BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
debiandebian/changelog (7.3.0-1)Ralph Amissah16 months
upstreamnix minorRalph Amissah5 weeks
debian/sisu_7.3.0-1commit 203855e340...Ralph Amissah16 months
sisu_7.3.0commit 6d070b2460...Ralph Amissah16 months
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2013-11-08v4 v5: bin/sisu-*sisu_4.2.12Ralph Amissah18-8/+180
2013-11-08v4 v5: vim, ftplugin sisu.vim, fix missing <leader>Ralph Amissah3-4/+5
2013-11-08v4 v5: rake (& rant) sisu installerRalph Amissah4-3108/+22
2013-11-08v4 v5: sisu_manual, minor info additionRalph Amissah3-2/+27
2013-11-08v4 v5: version & changelogRalph Amissah4-6/+20
2013-11-05v5: xml, scaffold, re-activated, split into sisu structure & collapsed structuresisu_4.2.11Ralph Amissah11-88/+492
2013-11-05v4 v5: version & changelogRalph Amissah4-6/+20
2013-11-02v5: plaintext, reorganizesisu_4.2.10Ralph Amissah2-20/+163
2013-11-02v4 v5: constants, ocn output delimiter (where used) changed to 「...」Ralph Amissah10-31/+23
2013-11-02v4 v5: version & changelogRalph Amissah4-6/+20
2013-10-27v4 v5: dal, document_structure_check_infosisu_4.2.9Ralph Amissah4-52/+208
2013-10-27v4 v5: cleaning, minorRalph Amissah2-13/+3
2013-10-27v4 v5: version & changelogRalph Amissah4-6/+20
2013-10-23v4 v5: dal, collapsed levels implementedsisu_4.2.8Ralph Amissah8-25/+143
2013-10-23v4 v5: dal, parent & node info, fixRalph Amissah4-10/+128
2013-10-23v5: options & downstream, more use of opt.act instead of opt.cmdRalph Amissah80-652/+1127
2013-10-23v4 v5: version & changelogRalph Amissah4-6/+20
2013-10-17v4 v5: constants, change a couple of internal processing delimiter characterssisu_4.2.7Ralph Amissah4-6/+14
2013-10-17v4 v5: version & changelogRalph Amissah4-6/+20
2013-10-16v4 v5: constants, change a couple of internal processing delimeter characterssisu_4.2.6Ralph Amissah4-10/+18
2013-10-16v4 v5: comments, remove extra language lists, minorRalph Amissah4-4/+4
2013-10-16markup sample, update book index markup, appearance, minorRalph Amissah3-289/+955
2013-10-16vim, minor update, not syntax relatedRalph Amissah5-35/+166
2013-10-16v4 v5: version & changelogRalph Amissah4-6/+20
2013-09-22bin/sisu update language list ja ko zh, fixsisu_4.2.5Ralph Amissah3-1/+5
2013-09-22v4 v5: version & changelogRalph Amissah4-6/+20
2013-09-21Rakefile to assist in placing sisu markup under po4a management (sisu_manual)sisu_4.2.4Ralph Amissah4-0/+423
2013-09-21sisu_manual, sisurc*.yml minorRalph Amissah7-0/+282
2013-09-21sisu_manual, move to en/ sub-dir (permitting translations)Ralph Amissah37-0/+8
2013-09-21v4 v5: i18n CJK: zh ja ko, add languages Chinese, Japanese, KoreanRalph Amissah16-24/+224