diff options
-rw-r--r--sundry/spine_search_cgi/views/configuration_example.txt (renamed from sundry/spine_search_cgi/views/configuration_suggested.txt)2
-rw-r--r--views/configuration_example.txt (renamed from views/configuration_suggested.txt)2
17 files changed, 1722 insertions, 1345 deletions
diff --git a/.dr/config_local_site_example b/.dr/config_local_site_example
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e751c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.dr/config_local_site_example
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# config_local_site
+# read from directories ... FIX provide list
+ act0: "--html"
+ act1: "--html --epub"
+ path: "/srv/www/spine"
+ language: "en"
+ papersize: "a4"
+ text_wrap: "80"
+ digest: "sha256"
+ http: "https" # "http"
+ domain: "sisudoc" # "localhost"
+ data_http: "https" # "http"
+ data_domain: "sisudoc" # "localhost"
+ data_root_url: "https://sisudoc.org" # "http://localhost"
+ data_root_path: "/srv/www/spine" # "/var/www/html"
+ data_root_part: ""
+ images_root_part: "image"
+ cgi_search_form_title: "≅ SiSU Spine search"
+ cgi_http: "https" # "http"
+ cgi_domain: "sisudoc.org" # "localhost"
+ cgi_bin_url: "http://sisudoc.org/cgi-bin" # "http://localhost/cgi-bin"
+ cgi_bin_part: "cgi-bin"
+ cgi_bin_path: "/var/www/cgi/cgi-bin" # "/usr/lib/cgi-bin"
+ cgi_search_script: "spine_search"
+ cgi_search_script_raw_fn_d: "spine_search.d"
+ cgi_port: ""
+ cgi_user: ""
+ cgi_action: "https://sisudoc.org/spine_search" # "http://localhost/cgi-bin/spine-search"
+ db_sqlite_filename: "spine.search.db"
+ db_sqlite_path: "/var/www/sqlite"
+ db_pg_table: ""
+ db_pg_user: ""
diff --git a/.envrc-local_ b/.envrc-local_
index 8d9f54b..9bc7338 100644
--- a/.envrc-local_
+++ b/.envrc-local_
@@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ $SpineBIN/spine -v --sqlite-update --sqlite-db-filename="spine.search.db" --outp
$SpineBIN/spine -v --html --html-link-search --html-link-curate --curate --sqlite-update --sqlite-db-filename="spine.search.db" --cgi-sqlite-search-filename="spine_search" --sqlite-db-path="$SpineDBpath" --output="$SpineOUT" $SpinePOD/*
+$SpineBIN/spine --epub --html --html-link-search --html-link-curate --curate --sqlite-update --sqlite-db-filename="spine.search.db" --cgi-sqlite-search-filename="spine_search" --cgi-url-action="https://sisudoc.org/spine_search" --ouput="$SpineOUT" $SpinePOD/*
*** generate html (linked to search form), sql output, curate COMPOSITE with resource configuration
@@ -215,7 +216,7 @@ webserv:
data_root_url: "https://sisudoc.org"
data_root_path: "/srv/www/spine"
images_root_part: "image"
- cgi_title: "≅ SiSU Spine search"
+ cgi_search_form_title: "≅ SiSU Spine search"
cgi_http: "https"
cgi_domain: "sisudoc.org"
cgi_bin_url: "http://sisudoc.org/cgi-bin"
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 03fe009..b52f249 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
diff --git a/org/config_d_cfte.org b/org/config_d_cfte.org
index ae3f9c4..013aff9 100644
--- a/org/config_d_cfte.org
+++ b/org/config_d_cfte.org
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ SEE NOTES on configuration hierarchy in spine.org
*** spine: configuration.txt SET
-#+HEADER: :tangle "../views/configuration_suggested.txt"
+#+HEADER: :tangle "../views/configuration_example.txt"
/+ obt - org-mode generated file +/
struct Cfg {
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ enum _cfg = Cfg();
*** spine_search: configuration.txt SET
-#+HEADER: :tangle "../sundry/spine_search_cgi/views/configuration_suggested.txt"
+#+HEADER: :tangle "../sundry/spine_search_cgi/views/configuration_example.txt"
/+ obt - org-mode generated file +/
struct Cfg {
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ http://localhost
#+NAME: www_doc_root
#+NAME: cgi_bin_root
diff --git a/org/config_git.org b/org/config_git.org
index 5ec0081..12bc0ce 100644
--- a/org/config_git.org
+++ b/org/config_git.org
@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@
diff --git a/org/config_nix.org b/org/config_nix.org
index cbd5ba6..2fd932c 100644
--- a/org/config_nix.org
+++ b/org/config_nix.org
@@ -328,6 +328,7 @@ $SpineBIN/spine -v --sqlite-update --sqlite-db-filename="<<spine_search_db>>" --
$SpineBIN/spine -v --html --html-link-search --html-link-curate --curate --sqlite-update --sqlite-db-filename="<<spine_search_db>>" --cgi-sqlite-search-filename="<<spine_search_cgi>>" --sqlite-db-path="$SpineDBpath" --output="$SpineOUT" $SpinePOD/*
+$SpineBIN/spine --epub --html --html-link-search --html-link-curate --curate --sqlite-update --sqlite-db-filename="spine.search.db" --cgi-sqlite-search-filename="spine_search" --cgi-url-action="https://sisudoc.org/spine_search" --ouput="$SpineOUT" $SpinePOD/*
,*** generate html (linked to search form), sql output, curate COMPOSITE with resource configuration
@@ -355,7 +356,7 @@ webserv:
data_root_url: "https://sisudoc.org"
data_root_path: "/srv/www/spine"
images_root_part: "image"
- cgi_title: "≅ SiSU Spine search"
+ cgi_search_form_title: "≅ SiSU Spine search"
cgi_http: "https"
cgi_domain: "sisudoc.org"
cgi_bin_url: "http://sisudoc.org/cgi-bin"
@@ -1093,14 +1094,12 @@ nix flake update
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
pkgs.mkShell {
- buildInputs = with pkgs; [(
- with pkgs; [
- <<shell_packages_nix_related>>
- <<shell_packages_d_build_related>>
- <<shell_packages_search_related_sqlite>>
- <<shell_packages_candy>>
- ]
- )];
+ buildInputs = with pkgs; [
+ <<shell_packages_nix_related>>
+ <<shell_packages_d_build_related>>
+ <<shell_packages_search_related_sqlite>>
+ <<shell_packages_candy>>
+ ];
shellHook = ''
if [[ -e ".envrc" ]]; then
source .envrc
diff --git a/org/meta_conf_make_meta.org b/org/meta_conf_make_meta.org
index cdb7571..118219e 100644
--- a/org/meta_conf_make_meta.org
+++ b/org/meta_conf_make_meta.org
@@ -20,40 +20,175 @@
* generic
** conf yaml REFERENCE
+NOTES on configuration hierarchy:
+- compile time program defaults views/configuration.txt in config_d_cfte.org
+ - config_d_cfte.org (writes views/configuration.txt)
+ - compile time program defaults, set in views/configuration.txt
+ - found in: _cfg.*
+- run time default configuration administrators config ".dr/config_site_local"
+ - in_source_files.org readConfigSite (reads administrators site defaults from
+ yaml config file)
+ - meta_conf_make_meta.org struct ConfCompositeSiteLocal
+ - administrator site defaults read from yaml configuration file
+ ".dr/config_site_local"
+ - found in: "doc_matters.conf_make_meta.conf." (incorporates _cfg.* as
+ initial default values that are overridden if set)
+ - ("conf_make_meta.make" (& "conf_make_meta.meta") also available taken from
+ document headers)
+- command line execution configuration instruction
+ - spine.org (org heading: initialize settings) (command line overrides)
+ - command line settings/overrides
+ - found in: doc_matters.opt.action.*
+** table
+| cfg ctfe | config local | cli | cli-run | composite | default | |
+| _cfg. | ["webserv"] | -- | opt_action. | _struct_composite.conf. | default | ✓ ✗ |
+| www_doc_root | ["data_root_path"] | output | output_dir_set | output_path | "/srv/www/spine" | ✓ |
+| | | | | | "/var/www" | |
+| | | | | | "/var/www/html" | |
+| www_http | ["http"] | www-http | webserver_http | w_srv_http | "http" or "https" | ✓ |
+| www_host | ["domain"] | www-host | webserver_host_name | CHECK | "localhost" | ✓ |
+| | | | | | "sisudoc" | |
+| www_host_doc_root | [""] | www-host-doc-root | webserver_host_doc_root | w_srv_data_root_path | | ✓ |
+| www_url_doc_root? | | www-url-doc-root | | | "http://localhost" | |
+| CHECK | | | | | "https://sisudoc.org" | |
+| cgi_http | [""] | cgi-http | | | | ✗ |
+| cgi_host | [""] | cgi-host | | | | ✗ |
+| cgi_bin_root | ["cgi_bin_path"] | cgi-bin-root | cgi_bin_root | cgi_bin_root | "/var/www/cgi/cgi-bin" | ✓ |
+| cgi_filename | ["cgi_search_script"] | cgi-sqlite-search-filename | cgi_sqlite_search_filename | w_srv_cgi_search_script | "spine_search" | ✓ |
+| cgi_url_root | ["cgi_bin_url"] | cgi-url-root | cgi_url_root | | REMOVE UNUSED | ✓ |
+| cgi_url_action | ["cgi_action"] | cgi-url-action | cgi_url_action | w_srv_cgi_action | "http://localhost/cgi-bin/spine-search" | ✓ |
+| | | | | | "https://sisudoc.org/spine-search" | |
+| cgi_search_form_title | ["cgi_search_form_title"] | cgi-search-title | cgi_search_title | w_srv_cgi_search_form_title | "≅ SiSU Spine search" | ✓ |
+| | | config | | | | |
+| default_language | [""] | lang | languages_set | | "all" or "en" | ✓ |
+| default_papersize | [""] | set-papersize | latex_papersize | set_papersize | "a4"? | ✓ |
+| default_text_wrap | [""] | set-textwrap | text_wrap | set_text_wrap | 80 | ✓ |
+| default_hash_digest | [""] | set-digest | hash_digest_type | | sha258 | ✓ |
+| db_sqlite_path | [""] | sqlite-db-path | sqliteDB_path | w_srv_db_sqlite_path | "/var/www/sqlite" | ✓ |
+| db_sqlite_filename | [""] | sqlite-db-filename | sqliteDB_filename | w_srv_db_sqlite_filename | "spine_search.db" | ✓ |
+| | | | | | | |
+** cli flag
+string[string] settings = [
+ "output" : "",
+ "www-http" : "",
+ "www-host" : "",
+ "www-host-doc-root" : "",
+ "www-url-doc-root" : "",
+ "cgi-http" : "",
+ "cgi-host" : "",
+ "cgi-bin-root" : "",
+ "cgi-sqlite-search-filename" : "",
+ "cgi-url-root" : "",
+ "cgi-url-action" : "",
+ "cgi-search-title" : "",
+ "config" : "",
+ "lang" : "all",
+ "set-papersize" : "",
+ "set-textwrap" : "",
+ "set-digest" : "",
+ "sqlite-db-path" : "",
+ "sqlite-db-filename" : "",
+** conf build - views/configuration.txt REFERENCE
+- see: config_d_cfte.org
+ for configuration_example.txt
+struct Cfg {
+ string www_http = "http";
+ string www_host = "localhost";
+ string www_url_doc_root = "http://localhost";
+ string www_doc_root = "/srv/www/spine";
+ string www_host_doc_root = "localhost";
+ string cgi_bin_root = "/var/www/cgi/cgi-bin";
+ string cgi_bin_subpath = "";
+ string cgi_filename = "spine_search";
+ string cgi_url_root = "http://localhost/";
+ string cgi_port = "";
+ string cgi_user = "";
+ string cgi_url_action = "http://localhost/spine_search";
+ string cgi_search_form_title = "≅ SiSU Spine search";
+ string db_sqlite_path = "/var/www/sqlite";
+ string db_sqlite_filename = "spine.search.db";
+ string default_language = "en";
+ string default_papersize = "a4";
+ string default_text_wrap = "80";
+ string default_hash_digest = "sha256";
+enum _cfg = Cfg();
+** conf yaml - .dr/config_site_local REFERENCE
+#+HEADER: :tangle "../.dr/config_local_site_example"
#+BEGIN_SRC yaml
+# config_local_site
+# read from directories ... FIX provide list
- act0: "--html"
- act1: "--html --epub"
+ act0: "--html"
+ act1: "--html --epub"
- path: "/var/www/html"
+ path: "/srv/www/spine"
- language: "en"
- papersize: "a4"
- text_wrap: "80"
- digest: "sha256"
+ language: "en"
+ papersize: "a4"
+ text_wrap: "80"
+ digest: "sha256"
- http: "http"
- host: "localhost"
- data_http: "http"
- data_host: "localhost"
- data_root_url: "http://localhost"
- data_root_path: "/var/www/html"
- data_root_part: ""
- images_root_part: "image"
- cgi_http: "http"
- cgi_host: "localhost"
- cgi_bin_url: "http://localhost/cgi-bin"
- cgi_bin_subpath: "cgi-bin"
- cgi_bin_path: "/usr/lib/cgi-bin"
- cgi_search_form_title: "≅ SiSU Spine search"
- cgi_search_script: "spine_search"
- cgi_search_script_raw_fn_d: "spine_search.d"
- cgi_port: ""
- cgi_user: ""
- cgi_action: "http://localhost/cgi-bin/spine-search"
- db_sqlite: "spine.search.db"
- db_pg_table: ""
- db_pg_user: ""
+ http: "https" # "http"
+ domain: "sisudoc" # "localhost"
+ data_http: "https" # "http"
+ data_domain: "sisudoc" # "localhost"
+ data_root_url: "https://sisudoc.org" # "http://localhost"
+ data_root_path: "/srv/www/spine" # "/var/www/html"
+ data_root_part: ""
+ images_root_part: "image"
+ cgi_search_form_title: "≅ SiSU Spine search"
+ cgi_http: "https" # "http"
+ cgi_domain: "sisudoc.org" # "localhost"
+ cgi_bin_url: "http://sisudoc.org/cgi-bin" # "http://localhost/cgi-bin"
+ cgi_bin_part: "cgi-bin"
+ cgi_bin_path: "/var/www/cgi/cgi-bin" # "/usr/lib/cgi-bin"
+ cgi_search_script: "spine_search"
+ cgi_search_script_raw_fn_d: "spine_search.d"
+ cgi_port: ""
+ cgi_user: ""
+ cgi_action: "https://sisudoc.org/spine_search" # "http://localhost/cgi-bin/spine-search"
+ db_sqlite_filename: "spine.search.db"
+ db_sqlite_path: "/var/www/sqlite"
+ db_pg_table: ""
+ db_pg_user: ""
** imports
@@ -278,7 +413,6 @@ struct ConfCompositeSiteLocal {
string w_srv_cgi_host; // if not set same as webserv_host
string w_srv_cgi_bin_subpath;
string w_srv_cgi_bin_path;
- string w_srv_cgi_search_title;
string w_srv_cgi_search_script;
string w_srv_cgi_search_script_raw_fn_d;
string w_srv_cgi_port;
@@ -426,244 +560,296 @@ template contentYAMLtoSpineStruct() {
ConfComposite _struct_composite;
- @system auto contentYAMLtoSpineStruct(C,Y,M,O)(
- C _struct_composite,
- Y _yaml,
- M _manifested,
- O _opt_action,
+ @system auto contentYAMLtoSpineStruct(C,Y,M,O,Cfg)(
+ C _struct_composite,
+ Y _yaml,
+ M _manifested,
+ O _opt_action,
+ Cfg _cfg,
string _identifier
) {
mixin spineRgxIn;
static auto rgx = RgxI();
confCompositeMakeBuild _mk;
- <<yaml_objects_make>>
- <<yaml_objects_conf>>
- <<yaml_objects_meta>>
+ if (_identifier != "header") { // called only once per run anyway
+ <<yaml_objects_conf>>
+ } else {
+ <<yaml_objects_make>>
+ <<yaml_objects_meta>>
+ }
return _struct_composite;
-** make
+** conf
-#+NAME: yaml_objects_make
+#+NAME: yaml_objects_conf
-/+ make ------------------------------------------------------------------- +/
-if ("make" in _yaml
- && _yaml["make"].type.sequence
-) {
- if (_yaml["make"].type.mapping
- && _yaml["make"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map)
- ) {
- if ("bold" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["bold"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["bold"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.make_str.bold = _yaml["make"]["bold"].get!string;
- }
- if ("breaks" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["breaks"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["breaks"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.make_str.breaks = _yaml["make"]["breaks"].get!string;
+/+ conf ------------------------------------------------------------------- +/
+ _cfg. build defaults (else program runtime defaults)
+ local_site_configuration defaults
+ command line overrides
+ if (_opt_action.webserver_http.length > 0) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_http
+ = _opt_action.webserver_http;
+ } else {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_http
+ = (_cfg.www_http.empty)
+ ? "http"
+ : _cfg.www_http;
+ if (("webserv" in _yaml && _yaml["webserv"].type.sequence)
+ && (_yaml["webserv"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["webserv"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map))
+ ) {
+ if ("http" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["http"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["http"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_http
+ = _yaml["webserv"]["http"].get!string;
+ }
- if ("cover_image" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["cover_image"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["cover_image"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.make_str.cover_image = _yaml["make"]["cover_image"].get!string;
+ }
+ if (_opt_action.cgi_search_title.length > 0) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_form_title
+ = _opt_action.cgi_search_title;
+ } else {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_form_title
+ = (_cfg.cgi_search_form_title.empty)
+ ? "≅ SiSU spine search form"
+ : _cfg.cgi_search_form_title;
+ if (("webserv" in _yaml && _yaml["webserv"].type.sequence)
+ && (_yaml["webserv"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["webserv"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map))
+ ) {
+ if ("cgi_search_form_title" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_form_title"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_form_title"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_form_title
+ = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_form_title"].get!string;
+ }
- if ("css" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["css"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["css"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.make_str.css = _yaml["make"]["css"].get!string;
+ }
+ if (_opt_action.cgi_sqlite_search_filename.length > 0) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_script
+ = _opt_action.cgi_sqlite_search_filename;
+ } else {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_script
+ = (_cfg.cgi_filename.empty)
+ ? "spine_search"
+ : _cfg.cgi_filename;
+ if (("webserv" in _yaml && _yaml["webserv"].type.sequence)
+ && (_yaml["webserv"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["webserv"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map))
+ ) {
+ if ("cgi_search_script" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_script"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_script"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_script
+ = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_script"].get!string;
+ }
- if ("emphasis" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["emphasis"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["emphasis"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.make_str.emphasis = _yaml["make"]["emphasis"].get!string;
+ }
+ if (_opt_action.sqliteDB_filename.length > 0) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_db_sqlite_filename
+ = _opt_action.sqliteDB_filename;
+ } else {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_db_sqlite_filename
+ = (_cfg.db_sqlite_filename.empty)
+ ? "spine.search.db"
+ : _cfg.db_sqlite_filename;
+ if (("webserv" in _yaml && _yaml["webserv"].type.sequence)
+ && (_yaml["webserv"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["webserv"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map))
+ ) {
+ if ("db_sqlite_filename" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["db_sqlite_filename"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["db_sqlite_filename"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_db_sqlite_filename
+ = _yaml["webserv"]["db_sqlite_filename"].get!string;
+ }
- if ("footer" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["footer"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["footer"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- char[][] __match_footer_array
- = (cast(char[]) _yaml["make"]["footer"].get!string)
- .split(rgx.make_heading_delimiter);
- _struct_composite.make_str.footer = __match_footer_array.to!(string[]);
+ }
+ if (_opt_action.sqliteDB_path.length > 0) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_db_sqlite_path
+ = _opt_action.sqliteDB_path;
+ } else {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_db_sqlite_path
+ = (_cfg.db_sqlite_path.empty)
+ ? "/var/www/sqlite"
+ : _cfg.db_sqlite_path;
+ if (("webserv" in _yaml && _yaml["webserv"].type.sequence)
+ && (_yaml["webserv"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["webserv"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map))
+ ) {
+ if ("db_sqlite_path" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["db_sqlite_path"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["db_sqlite_path"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_db_sqlite_path
+ = _yaml["webserv"]["db_sqlite_path"].get!string;
+ }
- if ("headings" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["headings"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["headings"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- char[][] __match_headings_array
- = (cast(char[]) _yaml["make"]["headings"].get!string)
- .split(rgx.make_heading_delimiter);
- _struct_composite.make_str.headings = __match_headings_array.to!(string[]);
- } else if ("headings" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["headings"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["headings"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_seq)
- ) {
- foreach(string identify_heading_level; _yaml["make"]["headings"]) {
- _struct_composite.make_str.headings ~= identify_heading_level;
+ }
+ if (_opt_action.cgi_url_action.length > 0) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_action
+ = _opt_action.cgi_url_action;
+ } else {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_action
+ = (_cfg.www_url_doc_root.empty)
+ ? "http://locahost" // "https://sisudoc.org"
+ : _cfg.www_url_doc_root;
+ if (("webserv" in _yaml && _yaml["webserv"].type.sequence)
+ && (_yaml["webserv"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["webserv"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map))
+ ) {
+ if ("cgi_action" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_action"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_action"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_action
+ = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_action"].get!string;
+ } else if (_opt_action.cgi_sqlite_search_filename.length > 0) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_action
+ = _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_bin_url ~ "/" ~ _opt_action.cgi_sqlite_search_filename;
- if ("home_button_image" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["home_button_image"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["home_button_image"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- char[][] __match_home_button_image_array
- = (cast(char[]) _yaml["make"]["home_button_image"].get!string)
- .split(rgx.make_heading_delimiter);
- _struct_composite.make_str.home_button_image = __match_home_button_image_array.to!(string[]);
+ }
+ if (!(_struct_composite.conf.output_path)) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.output_path = ((_manifested.output.path).asNormalizedPath).array;
+ } {
+ if (_opt_action.output_dir_set.length > 0) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.output_path
+ = (_opt_action.output_dir_set.asNormalizedPath).array;
+ } else {
+ _struct_composite.conf.output_path
+ = (_cfg.www_doc_root.empty)
+ ? "/srv/www/spine"
+ : _cfg.www_doc_root;
+ if (("webserv" in _yaml && _yaml["webserv"].type.sequence)
+ && (_yaml["webserv"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["webserv"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map))
+ ) {
+ if (_yaml["output"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["output"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map)
+ ) {
+ if ("path" in _yaml["output"]
+ && _yaml["output"]["path"].type.string
+ && _yaml["output"]["path"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ if (_manifested.output.path == _manifested.env.pwd
+ && _yaml["output"]["path"].get!string.length > 0
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.output_path = (((_yaml["output"]["path"].get!string).expandTilde).asNormalizedPath).array;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if ("home_button_text" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["home_button_text"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["home_button_text"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.make_str.home_button_text = _yaml["make"]["home_button_text"].get!string;
- } else if ("home_button_text" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["home_button_text"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["home_button_text"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_seq)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.make_str.home_button_text = "";
- foreach(string hbt; _yaml["make"]["home_button_text"]) {
- _struct_composite.make_str.home_button_text ~= hbt ~ "; ";
+ if (_opt_action.webserver_host_doc_root.length > 0) { // same as output_path immediately above, resolve FIX REMOVE
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_path
+ = _opt_action.webserver_host_doc_root;
+ } else {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_path
+ = (_cfg.www_doc_root.empty)
+ ? "/var/www/spine"
+ : _cfg.www_doc_root;
+ if (("webserv" in _yaml && _yaml["webserv"].type.sequence)
+ && (_yaml["webserv"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["webserv"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map))
+ ) {
+ if ("data_root_path" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_path"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_path"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_path
+ = _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_path"].get!string;
+ }
- if ("italics" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["italics"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["italics"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.make_str.italics = _yaml["make"]["italics"].get!string;
+ }
+ if (_opt_action.cgi_bin_root.length > 0) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_bin_path
+ = _opt_action.cgi_bin_root;
+ } else {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_bin_path
+ = (_cfg.cgi_bin_root.empty)
+ ? "/var/www/cgi/cgi-bin"
+ : _cfg.cgi_bin_root;
+ if (("webserv" in _yaml && _yaml["webserv"].type.sequence)
+ && (_yaml["webserv"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["webserv"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map))
+ ) {
+ if ("cgi_bin_path" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_bin_path"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_bin_path"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_bin_path
+ = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_bin_path"].get!string;
+ }
- if ("auto_num_top_at_level" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["auto_num_top_at_level"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["auto_num_top_at_level"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ }
+ { _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_part
+ = "";
+ if (("webserv" in _yaml && _yaml["webserv"].type.sequence)
+ && (_yaml["webserv"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["webserv"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map))
) {
- _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_at_level = _yaml["make"]["auto_num_top_at_level"].get!string;
- switch (_yaml["make"]["auto_num_top_at_level"].get!string) {
- case "A":
- break;
- case "B": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 1;
- break;
- case "C": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 2;
- break;
- case "D": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 3;
- break;
- case "1": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 4;
- break;
- case "2": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 5;
- break;
- case "3": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 6;
- break;
- case "4": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 7;
- break;
- default:
- break;
+ if ("data_root_part" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_part"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_part"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_part = _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_part"].get!string;
- if ("auto_num_depth" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["auto_num_depth"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["auto_num_depth"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_int)
- ) { // not sure implemented for documents
- _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_depth = _yaml["make"]["auto_num_depth"].get!int;
- } else if ("auto_num_depth" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["auto_num_depth"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["auto_num_depth"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) { // not sure implemented for documents
- _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_depth = _yaml["make"]["auto_num_depth"].get!int;
- }
- if ("texpdf_font" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["texpdf_font"].type.string
+ }
+ { _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_images_root_part
+ = "image";
+ if (("webserv" in _yaml && _yaml["webserv"].type.sequence)
+ && (_yaml["webserv"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["webserv"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map))
) {
- _struct_composite.make_str.texpdf_font = _yaml["make"]["texpdf_font"].get!string;
+ if ("images_root_part" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["images_root_part"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["images_root_part"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_images_root_part = _yaml["webserv"]["images_root_part"].get!string;
+ }
- _struct_composite.make.bold = _mk.bold(_struct_composite.make_str.bold);
- _struct_composite.make.breaks = _mk.breaks(_struct_composite.make_str.breaks);
- _struct_composite.make.cover_image = _mk.cover_image(_struct_composite.make_str.cover_image);
- _struct_composite.make.css = _mk.css(_struct_composite.make_str.css);
- _struct_composite.make.emphasis = _mk.emphasis(_struct_composite.make_str.emphasis);
- _struct_composite.make.footer = _mk.footer(_struct_composite.make_str.footer);
- _struct_composite.make.headings = _mk.headings(_struct_composite.make_str.headings);
- _struct_composite.make.home_button_image = _mk.home_button_image(_struct_composite.make_str.home_button_image);
- _struct_composite.make.home_button_text = _mk.home_button_text(_struct_composite.make_str.home_button_text);
- _struct_composite.make.italics = _mk.italics(_struct_composite.make_str.italics);
- _struct_composite.make.auto_num_top_at_level = _mk.auto_num_top_at_level(_struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_at_level);
- _struct_composite.make.auto_num_top_lv = _mk.auto_num_top_lv(_struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv);
- _struct_composite.make.auto_num_depth = _mk.auto_num_depth(_struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_depth);
- _struct_composite.make.substitute = _mk.substitute(_struct_composite.make_str.substitute);
- _struct_composite.make.texpdf_font = _mk.texpdf_font(_struct_composite.make_str.texpdf_font);
-** conf
-#+NAME: yaml_objects_conf
-/+ conf ------------------------------------------------------------------- +/
-if ("webserv" in _yaml
- && _yaml["webserv"].type.sequence
-) {
- if (_yaml["webserv"].type.mapping
- && _yaml["webserv"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map)
- ) {
- if ("http" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["http"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["http"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_http = _yaml["webserv"]["http"].get!string;
- } // else { set default? }
+if (("webserv" in _yaml
+ && _yaml["webserv"].type.sequence)
+ && (_yaml["webserv"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["webserv"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map))
+) { // cannot be used as is with opt_action FIX look at remaining, decide what to do later
if ("data_http" in _yaml["webserv"]
&& _yaml["webserv"]["data_http"].type.string
&& _yaml["webserv"]["data_http"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
) {
_struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_http = _yaml["webserv"]["data_http"].get!string;
+ // if (_opt_action.*.length > 0) {
if ("cgi_http" in _yaml["webserv"]
&& _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_http"].type.string
&& _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_http"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
) {
_struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_http = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_http"].get!string;
+ // if (_opt_action.*.length > 0) {
if ("host" in _yaml["webserv"]
&& _yaml["webserv"]["host"].type.string
&& _yaml["webserv"]["host"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
) {
_struct_composite.conf.w_srv_host = _yaml["webserv"]["host"].get!string;
- // if ("data_root_url" in _yaml["webserv"]
- // && _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_url"].type.string
- // && _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_url"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- // ) {
- // _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_url = _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_url"].get!string;
- // if (auto m = _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_url.match(rgx.webserv_url_doc_root)) {
- // _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_url_host = m.captures[2].to!string;
- // _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_url_doc_path = m.captures[3].to!string;
- // }
- // }
- if ("data_root_path" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_path"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_path"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_path = _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_path"].get!string;
- }
- if ("data_root_part" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_part"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_part"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_part = _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_part"].get!string;
- }
- if ("images_root_part" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["images_root_part"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["images_root_part"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_images_root_part = _yaml["webserv"]["images_root_part"].get!string;
- }
if ("data_root_url" in _yaml["webserv"]
&& _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_url"].type.string
&& _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_url"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
@@ -688,59 +874,12 @@ if ("webserv" in _yaml
} else { // composite construct
_struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_host = _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_host;
- if ("cgi_search_form_title" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_form_title"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_form_title"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_form_title = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_form_title"].get!string;
- }
if ("cgi_bin_subpath" in _yaml["webserv"]
&& _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_bin_subpath"].type.string
&& _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_bin_subpath"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
) {
_struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_bin_subpath = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_bin_subpath"].get!string;
- if ("cgi_bin_path" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_bin_path"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_bin_path"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_bin_path = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_bin_path"].get!string;
- }
- if (_opt_action.cgi_search_title.length > 0) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_title = _opt_action.cgi_search_title;
- } else if ("cgi_search_title" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_title"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_title"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_title = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_title"].get!string;
- } else {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_title = "≅ SiSU spine search form";
- }
- if (_opt_action.cgi_sqlite_search_filename.length > 0) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_script = _opt_action.cgi_sqlite_search_filename;
- } else if ("cgi_search_script" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_script"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_script"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_script = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_script"].get!string;
- } else {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_script = "spine_search";
- }
- if (_opt_action.cgi_sqlite_search_filename_d.length > 0) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_script_raw_fn_d = _opt_action.cgi_sqlite_search_filename_d;
- } else if ("cgi_search_script_raw_fn_d" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_script_raw_fn_d"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_script_raw_fn_d"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_script_raw_fn_d = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_script_raw_fn_d"].get!string;
- } else if ("cgi_search_script" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_script"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_script"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_script_raw_fn_d = (_yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_script"].get!string).translate(['-' : "_"]) ~ ".d";
- } else {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_script_raw_fn_d = "spine_search.d";
- }
if ("cgi_port" in _yaml["webserv"]
&& _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_port"].type.string
&& _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_port"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
@@ -769,66 +908,14 @@ if ("webserv" in _yaml
: _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_host
~ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_bin_subpath;
- if (_opt_action.cgi_url_action.length > 0) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_action = _opt_action.cgi_url_action;
- } else if ("cgi_action" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_action"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_action"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_action = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_action"].get!string;
- } else if (_opt_action.cgi_sqlite_search_filename.length > 0) { // WORKON
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_action = _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_bin_url ~ "/" ~ _opt_action.cgi_sqlite_search_filename;
- } else { // action is composite, build
- }
// if ("cgi_file_links" in _yaml["webserv"]
// && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_file_links"].type.string
// && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_file_links"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
// ) {
// _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_file_links = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_file_links"].get!string;
// }
- if (_opt_action.sqliteDB_filename.length > 0) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_db_sqlite_filename = _opt_action.sqliteDB_filename;
- } else if ("db_sqlite_filename" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["db_sqlite_filename"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["db_sqlite_filename"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_db_sqlite_filename = _yaml["webserv"]["db_sqlite_filename"].get!string;
- } else { // set default ?
- }
- if (_opt_action.sqliteDB_path.length > 0) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_db_sqlite_path = _opt_action.sqliteDB_path;
- } else if ("db_sqlite_path" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["db_sqlite_path"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["db_sqlite_path"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_db_sqlite_path = _yaml["webserv"]["db_sqlite_path"].get!string;
- } else { // set default ?
- }
- }
-if (!(_struct_composite.conf.output_path)) {
- _struct_composite.conf.output_path = ((_manifested.output.path).asNormalizedPath).array;
-if (_opt_action.output_dir_set.length > 0) {
- _struct_composite.conf.output_path = (_opt_action.output_dir_set.asNormalizedPath).array;
-} else if ("output" in _yaml
- && _yaml["output"].type.sequence
-) {
- if (_yaml["output"].type.mapping
- && _yaml["output"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map)
- ) {
- if ("path" in _yaml["output"]
- && _yaml["output"]["path"].type.string
- && _yaml["output"]["path"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- if (_manifested.output.path == _manifested.env.pwd
- && _yaml["output"]["path"].get!string.length > 0
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.output_path = (((_yaml["output"]["path"].get!string).expandTilde).asNormalizedPath).array;
- }
- }
- }
+// make (in: conf, make, meta)?
if ("processing" in _yaml
&& _yaml["processing"].type.sequence
) {
@@ -1054,6 +1141,163 @@ if ("search" in _yaml
+** make
+#+NAME: yaml_objects_make
+/+ make ------------------------------------------------------------------- +/
+if ("make" in _yaml
+ && _yaml["make"].type.sequence
+) {
+ if (_yaml["make"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["make"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map)
+ ) {
+ if ("bold" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["bold"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["bold"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.bold = _yaml["make"]["bold"].get!string;
+ }
+ if ("breaks" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["breaks"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["breaks"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.breaks = _yaml["make"]["breaks"].get!string;
+ }
+ if ("cover_image" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["cover_image"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["cover_image"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.cover_image = _yaml["make"]["cover_image"].get!string;
+ }
+ if ("css" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["css"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["css"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.css = _yaml["make"]["css"].get!string;
+ }
+ if ("emphasis" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["emphasis"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["emphasis"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.emphasis = _yaml["make"]["emphasis"].get!string;
+ }
+ if ("footer" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["footer"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["footer"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ char[][] __match_footer_array
+ = (cast(char[]) _yaml["make"]["footer"].get!string)
+ .split(rgx.make_heading_delimiter);
+ _struct_composite.make_str.footer = __match_footer_array.to!(string[]);
+ }
+ if ("headings" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["headings"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["headings"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ char[][] __match_headings_array
+ = (cast(char[]) _yaml["make"]["headings"].get!string)
+ .split(rgx.make_heading_delimiter);
+ _struct_composite.make_str.headings = __match_headings_array.to!(string[]);
+ } else if ("headings" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["headings"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["headings"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_seq)
+ ) {
+ foreach(string identify_heading_level; _yaml["make"]["headings"]) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.headings ~= identify_heading_level;
+ }
+ }
+ if ("home_button_image" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["home_button_image"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["home_button_image"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ char[][] __match_home_button_image_array
+ = (cast(char[]) _yaml["make"]["home_button_image"].get!string)
+ .split(rgx.make_heading_delimiter);
+ _struct_composite.make_str.home_button_image = __match_home_button_image_array.to!(string[]);
+ }
+ if ("home_button_text" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["home_button_text"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["home_button_text"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.home_button_text = _yaml["make"]["home_button_text"].get!string;
+ } else if ("home_button_text" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["home_button_text"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["home_button_text"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_seq)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.home_button_text = "";
+ foreach(string hbt; _yaml["make"]["home_button_text"]) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.home_button_text ~= hbt ~ "; ";
+ }
+ }
+ if ("italics" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["italics"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["italics"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.italics = _yaml["make"]["italics"].get!string;
+ }
+ if ("auto_num_top_at_level" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["auto_num_top_at_level"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["auto_num_top_at_level"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_at_level = _yaml["make"]["auto_num_top_at_level"].get!string;
+ switch (_yaml["make"]["auto_num_top_at_level"].get!string) {
+ case "A":
+ break;
+ case "B": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 1;
+ break;
+ case "C": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 2;
+ break;
+ case "D": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 3;
+ break;
+ case "1": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 4;
+ break;
+ case "2": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 5;
+ break;
+ case "3": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 6;
+ break;
+ case "4": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 7;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ("auto_num_depth" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["auto_num_depth"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["auto_num_depth"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_int)
+ ) { // not sure implemented for documents
+ _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_depth = _yaml["make"]["auto_num_depth"].get!int;
+ } else if ("auto_num_depth" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["auto_num_depth"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["auto_num_depth"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) { // not sure implemented for documents
+ _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_depth = _yaml["make"]["auto_num_depth"].get!int;
+ }
+ if ("texpdf_font" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["texpdf_font"].type.string
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.texpdf_font = _yaml["make"]["texpdf_font"].get!string;
+ }
+ }
+ _struct_composite.make.bold = _mk.bold(_struct_composite.make_str.bold);
+ _struct_composite.make.breaks = _mk.breaks(_struct_composite.make_str.breaks);
+ _struct_composite.make.cover_image = _mk.cover_image(_struct_composite.make_str.cover_image);
+ _struct_composite.make.css = _mk.css(_struct_composite.make_str.css);
+ _struct_composite.make.emphasis = _mk.emphasis(_struct_composite.make_str.emphasis);
+ _struct_composite.make.footer = _mk.footer(_struct_composite.make_str.footer);
+ _struct_composite.make.headings = _mk.headings(_struct_composite.make_str.headings);
+ _struct_composite.make.home_button_image = _mk.home_button_image(_struct_composite.make_str.home_button_image);
+ _struct_composite.make.home_button_text = _mk.home_button_text(_struct_composite.make_str.home_button_text);
+ _struct_composite.make.italics = _mk.italics(_struct_composite.make_str.italics);
+ _struct_composite.make.auto_num_top_at_level = _mk.auto_num_top_at_level(_struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_at_level);
+ _struct_composite.make.auto_num_top_lv = _mk.auto_num_top_lv(_struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv);
+ _struct_composite.make.auto_num_depth = _mk.auto_num_depth(_struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_depth);
+ _struct_composite.make.substitute = _mk.substitute(_struct_composite.make_str.substitute);
+ _struct_composite.make.texpdf_font = _mk.texpdf_font(_struct_composite.make_str.texpdf_font);
** meta
#+NAME: yaml_objects_meta
@@ -2112,11 +2356,12 @@ template configParseYAMLreturnSpineStruct() {
mixin contentYAMLtoSpineStruct;
- @system auto configParseYAMLreturnSpineStruct(T,CCm,M,O)(
+ @system auto configParseYAMLreturnSpineStruct(T,CCm,M,O,Cfg)(
T _document_struct,
CCm _make_and_meta_struct,
M _manifested,
- O _opt_action
+ O _opt_action,
+ Cfg _cfg
Node _yaml;
if (_document_struct.content.length > 0) {
@@ -2129,7 +2374,7 @@ template configParseYAMLreturnSpineStruct() {
try {
- = contentYAMLtoSpineStruct!()(_make_and_meta_struct, _yaml, _manifested, _opt_action, _document_struct.filename);
+ = contentYAMLtoSpineStruct!()(_make_and_meta_struct, _yaml, _manifested, _opt_action, _cfg, _document_struct.filename);
} catch (Throwable) {
import std.stdio;
writeln("ERROR failed to convert yaml to struct: ", _document_struct.filename);
@@ -2163,11 +2408,12 @@ template docHeaderMakeAndMetaTupYamlExtractAndConvertToStruct() {
mixin spineRgxIn;
mixin contentJSONtoSpineStruct;
static auto rgx = RgxI();
- @system auto docHeaderMakeAndMetaTupYamlExtractAndConvertToStruct(CCm,Src,M,O)(
+ @system auto docHeaderMakeAndMetaTupYamlExtractAndConvertToStruct(CCm,Src,M,O,Cfg)(
Src header_src,
CCm _make_and_meta_struct,
M _manifested,
O _opt_action,
+ Cfg _cfg,
) {
Node _yaml;
try {
@@ -2175,7 +2421,7 @@ template docHeaderMakeAndMetaTupYamlExtractAndConvertToStruct() {
if (("title" in _yaml) && ("creator" in _yaml)) {} else { // need test for _yaml content (does not work)
writeln("ERROR failed to read document header, yaml header does not contain essential information related to title and author");
- return contentYAMLtoSpineStruct!()(_make_and_meta_struct, _yaml, _manifested, _opt_action, "header");
+ return contentYAMLtoSpineStruct!()(_make_and_meta_struct, _yaml, _manifested, _opt_action, _cfg, "header");
} catch (Throwable) {
writeln("ERROR failed to read document header, header not parsed as yaml: ", _manifested.src.filename);
return _make_and_meta_struct;
diff --git a/org/out_cgi_search_sqlite.org b/org/out_cgi_search_sqlite.org
index 6b41da8..f65b1b7 100644
--- a/org/out_cgi_search_sqlite.org
+++ b/org/out_cgi_search_sqlite.org
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ mixin GenericMain!cgi_function_intro;
make_and_meta_struct.conf.output_path ~ "/sqlite/",
- ? make_and_meta_struct.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_title
+ ? make_and_meta_struct.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_form_title
: opt_action.cgi_search_title,
(opt_action.css_theme_default) ? "FFFFFF" : "000000",
(opt_action.css_theme_default) ? "000000" : "CCCCCC",
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ mixin GenericMain!cgi_function_intro;
(opt_action.css_theme_default) ? "000000" : "FFFF48",
(opt_action.css_theme_default) ? "FFFF48" : "777748",
- ? make_and_meta_struct.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_title
+ ? make_and_meta_struct.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_form_title
: opt_action.cgi_search_title,
(opt_action.css_theme_default) ? "222222" : "AAAAAA",
diff --git a/org/spine.org b/org/spine.org
index 805524d..fa246b9 100644
--- a/org/spine.org
+++ b/org/spine.org
@@ -393,48 +393,30 @@ bool[string] opts = [
***** initialize settings
-NOTES on configuration hierarchy:
-- compile time program defaults views/configuration.txt in config_d_cfte.org
- - config_d_cfte.org (writes views/configuration.txt)
- - compile time program defaults, set in views/configuration.txt
- - found in: _cfg.*
-- run time default configuration administrators config ".dr/config_site_local"
- - in_source_files.org readConfigSite (reads administrators site defaults from
- yaml config file)
- - meta_conf_make_meta.org struct ConfCompositeSiteLocal
- - administrator site defaults read from yaml configuration file
- ".dr/config_site_local"
- - found in: "doc_matters.conf_make_meta.conf." (incorporates _cfg.* as
- initial default values that are overridden if set)
- - ("conf_make_meta.make" (& "conf_make_meta.meta") also available taken from
- document headers)
-- command line execution configuration instruction
- - spine.org (org heading: initialize settings) (command line overrides)
- - command line settings/overrides
- - found in: doc_matters.opt.action.*
+NOTES on configuration hierarchy: see meta_conf_make_meta.org
#+NAME: spine_args_init_settings
string[string] settings = [
- "output" : "", //_cfg.www_doc_root, // "/srv/www/spine/static" or "/var/www/html"
- "www-http" : "", //_cfg.www_http, // "http" or "https"
- "www-host" : "", //_cfg.www_host, // start with "localhost" ?
- "www-host-doc-root" : "", //_cfg.www_host_doc_root, // start with "localhost" ?
- "www-url-doc-root" : "", //_cfg.www_url_doc_root, // start with "http://localhost" ?
- "cgi-http" : "", //_cfg.cgi_http, // suggest
- "cgi-host" : "", //_cfg.cgi_host, // suggest
- "cgi-bin-root" : "", //_cfg.cgi_bin_root, // suggest "/var/www/cgi/cgi-bin"
- "cgi-sqlite-search-filename" : "", //_cfg.cgi_filename, // suggest "spine_search" (though "spine-search" would have been preferable?)
- "cgi-url-root" : "", //_cfg.cgi_url_root, // start with "http://localhost/cgi-bin" ?
- "cgi-url-action" : "", //_cfg.cgi_url_action, // start with "http://localhost/cgi-bin/spine-search"
- "cgi-search-title" : "", //_cfg.cgi_search_form_title, // e.g. "≅ SiSU Spine search"
+ "output" : "",
+ "www-http" : "",
+ "www-host" : "",
+ "www-host-doc-root" : "",
+ "www-url-doc-root" : "",
+ "cgi-http" : "",
+ "cgi-host" : "",
+ "cgi-bin-root" : "",
+ "cgi-sqlite-search-filename" : "",
+ "cgi-url-root" : "",
+ "cgi-url-action" : "",
+ "cgi-search-title" : "",
"config" : "",
- "lang" : "all", //_cfg.default_language, // suggest "all" or "en" (default which language to process)
- "set-papersize" : "", //_cfg.default_papersize, // suggest: a4
- "set-textwrap" : "", //_cfg.default_text_wrap, // suggest: 80
- "set-digest" : "", //_cfg.default_hash_digest, // suggest: sha256
- "sqlite-db-path" : "", //_cfg.db_sqlite_path, // suggest: "/var/www/sqlite"
- "sqlite-db-filename" : "", //_cfg.db_sqlite_filename, // suggest: "spine-search.db"
+ "lang" : "all",
+ "set-papersize" : "",
+ "set-textwrap" : "",
+ "set-digest" : "",
+ "sqlite-db-path" : "",
+ "sqlite-db-filename" : "",
@@ -449,10 +431,10 @@ auto helpInfo = getopt(args,
"assert", "set optional assertions on", &opts["assertions"],
"cgi-search-form-codegen", "generates (pre-compiled) d code for search of specified db", &opts["cgi-search-form-codegen"],
"cgi-bin-root", "path to cgi-bin directory", &settings["cgi-bin-root"],
- "cgi-sqlite-search-filename", "cgi-bin sqlite search form name", &settings["cgi-sqlite-search-filename"],
"cgi-url-root", "url to cgi-bin (to find cgi-bin)", &settings["cgi-url-root"],
"cgi-url-action", "url to post to cgi-bin search form", &settings["cgi-url-action"],
- "cgi-search-title", "title for cgi-bin search form", &settings["cgi-search-title"],
+ "cgi-search-title", "if generating a cgi search form the title to use for it", &settings["cgi-search-title"],
+ "cgi-sqlite-search-filename", "=[filename] default is spine-search", &settings["cgi-sqlite-search-filename"],
"concordance", "file for document", &opts["concordance"],
"curate", "extract info on authors & topics from document header metadata", &opts["curate"],
"curate-authors", "extract info on authors from document header metadata", &opts["curate-authors"],
@@ -467,6 +449,7 @@ auto helpInfo = getopt(args,
"html-link-search", "html embedded search submission", &opts["html-link-search"],
"html-seg", "process html output", &opts["html-seg"],
"html-scroll", "process html output", &opts["html-scroll"],
+ "lang", "=[lang code e.g. =en or =en,es]", &settings["lang"],
"latex", "output for pdfs", &opts["latex"],
"latex-color-links", "mono or color links for pdfs", &opts["latex-color-links"],
"light", "default light theme", &opts["light"],
@@ -474,6 +457,7 @@ auto helpInfo = getopt(args,
"ocn-off", "object cite numbers", &opts["ocn-off"],
"odf", "open document format text (--odt)", &opts["odf"],
"odt", "open document format text", &opts["odt"],
+ "output", "=/path/to/output/dir specify where to place output", &settings["output"],
"parallel", "parallelisation", &opts["parallel"],
"parallel-subprocesses", "nested parallelisation", &opts["parallel-subprocesses"],
"pdf", "latex output for pdfs", &opts["pdf"],
@@ -501,6 +485,8 @@ auto helpInfo = getopt(args,
"sqlite-discrete", "process discrete sqlite output", &opts["sqlite-discrete"],
"sqlite-db-create", "create db, create tables", &opts["sqlite-db-create"],
"sqlite-db-drop", "drop tables & db", &opts["sqlite-db-drop"],
+ "sqlite-db-filename", "sqlite db to create, populate & make available for search", &settings["sqlite-db-filename"],
+ "sqlite-db-path", "sqlite db path", &settings["sqlite-db-path"],
"sqlite-db-recreate", "create db, create tables", &opts["sqlite-db-recreate"],
"sqlite-delete", "sqlite output", &opts["sqlite-delete"],
"sqlite-insert", "sqlite output", &opts["sqlite-insert"],
@@ -517,13 +503,7 @@ auto helpInfo = getopt(args,
"very-verbose", "output to terminal", &opts["very-verbose"],
"workon", "(reserved for some matters under development & testing)", &opts["workon"],
"xhtml", "xhtml output", &opts["xhtml"],
- "cgi-search-title", "if generating a cgi search form the title to use for it", &settings["cgi-search-title"],
- "cgi-sqlite-search-filename", "=[filename] default is spine-search", &settings["cgi-sqlite-search-filename"],
"config", "=/path/to/config/file/including/filename", &settings["config"],
- "lang", "=[lang code e.g. =en or =en,es]", &settings["lang"],
- "output", "=/path/to/output/dir specify where to place output", &settings["output"],
- "sqlite-db-path", "sqlite db path", &settings["sqlite-db-path"],
- "sqlite-db-filename", "sqlite db to create, populate & make available for search", &settings["sqlite-db-filename"],
// "sqlite-db-filename", "=[filename].sql.db", &settings["sqlite-db-filename"],
if (helpInfo.helpWanted) {
@@ -723,12 +703,6 @@ struct OptActions {
@trusted string cgi_bin_root() {
return settings["cgi-bin-root"];
- @trusted string cgi_url_root() {
- return settings["cgi-url-root"];
- }
- @trusted string cgi_url_action() {
- return settings["cgi-url-action"];
- }
@trusted string cgi_search_title() {
return settings["cgi-search-title"];
@@ -740,6 +714,12 @@ struct OptActions {
? (settings["cgi-sqlite-search-filename"].translate(['-' : "_"]) ~ ".d")
: "";
+ @trusted string cgi_url_root() {
+ return settings["cgi-url-root"];
+ }
+ @trusted string cgi_url_action() {
+ return settings["cgi-url-action"];
+ }
@trusted string hash_digest_type() {
return settings["set-digest"];
@@ -749,16 +729,16 @@ struct OptActions {
@trusted string latex_papersize() {
return settings["set-papersize"];
- @trusted string webserver_host_name() {
+ @trusted string webserver_host_name() {
return settings["www-host"];
- @trusted string webserver_host_doc_root() {
+ @trusted string webserver_host_doc_root() {
return settings["www-host-doc-root"];
- @trusted string webserver_url_doc_root() {
+ @trusted string webserver_url_doc_root() {
return settings["www-url-doc-root"];
- @trusted string webserver_http() {
+ @trusted string webserver_http() {
return settings["www-http"];
@trusted bool parallelise() {
@@ -932,7 +912,7 @@ if (
_conf_file_details = configFilePaths!()(_manifested, _env, _opt_action.config_path_set);
auto _config_local_site_struct = readConfigSite!()(_conf_file_details, _opt_action, _cfg);
import doc_reform.meta.conf_make_meta_yaml;
- _siteConfig = _config_local_site_struct.configParseYAMLreturnSpineStruct!()(_siteConfig, _manifested, _opt_action); // - get local site config
+ _siteConfig = _config_local_site_struct.configParseYAMLreturnSpineStruct!()(_siteConfig, _manifested, _opt_action, _cfg); // - get local site config
@@ -940,7 +920,7 @@ if (
} else { /+ local site config +/
auto _config_local_site_struct = readConfigSite!()(_conf_file_details, _opt_action, _cfg);
import doc_reform.meta.conf_make_meta_yaml;
- _siteConfig = _config_local_site_struct.configParseYAMLreturnSpineStruct!()(_siteConfig, _manifested, _opt_action); // - get local site config
+ _siteConfig = _config_local_site_struct.configParseYAMLreturnSpineStruct!()(_siteConfig, _manifested, _opt_action, _cfg); // - get local site config
if (_opt_action.show_config) {
import doc_reform.meta.metadoc_show_config;
@@ -1143,7 +1123,7 @@ foreach(arg; args[1..$]) {
{ /+ document config/make file +/
auto _config_document_struct = readConfigDoc!()(_manifest, _env);
import doc_reform.meta.conf_make_meta_yaml;
- _make_and_meta_struct = _config_document_struct.configParseYAMLreturnSpineStruct!()(_make_and_meta_struct, _manifest, _opt_action);
+ _make_and_meta_struct = _config_document_struct.configParseYAMLreturnSpineStruct!()(_make_and_meta_struct, _manifest, _opt_action, _cfg);
@@ -1190,7 +1170,7 @@ if ((_opt_action.debug_do)
) {
writeln("--->\nstepX commence → (document abstraction)");
-auto t = spineAbstraction!()(_env, program_info, _opt_action, manifest, _make_and_meta_struct);
+auto t = spineAbstraction!()(_env, program_info, _opt_action, _cfg, manifest, _make_and_meta_struct);
static assert(t.length==2);
auto doc_abstraction = t[dAM.abstraction];
auto doc_matters = t[dAM.matters];
@@ -1357,10 +1337,11 @@ template spineAbstraction() {
enum makeMeta { make, meta }
enum docAbst { doc_abstract_obj, doc_has }
static auto rgx = RgxI();
- @system auto spineAbstraction(E,P,O,M,S)(
+ @system auto spineAbstraction(E,P,O,Cfg,M,S)(
E _env,
P program_info,
O _opt_action,
+ Cfg _cfg,
M _manifest,
S _make_and_meta_struct
@@ -1463,6 +1444,7 @@ _make_and_meta_struct =
+ _cfg,
if ((_opt_action.debug_do)
|| (_opt_action.very_verbose)
diff --git a/src/doc_reform/io_out/cgi_sqlite_search_form.d b/src/doc_reform/io_out/cgi_sqlite_search_form.d
index 092e882..fb3febb 100644
--- a/src/doc_reform/io_out/cgi_sqlite_search_form.d
+++ b/src/doc_reform/io_out/cgi_sqlite_search_form.d
@@ -1848,7 +1848,7 @@ mixin GenericMain!cgi_function_intro;
make_and_meta_struct.conf.output_path ~ "/sqlite/",
- ? make_and_meta_struct.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_title
+ ? make_and_meta_struct.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_form_title
: opt_action.cgi_search_title,
(opt_action.css_theme_default) ? "FFFFFF" : "000000",
(opt_action.css_theme_default) ? "000000" : "CCCCCC",
@@ -1868,7 +1868,7 @@ mixin GenericMain!cgi_function_intro;
(opt_action.css_theme_default) ? "000000" : "FFFF48",
(opt_action.css_theme_default) ? "FFFF48" : "777748",
- ? make_and_meta_struct.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_title
+ ? make_and_meta_struct.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_form_title
: opt_action.cgi_search_title,
(opt_action.css_theme_default) ? "222222" : "AAAAAA",
diff --git a/src/doc_reform/meta/conf_make_meta_structs.d b/src/doc_reform/meta/conf_make_meta_structs.d
index 2a95379..dc9d635 100644
--- a/src/doc_reform/meta/conf_make_meta_structs.d
+++ b/src/doc_reform/meta/conf_make_meta_structs.d
@@ -206,7 +206,6 @@ struct ConfCompositeSiteLocal {
string w_srv_cgi_host; // if not set same as webserv_host
string w_srv_cgi_bin_subpath;
string w_srv_cgi_bin_path;
- string w_srv_cgi_search_title;
string w_srv_cgi_search_script;
string w_srv_cgi_search_script_raw_fn_d;
string w_srv_cgi_port;
diff --git a/src/doc_reform/meta/conf_make_meta_yaml.d b/src/doc_reform/meta/conf_make_meta_yaml.d
index 6d4a2b1..ef40a09 100644
--- a/src/doc_reform/meta/conf_make_meta_yaml.d
+++ b/src/doc_reform/meta/conf_make_meta_yaml.d
@@ -70,982 +70,1092 @@ template contentYAMLtoSpineStruct() {
ConfComposite _struct_composite;
- @system auto contentYAMLtoSpineStruct(C,Y,M,O)(
- C _struct_composite,
- Y _yaml,
- M _manifested,
- O _opt_action,
+ @system auto contentYAMLtoSpineStruct(C,Y,M,O,Cfg)(
+ C _struct_composite,
+ Y _yaml,
+ M _manifested,
+ O _opt_action,
+ Cfg _cfg,
string _identifier
) {
mixin spineRgxIn;
static auto rgx = RgxI();
confCompositeMakeBuild _mk;
- /+ make ------------------------------------------------------------------- +/
- if ("make" in _yaml
- && _yaml["make"].type.sequence
- ) {
- if (_yaml["make"].type.mapping
- && _yaml["make"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map)
- ) {
- if ("bold" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["bold"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["bold"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.make_str.bold = _yaml["make"]["bold"].get!string;
- }
- if ("breaks" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["breaks"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["breaks"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.make_str.breaks = _yaml["make"]["breaks"].get!string;
- }
- if ("cover_image" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["cover_image"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["cover_image"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.make_str.cover_image = _yaml["make"]["cover_image"].get!string;
- }
- if ("css" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["css"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["css"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.make_str.css = _yaml["make"]["css"].get!string;
- }
- if ("emphasis" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["emphasis"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["emphasis"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.make_str.emphasis = _yaml["make"]["emphasis"].get!string;
- }
- if ("footer" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["footer"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["footer"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- char[][] __match_footer_array
- = (cast(char[]) _yaml["make"]["footer"].get!string)
- .split(rgx.make_heading_delimiter);
- _struct_composite.make_str.footer = __match_footer_array.to!(string[]);
- }
- if ("headings" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["headings"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["headings"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- char[][] __match_headings_array
- = (cast(char[]) _yaml["make"]["headings"].get!string)
- .split(rgx.make_heading_delimiter);
- _struct_composite.make_str.headings = __match_headings_array.to!(string[]);
- } else if ("headings" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["headings"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["headings"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_seq)
- ) {
- foreach(string identify_heading_level; _yaml["make"]["headings"]) {
- _struct_composite.make_str.headings ~= identify_heading_level;
- }
- }
- if ("home_button_image" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["home_button_image"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["home_button_image"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- char[][] __match_home_button_image_array
- = (cast(char[]) _yaml["make"]["home_button_image"].get!string)
- .split(rgx.make_heading_delimiter);
- _struct_composite.make_str.home_button_image = __match_home_button_image_array.to!(string[]);
- }
- if ("home_button_text" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["home_button_text"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["home_button_text"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.make_str.home_button_text = _yaml["make"]["home_button_text"].get!string;
- } else if ("home_button_text" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["home_button_text"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["home_button_text"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_seq)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.make_str.home_button_text = "";
- foreach(string hbt; _yaml["make"]["home_button_text"]) {
- _struct_composite.make_str.home_button_text ~= hbt ~ "; ";
+ if (_identifier != "header") { // called only once per run anyway
+ /+ conf ------------------------------------------------------------------- +/
+ /+
+ _cfg. build defaults (else program runtime defaults)
+ local_site_configuration defaults
+ command line overrides
+ +/
+ {
+ if (_opt_action.webserver_http.length > 0) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_http
+ = _opt_action.webserver_http;
+ } else {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_http
+ = (_cfg.www_http.empty)
+ ? "http"
+ : _cfg.www_http;
+ if (("webserv" in _yaml && _yaml["webserv"].type.sequence)
+ && (_yaml["webserv"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["webserv"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map))
+ ) {
+ if ("http" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["http"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["http"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_http
+ = _yaml["webserv"]["http"].get!string;
+ }
- if ("italics" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["italics"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["italics"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.make_str.italics = _yaml["make"]["italics"].get!string;
- }
- if ("auto_num_top_at_level" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["auto_num_top_at_level"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["auto_num_top_at_level"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_at_level = _yaml["make"]["auto_num_top_at_level"].get!string;
- switch (_yaml["make"]["auto_num_top_at_level"].get!string) {
- case "A":
- break;
- case "B": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 1;
- break;
- case "C": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 2;
- break;
- case "D": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 3;
- break;
- case "1": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 4;
- break;
- case "2": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 5;
- break;
- case "3": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 6;
- break;
- case "4": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 7;
- break;
- default:
- break;
+ if (_opt_action.cgi_search_title.length > 0) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_form_title
+ = _opt_action.cgi_search_title;
+ } else {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_form_title
+ = (_cfg.cgi_search_form_title.empty)
+ ? "≅ SiSU spine search form"
+ : _cfg.cgi_search_form_title;
+ if (("webserv" in _yaml && _yaml["webserv"].type.sequence)
+ && (_yaml["webserv"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["webserv"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map))
+ ) {
+ if ("cgi_search_form_title" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_form_title"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_form_title"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_form_title
+ = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_form_title"].get!string;
+ }
- if ("auto_num_depth" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["auto_num_depth"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["auto_num_depth"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_int)
- ) { // not sure implemented for documents
- _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_depth = _yaml["make"]["auto_num_depth"].get!int;
- } else if ("auto_num_depth" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["auto_num_depth"].type.string
- && _yaml["make"]["auto_num_depth"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) { // not sure implemented for documents
- _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_depth = _yaml["make"]["auto_num_depth"].get!int;
- }
- if ("texpdf_font" in _yaml["make"]
- && _yaml["make"]["texpdf_font"].type.string
- ) {
- _struct_composite.make_str.texpdf_font = _yaml["make"]["texpdf_font"].get!string;
- }
- }
- _struct_composite.make.bold = _mk.bold(_struct_composite.make_str.bold);
- _struct_composite.make.breaks = _mk.breaks(_struct_composite.make_str.breaks);
- _struct_composite.make.cover_image = _mk.cover_image(_struct_composite.make_str.cover_image);
- _struct_composite.make.css = _mk.css(_struct_composite.make_str.css);
- _struct_composite.make.emphasis = _mk.emphasis(_struct_composite.make_str.emphasis);
- _struct_composite.make.footer = _mk.footer(_struct_composite.make_str.footer);
- _struct_composite.make.headings = _mk.headings(_struct_composite.make_str.headings);
- _struct_composite.make.home_button_image = _mk.home_button_image(_struct_composite.make_str.home_button_image);
- _struct_composite.make.home_button_text = _mk.home_button_text(_struct_composite.make_str.home_button_text);
- _struct_composite.make.italics = _mk.italics(_struct_composite.make_str.italics);
- _struct_composite.make.auto_num_top_at_level = _mk.auto_num_top_at_level(_struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_at_level);
- _struct_composite.make.auto_num_top_lv = _mk.auto_num_top_lv(_struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv);
- _struct_composite.make.auto_num_depth = _mk.auto_num_depth(_struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_depth);
- _struct_composite.make.substitute = _mk.substitute(_struct_composite.make_str.substitute);
- _struct_composite.make.texpdf_font = _mk.texpdf_font(_struct_composite.make_str.texpdf_font);
- }
- /+ conf ------------------------------------------------------------------- +/
- if ("webserv" in _yaml
- && _yaml["webserv"].type.sequence
- ) {
- if (_yaml["webserv"].type.mapping
- && _yaml["webserv"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map)
- ) {
- if ("http" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["http"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["http"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_http = _yaml["webserv"]["http"].get!string;
- } // else { set default? }
- if ("data_http" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["data_http"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["data_http"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_http = _yaml["webserv"]["data_http"].get!string;
- }
- if ("cgi_http" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_http"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_http"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_http = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_http"].get!string;
- }
- if ("host" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["host"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["host"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_host = _yaml["webserv"]["host"].get!string;
- }
- // if ("data_root_url" in _yaml["webserv"]
- // && _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_url"].type.string
- // && _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_url"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- // ) {
- // _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_url = _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_url"].get!string;
- // if (auto m = _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_url.match(rgx.webserv_url_doc_root)) {
- // _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_url_host = m.captures[2].to!string;
- // _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_url_doc_path = m.captures[3].to!string;
- // }
- // }
- if ("data_root_path" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_path"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_path"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_path = _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_path"].get!string;
- }
- if ("data_root_part" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_part"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_part"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_part = _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_part"].get!string;
- }
- if ("images_root_part" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["images_root_part"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["images_root_part"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_images_root_part = _yaml["webserv"]["images_root_part"].get!string;
- }
- if ("data_root_url" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_url"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_url"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_url = _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_url"].get!string;
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_url_html =
- _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_url"].get!string ~ "/"
- ~ _manifested.src.language ~ "/"
- ~ "html";
+ if (_opt_action.cgi_sqlite_search_filename.length > 0) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_script
+ = _opt_action.cgi_sqlite_search_filename;
} else {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_url = _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_part;
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_url_html =
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_part ~ "/"
- ~ _manifested.src.language ~ "/"
- ~ "html";
- }
- if ("cgi_host" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_host"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_host"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_host = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_host"].get!string;
- } else { // composite construct
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_host = _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_host;
- }
- if ("cgi_search_form_title" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_form_title"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_form_title"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_form_title = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_form_title"].get!string;
- }
- if ("cgi_bin_subpath" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_bin_subpath"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_bin_subpath"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_bin_subpath = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_bin_subpath"].get!string;
- }
- if ("cgi_bin_path" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_bin_path"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_bin_path"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_bin_path = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_bin_path"].get!string;
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_script
+ = (_cfg.cgi_filename.empty)
+ ? "spine_search"
+ : _cfg.cgi_filename;
+ if (("webserv" in _yaml && _yaml["webserv"].type.sequence)
+ && (_yaml["webserv"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["webserv"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map))
+ ) {
+ if ("cgi_search_script" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_script"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_script"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_script
+ = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_script"].get!string;
+ }
+ }
- if (_opt_action.cgi_search_title.length > 0) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_title = _opt_action.cgi_search_title;
- } else if ("cgi_search_title" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_title"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_title"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_title = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_title"].get!string;
+ if (_opt_action.sqliteDB_filename.length > 0) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_db_sqlite_filename
+ = _opt_action.sqliteDB_filename;
} else {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_title = "≅ SiSU spine search form";
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_db_sqlite_filename
+ = (_cfg.db_sqlite_filename.empty)
+ ? "spine.search.db"
+ : _cfg.db_sqlite_filename;
+ if (("webserv" in _yaml && _yaml["webserv"].type.sequence)
+ && (_yaml["webserv"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["webserv"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map))
+ ) {
+ if ("db_sqlite_filename" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["db_sqlite_filename"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["db_sqlite_filename"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_db_sqlite_filename
+ = _yaml["webserv"]["db_sqlite_filename"].get!string;
+ }
+ }
- if (_opt_action.cgi_sqlite_search_filename.length > 0) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_script = _opt_action.cgi_sqlite_search_filename;
- } else if ("cgi_search_script" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_script"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_script"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_script = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_script"].get!string;
+ if (_opt_action.sqliteDB_path.length > 0) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_db_sqlite_path
+ = _opt_action.sqliteDB_path;
} else {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_script = "spine_search";
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_db_sqlite_path
+ = (_cfg.db_sqlite_path.empty)
+ ? "/var/www/sqlite"
+ : _cfg.db_sqlite_path;
+ if (("webserv" in _yaml && _yaml["webserv"].type.sequence)
+ && (_yaml["webserv"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["webserv"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map))
+ ) {
+ if ("db_sqlite_path" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["db_sqlite_path"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["db_sqlite_path"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_db_sqlite_path
+ = _yaml["webserv"]["db_sqlite_path"].get!string;
+ }
+ }
- if (_opt_action.cgi_sqlite_search_filename_d.length > 0) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_script_raw_fn_d = _opt_action.cgi_sqlite_search_filename_d;
- } else if ("cgi_search_script_raw_fn_d" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_script_raw_fn_d"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_script_raw_fn_d"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_script_raw_fn_d = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_script_raw_fn_d"].get!string;
- } else if ("cgi_search_script" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_script"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_script"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_script_raw_fn_d = (_yaml["webserv"]["cgi_search_script"].get!string).translate(['-' : "_"]) ~ ".d";
+ if (_opt_action.cgi_url_action.length > 0) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_action
+ = _opt_action.cgi_url_action;
} else {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_script_raw_fn_d = "spine_search.d";
- }
- if ("cgi_port" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_port"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_port"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_port = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_port"].get!string;
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_action
+ = (_cfg.www_url_doc_root.empty)
+ ? "http://locahost" // "https://sisudoc.org"
+ : _cfg.www_url_doc_root;
+ if (("webserv" in _yaml && _yaml["webserv"].type.sequence)
+ && (_yaml["webserv"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["webserv"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map))
+ ) {
+ if ("cgi_action" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_action"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_action"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_action
+ = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_action"].get!string;
+ } else if (_opt_action.cgi_sqlite_search_filename.length > 0) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_action
+ = _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_bin_url ~ "/" ~ _opt_action.cgi_sqlite_search_filename;
+ }
+ }
- if ("cgi_user" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_user"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_user"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_user = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_user"].get!string;
+ if (!(_struct_composite.conf.output_path)) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.output_path = ((_manifested.output.path).asNormalizedPath).array;
+ } {
+ if (_opt_action.output_dir_set.length > 0) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.output_path
+ = (_opt_action.output_dir_set.asNormalizedPath).array;
+ } else {
+ _struct_composite.conf.output_path
+ = (_cfg.www_doc_root.empty)
+ ? "/srv/www/spine"
+ : _cfg.www_doc_root;
+ if (("webserv" in _yaml && _yaml["webserv"].type.sequence)
+ && (_yaml["webserv"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["webserv"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map))
+ ) {
+ if (_yaml["output"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["output"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map)
+ ) {
+ if ("path" in _yaml["output"]
+ && _yaml["output"]["path"].type.string
+ && _yaml["output"]["path"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ if (_manifested.output.path == _manifested.env.pwd
+ && _yaml["output"]["path"].get!string.length > 0
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.output_path = (((_yaml["output"]["path"].get!string).expandTilde).asNormalizedPath).array;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (_opt_action.webserver_host_doc_root.length > 0) { // same as output_path immediately above, resolve FIX REMOVE
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_path
+ = _opt_action.webserver_host_doc_root;
+ } else {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_path
+ = (_cfg.www_doc_root.empty)
+ ? "/var/www/spine"
+ : _cfg.www_doc_root;
+ if (("webserv" in _yaml && _yaml["webserv"].type.sequence)
+ && (_yaml["webserv"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["webserv"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map))
+ ) {
+ if ("data_root_path" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_path"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_path"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_path
+ = _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_path"].get!string;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if ("cgi_bin_url" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_bin_url"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_bin_url"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_bin_url = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_bin_url"].get!string;
+ if (_opt_action.cgi_bin_root.length > 0) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_bin_path
+ = _opt_action.cgi_bin_root;
} else {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_bin_url =
- (_struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_http.empty)
- ? _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_http
- :_struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_http
- ~ "://"
- ~ (_struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_host.empty)
- ? _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_host
- : _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_host
- ~ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_bin_subpath;
- }
- if (_opt_action.cgi_url_action.length > 0) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_action = _opt_action.cgi_url_action;
- } else if ("cgi_action" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_action"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_action"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_action = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_action"].get!string;
- } else if (_opt_action.cgi_sqlite_search_filename.length > 0) { // WORKON
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_action = _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_bin_url ~ "/" ~ _opt_action.cgi_sqlite_search_filename;
- } else { // action is composite, build
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_bin_path
+ = (_cfg.cgi_bin_root.empty)
+ ? "/var/www/cgi/cgi-bin"
+ : _cfg.cgi_bin_root;
+ if (("webserv" in _yaml && _yaml["webserv"].type.sequence)
+ && (_yaml["webserv"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["webserv"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map))
+ ) {
+ if ("cgi_bin_path" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_bin_path"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_bin_path"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_bin_path
+ = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_bin_path"].get!string;
+ }
+ }
- // if ("cgi_file_links" in _yaml["webserv"]
- // && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_file_links"].type.string
- // && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_file_links"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- // ) {
- // _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_file_links = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_file_links"].get!string;
- // }
- if (_opt_action.sqliteDB_filename.length > 0) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_db_sqlite_filename = _opt_action.sqliteDB_filename;
- } else if ("db_sqlite_filename" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["db_sqlite_filename"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["db_sqlite_filename"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_db_sqlite_filename = _yaml["webserv"]["db_sqlite_filename"].get!string;
- } else { // set default ?
+ { _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_part
+ = "";
+ if (("webserv" in _yaml && _yaml["webserv"].type.sequence)
+ && (_yaml["webserv"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["webserv"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map))
+ ) {
+ if ("data_root_part" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_part"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_part"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_part = _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_part"].get!string;
+ }
+ }
- if (_opt_action.sqliteDB_path.length > 0) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_db_sqlite_path = _opt_action.sqliteDB_path;
- } else if ("db_sqlite_path" in _yaml["webserv"]
- && _yaml["webserv"]["db_sqlite_path"].type.string
- && _yaml["webserv"]["db_sqlite_path"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_db_sqlite_path = _yaml["webserv"]["db_sqlite_path"].get!string;
- } else { // set default ?
+ { _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_images_root_part
+ = "image";
+ if (("webserv" in _yaml && _yaml["webserv"].type.sequence)
+ && (_yaml["webserv"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["webserv"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map))
+ ) {
+ if ("images_root_part" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["images_root_part"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["images_root_part"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_images_root_part = _yaml["webserv"]["images_root_part"].get!string;
+ }
+ }
- }
- if (!(_struct_composite.conf.output_path)) {
- _struct_composite.conf.output_path = ((_manifested.output.path).asNormalizedPath).array;
- }
- if (_opt_action.output_dir_set.length > 0) {
- _struct_composite.conf.output_path = (_opt_action.output_dir_set.asNormalizedPath).array;
- } else if ("output" in _yaml
- && _yaml["output"].type.sequence
- ) {
- if (_yaml["output"].type.mapping
- && _yaml["output"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map)
- ) {
- if ("path" in _yaml["output"]
- && _yaml["output"]["path"].type.string
- && _yaml["output"]["path"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- if (_manifested.output.path == _manifested.env.pwd
- && _yaml["output"]["path"].get!string.length > 0
+ if (("webserv" in _yaml
+ && _yaml["webserv"].type.sequence)
+ && (_yaml["webserv"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["webserv"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map))
+ ) { // cannot be used as is with opt_action FIX look at remaining, decide what to do later
+ if ("data_http" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["data_http"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["data_http"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
) {
- _struct_composite.conf.output_path = (((_yaml["output"]["path"].get!string).expandTilde).asNormalizedPath).array;
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_http = _yaml["webserv"]["data_http"].get!string;
- }
+ // if (_opt_action.*.length > 0) {
+ if ("cgi_http" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_http"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_http"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_http = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_http"].get!string;
+ }
+ // if (_opt_action.*.length > 0) {
+ if ("host" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["host"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["host"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_host = _yaml["webserv"]["host"].get!string;
+ }
+ if ("data_root_url" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_url"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_url"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_url = _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_url"].get!string;
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_url_html =
+ _yaml["webserv"]["data_root_url"].get!string ~ "/"
+ ~ _manifested.src.language ~ "/"
+ ~ "html";
+ } else {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_url = _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_part;
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_url_html =
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_data_root_part ~ "/"
+ ~ _manifested.src.language ~ "/"
+ ~ "html";
+ }
+ if ("cgi_host" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_host"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_host"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_host = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_host"].get!string;
+ } else { // composite construct
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_host = _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_host;
+ }
+ if ("cgi_bin_subpath" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_bin_subpath"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_bin_subpath"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_bin_subpath = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_bin_subpath"].get!string;
+ }
+ if ("cgi_port" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_port"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_port"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_port = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_port"].get!string;
+ }
+ if ("cgi_user" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_user"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_user"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_user = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_user"].get!string;
+ }
+ if ("cgi_bin_url" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_bin_url"].type.string
+ && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_bin_url"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_bin_url = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_bin_url"].get!string;
+ } else {
+ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_bin_url =
+ (_struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_http.empty)
+ ? _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_http
+ :_struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_http
+ ~ "://"
+ ~ (_struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_host.empty)
+ ? _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_host
+ : _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_host
+ ~ _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_bin_subpath;
+ }
+ // if ("cgi_file_links" in _yaml["webserv"]
+ // && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_file_links"].type.string
+ // && _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_file_links"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ // ) {
+ // _struct_composite.conf.w_srv_cgi_file_links = _yaml["webserv"]["cgi_file_links"].get!string;
+ // }
- }
- if ("processing" in _yaml
- && _yaml["processing"].type.sequence
- ) {
- if (_yaml["processing"].type.mapping
- && _yaml["processing"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map)
+ // make (in: conf, make, meta)?
+ if ("processing" in _yaml
+ && _yaml["processing"].type.sequence
) {
- if ("concord_max" in _yaml["processing"]
- && _yaml["processing"]["concord_max"].type.string
- && _yaml["processing"]["concord_max"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ if (_yaml["processing"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["processing"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map)
) {
- _struct_composite.conf.processing_concord_max = _yaml["processing"]["concord_max"].get!string;
+ if ("concord_max" in _yaml["processing"]
+ && _yaml["processing"]["concord_max"].type.string
+ && _yaml["processing"]["concord_max"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.processing_concord_max = _yaml["processing"]["concord_max"].get!string;
+ }
- }
- if ("flag" in _yaml
- && _yaml["flag"].type.sequence
- ) {
- if (_yaml["flag"].type.mapping
- && _yaml["flag"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map)
+ if ("flag" in _yaml
+ && _yaml["flag"].type.sequence
) {
- if ("act0" in _yaml["flag"]
- && _yaml["flag"]["act0"].type.string
- && _yaml["flag"]["act0"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.flag_act0 = _yaml["flag"]["act0"].get!string;
- }
- if ("act1" in _yaml["flag"]
- && _yaml["flag"]["act1"].type.string
- && _yaml["flag"]["act1"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.flag_act1 = _yaml["flag"]["act1"].get!string;
- }
- if ("act2" in _yaml["flag"]
- && _yaml["flag"]["act2"].type.string
- && _yaml["flag"]["act2"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.flag_act2 = _yaml["flag"]["act2"].get!string;
- }
- if ("act3" in _yaml["flag"]
- && _yaml["flag"]["act3"].type.string
- && _yaml["flag"]["act3"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.flag_act3 = _yaml["flag"]["act3"].get!string;
- }
- if ("act4" in _yaml["flag"]
- && _yaml["flag"]["act4"].type.string
- && _yaml["flag"]["act4"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.flag_act4 = _yaml["flag"]["act4"].get!string;
- }
- if ("act5" in _yaml["flag"]
- && _yaml["flag"]["act5"].type.string
- && _yaml["flag"]["act5"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.flag_act5 = _yaml["flag"]["act5"].get!string;
- }
- if ("act6" in _yaml["flag"]
- && _yaml["flag"]["act6"].type.string
- && _yaml["flag"]["act6"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.flag_act6 = _yaml["flag"]["act6"].get!string;
- }
- if ("act7" in _yaml["flag"]
- && _yaml["flag"]["act7"].type.string
- && _yaml["flag"]["act7"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.flag_act7 = _yaml["flag"]["act7"].get!string;
- }
- if ("act8" in _yaml["flag"]
- && _yaml["flag"]["act8"].type.string
- && _yaml["flag"]["act8"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.flag_act8 = _yaml["flag"]["act8"].get!string;
- }
- if ("act9" in _yaml["flag"]
- && _yaml["flag"]["act9"].type.string
- && _yaml["flag"]["act9"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ if (_yaml["flag"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["flag"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map)
) {
- _struct_composite.conf.flag_act9 = _yaml["flag"]["act9"].get!string;
+ if ("act0" in _yaml["flag"]
+ && _yaml["flag"]["act0"].type.string
+ && _yaml["flag"]["act0"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.flag_act0 = _yaml["flag"]["act0"].get!string;
+ }
+ if ("act1" in _yaml["flag"]
+ && _yaml["flag"]["act1"].type.string
+ && _yaml["flag"]["act1"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.flag_act1 = _yaml["flag"]["act1"].get!string;
+ }
+ if ("act2" in _yaml["flag"]
+ && _yaml["flag"]["act2"].type.string
+ && _yaml["flag"]["act2"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.flag_act2 = _yaml["flag"]["act2"].get!string;
+ }
+ if ("act3" in _yaml["flag"]
+ && _yaml["flag"]["act3"].type.string
+ && _yaml["flag"]["act3"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.flag_act3 = _yaml["flag"]["act3"].get!string;
+ }
+ if ("act4" in _yaml["flag"]
+ && _yaml["flag"]["act4"].type.string
+ && _yaml["flag"]["act4"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.flag_act4 = _yaml["flag"]["act4"].get!string;
+ }
+ if ("act5" in _yaml["flag"]
+ && _yaml["flag"]["act5"].type.string
+ && _yaml["flag"]["act5"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.flag_act5 = _yaml["flag"]["act5"].get!string;
+ }
+ if ("act6" in _yaml["flag"]
+ && _yaml["flag"]["act6"].type.string
+ && _yaml["flag"]["act6"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.flag_act6 = _yaml["flag"]["act6"].get!string;
+ }
+ if ("act7" in _yaml["flag"]
+ && _yaml["flag"]["act7"].type.string
+ && _yaml["flag"]["act7"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.flag_act7 = _yaml["flag"]["act7"].get!string;
+ }
+ if ("act8" in _yaml["flag"]
+ && _yaml["flag"]["act8"].type.string
+ && _yaml["flag"]["act8"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.flag_act8 = _yaml["flag"]["act8"].get!string;
+ }
+ if ("act9" in _yaml["flag"]
+ && _yaml["flag"]["act9"].type.string
+ && _yaml["flag"]["act9"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.flag_act9 = _yaml["flag"]["act9"].get!string;
+ }
- }
- string[] selected_papersize(string _sizes_str) {
- string[] _sizes = _sizes_str.split(regex(r"\s*,\s*"));
- string[] _selected_sizes;
- foreach (_size; _sizes) {
- switch (_size) {
- case "a4":
- _selected_sizes ~= "a4.portrait";
- _selected_sizes ~= "a4.landscape";
- break;
- case "a4.portrait":
- _selected_sizes ~= _size;
- break;
- case "a4.landscape":
- _selected_sizes ~= _size;
- break;
- case "a5":
- _selected_sizes ~= "a5.portrait";
- _selected_sizes ~= "a5.landscape";
- break;
- case "a5.portrait":
- _selected_sizes ~= _size;
- break;
- case "a5.landscape":
- _selected_sizes ~= _size;
- break;
- case "b4":
- _selected_sizes ~= "b4.portrait";
- _selected_sizes ~= "b4.landscape";
- break;
- case "b4.portrait":
- _selected_sizes ~= _size;
- break;
- case "b4.landscape":
- _selected_sizes ~= _size;
- break;
- case "letter":
- _selected_sizes ~= "letter.portrait";
- _selected_sizes ~= "letter.landscape";
- break;
- case "letter.portrait":
- _selected_sizes ~= _size;
- break;
- case "letter.landscape":
- _selected_sizes ~= _size;
- break;
- case "legal":
- _selected_sizes ~= "legal.portrait";
- _selected_sizes ~= "legal.landscape";
- break;
- case "legal.portrait":
- _selected_sizes ~= _size;
- break;
- case "legal.landscape":
- _selected_sizes ~= _size;
- break;
- default: break;
+ string[] selected_papersize(string _sizes_str) {
+ string[] _sizes = _sizes_str.split(regex(r"\s*,\s*"));
+ string[] _selected_sizes;
+ foreach (_size; _sizes) {
+ switch (_size) {
+ case "a4":
+ _selected_sizes ~= "a4.portrait";
+ _selected_sizes ~= "a4.landscape";
+ break;
+ case "a4.portrait":
+ _selected_sizes ~= _size;
+ break;
+ case "a4.landscape":
+ _selected_sizes ~= _size;
+ break;
+ case "a5":
+ _selected_sizes ~= "a5.portrait";
+ _selected_sizes ~= "a5.landscape";
+ break;
+ case "a5.portrait":
+ _selected_sizes ~= _size;
+ break;
+ case "a5.landscape":
+ _selected_sizes ~= _size;
+ break;
+ case "b4":
+ _selected_sizes ~= "b4.portrait";
+ _selected_sizes ~= "b4.landscape";
+ break;
+ case "b4.portrait":
+ _selected_sizes ~= _size;
+ break;
+ case "b4.landscape":
+ _selected_sizes ~= _size;
+ break;
+ case "letter":
+ _selected_sizes ~= "letter.portrait";
+ _selected_sizes ~= "letter.landscape";
+ break;
+ case "letter.portrait":
+ _selected_sizes ~= _size;
+ break;
+ case "letter.landscape":
+ _selected_sizes ~= _size;
+ break;
+ case "legal":
+ _selected_sizes ~= "legal.portrait";
+ _selected_sizes ~= "legal.landscape";
+ break;
+ case "legal.portrait":
+ _selected_sizes ~= _size;
+ break;
+ case "legal.landscape":
+ _selected_sizes ~= _size;
+ break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ return _selected_sizes;
- return _selected_sizes;
- }
- if (_opt_action.latex_papersize.length > 0) {
- _struct_composite.conf.set_papersize = selected_papersize(_opt_action.latex_papersize);
- } else if (
- "default" in _yaml
- && _yaml["default"].type.sequence
- && _yaml["default"].type.mapping
- && _yaml["default"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map)
- ) {
- if ("papersize" in _yaml["default"]
- && _yaml["default"]["papersize"].type.string
- && _yaml["default"]["papersize"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.set_papersize = selected_papersize(_yaml["default"]["papersize"].get!string);
- }
- }
- if (_struct_composite.conf.set_papersize.length == 0) {
- _struct_composite.conf.set_papersize = ["a4.portrait", "a4.landscape"];
- }
- if (
- "default" in _yaml
- && _yaml["default"].type.sequence
- && _yaml["default"].type.mapping
- && _yaml["default"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map)
- ) {
- if ("text_wrap" in _yaml["default"]
- && _yaml["default"]["text_wrap"].type.string
- && _yaml["default"]["text_wrap"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.set_text_wrap = _yaml["default"]["text_wrap"].get!string;
- }
- if ("emphasis" in _yaml["default"]
- && _yaml["default"]["emphasis"].type.string
- && _yaml["default"]["emphasis"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ if (_opt_action.latex_papersize.length > 0) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.set_papersize = selected_papersize(_opt_action.latex_papersize);
+ } else if (
+ "default" in _yaml
+ && _yaml["default"].type.sequence
+ && _yaml["default"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["default"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map)
) {
- _struct_composite.conf.set_emphasis = _yaml["default"]["emphasis"].get!string;
- }
- if ("language" in _yaml["default"]
- && _yaml["default"]["language"].type.string
- && _yaml["default"]["language"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.set_language = _yaml["default"]["language"].get!string;
+ if ("papersize" in _yaml["default"]
+ && _yaml["default"]["papersize"].type.string
+ && _yaml["default"]["papersize"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.set_papersize = selected_papersize(_yaml["default"]["papersize"].get!string);
+ }
- if ("digest" in _yaml["default"]
- && _yaml["default"]["digest"].type.string
- && _yaml["default"]["digest"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.conf.set_digest = _yaml["default"]["digest"].get!string;
+ if (_struct_composite.conf.set_papersize.length == 0) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.set_papersize = ["a4.portrait", "a4.landscape"];
- }
- if ("search" in _yaml
- && _yaml["search"].type.sequence
- ) {
- if (_yaml["search"].type.mapping
- && _yaml["search"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map)
+ if (
+ "default" in _yaml
+ && _yaml["default"].type.sequence
+ && _yaml["default"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["default"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map)
) {
- if ("flag" in _yaml["search"]
- && _yaml["search"]["flag"].type.string
- && _yaml["search"]["flag"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ if ("text_wrap" in _yaml["default"]
+ && _yaml["default"]["text_wrap"].type.string
+ && _yaml["default"]["text_wrap"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
) {
- _struct_composite.conf.search_flag = _yaml["search"]["flag"].get!string;
+ _struct_composite.conf.set_text_wrap = _yaml["default"]["text_wrap"].get!string;
- if ("action" in _yaml["search"]
- && _yaml["search"]["action"].type.string
- && _yaml["search"]["action"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ if ("emphasis" in _yaml["default"]
+ && _yaml["default"]["emphasis"].type.string
+ && _yaml["default"]["emphasis"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
) {
- _struct_composite.conf.search_action = _yaml["search"]["action"].get!string;
+ _struct_composite.conf.set_emphasis = _yaml["default"]["emphasis"].get!string;
- if ("db" in _yaml["search"]
- && _yaml["search"]["db"].type.string
- && _yaml["search"]["db"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ if ("language" in _yaml["default"]
+ && _yaml["default"]["language"].type.string
+ && _yaml["default"]["language"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
) {
- _struct_composite.conf.search_db = _yaml["search"]["db"].get!string;
+ _struct_composite.conf.set_language = _yaml["default"]["language"].get!string;
- if ("title" in _yaml["search"]
- && _yaml["search"]["title"].type.string
- && _yaml["search"]["title"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ if ("digest" in _yaml["default"]
+ && _yaml["default"]["digest"].type.string
+ && _yaml["default"]["digest"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
) {
- _struct_composite.conf.search_title = _yaml["search"]["title"].get!string;
+ _struct_composite.conf.set_digest = _yaml["default"]["digest"].get!string;
- }
- /+ meta ------------------------------------------------------------------- +/
- if (_struct_composite.meta.creator_author.empty) {
- if ("creator" in _yaml
- && _yaml["creator"].type.sequence
+ if ("search" in _yaml
+ && _yaml["search"].type.sequence
) {
- if (_yaml["creator"].type.mapping
- && _yaml["creator"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map)
+ if (_yaml["search"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["search"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map)
) {
- if ("author" in _yaml["creator"]
- && _yaml["creator"]["author"].type.string
- && _yaml["creator"]["author"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ if ("flag" in _yaml["search"]
+ && _yaml["search"]["flag"].type.string
+ && _yaml["search"]["flag"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
) {
- _struct_composite.meta.creator_author = _yaml["creator"]["author"].get!string;
+ _struct_composite.conf.search_flag = _yaml["search"]["flag"].get!string;
- if ("email" in _yaml["creator"]
- && _yaml["creator"]["email"].type.string
- && _yaml["creator"]["email"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ if ("action" in _yaml["search"]
+ && _yaml["search"]["action"].type.string
+ && _yaml["search"]["action"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
) {
- _struct_composite.meta.creator_author_email = _yaml["creator"]["email"].get!string;
+ _struct_composite.conf.search_action = _yaml["search"]["action"].get!string;
- if ("illustrator" in _yaml["creator"]
- && _yaml["creator"]["illustrator"].type.string
- && _yaml["creator"]["illustrator"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ if ("db" in _yaml["search"]
+ && _yaml["search"]["db"].type.string
+ && _yaml["search"]["db"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
) {
- _struct_composite.meta.creator_illustrator = _yaml["creator"]["illustrator"].get!string;
+ _struct_composite.conf.search_db = _yaml["search"]["db"].get!string;
- if ("translator" in _yaml["creator"]
- && _yaml["creator"]["translator"].type.string
- && _yaml["creator"]["translator"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ if ("title" in _yaml["search"]
+ && _yaml["search"]["title"].type.string
+ && _yaml["search"]["title"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
) {
- _struct_composite.meta.creator_translator = _yaml["creator"]["translator"].get!string;
+ _struct_composite.conf.search_title = _yaml["search"]["title"].get!string;
- } else if (_yaml["creator"].type.string
- && _yaml["creator"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.meta.creator_author = _yaml["creator"].get!string;
- }
- }
- string[] author_arr;
- string[][string] authors_hash_arr = [ "first" : [], "last" : [], "full" : [], "last_first" : [], "as_input" : [] ];
- string[] authors_raw_arr
- = _struct_composite.meta.creator_author.split(rgx.arr_delimiter);
- auto _lastname = appender!(char[])();
- foreach (author_raw; authors_raw_arr) {
- if (auto m = author_raw.match(rgx.raw_author_munge)) {
- author_arr ~= author_raw.replace(rgx.raw_author_munge, "$2 $1");
- authors_hash_arr["first"] ~= author_raw.replace(rgx.raw_author_munge, "$2");
- authors_hash_arr["last"] ~= author_raw.replace(rgx.raw_author_munge, "$1");
- authors_hash_arr["full"] ~= author_raw.replace(rgx.raw_author_munge, "$2 $1");
- (m.captures[1]).map!toUpper.copy(_lastname);
- authors_hash_arr["last_first"] ~= _lastname.data.to!string ~ ", " ~ m.captures[2];
- _lastname = appender!(char[])();
- } else {
- author_arr ~= author_raw;
- authors_hash_arr["last"] ~= author_raw;
- authors_hash_arr["full"] ~= author_raw;
- authors_hash_arr["last_first"] ~= author_raw;
- authors_hash_arr["as_input"] ~= author_raw;
- _struct_composite.meta.creator_author_arr = author_arr;
- _struct_composite.meta.creator_author = author_arr.join(", ").chomp.chomp;
- _struct_composite.meta.creator_author_surname = (authors_hash_arr["last"].length > 0) ? authors_hash_arr["last"][0] : "";
- string _author_name_last_first = authors_hash_arr["last_first"].join("; ").chomp.chomp;
- _struct_composite.meta.creator_author_surname_fn = (_author_name_last_first.length > 0)
- ? _author_name_last_first
- : authors_hash_arr["as_input"].join("; ").chomp.chomp;
- }
- if (_struct_composite.meta.title_main.empty) {
- if ("title" in _yaml
- && _yaml["title"].type.sequence
+ } else {
+ /+ make ------------------------------------------------------------------- +/
+ if ("make" in _yaml
+ && _yaml["make"].type.sequence
) {
- if (_yaml["title"].type.mapping
- && _yaml["title"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map)
+ if (_yaml["make"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["make"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map)
) {
- if ("main" in _yaml["title"]
- && _yaml["title"]["main"].type.string
- && _yaml["title"]["main"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ if ("bold" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["bold"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["bold"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
) {
- _struct_composite.meta.title_main = _yaml["title"]["main"].get!string;
- } else if ("title" in _yaml["title"]
- && _yaml["title"]["title"].type.string
- && _yaml["title"]["title"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ _struct_composite.make_str.bold = _yaml["make"]["bold"].get!string;
+ }
+ if ("breaks" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["breaks"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["breaks"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
) {
- _struct_composite.meta.title_main = _yaml["title"]["title"].get!string;
+ _struct_composite.make_str.breaks = _yaml["make"]["breaks"].get!string;
- if ("edition" in _yaml["title"]
- && _yaml["title"]["edition"].type.string
- && _yaml["title"]["edition"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ if ("cover_image" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["cover_image"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["cover_image"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
) {
- _struct_composite.meta.title_edition = _yaml["title"]["edition"].get!string;
+ _struct_composite.make_str.cover_image = _yaml["make"]["cover_image"].get!string;
- if ("full" in _yaml["title"]
- && _yaml["title"]["full"].type.string
- && _yaml["title"]["full"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ if ("css" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["css"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["css"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
) {
- _struct_composite.meta.title_full = _yaml["title"]["full"].get!string;
+ _struct_composite.make_str.css = _yaml["make"]["css"].get!string;
- if ("language" in _yaml["title"]
- && _yaml["title"]["language"].type.string
- && _yaml["title"]["language"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ if ("emphasis" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["emphasis"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["emphasis"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
) {
- _struct_composite.meta.title_language = _yaml["title"]["language"].get!string;
+ _struct_composite.make_str.emphasis = _yaml["make"]["emphasis"].get!string;
- if ("note" in _yaml["title"]
- && _yaml["title"]["note"].type.string
- && _yaml["title"]["note"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ if ("footer" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["footer"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["footer"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
) {
- _struct_composite.meta.title_note = _yaml["title"]["note"].get!string;
+ char[][] __match_footer_array
+ = (cast(char[]) _yaml["make"]["footer"].get!string)
+ .split(rgx.make_heading_delimiter);
+ _struct_composite.make_str.footer = __match_footer_array.to!(string[]);
- if ("subtitle" in _yaml["title"]
- && _yaml["title"]["subtitle"].type.string
- && _yaml["title"]["subtitle"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ if ("headings" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["headings"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["headings"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ char[][] __match_headings_array
+ = (cast(char[]) _yaml["make"]["headings"].get!string)
+ .split(rgx.make_heading_delimiter);
+ _struct_composite.make_str.headings = __match_headings_array.to!(string[]);
+ } else if ("headings" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["headings"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["headings"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_seq)
) {
- _struct_composite.meta.title_subtitle = _yaml["title"]["subtitle"].get!string;
- } else if ("sub" in _yaml["title"]
- && _yaml["title"]["sub"].type.string
- && _yaml["title"]["sub"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ foreach(string identify_heading_level; _yaml["make"]["headings"]) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.headings ~= identify_heading_level;
+ }
+ }
+ if ("home_button_image" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["home_button_image"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["home_button_image"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
) {
- _struct_composite.meta.title_subtitle = _yaml["title"]["sub"].get!string;
+ char[][] __match_home_button_image_array
+ = (cast(char[]) _yaml["make"]["home_button_image"].get!string)
+ .split(rgx.make_heading_delimiter);
+ _struct_composite.make_str.home_button_image = __match_home_button_image_array.to!(string[]);
+ }
+ if ("home_button_text" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["home_button_text"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["home_button_text"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.home_button_text = _yaml["make"]["home_button_text"].get!string;
+ } else if ("home_button_text" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["home_button_text"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["home_button_text"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_seq)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.home_button_text = "";
+ foreach(string hbt; _yaml["make"]["home_button_text"]) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.home_button_text ~= hbt ~ "; ";
+ }
+ }
+ if ("italics" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["italics"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["italics"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.italics = _yaml["make"]["italics"].get!string;
+ }
+ if ("auto_num_top_at_level" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["auto_num_top_at_level"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["auto_num_top_at_level"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_at_level = _yaml["make"]["auto_num_top_at_level"].get!string;
+ switch (_yaml["make"]["auto_num_top_at_level"].get!string) {
+ case "A":
+ break;
+ case "B": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 1;
+ break;
+ case "C": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 2;
+ break;
+ case "D": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 3;
+ break;
+ case "1": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 4;
+ break;
+ case "2": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 5;
+ break;
+ case "3": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 6;
+ break;
+ case "4": _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv = 7;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ("auto_num_depth" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["auto_num_depth"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["auto_num_depth"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_int)
+ ) { // not sure implemented for documents
+ _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_depth = _yaml["make"]["auto_num_depth"].get!int;
+ } else if ("auto_num_depth" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["auto_num_depth"].type.string
+ && _yaml["make"]["auto_num_depth"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) { // not sure implemented for documents
+ _struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_depth = _yaml["make"]["auto_num_depth"].get!int;
+ }
+ if ("texpdf_font" in _yaml["make"]
+ && _yaml["make"]["texpdf_font"].type.string
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.texpdf_font = _yaml["make"]["texpdf_font"].get!string;
- } else if (
- _yaml["title"].type.string
- && _yaml["title"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.meta.title_main = _yaml["title"].get!string;
+ _struct_composite.make.bold = _mk.bold(_struct_composite.make_str.bold);
+ _struct_composite.make.breaks = _mk.breaks(_struct_composite.make_str.breaks);
+ _struct_composite.make.cover_image = _mk.cover_image(_struct_composite.make_str.cover_image);
+ _struct_composite.make.css = _mk.css(_struct_composite.make_str.css);
+ _struct_composite.make.emphasis = _mk.emphasis(_struct_composite.make_str.emphasis);
+ _struct_composite.make.footer = _mk.footer(_struct_composite.make_str.footer);
+ _struct_composite.make.headings = _mk.headings(_struct_composite.make_str.headings);
+ _struct_composite.make.home_button_image = _mk.home_button_image(_struct_composite.make_str.home_button_image);
+ _struct_composite.make.home_button_text = _mk.home_button_text(_struct_composite.make_str.home_button_text);
+ _struct_composite.make.italics = _mk.italics(_struct_composite.make_str.italics);
+ _struct_composite.make.auto_num_top_at_level = _mk.auto_num_top_at_level(_struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_at_level);
+ _struct_composite.make.auto_num_top_lv = _mk.auto_num_top_lv(_struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_top_lv);
+ _struct_composite.make.auto_num_depth = _mk.auto_num_depth(_struct_composite.make_str.auto_num_depth);
+ _struct_composite.make.substitute = _mk.substitute(_struct_composite.make_str.substitute);
+ _struct_composite.make.texpdf_font = _mk.texpdf_font(_struct_composite.make_str.texpdf_font);
- _struct_composite.meta.title_sub = _struct_composite.meta.title_subtitle;
- if ((!(_struct_composite.meta.title_subtitle.empty))
- && (_struct_composite.meta.title_sub.empty)) {
- _struct_composite.meta.title_sub = _struct_composite.meta.title_subtitle;
- }
- _struct_composite.meta.title_full = (_struct_composite.meta.title_subtitle.empty)
- ? _struct_composite.meta.title_main
- : format(
- "%s - %s",
- _struct_composite.meta.title_main,
- _struct_composite.meta.title_subtitle,
- );
- }
- if ("classify" in _yaml
- && _yaml["classify"].type.sequence
- ) {
- if (_yaml["classify"].type.mapping
- && _yaml["classify"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map)
- ) {
- if ("dewey" in _yaml["classify"]
- && _yaml["classify"]["dewey"].type.string
- && _yaml["classify"]["dewey"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
- ) {
- _struct_composite.meta.classify_dewey = _yaml["classify"]["dewey"].get!string;
- }
- if ("loc" in _yaml["classify"]
- && _yaml["classify"]["loc"].type.string
- && _yaml["classify"]["loc"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ /+ meta ------------------------------------------------------------------- +/
+ if (_struct_composite.meta.creator_author.empty) {
+ if ("creator" in _yaml
+ && _yaml["creator"].type.sequence
) {
- _struct_composite.meta.classify_loc = _yaml["classify"]["loc"].get!string;
+ if (_yaml["creator"].type.mapping
+ && _yaml["creator"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_map)
+ ) {
+ if ("author" in _yaml["creator"]
+ && _yaml["creator"]["author"].type.string
+ && _yaml["creator"]["author"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.creator_author = _yaml["creator"]["author"].get!string;
+ }
+ if ("email" in _yaml["creator"]
+ && _yaml["creator"]["email"].type.string
+ && _yaml["creator"]["email"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.creator_author_email = _yaml["creator"]["email"].get!string;
+ }
+ if ("illustrator" in _yaml["creator"]
+ && _yaml["creator"]["illustrator"].type.string
+ && _yaml["creator"]["illustrator"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.creator_illustrator = _yaml["creator"]["illustrator"].get!string;
+ }
+ if ("translator" in _yaml["creator"]
+ && _yaml["creator"]["translator"].type.string
+ && _yaml["creator"]["translator"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.creator_translator = _yaml["creator"]["translator"].get!string;
+ }
+ } else if (_yaml["creator"].type.string
+ && _yaml["creator"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ ) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.creator_author = _yaml["creator"].get!string;
+ }
- if ("keywords" in _yaml["classify"]
- && _yaml["classify"]["keywords"].type.string
- && _yaml["classify"]["keywords"].tag.match(rgx.yaml_tag_is_str)
+ string[] author_arr;
+ string[][string] authors_hash_arr = [ "first" : [], "last" : [], "full" : [], "last_first" : [], "as_input" : [] ];
+ string[] authors_raw_arr
+ = _struct_composite.meta.creator_author.split(rgx.arr_delimiter);
+ auto _lastname = appender!(char[])();
+ foreach (author_raw; authors_raw_arr) {
+ if (auto m = author_raw.match(rgx.raw_author_munge)) {
+ author_arr ~= author_raw.replace(rgx.raw_author_munge, "$2 $1");
+ authors_hash_arr["first"] ~= author_raw.replace(rgx.raw_author_munge, "$2");
+ authors_hash_arr["last"] ~= author_raw.replace(rgx.raw_author_munge, "$1");
+ authors_hash_arr["full"] ~= author_raw.replace(rgx.raw_author_munge, "$2 $1");
+ (m.captures[1]).map!toUpper.copy(_lastname);
+ authors_hash_arr["last_first"] ~= _lastname.data.to!string ~ ", " ~ m.captures[2];
+ _lastname = appender!(char[])();
+ } else {
+ author_arr ~= author_raw;
+ authors_hash_arr["last"] ~= author_raw;
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@@ -1108,11 +1218,12 @@ template configParseYAMLreturnSpineStruct() {
mixin contentYAMLtoSpineStruct;
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CCm _make_and_meta_struct,
M _manifested,
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+ O _opt_action,
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Node _yaml;
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@@ -1125,7 +1236,7 @@ template configParseYAMLreturnSpineStruct() {
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+ = contentYAMLtoSpineStruct!()(_make_and_meta_struct, _yaml, _manifested, _opt_action, _cfg, _document_struct.filename);
} catch (Throwable) {
import std.stdio;
writeln("ERROR failed to convert yaml to struct: ", _document_struct.filename);
@@ -1202,11 +1313,12 @@ template docHeaderMakeAndMetaTupYamlExtractAndConvertToStruct() {
mixin spineRgxIn;
mixin contentJSONtoSpineStruct;
static auto rgx = RgxI();
- @system auto docHeaderMakeAndMetaTupYamlExtractAndConvertToStruct(CCm,Src,M,O)(
+ @system auto docHeaderMakeAndMetaTupYamlExtractAndConvertToStruct(CCm,Src,M,O,Cfg)(
Src header_src,
CCm _make_and_meta_struct,
M _manifested,
O _opt_action,
+ Cfg _cfg,
) {
Node _yaml;
try {
@@ -1214,7 +1326,7 @@ template docHeaderMakeAndMetaTupYamlExtractAndConvertToStruct() {
if (("title" in _yaml) && ("creator" in _yaml)) {} else { // need test for _yaml content (does not work)
writeln("ERROR failed to read document header, yaml header does not contain essential information related to title and author");
- return contentYAMLtoSpineStruct!()(_make_and_meta_struct, _yaml, _manifested, _opt_action, "header");
+ return contentYAMLtoSpineStruct!()(_make_and_meta_struct, _yaml, _manifested, _opt_action, _cfg, "header");
} catch (Throwable) {
writeln("ERROR failed to read document header, header not parsed as yaml: ", _manifested.src.filename);
return _make_and_meta_struct;
diff --git a/src/doc_reform/meta/metadoc.d b/src/doc_reform/meta/metadoc.d
index fdec126..3d04236 100644
--- a/src/doc_reform/meta/metadoc.d
+++ b/src/doc_reform/meta/metadoc.d
@@ -20,17 +20,18 @@ template spineAbstraction() {
enum makeMeta { make, meta }
enum docAbst { doc_abstract_obj, doc_has }
static auto rgx = RgxI();
- @system auto spineAbstraction(E,P,O,M,S)(
+ @system auto spineAbstraction(E,P,O,Cfg,M,S)(
E _env,
P program_info,
O _opt_action,
+ Cfg _cfg,
M _manifest,
S _make_and_meta_struct
{ /+ document config/make file +/
auto _config_document_struct = readConfigDoc!()(_manifest, _env);
import doc_reform.meta.conf_make_meta_yaml;
- _make_and_meta_struct = _config_document_struct.configParseYAMLreturnSpineStruct!()(_make_and_meta_struct, _manifest, _opt_action);
+ _make_and_meta_struct = _config_document_struct.configParseYAMLreturnSpineStruct!()(_make_and_meta_struct, _manifest, _opt_action, _cfg);
/+ ↓ read file (filename with path) +/
/+ ↓ file tuple of header and content +/
@@ -66,6 +67,7 @@ template spineAbstraction() {
+ _cfg,
if ((_opt_action.debug_do)
|| (_opt_action.very_verbose)
diff --git a/src/doc_reform/spine.d b/src/doc_reform/spine.d
index 006ea1b..2ebdae2 100755
--- a/src/doc_reform/spine.d
+++ b/src/doc_reform/spine.d
@@ -172,25 +172,25 @@ string program_name = "spine";
"workon" : false,
string[string] settings = [
- "output" : "", //_cfg.www_doc_root, // "/srv/www/spine/static" or "/var/www/html"
- "www-http" : "", //_cfg.www_http, // "http" or "https"
- "www-host" : "", //_cfg.www_host, // start with "localhost" ?
- "www-host-doc-root" : "", //_cfg.www_host_doc_root, // start with "localhost" ?
- "www-url-doc-root" : "", //_cfg.www_url_doc_root, // start with "http://localhost" ?
- "cgi-http" : "", //_cfg.cgi_http, // suggest
- "cgi-host" : "", //_cfg.cgi_host, // suggest
- "cgi-bin-root" : "", //_cfg.cgi_bin_root, // suggest "/var/www/cgi/cgi-bin"
- "cgi-sqlite-search-filename" : "", //_cfg.cgi_filename, // suggest "spine_search" (though "spine-search" would have been preferable?)
- "cgi-url-root" : "", //_cfg.cgi_url_root, // start with "http://localhost/cgi-bin" ?
- "cgi-url-action" : "", //_cfg.cgi_url_action, // start with "http://localhost/cgi-bin/spine-search"
- "cgi-search-title" : "", //_cfg.cgi_search_form_title, // e.g. "≅ SiSU Spine search"
+ "output" : "",
+ "www-http" : "",
+ "www-host" : "",
+ "www-host-doc-root" : "",
+ "www-url-doc-root" : "",
+ "cgi-http" : "",
+ "cgi-host" : "",
+ "cgi-bin-root" : "",
+ "cgi-sqlite-search-filename" : "",
+ "cgi-url-root" : "",
+ "cgi-url-action" : "",
+ "cgi-search-title" : "",
"config" : "",
- "lang" : "all", //_cfg.default_language, // suggest "all" or "en" (default which language to process)
- "set-papersize" : "", //_cfg.default_papersize, // suggest: a4
- "set-textwrap" : "", //_cfg.default_text_wrap, // suggest: 80
- "set-digest" : "", //_cfg.default_hash_digest, // suggest: sha256
- "sqlite-db-path" : "", //_cfg.db_sqlite_path, // suggest: "/var/www/sqlite"
- "sqlite-db-filename" : "", //_cfg.db_sqlite_filename, // suggest: "spine-search.db"
+ "lang" : "all",
+ "set-papersize" : "",
+ "set-textwrap" : "",
+ "set-digest" : "",
+ "sqlite-db-path" : "",
+ "sqlite-db-filename" : "",
auto helpInfo = getopt(args,
@@ -199,10 +199,10 @@ string program_name = "spine";
"assert", "set optional assertions on", &opts["assertions"],
"cgi-search-form-codegen", "generates (pre-compiled) d code for search of specified db", &opts["cgi-search-form-codegen"],
"cgi-bin-root", "path to cgi-bin directory", &settings["cgi-bin-root"],
- "cgi-sqlite-search-filename", "cgi-bin sqlite search form name", &settings["cgi-sqlite-search-filename"],
"cgi-url-root", "url to cgi-bin (to find cgi-bin)", &settings["cgi-url-root"],
"cgi-url-action", "url to post to cgi-bin search form", &settings["cgi-url-action"],
- "cgi-search-title", "title for cgi-bin search form", &settings["cgi-search-title"],
+ "cgi-search-title", "if generating a cgi search form the title to use for it", &settings["cgi-search-title"],
+ "cgi-sqlite-search-filename", "=[filename] default is spine-search", &settings["cgi-sqlite-search-filename"],
"concordance", "file for document", &opts["concordance"],
"curate", "extract info on authors & topics from document header metadata", &opts["curate"],
"curate-authors", "extract info on authors from document header metadata", &opts["curate-authors"],
@@ -217,6 +217,7 @@ string program_name = "spine";
"html-link-search", "html embedded search submission", &opts["html-link-search"],
"html-seg", "process html output", &opts["html-seg"],
"html-scroll", "process html output", &opts["html-scroll"],
+ "lang", "=[lang code e.g. =en or =en,es]", &settings["lang"],
"latex", "output for pdfs", &opts["latex"],
"latex-color-links", "mono or color links for pdfs", &opts["latex-color-links"],
"light", "default light theme", &opts["light"],
@@ -224,6 +225,7 @@ string program_name = "spine";
"ocn-off", "object cite numbers", &opts["ocn-off"],
"odf", "open document format text (--odt)", &opts["odf"],
"odt", "open document format text", &opts["odt"],
+ "output", "=/path/to/output/dir specify where to place output", &settings["output"],
"parallel", "parallelisation", &opts["parallel"],
"parallel-subprocesses", "nested parallelisation", &opts["parallel-subprocesses"],
"pdf", "latex output for pdfs", &opts["pdf"],
@@ -251,6 +253,8 @@ string program_name = "spine";
"sqlite-discrete", "process discrete sqlite output", &opts["sqlite-discrete"],
"sqlite-db-create", "create db, create tables", &opts["sqlite-db-create"],
"sqlite-db-drop", "drop tables & db", &opts["sqlite-db-drop"],
+ "sqlite-db-filename", "sqlite db to create, populate & make available for search", &settings["sqlite-db-filename"],
+ "sqlite-db-path", "sqlite db path", &settings["sqlite-db-path"],
"sqlite-db-recreate", "create db, create tables", &opts["sqlite-db-recreate"],
"sqlite-delete", "sqlite output", &opts["sqlite-delete"],
"sqlite-insert", "sqlite output", &opts["sqlite-insert"],
@@ -267,13 +271,7 @@ string program_name = "spine";
"very-verbose", "output to terminal", &opts["very-verbose"],
"workon", "(reserved for some matters under development & testing)", &opts["workon"],
"xhtml", "xhtml output", &opts["xhtml"],
- "cgi-search-title", "if generating a cgi search form the title to use for it", &settings["cgi-search-title"],
- "cgi-sqlite-search-filename", "=[filename] default is spine-search", &settings["cgi-sqlite-search-filename"],
"config", "=/path/to/config/file/including/filename", &settings["config"],
- "lang", "=[lang code e.g. =en or =en,es]", &settings["lang"],
- "output", "=/path/to/output/dir specify where to place output", &settings["output"],
- "sqlite-db-path", "sqlite db path", &settings["sqlite-db-path"],
- "sqlite-db-filename", "sqlite db to create, populate & make available for search", &settings["sqlite-db-filename"],
// "sqlite-db-filename", "=[filename].sql.db", &settings["sqlite-db-filename"],
if (helpInfo.helpWanted) {
@@ -466,12 +464,6 @@ string program_name = "spine";
@trusted string cgi_bin_root() {
return settings["cgi-bin-root"];
- @trusted string cgi_url_root() {
- return settings["cgi-url-root"];
- }
- @trusted string cgi_url_action() {
- return settings["cgi-url-action"];
- }
@trusted string cgi_search_title() {
return settings["cgi-search-title"];
@@ -483,6 +475,12 @@ string program_name = "spine";
? (settings["cgi-sqlite-search-filename"].translate(['-' : "_"]) ~ ".d")
: "";
+ @trusted string cgi_url_root() {
+ return settings["cgi-url-root"];
+ }
+ @trusted string cgi_url_action() {
+ return settings["cgi-url-action"];
+ }
@trusted string hash_digest_type() {
return settings["set-digest"];
@@ -492,16 +490,16 @@ string program_name = "spine";
@trusted string latex_papersize() {
return settings["set-papersize"];
- @trusted string webserver_host_name() {
+ @trusted string webserver_host_name() {
return settings["www-host"];
- @trusted string webserver_host_doc_root() {
+ @trusted string webserver_host_doc_root() {
return settings["www-host-doc-root"];
- @trusted string webserver_url_doc_root() {
+ @trusted string webserver_url_doc_root() {
return settings["www-url-doc-root"];
- @trusted string webserver_http() {
+ @trusted string webserver_http() {
return settings["www-http"];
@trusted bool parallelise() {
@@ -662,7 +660,7 @@ string program_name = "spine";
_conf_file_details = configFilePaths!()(_manifested, _env, _opt_action.config_path_set);
auto _config_local_site_struct = readConfigSite!()(_conf_file_details, _opt_action, _cfg);
import doc_reform.meta.conf_make_meta_yaml;
- _siteConfig = _config_local_site_struct.configParseYAMLreturnSpineStruct!()(_siteConfig, _manifested, _opt_action); // - get local site config
+ _siteConfig = _config_local_site_struct.configParseYAMLreturnSpineStruct!()(_siteConfig, _manifested, _opt_action, _cfg); // - get local site config
@@ -670,7 +668,7 @@ string program_name = "spine";
} else { /+ local site config +/
auto _config_local_site_struct = readConfigSite!()(_conf_file_details, _opt_action, _cfg);
import doc_reform.meta.conf_make_meta_yaml;
- _siteConfig = _config_local_site_struct.configParseYAMLreturnSpineStruct!()(_siteConfig, _manifested, _opt_action); // - get local site config
+ _siteConfig = _config_local_site_struct.configParseYAMLreturnSpineStruct!()(_siteConfig, _manifested, _opt_action, _cfg); // - get local site config
if (_opt_action.show_config) {
import doc_reform.meta.metadoc_show_config;
@@ -886,7 +884,7 @@ string program_name = "spine";
) {
writeln("--->\nstepX commence → (document abstraction)");
- auto t = spineAbstraction!()(_env, program_info, _opt_action, manifest, _make_and_meta_struct);
+ auto t = spineAbstraction!()(_env, program_info, _opt_action, _cfg, manifest, _make_and_meta_struct);
static assert(t.length==2);
auto doc_abstraction = t[dAM.abstraction];
auto doc_matters = t[dAM.matters];
@@ -1000,7 +998,7 @@ string program_name = "spine";
) {
writeln("--->\nstepX commence → (document abstraction)");
- auto t = spineAbstraction!()(_env, program_info, _opt_action, manifest, _make_and_meta_struct);
+ auto t = spineAbstraction!()(_env, program_info, _opt_action, _cfg, manifest, _make_and_meta_struct);
static assert(t.length==2);
auto doc_abstraction = t[dAM.abstraction];
auto doc_matters = t[dAM.matters];
diff --git a/sundry/spine_search_cgi/shell.nix b/sundry/spine_search_cgi/shell.nix
index 5926e62..55ca4ae 100755
--- a/sundry/spine_search_cgi/shell.nix
+++ b/sundry/spine_search_cgi/shell.nix
@@ -1,26 +1,24 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S nix-shell --pure
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
pkgs.mkShell {
- buildInputs = with pkgs; [(
- with pkgs; [
- # nix_related
- nixFlakes
- nix-prefetch-git
- validatePkgConfig
- jq
- git
- # d_build_related
- rund
- dub
- ldc
- #meson
- # search_sqlite_related
- # search related
- sqlite
- # candy
- starship
- ]
- )];
+ buildInputs = with pkgs; [
+ # nix_related
+ nixFlakes
+ nix-prefetch-git
+ validatePkgConfig
+ jq
+ git
+ # d_build_related
+ rund
+ dub
+ ldc
+ #meson
+ # search_sqlite_related
+ # search related
+ sqlite
+ # candy
+ starship
+ ];
shellHook = ''
if [[ -e ".envrc" ]]; then
source .envrc
diff --git a/sundry/spine_search_cgi/views/configuration_suggested.txt b/sundry/spine_search_cgi/views/configuration_example.txt
index 5ba5175..3552861 100644
--- a/sundry/spine_search_cgi/views/configuration_suggested.txt
+++ b/sundry/spine_search_cgi/views/configuration_example.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ struct Cfg {
string http_request_type = "http";
string http_host = "localhost";
string www_url_doc_root = "http://localhost";
- string www_doc_root = "/srv/www/spine/static";
+ string www_doc_root = "/srv/www/spine";
string cgi_bin_subpath = "/cgi-bin";
string cgi_filename = "spine_search"; // "spine-search"
string cgi_search_form_title = "≅ SiSU Spine search";
diff --git a/views/configuration_suggested.txt b/views/configuration_example.txt
index 4b109e7..02154de 100644
--- a/views/configuration_suggested.txt
+++ b/views/configuration_example.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ struct Cfg {
string www_http = "http";
string www_host = "localhost";
string www_url_doc_root = "http://localhost";
- string www_doc_root = "/srv/www/spine/static";
+ string www_doc_root = "/srv/www/spine";
string www_host_doc_root = "localhost";
string cgi_bin_root = "/var/www/cgi/cgi-bin";
string cgi_bin_subpath = "/cgi-bin";