From 02ca32ae0a5bc290918d2b2a3288e385b9cc6b11 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ralph Amissah Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2021 17:10:51 -0500 Subject: external & build dependences in src tree - external & build dependences boost licensed - ext_depends (external depends) - D-YAML - tinyendian - d2sqlite3 - imageformats - build_depends - dub2nix --- src/ext_depends/tinyendian/doc/highlight.pack.js | 1 + src/ext_depends/tinyendian/doc/index.html | 39 ++ src/ext_depends/tinyendian/doc/search.js | 59 ++ src/ext_depends/tinyendian/doc/show_hide.js | 17 + src/ext_depends/tinyendian/doc/style.css | 726 +++++++++++++++++++++ src/ext_depends/tinyendian/doc/tinyendian.html | 117 ++++ .../tinyendian/doc/tinyendian/UTFEncoding.html | 46 ++ 7 files changed, 1005 insertions(+) create mode 100644 src/ext_depends/tinyendian/doc/highlight.pack.js create mode 100644 src/ext_depends/tinyendian/doc/index.html create mode 100644 src/ext_depends/tinyendian/doc/search.js create mode 100644 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F.bK?"\\.?\\b("+F.b+")\\b\\.?":F.b}).concat([D.tE]).concat([D.i]).map(v).filter(Boolean);D.t=A.length?w(A.join("|"),true):{exec:function(F){return null}};D.continuation={}}x(y)}function c(S,L,J,R){function v(U,V){for(var T=0;T";U+=Z+'">';return U+X+Y}function N(){var U=k(C);if(!I.k){return U}var T="";var X=0;I.lR.lastIndex=0;var V=I.lR.exec(U);while(V){T+=U.substr(X,V.index-X);var W=E(I,V);if(W){H+=W[1];T+=w(W[0],V[0])}else{T+=V[0]}X=I.lR.lastIndex;V=I.lR.exec(U)}return T+U.substr(X)}function F(){if(I.sL&&!f[I.sL]){return k(C)}var T=I.sL?c(I.sL,C,true,;if(I.r>0){H+=T.r}if(I.subLanguageMode=="continuous"){}return w(T.language,T.value,false,true)}function Q(){return I.sL!==undefined?F():N()}function P(V,U){var T=V.cN?w(V.cN,"",true):"";if(V.rB){D+=T;C=""}else{if(V.eB){D+=k(U)+T;C=""}else{D+=T;C=U}}I=Object.create(V,{parent:{value:I}})}function G(T,X){C+=T;if(X===undefined){D+=Q();return 0}var V=v(X,I);if(V){D+=Q();P(V,X);return V.rB?0:X.length}var W=z(I,X);if(W){var 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diff --git a/src/ext_depends/tinyendian/doc/tinyendian.html b/src/ext_depends/tinyendian/doc/tinyendian.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be69219
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ext_depends/tinyendian/doc/tinyendian.html
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@

A minimal library providing functionality for changing the endianness of data. +

+ +tinyendian +
+ +
public @system pure nothrow @nogc void swapByteOrder(T)(T[] array) 
+if([2, 4].canFind(T.sizeof))

Swap byte order of items in an array in place. +

+ + +


+ + + +

Item type. Must be either 2 or 4 bytes long. +


Buffer with values to fix byte order of. +

public @system pure nothrow @nogc auto fixUTFByteOrder(ubyte[] array)

Convert byte order of an array encoded in UTF(8/16/32) to system endianness in place. +

+ + +

Uses the UTF byte-order-mark (BOM) to determine UTF encoding. If there is no BOM + at the beginning of array, UTF-8 is assumed (this is compatible with ASCII). The + BOM, if any, will be removed from the buffer. +


If the encoding is determined to be UTF-16 or UTF-32 and there aren't enough bytes + for the last code unit (i.e. if array.length is odd for UTF-16 or not divisible by + 4 for UTF-32), the extra bytes (1 for UTF-16, 1-3 for UTF-32) are stripped. +


Note that this function does not check if the array is a valid UTF string. It + only works with the BOM and 1,2 or 4-byte items. +

+ + +


+ + +

The array with UTF-data. +




A struct with the following members: +


ubyte[] array A slice of the input array containing data in correct + byte order, without BOM and in case of UTF-16/UTF-32, + without stripped bytes, if any. + UTFEncoding encoding Encoding of the result (UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32) + std.system.Endian endian Endianness of the original array. + uint bytesStripped Number of bytes stripped from a UTF-16/UTF-32 array, if + any. This is non-zero only if array.length was not + divisible by 2 or 4 for UTF-16 and UTF-32, respectively. +

+ + +



(BIGOH array.length) +

+ + +

A minimal library providing functionality for changing the endianness of data. +

+ + +



Unicode UTF encodings. +




Swap byte order of items in an array in place. +


Convert byte order of an array encoded in UTF(8/16/32) to system endianness in place. +

+ +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/src/ext_depends/tinyendian/doc/tinyendian/UTFEncoding.html b/src/ext_depends/tinyendian/doc/tinyendian/UTFEncoding.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0cde8fc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ext_depends/tinyendian/doc/tinyendian/UTFEncoding.html @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ + + + + + + +UTFEncoding + + + + + +
+ + +
public enum UTFEncoding : ubyte

Unicode UTF encodings. +

+ + +


+ +
+ +
+ + -- cgit v1.2.3