoted || canonical_)
+ {
+ return ScalarStyle.doubleQuoted;
+ }
+ if(invalidOrPlain && event_.implicit && !simpleNonPlain && allowPlain)
+ {
+ return ScalarStyle.plain;
+ }
+ if(block && flowLevel_ == 0 && context_ != Context.mappingSimpleKey &&
+ analysis_.flags.allowBlock)
+ {
+ return style;
+ }
+ if((invalidOrPlain || singleQuoted) &&
+ analysis_.flags.allowSingleQuoted &&
+ !(context_ == Context.mappingSimpleKey && analysis_.flags.multiline))
+ {
+ return ScalarStyle.singleQuoted;
+ }
+ return ScalarStyle.doubleQuoted;
+ }
+ ///Prepare YAML version string for output.
+ static string prepareVersion(const string YAMLVersion) @safe
+ in(YAMLVersion.split(".")[0] == "1",
+ "Unsupported YAML version: " ~ YAMLVersion)
+ {
+ return YAMLVersion;
+ }
+ ///Encode an Unicode character for tag directive and write it to writer.
+ static void encodeChar(Writer)(ref Writer writer, in dchar c) @safe
+ {
+ char[4] data;
+ const bytes = encode(data, c);
+ //For each byte add string in format %AB , where AB are hex digits of the byte.
+ foreach(const char b; data[0 .. bytes])
+ {
+ formattedWrite(writer, "%%%02X", cast(ubyte)b);
+ }
+ }
+ ///Prepare tag directive handle for output.
+ static string prepareTagHandle(const string handle) @safe
+ in(handle != "", "Tag handle must not be empty")
+ in(handle.drop(1).dropBack(1).all!(c => isAlphaNum(c) || c.among!('-', '_')),
+ "Tag handle contains invalid characters")
+ {
+ return handle;
+ }
+ ///Prepare tag directive prefix for output.
+ static string prepareTagPrefix(const string prefix) @safe
+ in(prefix != "", "Tag prefix must not be empty")
+ {
+ auto appender = appender!string();
+ const int offset = prefix[0] == '!';
+ size_t start, end;
+ foreach(const size_t i, const dchar c; prefix)
+ {
+ const size_t idx = i + offset;
+ if(isAlphaNum(c) || c.among!('-', ';', '/', '?', ':', '@', '&', '=', '+', '$', ',', '_', '.', '!', '~', '*', '\\', '\'', '(', ')', '[', ']', '%'))
+ {
+ end = idx + 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(start < idx){appender.put(prefix[start .. idx]);}
+ start = end = idx + 1;
+ encodeChar(appender, c);
+ }
+ end = min(end, prefix.length);
+ if(start < end){appender.put(prefix[start .. end]);}
+ return appender.data;
+ }
+ ///Prepare tag for output.
+ string prepareTag(in string tag) @safe
+ in(tag != "", "Tag must not be empty")
+ {
+ string tagString = tag;
+ if(tagString == "!"){return tagString;}
+ string handle;
+ string suffix = tagString;
+ //Sort lexicographically by prefix.
+ sort!"icmp(a.prefix, b.prefix) < 0"(tagDirectives_);
+ foreach(ref pair; tagDirectives_)
+ {
+ auto prefix = pair.prefix;
+ if(tagString.startsWith(prefix) &&
+ (prefix != "!" || prefix.length < tagString.length))
+ {
+ handle = pair.handle;
+ suffix = tagString[prefix.length .. $];
+ }
+ }
+ auto appender = appender!string();
+ appender.put(handle !is null && handle != "" ? handle : "!<");
+ size_t start, end;
+ foreach(const dchar c; suffix)
+ {
+ if(isAlphaNum(c) || c.among!('-', ';', '/', '?', ':', '@', '&', '=', '+', '$', ',', '_', '.', '~', '*', '\\', '\'', '(', ')', '[', ']') ||
+ (c == '!' && handle != "!"))
+ {
+ ++end;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(start < end){appender.put(suffix[start .. end]);}
+ start = end = end + 1;
+ encodeChar(appender, c);
+ }
+ if(start < end){appender.put(suffix[start .. end]);}
+ if(handle is null || handle == ""){appender.put(">");}
+ return appender.data;
+ }
+ ///Prepare anchor for output.
+ static string prepareAnchor(const string anchor) @safe
+ in(anchor != "", "Anchor must not be empty")
+ in(anchor.all!(c => isAlphaNum(c) || c.among!('-', '_')), "Anchor contains invalid characters")
+ {
+ return anchor;
+ }
+ ///Analyze specifed scalar and return the analysis result.
+ static ScalarAnalysis analyzeScalar(string scalar) @safe
+ {
+ ScalarAnalysis analysis;
+ analysis.flags.isNull = false;
+ analysis.scalar = scalar;
+ //Empty scalar is a special case.
+ if(scalar is null || scalar == "")
+ {
+ with(ScalarAnalysis.AnalysisFlags)
+ analysis.flags =
+ empty |
+ allowBlockPlain |
+ allowSingleQuoted |
+ allowDoubleQuoted;
+ return analysis;
+ }
+ //Indicators and special characters (All false by default).
+ bool blockIndicators, flowIndicators, lineBreaks, specialCharacters;
+ //Important whitespace combinations (All false by default).
+ bool leadingSpace, leadingBreak, trailingSpace, trailingBreak,
+ breakSpace, spaceBreak;
+ //Check document indicators.
+ if(scalar.startsWith("---", "..."))
+ {
+ blockIndicators = flowIndicators = true;
+ }
+ //First character or preceded by a whitespace.
+ bool preceededByWhitespace = true;
+ //Last character or followed by a whitespace.
+ bool followedByWhitespace = scalar.length == 1 ||
+ scalar[1].among!(' ', '\t', '\0', '\n', '\r', '\u0085', '\u2028', '\u2029');
+ //The previous character is a space/break (false by default).
+ bool previousSpace, previousBreak;
+ foreach(const size_t index, const dchar c; scalar)
+ {
+ //Check for indicators.
+ if(index == 0)
+ {
+ //Leading indicators are special characters.
+ if(c.isSpecialChar)
+ {
+ flowIndicators = blockIndicators = true;
+ }
+ if(':' == c || '?' == c)
+ {
+ flowIndicators = true;
+ if(followedByWhitespace){blockIndicators = true;}
+ }
+ if(c == '-' && followedByWhitespace)
+ {
+ flowIndicators = blockIndicators = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Some indicators cannot appear within a scalar as well.
+ if(c.isFlowIndicator){flowIndicators = true;}
+ if(c == ':')
+ {
+ flowIndicators = true;
+ if(followedByWhitespace){blockIndicators = true;}
+ }
+ if(c == '#' && preceededByWhitespace)
+ {
+ flowIndicators = blockIndicators = true;
+ }
+ }
+ //Check for line breaks, special, and unicode characters.
+ if(c.isNewLine){lineBreaks = true;}
+ if(!(c == '\n' || (c >= '\x20' && c <= '\x7E')) &&
+ !((c == '\u0085' || (c >= '\xA0' && c <= '\uD7FF') ||
+ (c >= '\uE000' && c <= '\uFFFD')) && c != '\uFEFF'))
+ {
+ specialCharacters = true;
+ }
+ //Detect important whitespace combinations.
+ if(c == ' ')
+ {
+ if(index == 0){leadingSpace = true;}
+ if(index == scalar.length - 1){trailingSpace = true;}
+ if(previousBreak){breakSpace = true;}
+ previousSpace = true;
+ previousBreak = false;
+ }
+ else if(c.isNewLine)
+ {
+ if(index == 0){leadingBreak = true;}
+ if(index == scalar.length - 1){trailingBreak = true;}
+ if(previousSpace){spaceBreak = true;}
+ previousSpace = false;
+ previousBreak = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ previousSpace = previousBreak = false;
+ }
+ //Prepare for the next character.
+ preceededByWhitespace = c.isSpace != 0;
+ followedByWhitespace = index + 2 >= scalar.length ||
+ scalar[index + 2].isSpace;
+ }
+ with(ScalarAnalysis.AnalysisFlags)
+ {
+ //Let's decide what styles are allowed.
+ analysis.flags |= allowFlowPlain | allowBlockPlain | allowSingleQuoted |
+ allowDoubleQuoted | allowBlock;
+ //Leading and trailing whitespaces are bad for plain scalars.
+ if(leadingSpace || leadingBreak || trailingSpace || trailingBreak)
+ {
+ analysis.flags &= ~(allowFlowPlain | allowBlockPlain);
+ }
+ //We do not permit trailing spaces for block scalars.
+ if(trailingSpace)
+ {
+ analysis.flags &= ~allowBlock;
+ }
+ //Spaces at the beginning of a new line are only acceptable for block
+ //scalars.
+ if(breakSpace)
+ {
+ analysis.flags &= ~(allowFlowPlain | allowBlockPlain | allowSingleQuoted);
+ }
+ //Spaces followed by breaks, as well as special character are only
+ //allowed for double quoted scalars.
+ if(spaceBreak || specialCharacters)
+ {
+ analysis.flags &= ~(allowFlowPlain | allowBlockPlain | allowSingleQuoted | allowBlock);
+ }
+ //Although the plain scalar writer supports breaks, we never emit
+ //multiline plain scalars.
+ if(lineBreaks)
+ {
+ analysis.flags &= ~(allowFlowPlain | allowBlockPlain);
+ analysis.flags |= multiline;
+ }
+ //Flow indicators are forbidden for flow plain scalars.
+ if(flowIndicators)
+ {
+ analysis.flags &= ~allowFlowPlain;
+ }
+ //Block indicators are forbidden for block plain scalars.
+ if(blockIndicators)
+ {
+ analysis.flags &= ~allowBlockPlain;
+ }
+ }
+ return analysis;
+ }
+ @safe unittest
+ {
+ with(analyzeScalar("").flags)
+ {
+ // workaround for empty being std.range.primitives.empty here
+ alias empty = ScalarAnalysis.AnalysisFlags.empty;
+ assert(empty && allowBlockPlain && allowSingleQuoted && allowDoubleQuoted);
+ }
+ with(analyzeScalar("a").flags)
+ {
+ assert(allowFlowPlain && allowBlockPlain && allowSingleQuoted && allowDoubleQuoted && allowBlock);
+ }
+ with(analyzeScalar(" ").flags)
+ {
+ assert(allowSingleQuoted && allowDoubleQuoted);
+ }
+ with(analyzeScalar(" a").flags)
+ {
+ assert(allowSingleQuoted && allowDoubleQuoted);
+ }
+ with(analyzeScalar("a ").flags)
+ {
+ assert(allowSingleQuoted && allowDoubleQuoted);
+ }
+ with(analyzeScalar("\na").flags)
+ {
+ assert(allowSingleQuoted && allowDoubleQuoted);
+ }
+ with(analyzeScalar("a\n").flags)
+ {
+ assert(allowSingleQuoted && allowDoubleQuoted);
+ }
+ with(analyzeScalar("\n").flags)
+ {
+ assert(multiline && allowSingleQuoted && allowDoubleQuoted && allowBlock);
+ }
+ with(analyzeScalar(" \n").flags)
+ {
+ assert(multiline && allowDoubleQuoted);
+ }
+ with(analyzeScalar("\n a").flags)
+ {
+ assert(multiline && allowDoubleQuoted && allowBlock);
+ }
+ }
+ //Writers.
+ ///Start the YAML stream (write the unicode byte order mark).
+ void writeStreamStart() @safe
+ {
+ //Write BOM (except for UTF-8)
+ static if(is(CharType == wchar) || is(CharType == dchar))
+ {
+ stream_.put(cast(CharType)'\uFEFF');
+ }
+ }
+ ///End the YAML stream.
+ void writeStreamEnd() @safe {}
+ ///Write an indicator (e.g. ":", "[", ">", etc.).
+ void writeIndicator(const scope char[] indicator,
+ const Flag!"needWhitespace" needWhitespace,
+ const Flag!"whitespace" whitespace = No.whitespace,
+ const Flag!"indentation" indentation = No.indentation) @safe
+ {
+ const bool prefixSpace = !whitespace_ && needWhitespace;
+ whitespace_ = whitespace;
+ indentation_ = indentation_ && indentation;
+ openEnded_ = false;
+ column_ += indicator.length;
+ if(prefixSpace)
+ {
+ ++column_;
+ writeString(" ");
+ }
+ writeString(indicator);
+ }
+ ///Write indentation.
+ void writeIndent() @safe
+ {
+ const indent = indent_ == -1 ? 0 : indent_;
+ if(!indentation_ || column_ > indent || (column_ == indent && !whitespace_))
+ {
+ writeLineBreak();
+ }
+ if(column_ < indent)
+ {
+ whitespace_ = true;
+ //Used to avoid allocation of arbitrary length strings.
+ static immutable spaces = " ";
+ size_t numSpaces = indent - column_;
+ column_ = indent;
+ while(numSpaces >= spaces.length)
+ {
+ writeString(spaces);
+ numSpaces -= spaces.length;
+ }
+ writeString(spaces[0 .. numSpaces]);
+ }
+ }
+ ///Start new line.
+ void writeLineBreak(const scope char[] data = null) @safe
+ {
+ whitespace_ = indentation_ = true;
+ ++line_;
+ column_ = 0;
+ writeString(data is null ? lineBreak(bestLineBreak_) : data);
+ }
+ ///Write a YAML version directive.
+ void writeVersionDirective(const string versionText) @safe
+ {
+ writeString("%YAML ");
+ writeString(versionText);
+ writeLineBreak();
+ }
+ ///Write a tag directive.
+ void writeTagDirective(const string handle, const string prefix) @safe
+ {
+ writeString("%TAG ");
+ writeString(handle);
+ writeString(" ");
+ writeString(prefix);
+ writeLineBreak();
+ }
+ void nextExpected(string D)() @safe
+ {
+ state_ = mixin("function(typeof(this)* self) { self."~D~"(); }");
+ }
+ void nextExpected(EmitterFunction f) @safe
+ {
+ state_ = f;
+ }
+ void callNext() @safe
+ {
+ state_(&this);
+ }
+///RAII struct used to write out scalar values.
+struct ScalarWriter(Range, CharType)
+ invariant()
+ {
+ assert(emitter_.bestIndent_ > 0 && emitter_.bestIndent_ < 10,
+ "Emitter bestIndent must be 1 to 9 for one-character indent hint");
+ }
+ private:
+ @disable int opCmp(ref Emitter!(Range, CharType));
+ @disable bool opEquals(ref Emitter!(Range, CharType));
+ ///Used as "null" UTF-32 character.
+ static immutable dcharNone = dchar.max;
+ ///Emitter used to emit the scalar.
+ Emitter!(Range, CharType)* emitter_;
+ ///UTF-8 encoded text of the scalar to write.
+ string text_;
+ ///Can we split the scalar into multiple lines?
+ bool split_;
+ ///Are we currently going over spaces in the text?
+ bool spaces_;
+ ///Are we currently going over line breaks in the text?
+ bool breaks_;
+ ///Start and end byte of the text range we're currently working with.
+ size_t startByte_, endByte_;
+ ///End byte of the text range including the currently processed character.
+ size_t nextEndByte_;
+ ///Start and end character of the text range we're currently working with.
+ long startChar_, endChar_;
+ public:
+ ///Construct a ScalarWriter using emitter to output text.
+ this(Emitter!(Range, CharType)* emitter, string text, const bool split = true) @safe nothrow
+ {
+ emitter_ = emitter;
+ text_ = text;
+ split_ = split;
+ }
+ ///Write text as single quoted scalar.
+ void writeSingleQuoted() @safe
+ {
+ emitter_.writeIndicator("\'", Yes.needWhitespace);
+ spaces_ = breaks_ = false;
+ resetTextPosition();
+ do
+ {
+ const dchar c = nextChar();
+ if(spaces_)
+ {
+ if(c != ' ' && tooWide() && split_ &&
+ startByte_ != 0 && endByte_ != text_.length)
+ {
+ writeIndent(Flag!"ResetSpace".no);
+ updateRangeStart();
+ }
+ else if(c != ' ')
+ {
+ writeCurrentRange(Flag!"UpdateColumn".yes);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(breaks_)
+ {
+ if(!c.isNewLine)
+ {
+ writeStartLineBreak();
+ writeLineBreaks();
+ emitter_.writeIndent();
+ }
+ }
+ else if((c == dcharNone || c == '\'' || c == ' ' || c.isNewLine)
+ && startChar_ < endChar_)
+ {
+ writeCurrentRange(Flag!"UpdateColumn".yes);
+ }
+ if(c == '\'')
+ {
+ emitter_.column_ += 2;
+ emitter_.writeString("\'\'");
+ startByte_ = endByte_ + 1;
+ startChar_ = endChar_ + 1;
+ }
+ updateBreaks(c, Flag!"UpdateSpaces".yes);
+ }while(endByte_ < text_.length);
+ emitter_.writeIndicator("\'", No.needWhitespace);
+ }
+ ///Write text as double quoted scalar.
+ void writeDoubleQuoted() @safe
+ {
+ resetTextPosition();
+ emitter_.writeIndicator("\"", Yes.needWhitespace);
+ do
+ {
+ const dchar c = nextChar();
+ //handle special characters
+ if(c == dcharNone || c.among!('\"', '\\', '\u0085', '\u2028', '\u2029', '\uFEFF') ||
+ !((c >= '\x20' && c <= '\x7E') ||
+ ((c >= '\xA0' && c <= '\uD7FF') || (c >= '\uE000' && c <= '\uFFFD'))))
+ {
+ if(startChar_ < endChar_)
+ {
+ writeCurrentRange(Flag!"UpdateColumn".yes);
+ }
+ if(c != dcharNone)
+ {
+ auto appender = appender!string();
+ if(const dchar es = toEscape(c))
+ {
+ appender.put('\\');
+ appender.put(es);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Write an escaped Unicode character.
+ const format = c <= 255 ? "\\x%02X":
+ c <= 65535 ? "\\u%04X": "\\U%08X";
+ formattedWrite(appender, format, cast(uint)c);
+ }
+ emitter_.column_ += appender.data.length;
+ emitter_.writeString(appender.data);
+ startChar_ = endChar_ + 1;
+ startByte_ = nextEndByte_;
+ }
+ }
+ if((endByte_ > 0 && endByte_ < text_.length - strideBack(text_, text_.length))
+ && (c == ' ' || startChar_ >= endChar_)
+ && (emitter_.column_ + endChar_ - startChar_ > emitter_.bestWidth_)
+ && split_)
+ {
+ //text_[2:1] is ok in Python but not in D, so we have to use min()
+ emitter_.writeString(text_[min(startByte_, endByte_) .. endByte_]);
+ emitter_.writeString("\\");
+ emitter_.column_ += startChar_ - endChar_ + 1;
+ startChar_ = max(startChar_, endChar_);
+ startByte_ = max(startByte_, endByte_);
+ writeIndent(Flag!"ResetSpace".yes);
+ if(charAtStart() == ' ')
+ {
+ emitter_.writeString("\\");
+ ++emitter_.column_;
+ }
+ }
+ }while(endByte_ < text_.length);
+ emitter_.writeIndicator("\"", No.needWhitespace);
+ }
+ ///Write text as folded block scalar.
+ void writeFolded() @safe
+ {
+ initBlock('>');
+ bool leadingSpace = true;
+ spaces_ = false;
+ breaks_ = true;
+ resetTextPosition();
+ do
+ {
+ const dchar c = nextChar();
+ if(breaks_)
+ {
+ if(!c.isNewLine)
+ {
+ if(!leadingSpace && c != dcharNone && c != ' ')
+ {
+ writeStartLineBreak();
+ }
+ leadingSpace = (c == ' ');
+ writeLineBreaks();
+ if(c != dcharNone){emitter_.writeIndent();}
+ }
+ }
+ else if(spaces_)
+ {
+ if(c != ' ' && tooWide())
+ {
+ writeIndent(Flag!"ResetSpace".no);
+ updateRangeStart();
+ }
+ else if(c != ' ')
+ {
+ writeCurrentRange(Flag!"UpdateColumn".yes);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(c == dcharNone || c.isNewLine || c == ' ')
+ {
+ writeCurrentRange(Flag!"UpdateColumn".yes);
+ if(c == dcharNone){emitter_.writeLineBreak();}
+ }
+ updateBreaks(c, Flag!"UpdateSpaces".yes);
+ }while(endByte_ < text_.length);
+ }
+ ///Write text as literal block scalar.
+ void writeLiteral() @safe
+ {
+ initBlock('|');
+ breaks_ = true;
+ resetTextPosition();
+ do
+ {
+ const dchar c = nextChar();
+ if(breaks_)
+ {
+ if(!c.isNewLine)
+ {
+ writeLineBreaks();
+ if(c != dcharNone){emitter_.writeIndent();}
+ }
+ }
+ else if(c == dcharNone || c.isNewLine)
+ {
+ writeCurrentRange(Flag!"UpdateColumn".no);
+ if(c == dcharNone){emitter_.writeLineBreak();}
+ }
+ updateBreaks(c, Flag!"UpdateSpaces".no);
+ }while(endByte_ < text_.length);
+ }
+ ///Write text as plain scalar.
+ void writePlain() @safe
+ {
+ if(emitter_.context_ == Emitter!(Range, CharType).Context.root){emitter_.openEnded_ = true;}
+ if(text_ == ""){return;}
+ if(!emitter_.whitespace_)
+ {
+ ++emitter_.column_;
+ emitter_.writeString(" ");
+ }
+ emitter_.whitespace_ = emitter_.indentation_ = false;
+ spaces_ = breaks_ = false;
+ resetTextPosition();
+ do
+ {
+ const dchar c = nextChar();
+ if(spaces_)
+ {
+ if(c != ' ' && tooWide() && split_)
+ {
+ writeIndent(Flag!"ResetSpace".yes);
+ updateRangeStart();
+ }
+ else if(c != ' ')
+ {
+ writeCurrentRange(Flag!"UpdateColumn".yes);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(breaks_)
+ {
+ if(!c.isNewLine)
+ {
+ writeStartLineBreak();
+ writeLineBreaks();
+ writeIndent(Flag!"ResetSpace".yes);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(c == dcharNone || c.isNewLine || c == ' ')
+ {
+ writeCurrentRange(Flag!"UpdateColumn".yes);
+ }
+ updateBreaks(c, Flag!"UpdateSpaces".yes);
+ }while(endByte_ < text_.length);
+ }
+ private:
+ ///Get next character and move end of the text range to it.
+ @property dchar nextChar() pure @safe
+ {
+ ++endChar_;
+ endByte_ = nextEndByte_;
+ if(endByte_ >= text_.length){return dcharNone;}
+ const c = text_[nextEndByte_];
+ //c is ascii, no need to decode.
+ if(c < 0x80)
+ {
+ ++nextEndByte_;
+ return c;
+ }
+ return decode(text_, nextEndByte_);
+ }
+ ///Get character at start of the text range.
+ @property dchar charAtStart() const pure @safe
+ {
+ size_t idx = startByte_;
+ return decode(text_, idx);
+ }
+ ///Is the current line too wide?
+ @property bool tooWide() const pure @safe nothrow
+ {
+ return startChar_ + 1 == endChar_ &&
+ emitter_.column_ > emitter_.bestWidth_;
+ }
+ ///Determine hints (indicators) for block scalar.
+ size_t determineBlockHints(char[] hints, uint bestIndent) const pure @safe
+ {
+ size_t hintsIdx;
+ if(text_.length == 0)
+ return hintsIdx;
+ dchar lastChar(const string str, ref size_t end)
+ {
+ size_t idx = end = end - strideBack(str, end);
+ return decode(text_, idx);
+ }
+ size_t end = text_.length;
+ const last = lastChar(text_, end);
+ const secondLast = end > 0 ? lastChar(text_, end) : 0;
+ if(text_[0].isNewLine || text_[0] == ' ')
+ {
+ hints[hintsIdx++] = cast(char)('0' + bestIndent);
+ }
+ if(!last.isNewLine)
+ {
+ hints[hintsIdx++] = '-';
+ }
+ else if(std.utf.count(text_) == 1 || secondLast.isNewLine)
+ {
+ hints[hintsIdx++] = '+';
+ }
+ return hintsIdx;
+ }
+ ///Initialize for block scalar writing with specified indicator.
+ void initBlock(const char indicator) @safe
+ {
+ char[4] hints;
+ hints[0] = indicator;
+ const hintsLength = 1 + determineBlockHints(hints[1 .. $], emitter_.bestIndent_);
+ emitter_.writeIndicator(hints[0 .. hintsLength], Yes.needWhitespace);
+ if(hints.length > 0 && hints[$ - 1] == '+')
+ {
+ emitter_.openEnded_ = true;
+ }
+ emitter_.writeLineBreak();
+ }
+ ///Write out the current text range.
+ void writeCurrentRange(const Flag!"UpdateColumn" updateColumn) @safe
+ {
+ emitter_.writeString(text_[startByte_ .. endByte_]);
+ if(updateColumn){emitter_.column_ += endChar_ - startChar_;}
+ updateRangeStart();
+ }
+ ///Write line breaks in the text range.
+ void writeLineBreaks() @safe
+ {
+ foreach(const dchar br; text_[startByte_ .. endByte_])
+ {
+ if(br == '\n'){emitter_.writeLineBreak();}
+ else
+ {
+ char[4] brString;
+ const bytes = encode(brString, br);
+ emitter_.writeLineBreak(brString[0 .. bytes]);
+ }
+ }
+ updateRangeStart();
+ }
+ ///Write line break if start of the text range is a newline.
+ void writeStartLineBreak() @safe
+ {
+ if(charAtStart == '\n'){emitter_.writeLineBreak();}
+ }
+ ///Write indentation, optionally resetting whitespace/indentation flags.
+ void writeIndent(const Flag!"ResetSpace" resetSpace) @safe
+ {
+ emitter_.writeIndent();
+ if(resetSpace)
+ {
+ emitter_.whitespace_ = emitter_.indentation_ = false;
+ }
+ }
+ ///Move start of text range to its end.
+ void updateRangeStart() pure @safe nothrow
+ {
+ startByte_ = endByte_;
+ startChar_ = endChar_;
+ }
+ ///Update the line breaks_ flag, optionally updating the spaces_ flag.
+ void updateBreaks(in dchar c, const Flag!"UpdateSpaces" updateSpaces) pure @safe
+ {
+ if(c == dcharNone){return;}
+ breaks_ = (c.isNewLine != 0);
+ if(updateSpaces){spaces_ = c == ' ';}
+ }
+ ///Move to the beginning of text.
+ void resetTextPosition() pure @safe nothrow
+ {
+ startByte_ = endByte_ = nextEndByte_ = 0;
+ startChar_ = endChar_ = -1;
+ }