#+TITLE:       doc_reform hub
#+DESCRIPTION: documents - structuring, various output representations & search
#+FILETAGS:    :doc_reform:hub:
#+AUTHOR:      Ralph Amissah
#+EMAIL:       [[mailto:ralph.amissah@gmail.com][ralph.amissah@gmail.com]]
#+LANGUAGE:    en
#+STARTUP:     indent content hideblocks hidestars
#+OPTIONS:     H:3 num:nil toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:nil _:nil -:t f:t *:t <:t
#+OPTIONS:     TeX:t LaTeX:t skip:nil d:nil todo:t pri:nil tags:not-in-toc
#+OPTIONS:     author:nil email:nil creator:nil timestamp:nil
#+PROPERTY:    header-args :results silent :padline no :exports code :cache no :noweb yes
#+TAGS: assert(a) class(c) debug(d) mixin(m) doc_reform(s) tangle(T) template(t) WEB(W) noexport(n)

[[../maker.org][maker.org makefile]]  [[./][org/]]

* 0. version.txt (set version)                                      :version:
** set program version
- set program version

#+BEGIN_SRC d  :tangle "../views/version.txt"
/+ obt - org generated file +/
struct Version {
  int major;
  int minor;
  int patch;
enum _ver = Version(0, 5, 0);

** compilation restrictions (supported compilers)
- set compilation restrictions


#+BEGIN_SRC d  :tangle "../views/version.txt"
version (Posix) {
  version (DigitalMars) {
  } else version (LDC) {
  } else version (GNU) {
  } else {
    static assert (0, "Unsupported D compiler");
} else {
  static assert (0, "Unsupported D compiler");

* 1. doc_reform (sisu document parser)                           :doc_reform:
** notes
- deal with imports
- get options
  - get command line instructions
  - read config instructions
- process files as instructed by options
  - read in file
  - process file
  - output

** 0. doc_reform src/doc_reform                                   :template:

- process files (act according to requirements of each type)
  - by sourcefilename
  - by sourcefiles contents identifier
  - by zip filename

#+BEGIN_SRC d  :tangle "../src/doc_reform/doc_reform.d" :shebang #!/usr/bin/env rdmd
module doc_reform.sisu_document_parser;
import std.algorithm;
import std.parallelism;
string program_name = "doc-reform";
name        "doc_reform"
description "A SiSU inspired document parser writen in D."
homepage    "http://sisudoc.org"
void main(string[] args) {
  if (_manifests.length > 1                            // _manifests[0] initialized dummy element
  && _opt_action.abstraction) {
    if (_opt_action.parallelise) {                     // note cannot parallelise sqlite shared db
      foreach(manifest; parallel(_manifests[1..$])) {
        if (!empty(manifest.src.filename)) {
        } else {
    } else {
      foreach(manifest; _manifests[1..$]) {
        writeln("parallelisation off: actions include sqlite shared db");
        if (!empty(manifest.src.filename)) {
        } else {

** 1. pre-loop init                                                   :init:
*** init
**** imports                                                      :import:
***** doc_reform                                             :doc_reform:

#+NAME: imports_doc_reform

****** notes
├── src
│   ├── doc_reform.d
│   └── doc_reform
│       ├── conf
│       ├── meta
│       └── output
└── views
    └── version.txt

[[./compile_time_info.org][compile time info]]

keep up to date, configuration in ../maker.org

- http://github.com/Abscissa/SDLang-D
- https://github.com/abscissa/libInputVisitor


- https://code.dlang.org/packages/toml
- https://github.com/toml-lang/toml
- https://github.com/toml-lang/toml/blob/master/README.md

**** mixins                                                        :mixin:
***** version.txt                                               :version:

#+NAME: mixin_doc_reform_version

***** pre main mixins

#+NAME: mixin_pre_main
mixin CompileTimeInfo;

***** doc_reform "main" mixins                               :doc_reform:

#+NAME: doc_reform_mixin
mixin DocReformRgxInit;
mixin contentJSONtoDocReformStruct;
mixin DocReformBiblio;
mixin DocReformRgxInitFlags;
mixin outputHub;

**** init                                                           :init:

#+NAME: doc_reform_args
string flag_action;
string arg_unrecognized;
enum dAM { abstraction, matters }
static auto rgx = Rgx();

*** scope (run complete)                                            :scope:

#+NAME: doc_reform_args
scope(success) {
    "~ run complete, ok ~ (%s-%s.%s.%s, %s D:%s, %s %s)",
    _ver.major, _ver.minor, _ver.patch,
    __VENDOR__, __VERSION__,
    bits, os,
scope(failure) {
  debug(checkdoc) {
      "run failure",

*** getopt args for loop                                      :args:getopt:

**** set getopt options
- set getopt options

#+NAME: doc_reform_args
bool[string] opts = [
  "abstraction"        : false,
  "assertions"         : false,
  "concordance"        : false,
  "dark"               : false,
  "debug"              : false,
  "digest"             : false,
  "epub"               : false,
  "html"               : false,
  "html-seg"           : false,
  "html-scroll"        : false,
  "light"              : false,
  "manifest"           : false,
  "ocn"                : true,
  "parallel"           : false,
  "parallel-subprocesses" : false,
  "quiet"              : false,
  "pod"                : false,
  "serial"             : false,
  "source"             : false,
  "sqlite-discrete"    : false,
  "sqlite-db-create"   : false,
  "sqlite-db-drop"     : false,
  "sqlite-db-recreate" : false,
  "sqlite-delete"      : false,
  "sqlite-insert"      : false,
  "sqlite-update"      : false,
  "text"               : false,
  "verbose"            : false,
  "very-verbose"       : false,
  "xhtml"              : false,
  "section_toc"        : true,
  "section_body"       : true,
  "section_endnotes"   : true,
  "section_glossary"   : true,
  "section_biblio"     : true,
  "section_bookindex"  : true,
  "section_blurb"      : true,
  "backmatter"         : true,
  "skip-output"        : false,
  "theme-dark"         : false,
  "theme-light"        : false,
  "workon"             : false,
string[string] settings = [
  "output-dir"         : "",
  "site-config-dir"    : "",
  "lang"               : "all",
  "sqlite-filename"    : "documents",
auto helpInfo = getopt(args,
  "abstraction",        "--abstraction document abstraction ",                                      &opts["abstraction"],
  "assert",             "--assert set optional assertions on",                                      &opts["assertions"],
  "concordance",        "--concordance file for document",                                          &opts["concordance"],
  "dark",               "--dark alternative dark theme",                                            &opts["dark"],
  "debug",              "--debug",                                                                  &opts["debug"],
  "digest",             "--digest hash digest for each object",                                     &opts["digest"],
  "epub",               "--epub process epub output",                                               &opts["epub"],
  "html",               "--html process html output",                                               &opts["html"],
  "html-seg",           "--html-seg process html output",                                           &opts["html-seg"],
  "html-scroll",        "--html-seg process html output",                                           &opts["html-scroll"],
  "light",              "--light default light theme",                                              &opts["light"],
  "manifest",           "--manifest process manifest output",                                       &opts["manifest"],
  "ocn",                "--ocn object cite numbers (default)",                                      &opts["ocn"],
  "parallel",           "--parallel parallelisation",                                               &opts["parallel"],
  "parallel-subprocesses", "--parallel-subprocesses nested parallelisation",                        &opts["parallel-subprocesses"],
  "quiet",              "--quiet output to terminal",                                               &opts["quiet"],
  "pod",                "--pod doc reform pod source content bundled",                              &opts["pod"],
  "serial",             "--serial serial processing",                                               &opts["serial"],
  "source",             "--source markup source text content",                                      &opts["source"],
  "sqlite-discrete",    "--sqlite process discrete sqlite output",                                  &opts["sqlite-discrete"],
  "sqlite-db-create",   "--sqlite-db-create create db, create tables",                              &opts["sqlite-db-create"],
  "sqlite-db-drop",     "--sqlite-db-drop drop tables & db",                                        &opts["sqlite-db-drop"],
  "sqlite-db-recreate", "--sqlite-db-recreate create db, create tables",                            &opts["sqlite-db-recreate"],
  "sqlite-delete",      "--sqlite-delete process sqlite output",                                    &opts["sqlite-delete"],
  "sqlite-insert",      "--sqlite-insert process sqlite output",                                    &opts["sqlite-insert"],
  "sqlite-update",      "--sqlite-update process sqlite output",                                    &opts["sqlite-update"],
  "text",               "--text process text output",                                               &opts["text"],
  "txt",                "--txt process text output",                                                &opts["text"],
  "verbose|v",          "--verbose output to terminal",                                             &opts["verbose"],
  "very-verbose",       "--very-verbose output to terminal",                                        &opts["very-verbose"],
  "xhtml",              "--xhtml process xhtml output",                                             &opts["xhtml"],
  "section-toc",        "--section-toc process table of contents (default)",                        &opts["section_toc"],
  "section-body",       "--section-body process document body (default)",                           &opts["section_body"],
  "section-endnotes",   "--section-endnotes process document endnotes (default)",                   &opts["section_endnotes"],
  "section-glossary",   "--section-glossary process document glossary (default)",                   &opts["section_glossary"],
  "section-biblio",     "--section-biblio process document biblio (default)",                       &opts["section_biblio"],
  "section-bookindex",  "--section-bookindex process document bookindex (default)",                 &opts["section_bookindex"],
  "section-blurb",      "--section-blurb process document blurb (default)",                         &opts["section_blurb"],
  "backmatter",         "--section-backmatter process document backmatter (default)",               &opts["backmatter"],
  "skip-output",        "--skip-output",                                                            &opts["skip-output"],
  "theme-dark",         "--theme-dark alternative dark theme",                                      &opts["theme-dark"],
  "theme-light",        "--theme-light default light theme",                                        &opts["theme-light"],
  "workon",             "--workon (reserved for some matters under development & testing)",         &opts["workon"],
  "output-dir",         "--output-dir=[dir path]",                                                  &settings["output-dir"],
  "site-config-dir",    "--site-config-dir=[dir path]",                                             &settings["site-config-dir"],
  "sqlite-filename",    "--sqlite-filename=[filename].sqlite",                                      &settings["sqlite-filename"],
  "lang",               "--lang=[lang code e.g. =en or =en,es]",                                    &settings["lang"],
if (helpInfo.helpWanted) {
  defaultGetoptPrinter("Some information about the program.", helpInfo.options);

**** getopt hash to struct
- move getopt options to struct

#+NAME: doc_reform_args
enum outTask { pod, source, sqlite, sqlite_multi, epub, html_scroll, html_seg, html_stuff }
struct OptActions {
  auto assertions() {
    return opts["assertions"];
  auto concordance() {
    return opts["concordance"];
  auto css_theme_default() {
    bool _is_light;
    if (opts["light"] || opts["theme-light"]) {
      _is_light = true;
    } else if (opts["dark"] || opts["theme-dark"]) {
      _is_light = false;
    } else {
      _is_light = true;
    return _is_light;
  auto debug_do() {
    return opts["debug"];
  auto digest() {
    return opts["digest"];
  auto epub() {
    return opts["epub"];
  auto html() {
    bool _is;
    if ( opts["html"] || opts["html-seg"] || opts["html-scroll"])
      { _is = true; } else { _is = false; }
    return _is;
  auto html_seg() {
    bool _is;
    if ( opts["html"] || opts["html-seg"])
      { _is = true; } else { _is = false; }
    return _is;
  auto html_scroll() {
    bool _is;
    if ( opts["html"] || opts["html-scroll"])
      { _is = true; } else { _is = false; }
    return _is;
  auto html_stuff() {
    bool _is;
    if (opts["html"] || opts["html-scroll"] || opts["html-seg"])
      { _is = true; } else { _is = false; }
    return _is;
  auto manifest() {
    return opts["manifest"];
  auto ocn() {
    return opts["ocn"];
  auto quiet() {
    return opts["quiet"];
  auto pod() {
    return opts["pod"];
  auto source() {
    return opts["source"];
  auto sqlite_discrete() {
    return opts["sqlite-discrete"];
  auto sqlite_db_drop() {
    bool _is;
    if ( opts["sqlite-db-recreate"] || opts["sqlite-db-drop"])
      { _is = true; } else { _is = false; }
    return _is;
  auto sqlite_db_create() {
    bool _is;
    if ( opts["sqlite-db-recreate"] || opts["sqlite-db-create"])
      { _is = true; } else { _is = false; }
    return _is;
  auto sqlite_delete() {
    return opts["sqlite-delete"];
  auto sqlite_update() {
    bool _is;
    if (opts["sqlite-update"] || opts["sqlite-insert"])
      { _is = true; } else { _is = false; }
    return _is;
  auto sqlite_shared_db_action() {
    bool _is;
    if (opts["sqlite-db-recreate"]
      || opts["sqlite-db-create"]
      || opts["sqlite-delete"]
      || opts["sqlite-insert"]
      || opts["sqlite-update"]
    ) { _is = true; } else { _is = false; }
    return _is;
  auto text() {
    return opts["text"];
  auto verbose() {
    bool _is;
    if (opts["verbose"] || opts["very-verbose"])
      { _is = true; } else { _is = false; }
    return _is;
  auto very_verbose() {
    return opts["very-verbose"];
  auto xhtml() {
    return opts["xhtml"];
  auto section_toc() {
    return opts["section_toc"];
  auto section_body() {
    return opts["section_body"];
  auto section_endnotes() {
    return opts["section_endnotes"];
  auto section_glossary() {
    return opts["section_glossary"];
  auto section_biblio() {
    return opts["section_biblio"];
  auto section_bookindex() {
    return opts["section_bookindex"];
  auto section_blurb() {
    return opts["section_blurb"];
  auto backmatter() {
    return opts["backmatter"];
  auto skip_output() {
    return opts["skip-output"];
  auto workon() {
    return opts["workon"];
  auto languages_set() {
    return settings["lang"].split(",");
  auto output_dir_set() {
    return settings["output-dir"];
  auto sqlite_filename() {
    return settings["sqlite-filename"];
  auto parallelise() {
    bool _is;
    if (opts["parallel"] == true) {
      _is = true;
      if (sqlite_shared_db_action) { _is = false; }
    } else if (opts["parallel"] == false
    && opts["serial"] == true) {
      _is = false;
    } else if (opts["abstraction"]
      || concordance
      || epub
      || html
      || manifest
      || pod
      || source
    ) {
      _is = true;
    } else { _is = false; }
    return _is;
  auto parallelise_subprocesses() {
    return opts["parallel-subprocesses"];
  auto output_task_scheduler() {
    int[] schedule;
    if (pod) {
      schedule ~= outTask.pod;
    if (source) {
      schedule ~= outTask.source;
    if (sqlite_discrete) {
      schedule ~= outTask.sqlite;
    if (epub) {
      schedule ~= outTask.epub;
    if (html_scroll) {
      schedule ~= outTask.html_scroll;
    if (html_seg) {
      schedule ~= outTask.html_seg;
    if (html_stuff) {
      schedule ~= outTask.html_stuff;
    return schedule.sort().uniq;
  auto abstraction() {
    bool _is;
    if (opts["abstraction"]
      || concordance
      || epub
      || html
      || manifest
      || pod
      || source
      || sqlite_discrete
      || sqlite_delete
      || sqlite_update
    ) { _is = true; } else { _is = false; }
    return _is;
auto _opt_action = OptActions();

**** env
- environmental info

#+NAME: doc_reform_args
auto program_info() {
  struct ProgramInfo {
    string name() {
      return program_name;
    auto ver() {
      string ver_ = format(
        _ver.major, _ver.minor, _ver.patch,
      return ver_;
  return ProgramInfo();
auto _env = [
  "pwd" :     environment["PWD"],
  "home" :    environment["HOME"],

*** opt actions on processing files & file paths (pods, src etc.)

#+NAME: doc_reform_args
auto _manifest_start = PodManifest!()("");
auto _manifest_matter = PathMatters!()(_opt_action, _env, "");
auto _manifests = [ _manifest_matter ];
foreach(arg; args[1..$]) {
  _manifest_start = PodManifest!()(arg);
  if (arg.match(rgx.flag_action)) {
    flag_action ~= " " ~ arg;   // flags not taken by getopt
  } else if (
    && _manifest_start.pod_manifest_file_with_path
    && _opt_action.abstraction
  ) {
    string contents_location_raw_;
    string contents_location_;
    string sisudoc_txt_ = _manifest_start.pod_manifest_file_with_path;
      "file not found: «" ~
      sisudoc_txt_ ~ "»"
    if (exists(sisudoc_txt_)) {
      try {
        if (exists(sisudoc_txt_)) {
          contents_location_raw_ = sisudoc_txt_.readText;
      } catch (ErrnoException ex) {
      } catch (FileException ex) {
        // Handle errors
      if (contents_location_raw_.match(rgx.pod_content_location)) { // (file name followed by language codes \n)+
        foreach (m; contents_location_raw_.matchAll(rgx.pod_content_location)) {
          foreach (n; m.captures[2].matchAll(rgx.language_codes)) {
            contents_location_ ~= "media/text/" ~ n.captures[1].to!string ~ "/" ~ m.captures[1].to!string ~ "\n";
      } else {
        contents_location_ = contents_location_raw_;
    } else {
      writeln("manifest not found: ", sisudoc_txt_);
    auto contents_locations_arr
      = (cast(char[]) contents_location_).split;
    auto tmp_dir_ = (sisudoc_txt_).dirName.array;
    foreach (contents_location; contents_locations_arr) {
        "not a recognised file: «" ~
        contents_location ~ "»"
      auto contents_location_pth_ = (contents_location).to!string;
      auto lang_rgx_ = regex(r"/(" ~ _opt_action.languages_set.join("|") ~ ")/");
      if (_opt_action.languages_set[0] == "all"
        || (contents_location_pth_).match(lang_rgx_)
      ) {
        auto _fns = (((tmp_dir_).chainPath(contents_location_pth_)).array).to!string;
        _manifest_matter = PathMatters!()(_opt_action, _env, arg, _fns, contents_locations_arr);
        _manifests ~= _manifest_matter;
  } else if (arg.match(rgx.src_pth_sst_or_ssm)) {
    if (exists(arg)==0) {
      writeln("ERROR >> Processing Skipped! File not found: ", arg);
    } else {
      _manifest_matter = PathMatters!()(_opt_action, _env, arg, arg);
      _manifests ~= _manifest_matter;
  } else if (arg.match(rgx.src_pth_zip)) {
    // fns_src ~= arg;          // gather input markup source file names for processing
  } else {                      // anything remaining, unused
    arg_unrecognized ~= " " ~ arg;

*** config files load & read

#+NAME: doc_reform_conf_files_in_toml
auto _config_document_struct = readConfigDoc!()(_manifest, _env);    // document config file
auto _config_local_site_struct = readConfigSite!()(_manifest, _env); // local site config
ConfCompositePlus _make_and_meta_struct;
_make_and_meta_struct = configParseTOMLreturnDocReformStruct!()(_make_and_meta_struct, _config_document_struct);
_make_and_meta_struct = configParseTOMLreturnDocReformStruct!()(_make_and_meta_struct, _config_local_site_struct);

*** opt actions independent of processing files (no files no processing loop)

#+NAME: doc_reform_do_selected
if (!(_opt_action.skip_output)) {
  if ((_opt_action.debug_do)
  || (_opt_action.very_verbose)
  ) {
    writeln("step0 commence → (without processing files)");
  outputHubOp!()(_env, _opt_action);
  if ((_opt_action.debug_do)
  || (_opt_action.very_verbose)
  ) {
    writeln("- step0 complete");

** _2. processing: (loop each file)_ [+2]                         :loop:files:
*** scope (loop)                                                    :scope:

#+NAME: doc_reform_each_file_do_scope
scope(success) {
  if (!(_opt_action.quiet)) {
      "-- ~ document complete, ok ~ ------------------------------------",
scope(failure) {
  debug(checkdoc) {
      "~ document run failure ~ (%s  v%s)\n\t%s\n%s",
      __VENDOR__, __VERSION__,
  "not a sisu markup filename: «" ~
  manifest.src.filename ~ "»"

*** 1. _document abstraction_ [#A]

- return tuple of:
  - doc_abstraction (the document)
  - doc_matters

#+NAME: doc_reform_each_file_do_abstraction
if ((_opt_action.debug_do)
|| (_opt_action.very_verbose)
) {
  writeln("--->\nstepX commence → (document abstraction)");
auto t = DocReformAbstraction!()(_env, program_info, _opt_action, manifest);
static assert(!isTypeTuple!(t));
static assert(t.length==2);
auto doc_abstraction = t[dAM.abstraction];
auto doc_matters = t[dAM.matters];
if ((doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do)
|| (doc_matters.opt.action.very_verbose)
) {
  writeln("- stepX complete");

*** 2. _output processing_ (post abstraction processing)
**** 0. abstraction _print summary_                    :abstraction:summary:
- abstraction summary

#+NAME: doc_reform_each_file_do_debugs_checkdoc
/+ ↓ debugs +/
if (doc_matters.opt.action.verbose) {
  DocReformAbstractionSummary!()(doc_abstraction, doc_matters);

**** 1. _debug_ (document parts, checkdoc)                  :debug:checkdoc:
- [[./meta_output_debugs.org][meta_output_debugs]]

#+NAME: doc_reform_each_file_do_debugs_checkdoc
/+ ↓ debugs +/
if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do) {
  DocReformDebugs!()(doc_abstraction, doc_matters);

**** 2. _process outputs_                                          :outputs:
- [[./output_hub.org][output_hub]]

#+NAME: doc_reform_each_file_do_selected_output
/+ ↓ output hub +/
if (!(doc_matters.opt.action.skip_output)) {
  if ((_opt_action.debug_do)
  || (_opt_action.very_verbose)
  ) {
    writeln("step5 commence → (process outputs)");
  if ((_opt_action.debug_do)
  || (_opt_action.very_verbose)
  ) {
    writeln("- step5 complete");

*** scope (on loop exit)                                       :scope:exit:

#+NAME: doc_reform_each_file_do_scope_exit
scope(exit) {
  if (!(_opt_action.quiet)) {
      "processed file: %s (%s)",

** +2c. no valid filename provided+
#+NAME: doc_reform_no_filename_provided
/+ no recognized filename provided +/
writeln("no recognized filename");
break; // terminate, stop

* 2. pre-processing
** Harvest _get document head_ for harvest (separate thread)
*** 0 module template
- harvest, get document head

#+BEGIN_SRC d  :tangle "../src/doc_reform/meta/metadochead.d"
module doc_reform.meta.metadochead;
template DocReformHarvestGetFromHead() { // TODO
  enum headBody { header, body_content, insert_file_list, image_list }
  enum makeMeta { make, meta }
  enum docAbst  { doc_abstraction, section_keys, segnames, segnames_0_4, images }
  static auto rgx = Rgx();
  auto DocReformHarvestGetFromHead(E,O,M)( // TODO
    E _env,
    O _opt_action,
    M _manifest
    auto t = tuple(doc_matters_shared, doc_matters_abridged_collected);
    static assert(t.length==2);
    return t;

** Output _document abstraction functions_            :module:doc_reform:abstraction:
*** 0 module template
- abstraction template

#+BEGIN_SRC d  :tangle "../src/doc_reform/meta/metadoc.d"
module doc_reform.meta.metadoc;
template DocReformAbstraction() {
  enum headBody { header, body_content, insert_file_list, image_list }
  enum makeMeta { make, meta }
  enum docAbst  { doc_abstraction, section_keys, segnames, segnames_0_4, tag_assoc, images }
  static auto rgx = Rgx();
  auto DocReformAbstraction(E,P,O,M)(
    E _env,
    P program_info,
    O _opt_action,
    M _manifest
    auto t = tuple(doc_abstraction, doc_matters);
    static assert(t.length==2);
    return t;

** Output & Harvest pre-processing
*** 1. raw file content split, doc: _header_, _content_ +(lists: subdocs? images?)
- [[./source_read_files.org][source_read_files]] return tuple: header; body; insert file list; image list

- read in the _marked up source document_ and
  - split the document into:
    - document header
    - document body
      - from markup source
      - if master document from sub documents content
  - if a master document
    - make a list of insert files
  - if build source pod requested
    - scan for list of images
      (action avoided if not needed at this stage)

- _return a tuple of_:
  - header
  - body
  - insert file list
  - image list (if build source pod requested)

if build source pod requested all information needed to build it available at this point
  - manifest related information  _manifest
  - insert file list              _header_body_insertfilelist_imagelist[headBody.insert_file_list]
  - image list                    _header_body_insertfilelist_imagelist[headBody.image_list]

#+NAME: doc_reform_each_file_do_read_and_split_sisu_markup_file_content_into_header_and_body
/+ ↓ read file (filename with path) +/
/+ ↓ file tuple of header and content +/
if ((_opt_action.debug_do)
|| (_opt_action.very_verbose)
) {
  writeln("step1 commence → (get document header & body & insert file list & if needed image list)"
auto _header_body_insertfilelist_imagelist
  = DocReformRawMarkupContent!()(_opt_action, _manifest.src.path_and_fn);
static assert(!isTypeTuple!(_header_body_insertfilelist_imagelist));
static assert(_header_body_insertfilelist_imagelist.length==4);
if ((_opt_action.debug_do)
|| (_opt_action.very_verbose)
) {
  writeln("- step1 complete");
debug(header_and_body) {

*** 2. _document metadata_ & _make instructions_ (struct from toml)
- [[./meta_conf_make_meta.org][meta_conf_make_meta]] return tuple: document metadata; make instructions

- read _document header_, split into:
  - metadata
  - make instructions
- read config files
  - consolidate make instructions
- _return tuple of_:
  - document metadata
  - make instructions (from configuration files & document header make

#+NAME: doc_reform_each_file_do_split_sisu_markup_file_header_into_make_and_meta_structs
/+ ↓ split header into make and meta +/
if ((_opt_action.debug_do)
|| (_opt_action.very_verbose)
) {
  writeln("step2 commence → (read document header - toml, return struct)");
_make_and_meta_struct =
if ((_opt_action.debug_do)
|| (_opt_action.very_verbose)
) {
  writeln("- step2 complete");

*** 3. _document abstraction, tuple_ (output-pre-processing) [#A]
- [[./meta_abstraction.org][meta_abstraction]] return tuple: document abstraction; abstraction keys; segnames; image list

- prepare the document abstraction used in downstream processing

- _return tuple of_:
  - document abstraction (_the_document_ or doc_abstraction)
  - document abstraction keys
    - (head, toc, body, endnotes, glossary, bibliography, bookindex, blurb,
    - (transfer to _doc_matters_)
  - segnames for html epub (transfer to _doc_matters_)
  - image list (transfer to _doc_matters_)

#+NAME: doc_reform_each_file_do_document_abstraction
/+ ↓ document abstraction: process document, return abstraction as tuple +/
if ((_opt_action.debug_do)
|| (_opt_action.very_verbose)
) {
  writeln("step3 commence → (document abstraction (da); da keys; segnames; doc_matters)");
auto da = DocReformDocAbstraction!()(
static assert(!isTypeTuple!(da));
static assert(da.length==6);
auto doc_abstraction = da[docAbst.doc_abstraction]; /+ head ~ toc ~ body ~ endnotes_seg ~ glossary ~ bibliography ~ bookindex ~ blurb; +/
auto _document_section_keys_sequenced = da[docAbst.section_keys];
string[] _doc_html_segnames = da[docAbst.segnames];
string[] _doc_epub_segnames_0_4 = da[docAbst.segnames_0_4];
debug(segnames) {
  writeln("segnames lv4:      ", _doc_html_segnames);
  writeln("segnames lv0 to 4: ", _doc_epub_segnames_0_4);
auto _doc_tag_assoc = da[docAbst.tag_assoc];
auto _images = da[docAbst.images];
if ((_opt_action.debug_do)
|| (_opt_action.very_verbose)
) {
  writeln("- step3 complete");

*** 4. _document matters_ (doc info gathered, various sources) [#A]
- gather doc matters
  - prepare document_matters, miscellany about processing and the document of
    use in downstream processing

**** verbose message

#+NAME: doc_reform_each_file_do_document_matters
if ((_opt_action.debug_do)
|| (_opt_action.very_verbose)
) {
  writeln("step4 commence → (doc_matters)");
struct DocumentMatters {

**** generator related

#+NAME: doc_reform_each_file_do_document_matters
  auto generator_program() {
    struct Prog_ {
      auto name() {
        return program_info.name;
      auto ver() {
        return program_info.ver;
      auto name_and_version() {
        return format(
      auto url_home() {
        return "http://sisudoc.org";
      auto url_git() {
        return "https://git.sisudoc.org/software/sisu";
    return Prog_();
  auto generated_time() {
    auto _st = Clock.currTime(UTC());
    auto _time = _st.year.to!string
      ~ "-" ~ _st.month.to!int.to!string // prefer as month number
      ~ "-" ~ _st.day.to!string
      ~ " [" ~ _st.isoWeek.to!string ~ "/" ~ _st.dayOfWeek.to!int.to!string ~ "]"
      ~ " " ~ _st.hour.to!string
      ~ ":" ~ _st.minute.to!string
      ~ ":" ~ _st.second.to!string;
    return _time;

**** config make & meta

#+NAME: doc_reform_each_file_do_document_matters
  auto conf_make_meta() { // TODO meld with all make instructions
    return _make_and_meta_struct;

**** env related

#+NAME: doc_reform_each_file_do_document_matters
  auto env() {
    struct Env_ {
      auto pwd() {
        return _manifest.env.pwd;
      auto home() {
        return _manifest.env.home;
    return Env_();

**** opt

#+NAME: doc_reform_each_file_do_document_matters
  auto opt() {
    struct Opt_ {
      auto action() {
        /+ getopt options, commandline instructions, raw
         - processing instructions --epub --html etc.
         - command line config instructions --output-path
        return _opt_action;
    return Opt_();

**** output related

#+NAME: doc_reform_each_file_do_document_matters
  auto src() {
    return _manifest.src;
  auto src_path_info() {
    return DocReformPathsSRC!()(_manifest.env.pwd, _manifest.src.file_with_absolute_path); // would like (to have and use) relative path
  auto srcs() {
    struct SRC_ {
      auto file_insert_list() {
        return _header_body_insertfilelist_imagelist[headBody.insert_file_list];
      auto image_list() {
        return _images;
    return SRC_();
  auto pod() {
    return _manifest.pod;
  auto sqlite() {
    struct SQLite_ {
      string filename() {
        return _opt_action.sqlite_filename;
    return SQLite_();
  auto xml() {
    struct XML_ {
      auto keys_seq() {
        /+ contains .seg & .scroll sequences +/
        return _document_section_keys_sequenced;
      string[] segnames() {
        return _doc_html_segnames;
      string[] segnames_lv_0_to_4() {
        return _doc_epub_segnames_0_4;
      auto tag_associations() {
        return _doc_tag_assoc;
    return XML_();
  auto output_path() {
    return _manifest.output.path;

**** } close

#+NAME: doc_reform_each_file_do_document_matters
auto doc_matters = DocumentMatters();

**** step complete message

#+NAME: doc_reform_each_file_do_document_matters
if ((_opt_action.debug_do)
|| (_opt_action.very_verbose)
) {
  writeln("- step4 complete");

* 3. document abstraction _summary_         :module:doc_reform:metadoc_summary:
** 0. module template
- document summary from abstraction

#+BEGIN_SRC d :tangle "../src/doc_reform/meta/metadoc_summary.d"
module doc_reform.meta.metadoc_summary;
template DocReformAbstractionSummary() {
  auto DocReformAbstractionSummary(S,T)(
    auto ref const S  doc_abstraction,
    auto ref       T  doc_matters,
  ) {
    mixin InternalMarkup;
    if (doc_matters.opt.action.verbose) {

** init
*** imports

#+name: metadoc_summary_imports
  std.conv : to;

*** initialize                                                     :report:

#+name: metadoc_summary_initialize
auto markup = InlineMarkup();

** (last ocn)

#+name: meta_metadoc_summary
string[string] check = [
  "last_object_number" : "NA [debug \"checkdoc\" not run]",
  "last_object_number_body"  : "0",
  "last_object_number_book_index" : "0",
foreach (k; doc_matters.xml.keys_seq.seg) {
  foreach (obj; doc_abstraction[k]) {
    if (obj.metainfo.is_of_part != "empty") {
      if (!empty(obj.metainfo.object_number)) {
        if (k == "body") {
          check["last_object_number_body"] = obj.metainfo.object_number;
        if (!(obj.metainfo.object_number.empty)) {
          check["last_object_number"] = obj.metainfo.object_number;
      if (k == "bookindex") {
        if (obj.metainfo.object_number_type == 2) {
          check["last_object_number_book_index"] = obj.metainfo.object_number_book_index;

** summary

#+name: meta_metadoc_summary
auto min_repeat_number = 66;
auto char_repeat_number = (doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.title_full.length
  + doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.creator_author.length + 4);
char_repeat_number = (char_repeat_number > min_repeat_number)
? char_repeat_number
: min_repeat_number;
  "%s\n\"%s\", %s\n%s\n%s\n%30-s%10-d\n%30-s%10-d\n%30-s%10-d\n%30-s%10-d\n%30-s%10-d\n%30-s%10-d\n%30-s%10-d\n%30-s%10-d\n%30-s%10-d\n%30-s%10-d\n%30-s%10-d\n(%s: %s)\n%s",
  markup.repeat_character_by_number_provided("-", char_repeat_number),
  markup.repeat_character_by_number_provided("-", char_repeat_number),
  "length toc arr:",
  "length doc_abstraction arr:",
  "last doc body ocn:",
  "last object_number:",
  "length endnotes:",                                // subtract headings
  (doc_abstraction["endnotes"].length > 2)
  ? (to!int(doc_abstraction["endnotes"].length - 2))
  : 0,
  "length glossary:",
  (doc_abstraction["glossary"].length > 1)
  ? (to!int(doc_abstraction["glossary"].length))
  : 0,
  "length biblio:",
  (doc_abstraction["bibliography"].length > 1)
  ? (to!int(doc_abstraction["bibliography"].length))
  : 0,
  "length bookindex:",
  (doc_abstraction["bookindex"].length > 1)
  ? (to!int(doc_abstraction["bookindex"].length))
  : 0,
  "  last book idx ocn:",
  "length blurb:",
  (doc_abstraction["blurb"].length > 1)
  ? (to!int(doc_abstraction["blurb"].length))
  : 0,
  "number of segments:",
  (doc_matters.xml.segnames.length > 1)
  ? (to!int(doc_matters.xml.segnames.length))
  : 0,
  markup.repeat_character_by_number_provided("-", min_repeat_number),

* __END__
dev notes

** the document notes
*** document sections (table)

| section      | part         | opt. |   | objects                                          | ocn                            |   |   |
| front matter | head         | *    |   |                                                  | no                             |   |   |
| toc          | toc          |      |   | generated from headings                          | no                             |   |   |
| body         | body         | *    |   | default section                                  | yes                            |   |   |
|              |              |      |   | - headings                                       |                                |   |   |
|              |              |      |   | - paras                                          |                                |   |   |
|              |              |      |   | - code                                           |                                |   |   |
|              |              |      |   | - poem                                           |                                |   |   |
|              |              |      |   | - group                                          |                                |   |   |
|              |              |      |   | - block                                          |                                |   |   |
|              |              |      |   | - quote                                          |                                |   |   |
|              |              |      |   | - table                                          |                                |   |   |
| back matter  | endnote      |      |   | generated from inline note markup                | no (each endnote belongs to    |   |   |
|              |              |      |   |                                                  | a (body) object)               |   |   |
|              | glossary     |      |   | identified section, limited markup               | possibly, to make searchable   |   |   |
|              |              |      |   | - heading                                        | hidden                         |   |   |
|              |              |      |   | - paras                                          |                                |   |   |
|              | bibliography |      |   | generated from inline special markup             | possibly, to make searchable   |   |   |
|              |              |      |   | appended to paragraphs contained in body section | hidden                         |   |   |
|              |              |      |   | - heading                                        |                                |   |   |
|              |              |      |   | - paras                                          |                                |   |   |
|              | book index   |      |   | generated from inline special markup             | possibly, special numbering or |   |   |
|              |              |      |   | - heading                                        | could use term as anchor?      |   |   |
|              |              |      |   | - paras                                          | to make searchable             |   |   |
|              |              |      |   |                                                  | hidden                         |   |   |
|              | blurb        |      |   | identified section, limited markup               | no (unless non-substantive     |   |   |
|              |              |      |   | - heading                                        | given special numbering)       |   |   |
|              |              |      |   | - paras                                          |                                |   |   |

*** document objects (table)
- check, keep up to date

| doc object       | doc object | attributes              | inline         | appended            | structure            | delimiters                     |
| is_a             | is_of_type |                         |                |                     |                      |                                |
| heading          | para       | - level                 | - font face    | - object number off | - level              | - two newlines                 |
|                  |            | - object number         | - endnotes     | - book index meta   | (document structure) |                                |
|                  |            | - object number off     |                |                     |                      |                                |
|                  |            | - dummy (toc & seg)     |                |                     |                      |                                |
|                  |            | - tags (internal links) |                |                     |                      |                                |
| toc              | para       | - level                 | - font face    |                     |                      | - auto generated from headings |
|                  |            | (auto-indent)           | - links (auto) |                     |                      |                                |
| para             | para       | - bullet                | - font face    | - object number off |                      | - two newlines                 |
|                  |            | - indent                | - links/urls * | - book index meta   |                      |                                |
|                  |            | - object number         | - images*      |                     |                      |                                |
|                  |            | - object number off     | - endnotes     |                     |                      |                                |
| bookindex        | para       | - auto indent           | - font face    |                     |                      | - two newlines                 |
| blurb            | para       | - bullet                | - font face    | - object number off |                      | - two newlines                 |
|                  |            | - indent                | - links/urls * | - book index meta   |                      |                                |
|                  |            | - object number         | - images*      |                     |                      |                                |
|                  |            | - object number off     | - endnotes     |                     |                      |                                |
| group            | block      | - object number         | - font face    | - book index meta   | - para break         | - block tags                   |
|                  |            | - object number off     | - links/urls * |                     |                      | (group)                        |
|                  |            |                         | - images*      |                     |                      |                                |
|                  |            |                         | - endnotes     |                     |                      |                                |
| block            | block      | - object number         | - font face    | - book index meta   | - new line           | - block tags                   |
|                  |            | - object number off     | - links/urls * |                     |                      | (block)                        |
|                  |            |                         | - images*      |                     |                      |                                |
|                  |            |                         | - endnotes     |                     |                      |                                |
| quote            | block      | - object number         | - font face    | - book index meta   |                      | - block tags                   |
|                  |            |                         | - endnotes     |                     |                      | (quote)                        |
| poem (see verse) | block      |                         |                | - book index meta   |                      | - block tags                   |
|                  |            |                         |                |                     |                      | (poem)                         |
| verse (of poem)  |            | - object number         | - font face    |                     | - new line           | - (see poem delimiter)         |
|                  |            |                         | - endnotes     |                     | - preceeding spaces  |                                |
| code             | block      | - syntax                |                |                     | - new line           | - block tags                   |
|                  |            | - numbered              |                |                     | - preceeding spaces  | (code)                         |
| table            | block      | - object number         |                |                     |                      | - block tags (table)           |
|                  |            |                         |                |                     |                      | (table)                        |
| endnote          |            |                         | - font face    |                     |                      | (generated from                |
|                  |            |                         |                |                     |                      | inline markup tags)            |
|                  |            |                         |                |                     |                      | - two newlines                 |

- consider special treatment for links/urls (& for images?) take them out of
  document munge (for various outputs), by storing in own array (within each
  object struct), and providing info on where in array to extract them from,
  debating whether necessary or even worthwhile as is extra work

**** check

|       |              | identified by              | object notes             | attributes     | inline          | embedded       | special    |
|       |              |                            |                          |                |                 | appended       | characters |
| para  | heading      | level markers              |                          |                | - italics       | - endnotes     |            |
|       |              | at start of line           |                          |                |                 | - bibliography |            |
|       | paragraph    | delimited by two new lines | default object           | - indent       | - bold          | - endnotes     |            |
|       |              |                            | [discard leading &       | - bullet       | - italics       | - bibliography |            |
|       |              |                            | newline whitespace]      |                | - underscore    |                |            |
|       |              |                            |                          |                | - strikethrough |                |            |
|       |              |                            |                          |                | - superscript   |                |            |
|       |              |                            |                          |                | - subscript     |                |            |
| block |              | open and close tags        |                          |                |                 |                |            |
| TODO  | quote        |                            |                          | - language?    |                 |                |            |
| TODO  | group        |                            | - inline markup applied  | - language?    | as paragraph    | - endnotes     |            |
|       |              |                            | - [discard leading &     |                |                 | - bibliography |            |
|       |              |                            | newline whitespace]      |                |                 |                |            |
| TODO  | block        |                            | - inline markup applied  |                | as paragraph    | - endnotes     |            |
|       |              |                            | - whitespace indentation |                |                 | - bibliography |            |
|       |              |                            | & newlines               |                |                 |                |            |
|       | poem / verse | open and close tags        | verse is the object      |                |                 | - endnotes     |            |
|       |              |                            | - inline markup applied  |                |                 | - bibliography |            |
|       |              | (for poem)                 | - whitespace indentation |                |                 |                |            |
|       |              |                            | & newlines               |                |                 |                |            |
|       | code         |                            | - contents untouched     | - syntax       |                 |                |            |
|       |              |                            | - whitespace indentation | - numbered     |                 |                |            |
|       |              |                            | & newlines               |                |                 |                |            |
|       | table        |                            |                          | - column width |                 |                |            |
|       |              |                            |                          | - heading row  |                 |                |            |

*** on abstraction

- abstract for downstream processing
  - identify document structure and objects
    - identify document structure (headings/levels/sections)
    - identify objects (headings, paragraphs, tables, code blocks, verse ...)
  - set document, generate common abstraction for downstream parsing
    - set different _document sections_:
      - _head_, toc, _body_, endnotes, glossary, bibliography, book index, blurb
    - _object numbers_, heading/ chapter numbering etc, endnote numbers
      - _regular ocn_
        - body objects
        - glossary objects
        - bibliography objects
      - _special ocn_
        - non substantive text (provide special numbers)
          - blurb objects
        - book index
      - special (_exceptions_)
        - endnotes
  - unify object representations
    - multiple markups for same object type given single representation
  - extract object attributes
  - unify inline markup on objects
    - inline markup made easier to identify

- simplify downstream parsing

*** ocn

| objects     | section / part        | ocn described         | how used       | type |
| regular ocn |                       |                       |                |      |
|             | body objects          | seq. digit            | anchor         | ocn  |
|             |                       | [0-9]+                | visible        |      |
|             | glossary objects      | seq. digit            | anchor         | ocn  |
|             |                       | [0-9]+                | not-visible    |      |
|             |                       |                       | (for search)   |      |
|             | bibliography objects  | seq. digit            | anchor         | ocn  |
|             |                       | [0-9]+                | not-visible    |      |
|             |                       |                       | (for search)   |      |
| special ocn |                       |                       |                |      |
|             | non-substantive text  | x char + seq. digit   | anchor         | non  |
|             | (within body & blurb) | x[0-9]+               | not-visible    |      |
|             |                       |                       | (for search)   |      |
|             | book index            | i char + seq. digit   | anchor         | idx  |
|             |                       | i[0-9]+               | not-visible    |      |
|             |                       |                       | (for search)   |      |
| without ocn |                       |                       |                |      |
|             | endnotes              | ocn of parent object  | no ocn         | fn   |
|             |                       | + footnote seq. digit | anchor visible |      |

** doc_reform glossary / terms

| doc_reform | sisu document parser                |
| dmso       | document markup, structure, objects |
| meta       | meta document, document abstraction |
| mda        | meta, meta document abstraction     |
| adr        | abstract document representation    |
| dar        | document abstract representation    |
| (da)       | (document abstraction)              |
|            | (code representation of document)   |
| ao         | abstract objects                    |
|            | (code representation of objects)    |

| dao   | document abstraction, objects                |
| daso  | document abstraction, structure, objects     |
| drso  | document representation, structure, objects  |
| daows | document abstraction, objects with structure |

** make config - _composite make_

work on composite make a unification of make instructions for each document run

extract instructions from all config files, unify the make instructions and
provide the result as a single set of make instructions for each document parsed

- 1. general, document_make config file (to be applied to all documents unless
  overridden by document or command line instruction)
- 2. local, site specific (site local instructions such as the site's url, cgi
  location etc.)
- 3. each document header, make (the document header contains metadata and may
  include make instructions for that document)
  - make
  - meta
- 4. command line instruction, make (some make instructions may be passed
  through the command line)

*** instruction sources

|    | make instruction source         |                                        | varies (applies to) |   |
| 0. | unify the following as a single | take into account all the instructions |                     |   |
|    | set of make instructions        | provided below, provide interface      |                     |   |
| 1. | document_make file              | to be applied to all documents         | per directory       |   |
|    | "config_document"               | (unless subsequently overridden)       | (all docs within)   |   |
| 2. | config file                     | local site specific                    | per directory       |   |
|    | "config_local_site"             |                                        | (all docs within)   |   |
| 3. | document header make            | make instructions contained            | per document        |   |
|    |                                 | in document header                     | (single doc)        |   |
| 4. | command line instruction        | make instruction passed                | each command        |   |
|    |                                 |                                        | (all docs within)   |   |

*** config & metadata (from instruction sources)

|                     | 1. document make file    | 2. config file             | 3. document header  | 4. command line instruction |
| comment, fixed:     | per dir (pod)            | per dir                    | per document (pod)  | per command instruction     |
|                     | sdl_root_config_document | sdl_root_config_local_site |                     |                             |
| local site specific |                          | *                          |                     | *?                          |
|                     |                          | webserv                    |                     |                             |
|                     |                          | - url_root                 |                     |                             |
|                     |                          | - path                     |                     |                             |
|                     |                          | - images                   |                     |                             |
|                     |                          | - cgi                      |                     |                             |
|                     |                          | webserv_cgi                |                     |                             |
|                     |                          | - host                     |                     |                             |
|                     |                          | - base_path                |                     |                             |
|                     |                          | - port                     |                     |                             |
|                     |                          | - user                     |                     |                             |
|                     |                          | - file_links               |                     |                             |
|                     |                          | processing                 |                     |                             |
|                     |                          | - path                     |                     |                             |
|                     |                          | - dir                      |                     |                             |
|                     |                          | - concord_max              |                     |                             |
|                     |                          | flag (configure)           |                     | (call)                      |
|                     |                          | - act0                     |                     | act0                        |
|                     |                          | - act1                     |                     | act1                        |
|                     |                          | - act2                     |                     | act2                        |
|                     |                          | - act3                     |                     | act3                        |
|                     |                          | - act4                     |                     | act4                        |
|                     |                          | - act5                     |                     | act5                        |
|                     |                          | - act6                     |                     | act6                        |
|                     |                          | - act7                     |                     | act7                        |
|                     |                          | - act8                     |                     | act8                        |
|                     |                          | - act9                     |                     | act9                        |
|                     |                          | default                    |                     |                             |
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|                     |                          | - share_source             |                     |                             |
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|                     |                          | search                     |                     |                             |
|                     |                          | - flag                     |                     |                             |
|                     |                          | - action                   |                     |                             |
|                     |                          | - db                       |                     |                             |
|                     |                          | - title                    |                     |                             |
| make instruction    | **                       | omit or override share?    | **                  | *?                          |
|                     | make                     | make                       | make                |                             |
|                     | - bold                   | - bold                     | - bold              |                             |
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|                     | - emphasis               | - emphasis                 | - emphasis          |                             |
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| actions             |                          |                            |                     | *                           |
|                     |                          |                            |                     | assertions                  |
|                     |                          |                            |                     | concordance                 |
|                     |                          |                            |                     | debug                       |
|                     |                          |                            |                     | digest                      |
|                     |                          |                            |                     | docbook                     |
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|                     |                          |                            |                     | pod                         |
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|                     |                          |                            |                     | sqlite                      |
|                     |                          |                            |                     | sqlite-db-create            |
|                     |                          |                            |                     | sqlite-db-drop              |
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|                     |                          |                            |                     | section_bookindex           |
|                     |                          |                            |                     | section_blurb               |
|                     |                          |                            |                     | backmatter                  |
|                     |                          |                            |                     | skip-output                 |
| metadata            |                          |                            | *                   |                             |
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|                     |                          |                            | - loc               |                             |
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|                     |                          |                            | - topic_register    |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | creator             |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | - author            |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | - author_email      |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | - illustrator       |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | - translator        |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | date                |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | - added_to_site     |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | - available         |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | - created           |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | - issued            |                             |
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|                     |                          |                            | - published         |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | - valid             |                             |
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|                     |                          |                            | notes               |                             |
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|                     |                          |                            | original            |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | - language          |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | - source            |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | - title             |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | publisher           |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | - name              |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | rights              |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | - copyright         |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | - cover             |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | - illustrations     |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | - license           |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | title               |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | - edition           |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | - full              |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | - language          |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | - main              |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | - note              |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | - sub               |                             |
|                     |                          |                            | - subtitle          |                             |