path: root/org/default_paths.org
diff options
authorRalph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com>2017-04-20 13:57:03 -0400
committerRalph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com>2019-04-10 15:14:14 -0400
commit9cf470e69b2d579701ee607f796de612dc600565 (patch)
treeff16c8b547767e4b441655df39511c1757f819c3 /org/default_paths.org
parentsection keys sequence (diff)
0.14.0 reorganized files, and paths
Diffstat (limited to 'org/default_paths.org')
1 files changed, 436 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/org/default_paths.org b/org/default_paths.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c1cb3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org/default_paths.org
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+#+TITLE: sdp default paths
+#+AUTHOR: Ralph Amissah
+#+EMAIL: ralph.amissah@gmail.com
+#+STARTUP: indent
+#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:nil _:nil -:t f:t *:t <:t
+#+OPTIONS: TeX:t LaTeX:t skip:nil d:nil todo:t pri:nil tags:not-in-toc
+#+OPTIONS: author:nil email:nil creator:nil timestamp:nil
+#+PROPERTY: header-args :padline no :exports code :noweb yes
+#+FILETAGS: :sdp:rel:ao:read:file:
+#+TAGS: assert(a) class(c) debug(d) mixin(m) sdp(s) tangle(T) template(t) WEB(W) noexport(n)
+[[./sdp.org][sdp]] [[./][org/]]
+* 0. source paths :paths:dir:source:
+#+BEGIN_SRC d :tangle ../src/sdp/paths_source.d
+ read configuration files<BR>
+ - read config files<BR>
+ ao_config_files.d
+import std.array,
+ std.path,
+ std.regex,
+ std.stdio;
+import ao_rgx;
+template SiSUpathsSRC() {
+ mixin SiSUrgxInit;
+ auto rgx = Rgx();
+ auto SiSUpathsSRC(D,Fn)(
+ D _pwd,
+ Fn _fn_src,
+ ) {
+ struct SisuSrcPaths {
+ auto pwd() {
+ return _pwd;
+ }
+ auto language() {
+ // use command line info as well?
+ string _k;
+ if (auto m = _fn_src.match(rgx.language_code_and_filename)) {
+ _k = m.captures[1];
+ } else {
+ _k = "en";
+ }
+ return _k;
+ }
+ auto doc_root() {
+ return "sisudoc";
+ }
+ auto text_root() {
+ return doc_root.chainPath("text").array;
+ }
+ auto media_root() {
+ return doc_root.chainPath("docmedia").array;
+ }
+ auto conf_root() {
+ return doc_root.chainPath("conf").array;
+ }
+ auto image_root() {
+ return media_root.chainPath("image").array;
+ }
+ auto doc_src_fn_with_path_for_text_root_and_lng() {
+ return text_root.chainPath(language).array;
+ }
+ auto doc_src_with_relative_path() {
+ return pwd.chainPath(_fn_src).array;
+ }
+ auto doc_src_fn() {
+ return _fn_src.baseName.array;
+ }
+ }
+ return SisuSrcPaths();
+ }
+* 1. output paths :paths:dir:output:
+** 0. tangle, template output paths
+#+BEGIN_SRC d :tangle ../src/sdp/paths_output.d
+ default settings
+import std.array,
+ std.path,
+ std.regex,
+ std.stdio;
+import ao_rgx;
+** _sisupod_ (output bundled source) :sisupod:
+tree sisupod
+└── sisudoc
+ ├── conf
+ │   └── sisu_document_make
+ ├── docmedia
+ │   ├── audio
+ │   ├── image
+ │   └── video
+ ├── sisudoc.txt
+ └── text
+ └── en
+├── en
+│   └── the_wealth_of_networks.yochai_benkler.sst
+└── _sisu
+ └── sisu_document_make
+*** pod archive
+#+name: template_paths_sisupod
+template SiSUpathsSisupod() {
+ mixin SiSUrgxInit;
+ auto rgx = Rgx();
+ string base_dir = "sisupod";
+ string suffix = ".zip";
+ auto SiSUpathsSisupod()() {
+ struct _PathsStruct {
+ string base_filename(string fn_src) {
+ return fn_src.baseName.stripExtension;
+ }
+ string sisupod_filename(string fn_src) {
+ return base_dir.chainPath(base_filename(fn_src) ~ suffix).array;
+ }
+ string base(string fn_src) {
+ return base_dir.chainPath(base_filename(fn_src)).array;
+ }
+ }
+ return _PathsStruct();
+ }
+*** pod zipped archive
+#+name: template_paths_sisupod_zipped_archive
+template SiSUpathsSisupodZipped() {
+ mixin SiSUrgxInit;
+ auto rgx = Rgx();
+ auto SiSUpathsSisupodZipped(Ps,Lng)(
+ Ps src_pth_info,
+ Lng lng,
+ ) {
+ struct _PathsStruct {
+ auto spod_pths = SiSUpathsSisupod!()(); // SiSUpodPaths();
+ string base_filename(string fn_src) {
+ return spod_pths.base_filename(fn_src);
+ }
+ string sisupod_filename(string fn_src) {
+ return spod_pths.sisupod_filename(fn_src);
+ }
+ string base(string fn_src) {
+ return spod_pths.base(fn_src);
+ }
+ auto pod_root(string fn_src) {
+ return "sisudoc";
+ }
+ auto text_root(string fn_src) {
+ return pod_root(fn_src).chainPath("text").array;
+ }
+ auto media_root(string fn_src) {
+ return pod_root(fn_src).chainPath("docmedia").array;
+ }
+ auto conf_root(string fn_src) {
+ return pod_root(fn_src).chainPath("conf").array;
+ }
+ auto doc(string fn_src) {
+ return text_root(fn_src); // or pod_root?
+ }
+ auto doc_lng(string fn_src) {
+ return text_root(fn_src).chainPath(lng).array;
+ }
+ auto image_root(string fn_src) {
+ return media_root(fn_src).chainPath("image").array;
+ }
+ auto css(string fn_src) {
+ return conf_root(fn_src).chainPath("css").array;
+ }
+ auto fn_doc(string fn_src) {
+ return (doc_lng(fn_src)).chainPath(fn_src.baseName).array;
+ }
+ auto fn_doc_insert(string fn_src, string fn_insert) {
+ return (doc_lng(fn_src)).chainPath(fn_insert.baseName).array;
+ }
+ }
+ return _PathsStruct();
+ }
+*** pod unzipped (sisusrc), archive on filesystem
+#+name: template_paths_sisupod_unzipped_filesystem
+template SiSUpathsSisupodFileSystem() {
+ mixin SiSUrgxInit;
+ auto rgx = Rgx();
+ auto SiSUpathsSisupodFileSystem(Ps,Lng)(
+ Ps src_pth_info,
+ Lng lng,
+ ) {
+ struct _PathsStruct {
+ auto spod_pths = SiSUpathsSisupod!()(); // SiSUpodPaths();
+ string base_filename(string fn_src) {
+ return spod_pths.base_filename(fn_src);
+ }
+ string sisupod_filename(string fn_src) {
+ return spod_pths.sisupod_filename(fn_src);
+ }
+ string base(string fn_src) {
+ return spod_pths.base(fn_src);
+ }
+ auto pod_root(string fn_src) {
+ return base(fn_src).chainPath("sisudoc").array;
+ }
+ auto text_root(string fn_src) {
+ return pod_root(fn_src).chainPath("text").array;
+ }
+ auto media_root(string fn_src) {
+ return pod_root(fn_src).chainPath("docmedia").array;
+ }
+ auto conf_root(string fn_src) {
+ return pod_root(fn_src).chainPath("conf").array;
+ }
+ auto doc(string fn_src) {
+ return pod_root(fn_src);
+ }
+ auto doc_lng(string fn_src) {
+ return text_root(fn_src).chainPath(lng).array;
+ }
+ auto image_root(string fn_src) {
+ return media_root(fn_src).chainPath("image").array;
+ }
+ auto css(string fn_src) {
+ return conf_root(fn_src).chainPath("css").array;
+ }
+ auto fn_doc(string fn_src) {
+ return (doc_lng(fn_src)).chainPath(fn_src.baseName).array;
+ }
+ auto fn_doc_insert(string fn_src, string fn_insert) {
+ return (doc_lng(fn_src)).chainPath(fn_insert.baseName).array;
+ }
+ }
+ return _PathsStruct();
+ }
+** shared out path, base directory :out:
+#+name: template_paths_out
+template SiSUoutPaths() {
+ auto SiSUoutPaths(Ps,Lng)(
+ Ps src_pth_info,
+ Lng lng,
+ ) {
+ struct _PathsStruct {
+ string output_root() {
+ return "sisugen";
+ }
+ string output_base() {
+ return output_root.chainPath(lng).array;
+ }
+ }
+ return _PathsStruct();
+ }
+** _html_ :html:
+#+name: template_paths_html
+template SiSUpathsHTML() {
+ mixin SiSUrgxInit;
+ auto rgx = Rgx();
+ auto SiSUpathsHTML(Ps,Lng)(
+ Ps src_pth_info,
+ Lng lng,
+ ) {
+ auto out_pth = SiSUoutPaths!()(src_pth_info, lng);
+ string base_dir = "html";
+ string suffix = ".html";
+ struct _PathsStruct {
+ string base_filename(string fn_src) {
+ return fn_src.baseName.stripExtension;
+ }
+ string base() {
+ return (out_pth.output_base).chainPath(base_dir).array;
+ }
+ string image() {
+ return (out_pth.output_root).chainPath("image").array;
+ }
+ string css() {
+ return (out_pth.output_root).chainPath("css").array;
+ }
+ string fn_css() {
+ return css.chainPath("html.css").array;
+ }
+ string seg(string fn_src) {
+ return base.chainPath(base_filename(fn_src)).array;
+ }
+ string fn_scroll(string fn_src) {
+ return base.chainPath(base_filename(fn_src) ~ suffix).array;
+ }
+ string fn_seg(string fn_src, string seg_filename) {
+ return seg(fn_src).chainPath(seg_filename ~ suffix).array;
+ }
+ }
+ return _PathsStruct();
+ }
+** _epub_ :epub:
+#+name: template_paths_epub
+template SiSUpathsEPUB() {
+ mixin SiSUrgxInit;
+ auto rgx = Rgx();
+ auto SiSUpathsEPUB(Ps,Lng)(
+ Ps src_pth_info,
+ Lng lng,
+ ) {
+ auto out_pth = SiSUoutPaths!()(src_pth_info, lng);
+ string base_dir = "epub";
+ struct _PathsStruct {
+ string base() {
+ return (out_pth.output_base).chainPath(base_dir).array;
+ }
+ string base_filename(string fn_src) {
+ return fn_src.baseName.stripExtension;
+ }
+ string epub_file(string fn_src) {
+ return base.chainPath(base_filename(fn_src) ~ ".epub").array;
+ }
+ string dirtop() {
+ return "".chainPath("").array;
+ }
+ string doc_meta_inf(string fn_src) {
+ return dirtop.chainPath("META-INF").array;
+ }
+ string doc_oebps(string fn_src) {
+ return dirtop.chainPath("OEBPS").array;
+ }
+ string doc_oebps_css(string fn_src) {
+ return doc_oebps(fn_src).chainPath("css").array;
+ }
+ string doc_oebps_image(string fn_src) {
+ return doc_oebps(fn_src).chainPath("image").array;
+ }
+ string fn_mimetypes(string fn_src) {
+ return dirtop.chainPath("mimetypes").array;
+ }
+ string fn_dmi_container_xml(string fn_src) {
+ return doc_meta_inf(fn_src).chainPath("container.xml").array;
+ }
+ string fn_oebps_toc_nav_xhtml(string fn_src) {
+ return doc_oebps(fn_src).chainPath("toc_nav.xhtml").array;
+ }
+ string fn_oebps_toc_ncx(string fn_src) {
+ return doc_oebps(fn_src).chainPath("toc.ncx").array;
+ }
+ string fn_oebps_content_opf(string fn_src) {
+ return doc_oebps(fn_src).chainPath("content.opf").array;
+ }
+ string fn_oebps_content_xhtml(string fn_src, string seg_filename) {
+ return doc_oebps(fn_src).chainPath(seg_filename ~ ".xhtml").array;
+ }
+ string fn_oebps_css(string fn_src) {
+ return doc_oebps_css(fn_src).chainPath("epub.css").array;
+ }
+ debug(epub_output) {
+ string dbg_docdir(string fn_src) {
+ return base.chainPath(base_filename(fn_src)).array;
+ }
+ string dbg_docdir_oebps(string fn_src) {
+ return dbg_docdir(fn_src).chainPath("OEBPS").array;
+ }
+ string dbg_doc_meta_inf(string fn_src) {
+ return dbg_docdir(fn_src).chainPath("META-INF").array;
+ }
+ string dbg_doc_oebps(string fn_src) {
+ return dbg_docdir(fn_src).chainPath("OEBPS").array;
+ }
+ string dbg_doc_oebps_css(string fn_src) {
+ return dbg_doc_oebps(fn_src).chainPath("css").array;
+ }
+ string dbg_doc_oebps_image(string fn_src) {
+ return dbg_doc_oebps(fn_src).chainPath("image").array;
+ }
+ string dbg_fn_mimetypes(string fn_src) {
+ return dbg_docdir(fn_src).chainPath("mimetypes").array;
+ }
+ string dbg_fn_dmi_container_xml(string fn_src) {
+ return dbg_doc_meta_inf(fn_src).chainPath("container.xml").array;
+ }
+ string dbg_fn_oebps_toc_nav_xhtml(string fn_src) {
+ return dbg_docdir_oebps(fn_src).chainPath("toc_nav.xhtml").array;
+ }
+ string dbg_fn_oebps_toc_ncx(string fn_src) {
+ return dbg_docdir_oebps(fn_src).chainPath("toc.ncx").array;
+ }
+ string dbg_fn_oebps_content_opf(string fn_src) {
+ return dbg_docdir_oebps(fn_src).chainPath("content.opf").array;
+ }
+ string dbg_fn_oebps_content_xhtml(string fn_src, string seg_filename) {
+ return dbg_docdir_oebps(fn_src).chainPath(seg_filename ~ ".xhtml").array;
+ }
+ string dbg_fn_oebps_css(string fn_src) {
+ return dbg_doc_oebps_css(fn_src).chainPath("epub.css").array;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return _PathsStruct();
+ }