-*- mode: org -*- #+TITLE: spine (doc_reform) (project) makefile #+DESCRIPTION: makefile for spine #+FILETAGS: :spine:build:tools: #+AUTHOR: Ralph Amissah #+EMAIL: [[mailto:ralph.amissah@gmail.com][ralph.amissah@gmail.com]] #+COPYRIGHT: Copyright (C) 2015 - 2023 Ralph Amissah #+LANGUAGE: en #+STARTUP: show4levels hideblocks hidestars noindent entitiespretty #+PROPERTY: header-args :exports code #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :noweb yes #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :results no #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :cache no #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :padline no #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :mkdirp yes - [[./doc-reform.org][doc-reform.org]] [[../org/][org/]] * project ** version info SET VERSION :version:set:project: *** project SET VERSION #+NAME: spine_version_set #+BEGIN_SRC sh 0.13.0 #+END_SRC *** build tools if specified - meson #+NAME: meson_version_set #+BEGIN_SRC sh 0.46 #+END_SRC - soversion #+NAME: soversion_version_set #+BEGIN_SRC sh 0 #+END_SRC * spine ** spine makefile :makefile: *** tangle #+HEADER: :tangle ../makefile #+HEADER: :noweb yes #+BEGIN_SRC makefile #include .envrc-local PROG_VER_GIT :=$(shell echo `git describe --long --tags | sed -e "s/^[ a-z_-]\+\([0-9.]\+\)/\1/;s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g"`) PROG_VER_DECLARED :=$(shell echo `cat ./views/version.txt | grep --color=never "enum" | sed 's/.\+(\([0-9]\+\),[ \t]\+\([0-9]\+\),[ \t]\+\([0-9]\+\)[ \t]*).\+/\1.\2.\3/g'`) DUB=dub DUB_FLAGS=-v --force --compiler= PRG_NAME=doc-reform PRG_NICKAME=spine PRG_NAME_DIR=$(shell echo `echo $(PRG_NAME) | sed -e "s/-/_/g"`) PRG_SRC=$(PRG_NAME).d PRG_SRCDIR=./src PRG_BIN=$(PRG_NAME) PRG_BINDIR=./bin PRG_DOCDIR=./docs EMACSLISP=/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp ORG_VER_AVAILABLE=$(shell echo `ls -d ~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-???????? | cut -d '-' -f2`) EMACSLISP_ORG=~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-$($(shell echo $(ORG_VER_AVAILABLE))) ORG_CONTRIB_VER_AVAILABLE=$(shell echo `ls -d ~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-???????? | cut -d '-' -f2`) EMACSLISP_ORG_CONTRIB=~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-$($(shell echo $(ORG_CONTRIB_VER_AVAILABLE))) ORGFILELIST=$(shell echo `ls -1 org/*.org`) ORGFILES="" ORGDIR :=$(shell echo `pwd`) SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_FIND_PODS= \ find data/pod -maxdepth 2 -name pod.manifest | cut -f 1-3 -d / | sort SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_PODS_FOUND= \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_FIND_PODS) | xargs SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_POD = \ data/pod/accelerando.charles_stross \ data/pod/alices_adventures_in_wonderland.lewis_carroll \ data/pod/content.cory_doctorow \ data/pod/democratizing_innovation.eric_von_hippel \ data/pod/down_and_out_in_the_magic_kingdom.cory_doctorow \ data/pod/for_the_win.cory_doctorow \ data/pod/free_as_in_freedom_2.richard_stallman_and_the_free_software_revolution.sam_williams.richard_stallman \ data/pod/free_culture.lawrence_lessig \ data/pod/free_for_all.peter_wayner \ data/pod/gpl2.fsf \ data/pod/gpl3.fsf \ data/pod/gullivers_travels.jonathan_swift \ data/pod/little_brother.cory_doctorow \ data/pod/live-manual \ data/pod/sisu-manual \ data/pod/the_autonomous_contract.ralph_amissah \ data/pod/the_cathedral_and_the_bazaar.eric_s_raymond \ data/pod/the_public_domain.james_boyle \ data/pod/the_wealth_of_networks.yochai_benkler \ data/pod/through_the_looking_glass.lewis_carroll \ data/pod/two_bits.christopher_kelty \ data/pod/un_contracts_international_sale_of_goods_convention_1980 \ data/pod/viral_spiral.david_bollier Date := `date "+%Y%m%d"` #SpineBIN := $(SpineBIN) # './result/bin' #SpineOUT := $(SpineOUT) # '/srv/www/spine' #SpinePOD := $(SpinePOD) # '~/grotto/repo/git.repo/projects/doc-reform/data/markup/spine-samples/markup/pod' #SpineSearchActionLocal := $(SpineSearchActionLocal) # 'http://localhost/spine_search' #SpineSearchActionRemote := $(SpineSearchActionRemote) # 'https://sisudoc.org/spine_search' #SpineCGIform := $(SpineCGIform) # 'spine_search' #SpineSQLdb := $(SpineSQLdb) # 'spine.search.db' #SpineCGIbin := $(SpineCGIbin) # '/var/www/cgi/cgi-bin' #SpineDBpath := "$(SpineDBpath)" # '/var/www/sqlite' hwd := `pwd` gwd := `pwd` + "/src/ext_depends" deps := "`ls -gx './src/ext_depends'`" dirs_loc := "`ls -gx '.'`" #dirs := "`ls -gx $${gwd}`" default: flake-check flake-check: nix flake update; \ nix flake check; \ echo -e 'nix flake show ❯❯\n'; \ nix flake show; \ echo -e '\n❯❯ nix flake update && nix flake check --show-trace && nix flake show && nix develop ".#devShell" -c $SHELL\n'; \ echo -e '❯❯ nix develop\n❯❯ nix develop -c $SHELL\n'; \ echo -e '❯❯ nix build ".#spine-ldc" --print-build-logs |& nom\n❯❯ nix build ".#spine-dmd" --print-build-logs |& nom\n'; \ echo -e '❯❯ make -s\n❯❯ make -s nix-build-ldc\n❯❯ make -s nix-build-dmd\n'; \ echo -e '❯❯ make -s ldc\n❯❯ make -s dmd\n'; \ echo -e '❯❯ $(DUB) --compiler=ldc2 --build=ldc2\n❯❯ $(DUB) --compiler=dmd --build=dmd\n'; nix-devshell: echo -ne '\n❯❯ nix flake update && nix flake check --show-trace && nix flake show && nix develop ".#devShell"\n\n❯❯ nix build ".#default" --print-build-logs\n❯❯ nix build ".#spine-dmd" --print-build-logs\n❯❯ nix build ".#spine-ldc" --print-build-logs\n❯❯ nix build ".#spine-gdc" --print-build-logs\n\n'; \ nix flake update && nix flake check --show-trace && nix flake show && nix develop ".#devShell" # nix build build: nix-build-default nix-build-default: nix build ".#default" --print-build-logs nix-build-dmd: nix build ".#spine-dmd" --print-build-logs nix-build-ldc: nix build ".#spine-ldc" --print-build-logs nix-build-gdc: nix build ".#spine-gdc" --print-build-logs buildPhase: HOME=$${PWD}; \ for DC_ in dmd ldmd2 gdmd; do \ echo "- check for D compiler $${DC_}"; \ DC=$$(type -P $${DC_} || echo ""); \ if [ ! "$${DC}" == "" ]; then \ break; \ fi; \ done; \ echo "D compiler = $${DC}"; \ if [ "$${DC}" == "" ]; then \ echo "Error: could not find D compiler"; \ exit 1; \ fi; \ echo "$${DC_} used as D compiler to build $${pname}"; \ export DFLAGS="-O2 -inline"; \ dub build --compiler=$${DC} --build=$${DC_} --combined --skip-registry=all; checkPhase: runHook preCheck; \ HOME=$${PWD}; \ dub test --combined --skip-registry=all; \ runHook postCheck installPhase: runHook preInstall; \ mkdir -p $${out}/bin; \ install -m755 ./bin/spine $${out}/bin/spine; \ runHook postInstall #cp -r bin/spine $out/bin/. postInstall: echo "$${out}/share/cgi-bin"; \ echo `ls -la $${out}/bin/spine` commands: rg --color=always -B1 "^[a-zA-Z_-]+:" makefile | page cmds: rg --color=always -B1 "^[a-zA-Z_-]+:" makefile | page # tangle org files org-tangle: cd ./org; \ org-tangle *.org; \ cd - # output local out-local: $(SpineBIN)/spine -v \ --latex --latex-init \ --epub --html \ --html-link-search --html-link-pdf --html-link-curate --html-link-markup \ --cgi-sqlite-search-filename=$(SpineCGIform) --cgi-url-action=$(SpineSearchActionLocal) \ --sqlite-update --sqlite-db-filename=$(SpineSQLdb) \ --curate \ --output=$(SpineOUT) $(SpinePOD)/* # output remote out-remote: $(SpineBIN)/spine -v \ --latex --latex-init \ --epub --html \ --html-link-search --html-link-pdf --html-link-curate --html-link-markup \ --cgi-sqlite-search-filename=$(SpineCGIform) --cgi-url-action=$(SpineSearchActionRemote) \ --sqlite-update --sqlite-db-filename="$(SpineSQLdb)" \ --curate \ --output=$(SpineOUT) $(SpinePOD)/* # epub output out-epub: $(SpineBIN)/spine -v \ --epub --output=$(SpineOUT) $(SpinePOD)/* # html output with local search links out-html: $(SpineBIN)/spine -v --generated-by \ --curate \ --html --html-link-search --html-link-curate --cgi-url-action=$(SpineSearchActionLocal) \ --output=$(SpineOUT) $(SpinePOD)/* # latex output out-latex: $(SpineBIN)/spine -v \ --latex \ --output=$(SpineOUT) $(SpinePOD)/* # odf output out-odf: $(SpineBIN)/spine -v \ --odf \ --output=$(SpineOUT) $(SpinePOD)/* # sqlite output out-sqlite: $(SpineBIN)/spine -v \ --sqlite-update --sqlite-db-filename=$(SpineSQLdb) \ --output=$(SpineOUT) $(SpinePOD)/* # generate markup sample output with local search links output-samples-local: $(SpineBIN)/spine -v \ --latex --latex-init \ --epub \ --html --html-link-search --html-link-pdf --html-link-curate --html-link-markup \ --cgi-sqlite-search-filename=$(SpineCGIform) --cgi-url-action=$(SpineSearchActionLocal) \ --curate \ --sqlite-update --sqlite-db-filename="$(SpineSQLdb)" \ --output=$(SpineOUT) $(SpinePOD)/* # generate markup sample output with remote search links output-samples-remote: $(SpineBIN)/spine -v \ --generated-by \ --latex --latex-init \ --epub \ --html --html-link-search --html-link-pdf --html-link-curate \ --cgi-sqlite-search-filename=$(SpineCGIform) --cgi-url-action=$(SpineSearchActionRemote) \ --curate \ --sqlite-update --sqlite-db-filename=$(SpineSQLdb) \ --output=$(SpineOUT) $(SpinePOD)/* # generate markup sample output with local search links output-samples: output-samples-local # nix build (remote) run generate-output-remote: nix-build output-samples-remote # nix build (local) run generate-output-local: nix-build output-samples-local # project vim proj-v: vim ./org/doc-reform.org # project emacs, cli (single instance open) proj-e: emacsclient -F -c -a -f ./org/doc-reform.org # project emacs, cli (multiple instance, no copy & paste) proj: emacsclient -nw -a -f ./org/doc-reform.org # project emacs, gui proj-emacs: emacs ./org/doc-reform.org & # search project fzf: echo -n "what to search project for?: "; \ read FIND; \ rg --files-with-matches --no-messages "$${FIND}" | \ fzf --multi --ansi --print0 \ --preview-window=right:66% \ --preview="rg --pretty --after-context 3 --before-context 2 -- \"$${FIND}\" {}" \ --bind="enter:execute(vim -c \"silent! /$${FIND}\" {1})"; # search org files directory fzf-org: echo -n "what to search org directory for?: "; \ read FIND; \ cd ./org; \ rg --files-with-matches --no-messages "$${FIND}" | \ fzf --multi --ansi --print0 \ --preview-window=right:66% \ --preview="rg --pretty --after-context 3 --before-context 2 -- \"$${FIND}\" {}" \ --bind="enter:execute(vim -c \"silent! /$${FIND}\" {1})"; \ cd -; # search org files directory, emacs editor fzf-org-e: echo -n "what to search org directory for?: "; \ read FIND; \ cd ./org; \ rg --files-with-matches --no-messages "$${FIND}" | \ fzf --multi --ansi --print0 \ --preview-window=right:66% \ --preview="rg --pretty --after-context 3 --before-context 2 -- \"$${FIND}\" {}" \ --bind="enter:execute(emacsclient -F -c -a -f {1})"; \ cd -; # search org files directory fzf-nix: echo -n "what to search nix files for?: "; \ read FIND; \ rg --files-with-matches --no-messages "$${FIND}" *.nix makefile .envrc | \ fzf --multi --ansi --print0 \ --preview-window=right:66% \ --preview="rg --pretty --after-context 3 --before-context 2 -- \"$${FIND}\" {}" \ --bind="enter:execute(vim -c \"silent! /$${FIND}\" {1})"; # search org files directory fzf-nix-e: echo -n "what to search nix files for? (emacs): "; \ read FIND; \ rg --files-with-matches --no-messages "$${FIND}" *.nix makefile .envrc | \ fzf --multi --ansi --print0 \ --preview-window=right:66% \ --preview="rg --pretty --after-context 3 --before-context 2 -- \"$${FIND}\" {}" \ --bind="enter:execute(emacsclient -F -c -a -f {1})"; # search project source files directory fzf-src: echo -n "what to search source files for?: "; \ read FIND; \ cd ./src/doc_reform; \ rg --files-with-matches --no-messages "$${FIND}" | \ fzf --multi --ansi --print0 \ --preview-window=right:66% \ --preview="rg --pretty --after-context 3 --before-context 2 -- \"$${FIND}\" {}" \ --bind="enter:execute(vim -c \"silent! /$${FIND}\" {1})"; cd -; # preview org files vim files-vi: fd --max-depth 6 --type file -g "*" | sort \ | fzf \ --preview='bat --color "always" {}' \ --preview-window=right:66% \ --bind="enter:execute(nvim {})"; \ # preview org files emacs files-e: fd --max-depth 6 --type file -g "*" | sort \ | fzf \ --preview='bat --color "always" {}' \ --preview-window=right:66% \ --bind="enter:execute(emacsclient -nw -a -f {})"; \ # preview org files vim org-v: cd ./org; \ fd --max-depth 5 --type file -g "*.org" | sort \ | fzf \ --preview='bat --color "always" {}' \ --preview-window=right:66% \ --bind="enter:execute(nvim {})"; \ cd - # preview org files emacs org-e: cd ./org; \ fd --max-depth 5 --type file -g "*.org" | sort \ | fzf \ --preview='bat --color "always" {}' \ --preview-window=right:66% \ --bind="enter:execute(emacsclient -nw -a -f {})"; \ cd - # show markup pod source selections markup: ls -1 --color=always $(SpinePOD) ls -1 -d --color=always $(SpinePOD)/*/ # show markup pod source tree markup-pod-tree: exa -alT --git -I'.git|.dub|*_' --color=always -L5 $(SpinePOD) | less -R # show markup pod source tree tree-src: exa -alT --git -I'*_' --color=always -L5 $(SpineSRC)/doc_reform $(SpinePROJ)/views | less -R ## show markup pod source tree #tree-src-omit: # exa -alT --git -I'.git|.dub|*_' --color=always -L5 $(SpineSRC) $(SpinePROJ)/views | less -R # show markup pod source tree tree-src-search-cgi: exa -alT --git -I'*_' --color=always -L5 $(SpineSearchCGI)/src $(SpineSearchCGI)/views | less -R # show markup files markup-files: cd $(SpinePOD); \ find . -type f -iname "*sst"; \ cd -; \ echo $(SpinePOD) # find $(SpinePOD)/. -type f -iname "*sst" # preview markup files vim markup-files-vi: cd $(SpinePOD); \ fd --max-depth 5 --type file -g "*.ss?" | sort \ | fzf \ --preview='bat --color "always" {}' \ --preview-window=right:66% \ --bind="enter:execute(vim {})"; \ cd - # preview markup files emacs markup-files-e: cd $(SpinePOD); \ fd --max-depth 5 --type file -g "*.ss?" | sort \ | fzf \ --preview='bat --color "always" {}' \ --preview-window=right:66% \ --bind="enter:execute(emacsclient -nw -a -f {})"; \ cd - # markup samples list markup-sample: markup-pod-sample # markup samples list markup-pod-sample: find data/pod -name pod.manifest | cut -f 1-3 -d / | sort # markup samples pod manifests and sst files markup-samples: markup-pod-samples markup-file-samples # markup samples pod manifests markup-pod-samples: echo $(SpinePOD); \ find $(SpinePOD) -name pod.manifest | sort #find $(SpinePOD) -name pod.manifest | sed -E 's:.+?(([/][^/]+){2})$:\1:' # markup samples sst files markup-file-samples: echo $(SpinePOD); \ find $(SpinePOD) -name *.ss[tm] | sort # archive spine output (www) spineWWWarchive: cd /srv/www ; \ rm spine_output.$(Date).tar.bz2 ; \ sudo tar --exclude='./spine/latex' --exclude='./spine/pod' --exclude='./spine/*_' -cjf spine_output.$(Date).tar.bz2 ./spine ; \ cd - # rsync archived spine output to Linode spineWWWrsyncLinode: rsync -v /srv/www/spine_output.$${Date}.tar.bz2 linode:./stage/. ; \ rsync -v /var/www/sqlite/spine.search.db linode:./stage/. ; \ echo "tar -xf ../spine_output.$${Date}.tar.bz2" changelog_: git log --pretty=format:'---%+s %+as %ae%+h%d%+b' --no-merges | sed "/^\\s*$$/d" | sed "s/^---$$//" | sed "s/^\(\*\)\+/-/" | sed "s/ \+$$//" > CHANGELOG_ # git changelog for project changelog: git log --pretty=format:'---%+s %+as %ae%+h%d%+b' --no-merges | sed "/^\\s*$$/d" | sed "s/^---$$//" | sed "s/^\(\*\)\+/-/" | sed "s/ \+$$//" | sed "s/ \+$//" > CHANGELOG_ # git archive gitZip: if [ ! -d "./tarballGitHEAD" ]; then \ mkdir ./tarballGitHEAD; \ fi; \ git archive -v --format=tar --prefix=`echo spine-$(PROG_VER_DECLARED)-tag-$(PROG_VER_GIT)`/ HEAD | gzip > ./tarballGitHEAD/spine-$(PROG_VER_DECLARED)-tag-$(PROG_VER_GIT).tar.gz && \ echo "to unzip: tar -xzf spine-$(PROG_VER_DECLARED)-tag-$(PROG_VER_GIT).tar.gz" # git archive project, produce current state .tar.gz gitArchive: git archive -v --format=tar --prefix=spine-$(PROG_VER_DECLARED)-tag-$(PROG_VER_GIT)/ HEAD | gzip > ./tarballGitHEAD/spine-$(PROG_VER_DECLARED)-tag-$(PROG_VER_GIT).tar.gz && \ echo "to unzip: tar -xzf spine-$(PROG_VER_DECLARED)-tag-$(PROG_VER_GIT).tar.gz" # remove test tarball dir nixGitHEADtarballClean: if [ -d "./tarballGitHEAD" ]; then \ rm -rv ./tarballGitHEAD; \ fi; # create test tarball nixGitHEADtarballTar: if [ ! -d "./tarballGitHEAD" ]; then \ mkdir ./tarballGitHEAD; \ fi; \ git archive -v --format=tar --prefix="spine-$${PROG_VER_DECLARED}/" HEAD | \ gzip > ./tarballGitHEAD/spine-$${PROG_VER_DECLARED}-tag-$${PROG_VER_GIT}.tar.gz && \ cp -v ./tarballGitHEAD/spine-$${PROG_VER_DECLARED}-tag-$${PROG_VER_GIT}.tar.gz ./tarballGitHEAD/spine-$${PROG_VER_DECLARED}.tar.gz && \ echo "to unzip: tar -xzf spine-$${PROG_VER_DECLARED}-tag-$${PROG_VER_GIT}.tar.gz"; \ echo "to unzip: tar -xzf spine-$${PROG_VER_DECLARED}.tar.gz" # check test tarball nixGitHEADtarballCheck: nix flake check file://$${hwd}/tarballGitHEAD/spine-$${PROG_VER_DECLARED}.tar.gz; \ nix flake lock file://$${hwd}/tarballGitHEAD/spine-$${PROG_VER_DECLARED}.tar.gz; \ nix flake show file://$${hwd}/tarballGitHEAD/spine-$${PROG_VER_DECLARED}.tar.gz; # build test tarball nixGitHEADtarballBuild: echo "nix build file://$${hwd}/tarballGitHEAD/spine-$${PROG_VER_DECLARED}.tar.gz#spine --print-build-logs"; \ nix build file://$${hwd}/tarballGitHEAD/spine-$${PROG_VER_DECLARED}.tar.gz#spine --print-build-logs # clean create check & build test tarball nixGitHEADtarball: nixGitHEADtarballClean nixGitHEADtarballTar nixGitHEADtarballCheck nixGitHEADtarballBuild # get project external dependencies get_depends: hwd=$$(echo `pwd`) && \ gwd="$${hwd}/src/ext_depends" && \ license_bsl="Boost Software License 1.0 (BSL-1.0)" && \ echo $${hwd} && \ echo $${gwd} && \ dub upgrade; \ deps=`echo "d2sqlite3 D-YAML imageformats tinyendian"` && \ for dir in $${deps}; do \ if [ ! -d $${gwd}/$${dir} ]; then \ mkdir -p $${gwd}/$${dir}; \ fi; \ done; \ cd $${gwd} && \ for dir in $${deps}; do \ if [ -d $${dir} ]; then \ echo $${dir} && \ if [ "imageformats" == $${dir} ]; then \ echo $${dir} && \ rm -rf $${dir} && \ git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/tjhann/$${dir} && \ cd $${dir} && \ echo $$PWD && \ echo "$${dir} `git rev-parse HEAD | cut -c 1-8`" > ../$${dir}.meta && \ echo "https://github.com/tjhann/$${dir}" >> ../$${dir}.meta && \ echo "$${license_bsl}" >> ../$${dir}.meta && \ cd $${gwd} && \ rm -rf $${dir}/.git; \ elif [[ "d2sqlite3" == $${dir} || "D-YAML" == $${dir} || "tinyendian" == $${dir} ]]; then \ echo $${dir} && \ rm -rf $${dir} && \ git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/dlang-community/$${dir} && \ cd $${dir} && \ echo "$${dir} `git rev-parse HEAD | cut -c 1-8`" > ../$${dir}.meta && \ echo "https://github.com/dlang-community/$${dir}" >> ../$${dir}.meta && \ echo "$${license_bsl}" >> ../$${dir}.meta && \ cd $${gwd} && \ rm -rf $${dir}/.git; \ fi; \ fi; \ done; \ cd $${hwd} # get and set project external dependencies set_depends: get_depends dub describe | sed 's~$(shell echo `pwd | sed 's_/_\\/_g'`)~.~g' > dub_describe.json rm_flakelock: git reset HEAD flake.lock && \ touch flake.lock \ git rm -f flake.lock flake_update: git add .; \ nix flake lock && \ git reset HEAD flake.lock; \ cp flake.lock flake.lock_ flake_update_move_lock: flake_update touch flake.lock \ git rm -f flake.lock set_latest: set_depends flake_update rm_flakelock dub_upgrade: $(DUB) upgrade dc: ldc compile: ldc all: dmd ldc gdc all_ver: dmd_ver ldc_ver gdc_ver meson_clean_build_dir: rm -r build; mkdir build meson_redo: meson_clean_build_dir meson_build meson_project_build_clean: clean skel tangle dub_upgrade meson_build meson: meson_clean_build_dir dub_upgrade meson_build all_clean: clean tangle dmd ldc gdc all_ver_clean: clean tangle dmd_ver ldc_ver gdc_ver dmd: dub_upgrade $(DUB) --compiler=dmd --build=dmd --build=release-nobounds notify-send -t 0 'D dmd compiled test release executable ready' 'spine-dmd' # assumes git tags with program version dmd_ver: dub_upgrade $(DUB) --compiler=dmd --build=dmd-version mv bin/spine-dmd-ver bin-archive/spine-$(PROG_VER_DECLARED)-tag-$(PROG_VER_GIT)-dmd notify-send -t 0 'D dmd compiled test release executable ready' 'spine-$(PROG_VER_DECLARED)-tag-$(PROG_VER_GIT)-dmd' dmd_clean_ver: clean tangle dmd_ver dmd_rel: expunge skel tangle $(DUB) --compiler=dmd --build=spine-release dmd_rel_tangle: tangle $(DUB) --compiler=dmd --build=spine-dmd dmd_rel_expunge_tangle: expunge skel tangle dmd_rel_tangle gdc: dub_upgrade $(DUB) --compiler=gdc --build=gdc notify-send -t 0 'D gdc compiled test release executable ready' 'spine-gdc' # assumes git tags with program version gdc_ver: dub_upgrade $(DUB) --compiler=gdc --build=gdc-version mv bin/spine-gdc-ver bin-archive/spine-$(PROG_VER_DECLARED)-tag-$(PROG_VER_GIT)-gdc notify-send -t 0 'D gdc compiled test release executable ready' 'spine-$(PROG_VER_DECLARED)-tag-$(PROG_VER_GIT)-gdc' gdc_clean_ver: clean tangle gdc_ver gdc_rel: expunge skel tangle $(DUB) --compiler=gdc --config=spine-release gdc_rel_tangle: tangle $(DUB) --compiler=gdc --config=spine-gdc gdc_rel_expunge_tangle: expunge skel tangle gdc_rel_tangle ldc: dub_upgrade $(DUB) --compiler=ldc2 --build=ldc2 --build=release notify-send -t 0 'D ldc compiled test release executable ready' 'spine-ldc' # assumes git tags with program version ldc_ver: dub_upgrade $(DUB) --compiler=ldc2 --config=ldc-version mv bin/spine-ldc-ver bin-archive/spine-$(PROG_VER_DECLARED)-tag-$(PROG_VER_GIT)-ldc notify-send -t 0 'D ldc2 compiled test release executable ready' 'spine-$(PROG_VER_DECLARED)-tag-$(PROG_VER_GIT)-ldc' ldc_clean_ver: clean tangle ldc_ver ldc_rel: expunge skel tangle $(DUB) --compiler=ldc2 --config=spine-release ldc_rel_tangle: tangle $(DUB) --compiler=ldc2 --config=spine-ldc ldc_rel_expunge_tangle: expunge skel tangle ldc_rel_tangle reinit: clean skel tangle skel: mkdir -p $(PRG_BINDIR); \ mkdir -p $(PRG_BINDIR)-archive; \ mkdir -p build; \ mkdir -p views; \ mkdir -p data; \ mkdir -p sundry/misc/util/d/cgi/search/cgi-bin/src; \ mkdir -p sundry/misc/util/d/tools/markup_conversion; \ mkdir -p sundry/misc/editor-syntax-etc/emacs; \ mkdir -p sundry/misc/editor-syntax-etc/vim/syntax; \ mkdir -p sundry/misc/editor-syntax-etc/vim/colors; \ mkdir -p sundry/misc/editor-syntax-etc/vim/ftplugin; \ mkdir -p sundry/misc/editor-syntax-etc/vim/rc; \ mkdir -p sundry/misc/editor-syntax-etc/vim/templates; \ mkdir -p $(PRG_SRCDIR)/$(PRG_NAME_DIR)/conf; \ mkdir -p $(PRG_SRCDIR)/$(PRG_NAME_DIR)/io_in; \ mkdir -p $(PRG_SRCDIR)/$(PRG_NAME_DIR)/io_out; \ mkdir -p $(PRG_SRCDIR)/$(PRG_NAME_DIR)/meta; \ mkdir -p $(PRG_SRCDIR)/$(PRG_NAME_DIR)/share; \ mkdir -p $(PRG_SRCDIR)/$(PRG_NAME_DIR); \ mkdir -p $(PRG_BINDIR); init: skel clean: rm -rf build; \ rm -rf $(PRG_SRCDIR); \ rm -rf $(PRG_DOCDIR); clean_bin: rm $(PRG_BINDIR)/* clean_src: rm -rf $(PRG_SRCDIR); clean_docs: rm -rf $(PRG_DOCDIR) expunge: rm -f dub.selections.json; \ rm -rf build; \ rm -rf $(PRG_SRCDIR); \ rm -rf $(PRG_BINDIR); \ rm -rf $(PRG_DOCDIR); distclean: expunge distclean_and_init: expunge mkdir -p views; \ mkdir -p sundry/misc/util/d/cgi/search/cgi-bin/src; \ mkdir -p sundry/misc/util/d/tools/markup_conversion; \ mkdir -p sundry/misc/editor-syntax-etc/emacs; \ mkdir -p sundry/misc/editor-syntax-etc/vim/syntax; \ mkdir -p sundry/misc/editor-syntax-etc/vim/colors; \ mkdir -p sundry/misc/editor-syntax-etc/vim/ftplugin; \ mkdir -p sundry/misc/editor-syntax-etc/vim/rc; \ mkdir -p sundry/misc/editor-syntax-etc/vim/templates; \ mkdir -p $(PRG_SRCDIR)/$(PRG_NAME_DIR); \ mkdir -p $(PRG_BINDIR); ver: echo spine-$(PROG_VER_DECLARED)-tag-$(PROG_VER_GIT) clean_tangle_build: clean tangle build tangle_build: tangle build build-dc: $${PRG_SRCDIR}/$${PRG_SRC} $${DC} $${DC_FLAGS} \ $${DC_FLAG_BINOF}$${PRG_BINDIR}/$${PRG_BIN} \ $${PRG_SRCDIR}/$${PRG_SRC} rebuild: $${PRG_SRCDIR}/$${PRG_SRC} $${PRG_BINDIR}/$${PRG_BIN}.o clean build makefile_new: make -k tangle_maker restart: clean tangle find_pods: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_FIND_PODS) testrun_find: spine -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \ data/pod/sisu-manual testrun_find_pod_source: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_PODS_FOUND) \ spine -v --source \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod testrun_find_pod_pod: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_PODS_FOUND) \ spine -v --pod \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod testrun_find_pod_html: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_PODS_FOUND) \ spine -v --html \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod testrun_find_pod_epub: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_PODS_FOUND) \ spine -v --epub \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod testrun_find_pod_all: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_PODS_FOUND) \ spine -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod testrun_paths: spine -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \ data/pod/sisu-manual testrun_paths_pod_source: spine -v --source \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \ ./markup/pod/* testrun_paths_pod_pod: spine -v --pod \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \ ./markup/pod/* testrun_paths_pod_html: spine -v --html \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \ ./markup/pod/* testrun_paths_pod_epub: spine -v --epub \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \ ./markup/pod/* testrun_paths_pod_all: spine -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \ ./markup/pod/* testrun_find_dir_source: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR_FILES_FOUND) \ spine -v --source \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir testrun_find_dir_pod: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR_FILES_FOUND) \ spine -v --pod \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir testrun_find_dir_html: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR_FILES_FOUND) \ spine -v --html \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir testrun_find_dir_epub: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR_FILES_FOUND) \ spine -v --epub \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir testrun_find_dir_all: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR_FILES_FOUND) \ spine -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir testrun_filelist_dir_source: spine -v --source \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR) testrun_filelist_dir_pod: spine -v --pod \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR) testrun_filelist_dir_html: spine -v --html \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR) testrun_filelist_dir_epub: spine -v --epub \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR) testrun_filelist_dir_all: spine -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR) dmd_testrun_find: ./bin/spine-dmd -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \ data/pod/sisu-manual dmd_testrun_find_pod_source: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_PODS_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-ldc -v --source --html --epub \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod dmd_testrun_find_pod_pod: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_PODS_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-dmd -v --pod \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod dmd_testrun_find_pod_html: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_PODS_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-dmd -v --html \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod dmd_testrun_find_pod_epub: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_PODS_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-dmd -v --epub \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod dmd_testrun_find_pod_all: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_PODS_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-dmd -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod dmd_testrun_paths_pod_source: ./bin/spine-dmd -v --source \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_POD) dmd_testrun_paths_pod_pod: ./bin/spine-dmd -v --pod \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_POD) dmd_testrun_paths_pod_html: ./bin/spine-dmd -v --html \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_POD) dmd_testrun_paths_pod_epub: ./bin/spine-dmd -v --epub \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_POD) dmd_testrun_paths_pod_all: ./bin/spine-dmd -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_POD) gdc_testrun_find: ./bin/spine-gdc -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \ data/pod/sisu-manual gdc_testrun_find_pod_source: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_PODS_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-gdc -v --source \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod gdc_testrun_find_pod_pod: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_PODS_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-gdc -v --pod \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod gdc_testrun_find_pod_html: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_PODS_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-gdc -v --html \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod gdc_testrun_find_pod_epub: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_PODS_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-gdc -v --epub \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod gdc_testrun_find_pod_all: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_PODS_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-gdc -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod gdc_testrun_paths: ./bin/spine-gdc -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \ data/pod/sisu-manual gdc_testrun_paths_pod_source: ./bin/spine-gdc -v --source \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_POD) gdc_testrun_paths_pod_pod: ./bin/spine-gdc -v --pod \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_POD) gdc_testrun_paths_pod_html: ./bin/spine-gdc -v --html \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_POD) gdc_testrun_paths_pod_epub: ./bin/spine-gdc -v --epub \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_POD) gdc_testrun_paths_pod_all: ./bin/spine-gdc -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_POD) ldc_testrun_find: ./bin/spine-ldc -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \ data/pod/sisu-manual ldc_testrun_find_pod_source: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_PODS_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-ldc -v --source \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod ldc_testrun_find_pod_pod: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_PODS_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-ldc -v --pod \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod ldc_testrun_find_pod_html: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_PODS_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-ldc -v --html \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod ldc_testrun_find_pod_epub: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_PODS_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-ldc -v --epub \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod ldc_testrun_find_pod_all: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_PODS_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-ldc -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod ldc_testrun_paths: ./bin/spine-ldc -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \ data/pod/sisu-manual ldc_testrun_paths_pod_source: ./bin/spine-ldc -v --source \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_POD) ldc_testrun_paths_pod_pod: ./bin/spine-ldc -v --pod \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_POD) ldc_testrun_paths_pod_html: ./bin/spine-ldc -v --html \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_POD) ldc_testrun_paths_pod_epub: ./bin/spine-ldc -v --epub \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_POD) ldc_testrun_paths_pod_all: ./bin/spine-ldc -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_POD) dmd_testrun_find_dir_source: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR_FILES_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-dmd -v --source \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir dmd_testrun_find_dir_pod: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR_FILES_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-dmd -v --pod \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir dmd_testrun_find_dir_html: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR_FILES_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-dmd -v --html \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir dmd_testrun_find_dir_epub: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR_FILES_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-dmd -v --epub \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir dmd_testrun_find_dir_all: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR_FILES_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-dmd -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir dmd_testrun_filelist_dir_source: ./bin/spine-dmd -v --source \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR) dmd_testrun_filelist_dir_pod: ./bin/spine-dmd -v --pod \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR) dmd_testrun_filelist_dir_html: ./bin/spine-dmd -v --html \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR) dmd_testrun_filelist_dir_epub: ./bin/spine-dmd -v --epub \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR) dmd_testrun_filelist_dir_all: ./bin/spine-dmd -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR) gdc_testrun_find_dir_source: ./bin/spine-gdc -v --source \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR) gdc_testrun_find_dir_pod: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR_FILES_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-gdc -v --pod \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir gdc_testrun_find_dir_html: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR_FILES_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-gdc -v --html \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir gdc_testrun_find_dir_epub: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR_FILES_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-gdc -v --epub \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir gdc_testrun_find_dir_all: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR_FILES_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-gdc -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir gdc_testrun_filelist_dir_source: ./bin/spine-gdc -v --source \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR) gdc_testrun_filelist_dir_pod: ./bin/spine-gdc -v --pod \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR) gdc_testrun_filelist_dir_html: ./bin/spine-gdc -v --html \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR) gdc_testrun_filelist_dir_epub: ./bin/spine-gdc -v --epub \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR) gdc_testrun_filelist_dir_all: ./bin/spine-gdc -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR) ldc_testrun_find_dir_source: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR_FILES_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-ldc -v --source \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir ldc_testrun_find_dir_pod: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR_FILES_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-ldc -v --pod \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir ldc_testrun_find_dir_html: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR_FILES_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-ldc -v --html \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir ldc_testrun_find_dir_epub: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR_FILES_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-ldc -v --epub \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir ldc_testrun_find_dir_all: $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR_FILES_FOUND) \ ./bin/spine-ldc -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir ldc_testrun_filelist_dir_source: ./bin/spine-ldc -v --source \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR) ldc_testrun_filelist_dir_pod: ./bin/spine-ldc -v --pod \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR) ldc_testrun_filelist_dir_html: ./bin/spine-ldc -v --html \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR) ldc_testrun_filelist_dir_epub: ./bin/spine-ldc -v --epub \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR) ldc_testrun_filelist_dir_all: ./bin/spine-ldc -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR) tangle: skel for f in $(ORGFILELIST); do \ ORGFILES="$$ORGFILES \"$$f\""; \ done; \ emacs --batch -Q -q \ --eval "(progn \ (add-to-list 'load-path \ (expand-file-name \"$(EMACSLISP)\")) \ (add-to-list 'load-path \ (expand-file-name \"$(EMACSLISP_ORG)\" t)) \ (add-to-list 'load-path \ (expand-file-name \"$(EMACSLISP_ORG_CONTRIB)\" t)) \ (require 'org)(require 'ob)(require 'ob-tangle) \ (mapc (lambda (file) \ (find-file (expand-file-name file \"$(ORGDIR)\")) \ (setq-local org-src-preserve-indentation t) \ (org-babel-tangle) \ (kill-buffer)) '($$ORGFILES)))" 2>&1 tangle_maker: for f in $(ORGFILELIST); do \ ORGFILES="\"org/dr_build_scaffold.org\""; \ done; \ emacs --batch -Q -q \ --eval "(progn \ (add-to-list 'load-path \ (expand-file-name \"$(EMACSLISP)\")) \ (add-to-list 'load-path \ (expand-file-name \"$(EMACSLISP_ORG)\" t)) \ (add-to-list 'load-path \ (expand-file-name \"$(EMACSLISP_ORG_CONTRIB)\" t)) \ (require 'org)(require 'ob)(require 'ob-tangle) \ (mapc (lambda (file) \ (find-file (expand-file-name file \".\")) \ (setq-local org-src-preserve-indentation t) \ (org-babel-tangle) \ (kill-buffer)) '($$ORGFILES)))" 2>&1 # nix-shell nix-shell: nix-shell -I .envrc nix-shell-pure: nix-shell -I .envrc --pure # nix-shell (with local tools, presumably latest dlang compiler & build tools (ldc & dub)) nix-shell-updated: nix-shell -I nixpkgs=/srv/nix/nixpkgs --pure # shell.nix (with shebang) shell: shell.nix # nix-build spine nix-build: nix-build default.nix && ./result/bin/spine -v # nix-build spine (with local tools, presumably latest dlang compiler & build tools (ldc & dub)) nix-build-use-tools-new: nix-build -I .envrc # tangle-build tangle-build: org-tangle nix-build # build-run build-run: nix-build output-samples # tangle-build-run tangle-build-run: org-tangle nix-build output-samples # nix-build spine search nix-build-search: cd ./sundry/spine_search_cgi; \ nix-build \ cd - _flake-lock-reset: git reset HEAD flake.lock _flake-show-name: nix search --json 2>/dev/null |jq; _flake-show-package: nix flake show; _flake-show-derivation: nix show-derivation |jq; nix-develop: nix develop -f default.nix -I nixpkgs=/srv/nix/nixpkgs # nix flake show flake-show: _flake-show-package _flake-show-name _flake-show-derivation # nix-build flake spine flake-build: _flake-show-name nix build --print-build-logs # nix-build flake spine flake-reset-build: _flake-lock-reset _flake-show-name nix build --print-build-logs # nix-build spine (with local tools, presumably latest dlang compiler & build tools (ldc & dub)) flake-build-use-tools-new: nix build --print-build-logs -I nixpkgs=/srv/nix/nixpkgs # tangle-build-flake flake-tangle-build: org-tangle flake-build # build-flake-run flake-build-run: flake-build output-samples # tangle-build-run flake-tangle-build-run: org-tangle flake-build output-samples # nix-build spine search flake-build-search: cd ./sundry/spine_search_cgi; \ nix build --print-build-logs \ cd - gitsnapshot: distclean tangle git commit -a version_tag: echo "DRV=<<spine_version_set>>; git tag -f doc-reform_v$$\{DRV} -m\"doc-reform spine-$$\{DRV}\" HEAD"; \ echo "git tag -f doc-reform_v<<spine_version_set>> -m\"doc-reform spine-<<spine_version_set>>\" HEAD" .PHONY : all build rebuild release \ distclean init \ tangle gitsnapshot #+END_SRC