# encoding: utf-8 =begin * Name: SiSU * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search * Author: Ralph Amissah * Copyright: (C) 1997 - 2011, Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved. * License: GPL 3 or later: SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be available at these locations: * SiSU uses: * Standard SiSU markup syntax, * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system * Hompages: * Download: * Ralph Amissah ** Description: system environment, resource control and configuration details =end module Metadata class Summary attr_accessor :tag,:inf,:class,:attrib def initialize(md,display_heading=false) @md,@display_heading=md,display_heading @tag,@inf,@class,@attrib=nil end def metadata_base meta,tag=[],[] dir=SiSU_Env::Info_env.new(@md.fns) base_html="#{dir.url.root}/#{@md.fnb}" l=SiSU_Env::Standardise_language.new(@md.opt.lng).language language=l[:l] tr=SiSU_Translate::Source.new(@md,language) @attrib='md' if @display_heading @tag,@inf=%{Document Metadata},'' meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.title.full \ and @md.title.full=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.full_title,@md.title.full,'dc' #1 meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.creator.author \ and @md.creator.author=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.author,@md.creator.author,'dc' #2 meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.creator.translator \ and @md.creator.translator=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.translator,@md.creator.translator,'ext' meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.creator.illustrator \ and @md.creator.illustrator=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.illustrator,@md.creator.illustrator,'ext' meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.creator.prepared_by \ and @md.creator.prepared_by=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.prepared_by,@md.creator.prepared_by,'ext' meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.creator.digitized_by \ and @md.creator.digitized_by=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.digitized_by,@md.creator.digitized_by,'ext' meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.rights.all \ and @md.rights.all=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.rights,@md.rights.all,'dc' #15 meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.classify.subject \ and @md.classify.subject=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.subject,@md.classify.subject,'dc' #3 meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.notes.description \ and @md.notes.description=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.description,@md.notes.description,'dc' #4 meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.publisher \ and @md.publisher=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.publisher,@md.publisher,'dc' #5 meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.creator.contributor \ and @md.creator.contributor=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.contributor,@md.creator.contributor,'dc' #6 meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.notes.abstract \ and @md.notes.abstract=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.abstract,@md.notes.abstract,'ext' meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.date.created \ and @md.date.created=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.date_created,@md.date.created,'dc' #7 meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.date.issued \ and @md.date.issued=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.date_issued,@md.date.issued,'dc' #7 meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.date.available \ and @md.date.available=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.date_available,@md.date.available,'dc' #7 meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.date.modified \ and @md.date.modified=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.date_modified,@md.date.modified,'dc' #7 meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.date.valid \ and @md.date.valid=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.date_valid,@md.date.valid,'dc' #7 meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.date.published \ and @md.date.published=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.date,@md.date.published,'dc' #7 meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.type \ and @md.date=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.type,@md.type,'dc' #8 meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.classify.loc \ and @md.classify.loc=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.cls_loc,@md.classify.loc,'id' meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.classify.dewey \ and @md.classify.dewey=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.cls_dewey,@md.classify.dewey,'id' meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.classify.pg \ and @md.classify.pg=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.cls_gutenberg,@md.classify.pg,'id' meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.classify.isbn \ and @md.classify.isbn=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.cls_isbn,@md.classify.isbn,'id' meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.notes.comment \ and @md.notes.comment=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.comments,@md.notes.comment,'ext' meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.notes.prefix_a \ and @md.notes.prefix_a=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.prefix_a,@md.notes.prefix_a,'inf' meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.notes.prefix_b \ and @md.notes.prefix_b=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.prefix_b,@md.notes.prefix_b,'inf' meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.classify.identifier \ and @md.classify.identifier=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.identifier,@md.classify.identifier,'dc' #10 meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.original.source \ and @md.original.source=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.source,@md.original.source,'dc' #11 meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.title.language \ and @md.title.language=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.language,@md.title.language,'dc' #12 meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.original.language \ and @md.original.language=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.language_original,@md.original.language,'ext' meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.classify.format \ and @md.classify.format=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.format,@md.classify.format,'dc' #9 meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.classify.relation \ and @md.classify.relation=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.relation,@md.classify.relation,'dc' #13 meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.classify.coverage \ and @md.classify.coverage=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.coverage,@md.classify.coverage,'dc' #14 meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.classify.keywords \ and @md.classify.keywords=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.keywords,@md.classify.keywords,'ext' meta << self.meta_para end if @display_heading @tag,@inf=%{Version Information},'' meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.fns \ and @md.fns=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.sourcefile,@md.fns,'src' meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.file_encoding \ and @md.file_encoding=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class='Filetype',@md.file_encoding,'src' meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.dgst \ and @md.dgst.class==Array @tag,@inf,@class='Source Digest',"#{@md.dgst[0]} #{@md.dgst[1]}",'src' meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.dgst_skin \ and @md.dgst_skin.class==Array @tag,@inf,@class='Skin Digest',"#{@md.dgst_skin[0]} #{@md.dgst_skin[1]}",'src' meta << self.meta_para end if @display_heading @tag,@inf=%{Generated},'' meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.sisu_version \ and @md.sisu_version[:version]=~/\S+/ v="#{tr.sisu_version}: " + "#{@md.sisu_version[:project]} " + "#{@md.sisu_version[:version]} " + "of #{@md.sisu_version[:date_stamp]} " + "(#{@md.sisu_version[:date]})" @tag,@inf,@class='Generated by',v,'ver' meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.ruby_version \ and @md.ruby_version=~/\S+/ @tag,@inf,@class=tr.ruby_version,@md.ruby_version,'ver' meta << self.meta_para end if defined? @md.generated \ and @md.generated.class==Time @tag,@inf,@class=tr.last_generated,@md.generated,'date' meta << self.meta_para end meta end def processing_tags def make def language if defined? @md.make.language \ and @md.make.language ' :language: ' + @md.make.language.join(', ') else nil end end def headings if defined? @md.make.headings \ and @md.make.headings ' :headings: ' + @md.make.headings[0].join('; ') else nil end end def num_top if defined? @md.make.num_top \ and @md.make.num_top ' :num_top: ' + @md.make.num_top else nil end end def breaks x=if defined? @md.make.breaks \ and @md.make.breaks x=' :breaks:' if @md.make.breaks[:page_break] x +=' break=' + @md.make.breaks[:page_break] + ';' end if @md.make.breaks[:page_new] x +=' new=' + @md.make.breaks[:page_new] + ';' end else nil end end def emphasis if defined? @md.make.emphasis \ and @md.make.emphasis ' :emphasis: ' + @md.make.emphasis[:regx].inspect else nil end end def bold if defined? @md.make.bold \ and @md.make.bold ' :bold: ' + @md.make.bold[:regx].inspect else nil end end def italics if defined? @md.make.italics \ and @md.make.italics ' :italics: ' + @md.make.italics[:regx].inspect else nil end end def texpdf_font if defined? @md.make.texpdf_font \ and @md.make.texpdf_font ' :texpdf_font: ' + @md.make.texpdf_font else nil end end def skin if defined? @md.make.skin \ and @md.make.skin ' :skin: ' + @md.make.skin else nil end end self end self end def metadata_tags def title def main if defined? @md.title.main \ and @md.title.main '@title: ' + @md.title.main else '@title:' end end def sub if defined? @md.title.sub \ and @md.title.sub ' :subtitle: ' + @md.title.sub else nil end end def edition if defined? @md.title.edition \ and @md.title.edition ' :edition: ' + @md.title.edition else nil end end def note if defined? @md.title.note \ and @md.title.note ' :note: ' + @md.title.note else nil end end def short if defined? @md.title.short \ and @md.title.short ' :short: ' + @md.title.short else nil end end def language if defined? @md.title.language \ and @md.title.language ' :language: ' + @md.title.language.join(', ') else nil end end def language_char if defined? @md.title.language_char \ and @md.title.language_char ' :language_char: ' + @md.title.language_char else nil end end self end def creator def head '@creator:' end def author x=if defined? @md.creator.author_detail \ and @md.creator.author_detail x='' @md.creator.author_detail.each do |n| x += "#{n[:the]}, #{n[:others]}; " end x.gsub!(/;\s*$/,'') ' :author: ' + x else nil end end def contributor x=if defined? @md.creator.contributor_detail \ and @md.creator.contributor_detail x='' @md.creator.contributor_detail.each do |n| x += "#{n[:the]}, #{n[:others]}; " end x.gsub!(/;\s*$/,'') ' :contributor: ' + x else nil end end def illustrator x=if defined? @md.creator.illustrator_detail \ and @md.creator.illustrator_detail x='' @md.creator.illustrator_detail.each do |n| x += "#{n[:the]}, #{n[:others]}; " end x.gsub!(/;\s*$/,'') ' :illustrator: ' + x else nil end end def photographer x=if defined? @md.creator.photographer_detail \ and @md.creator.photographer_detail x='' @md.creator.photographer_detail.each do |n| x += "#{n[:the]}, #{n[:others]}; " end x.gsub!(/;\s*$/,'') ' :photographer: ' + x else nil end end def translator x=if defined? @md.creator.translator_detail \ and @md.creator.translator_detail x='' @md.creator.translator_detail.each do |n| x += "#{n[:the]}, #{n[:others]}; " end x.gsub!(/;\s*$/,'') ' :translator: ' + x else nil end end def audio x=if defined? @md.creator.audio_detail \ and @md.creator.audio_detail x='' @md.creator.audio_detail.each do |n| x += "#{n[:the]}, #{n[:others]}; " end x.gsub!(/;\s*$/,'') ' :audio: ' + x else nil end end def digitized_by x=if defined? @md.creator.digitized_by_detail \ and @md.creator.digitized_by_detail x='' @md.creator.digitized_by_detail.each do |n| x += "#{n[:the]}, #{n[:others]}; " end x.gsub!(/;\s*$/,'') ' :digitized_by: ' + x else nil end end def prepared_by x=if defined? @md.creator.prepared_by_detail \ and @md.creator.prepared_by_detail x='' @md.creator.prepared_by_detail.each do |n| x += "#{n[:the]}, #{n[:others]}; " end x.gsub!(/;\s*$/,'') ' :prepared_by: ' + x else nil end end self end def rights def head '@rights:' end def copyright def text if defined? @md.rights.copyright.text \ and @md.rights.copyright.text ' :copyright: ' + @md.rights.copyright.text else nil end end def translation if defined? @md.rights.copyright.translation \ and @md.rights.copyright.translation ' :translation: ' + @md.rights.copyright.translation else nil end end def illustrations if defined? @md.rights.copyright.illustrations \ and @md.rights.copyright.illustrations ' :illustrations: ' + @md.rights.copyright.illustrations else nil end end def photographs if defined? @md.rights.copyright.photographs \ and @md.rights.copyright.photographs ' :photographs: ' + @md.rights.copyright.photographs else nil end end def digitization if defined? @md.rights.copyright.digitization \ and @md.rights.copyright.digitization ' :digitization: ' + @md.rights.copyright.digitization else nil end end def audio if defined? @md.rights.copyright.audio \ and @md.rights.copyright.audio ' :audio: ' + @md.rights.copyright.audio else nil end end self end def license if defined? @md.rights.license \ and @md.rights.license ' :license: ' + @md.rights.license else nil end end self end def classify def head '@classify:' end def coverage if defined? @md.classify.coverage \ and @md.classify.coverage ' :coverage: ' + @md.classify.coverage else nil end end def relation if defined? @md.classify.relation \ and @md.classify.relation ' :relation: ' + @md.classify.relation else nil end end def subject if defined? @md.classify.subject \ and @md.classify.subject ' :subject: ' + @md.classify.subject else nil end end def topic_register if defined? @md.classify.topic_register \ and @md.classify.topic_register ' :topic_register: ' + @md.classify.topic_register else nil end end def type # if defined? @md.classify.type \ # and @md.classify.type # ' :type: ' + @md.classify.type # else nil # end nil end def identifier if defined? @md.classify.identifier \ and @md.classify.identifier ' :identifier: ' + @md.classify.identifier else nil end end def loc if defined? @md.classify.loc \ and @md.classify.loc ' :loc: ' + @md.classify.loc else nil end end def dewey if defined? @md.classify.dewey \ and @md.classify.dewey ' :dewey: ' + @md.classify.dewey else nil end end def oclc if defined? @md.classify.oclc \ and @md.classify.oclc ' :oclc: ' + @md.classify.oclc else nil end end def pg if defined? @md.classify.pg \ and @md.classify.pg ' :pg: ' + @md.classify.pg else nil end end def isbn if defined? @md.classify.isbn \ and @md.classify.isbn ' :isbn: ' + @md.classify.isbn else nil end end self end def date def head '@date:' end def added_to_site if defined? @md.date.added_to_site \ and @md.date.added_to_site ' :added_to_site: ' + @md.date.added_to_site else nil end end def available if defined? @md.date.available \ and @md.date.available ' :available: ' + @md.date.available else nil end end def created if defined? @md.date.created \ and @md.date.created ' :created: ' + @md.date.created else nil end end def issued if defined? @md.date.issued \ and @md.date.issued ' :issued: ' + @md.date.issued else nil end end def modified if defined? @md.date.modified \ and @md.date.modified ' :modified: ' + @md.date.modified else nil end end def published if defined? @md.date.published \ and @md.date.published ' :published: ' + @md.date.published else nil end end def valid if defined? @md.date.valid \ and @md.date.valid ' :valid: ' + @md.date.valid else nil end end self end #def make # def headings # @md.make.headings \ # ? (' :headings: ' + @md.make.headings) \ # : nil # end #end self end def char_enc(str) @s=str def utf8 if @s \ and @s.class==String @s.gsub!(//u,Mx[:br_paragraph]) @s.gsub!(//um,'>') # '>' # > @s.gsub!(/¢/um,'¢') # '¢' # ¢ @s.gsub!(/£/um,'£') # '£' # £ @s.gsub!(/¥/um,'¥') # '¥' # ¥ @s.gsub!(/§/um,'§') # '§' # § @s.gsub!(/©/um,'©') # '©' # © @s.gsub!(/ª/um,'ª') # 'ª' # ª @s.gsub!(/«/um,'«') # '«' # « @s.gsub!(/®/um,'®') # '®' # ® @s.gsub!(/°/um,'°') # '°' # ° @s.gsub!(/±/um,'±') # '±' # ± @s.gsub!(/²/um,'²') # '²' # ² @s.gsub!(/³/um,'³') # '³' # ³ @s.gsub!(/µ/um,'µ') # 'µ' # µ @s.gsub!(/¶/um,'¶') # '¶' # ¶ @s.gsub!(/¹/um,'¹') # '¹' # ¹ @s.gsub!(/º/um,'º') # 'º' # º @s.gsub!(/»/um,'»') # '»' # » @s.gsub!(/¼/um,'¼') # '¼' # ¼ @s.gsub!(/½/um,'½') # '½' # ½ @s.gsub!(/¾/um,'¾') # '¾' # ¾ @s.gsub!(/×/um,'×') # '×' # × @s.gsub!(/÷/um,'÷') # '÷' # ÷ @s.gsub!(/¿/um,'¿') # '¿' # ¿ @s.gsub!(/À/um,'À') # 'À' # À @s.gsub!(/Á/um,'Á') # 'Á' # Á @s.gsub!(/Â/um,'Â') # 'Â' # Â @s.gsub!(/Ã/um,'Ã') # 'Ã' # Ã @s.gsub!(/Ä/um,'Ä') # 'Ä' # Ä @s.gsub!(/Å/um,'Å') # 'Å' # Å @s.gsub!(/Æ/um,'Æ') # 'Æ' # Æ @s.gsub!(/Ç/um,'Ç') # 'Ç' # Ç @s.gsub!(/È/um,'È') # 'È' # È @s.gsub!(/É/um,'É') # 'É' # É @s.gsub!(/Ê/um,'Ê') # 'Ê' # Ê @s.gsub!(/Ë/um,'Ë') # 'Ë' # Ë @s.gsub!(/Ì/um,'Ì') # 'Ì' # Ì @s.gsub!(/Í/um,'Í') # 'Í' # Í @s.gsub!(/Î/um,'Î') # 'Î' # Î @s.gsub!(/Ï/um,'Ï') # 'Ï' # Ï @s.gsub!(/Ð/um,'Ð') # 'Ð' # Ð @s.gsub!(/Ñ/um,'Ñ') # 'Ñ' # Ñ @s.gsub!(/Ò/um,'Ò') # 'Ò' # Ò @s.gsub!(/Ó/um,'Ó') # 'Ó' # Ó @s.gsub!(/Ô/um,'Ô') # 'Ô' # Ô @s.gsub!(/Õ/um,'Õ') # 'Õ' # Õ @s.gsub!(/Ö/um,'Ö') # 'Ö' # Ö @s.gsub!(/Ø/um,'Ø') # 'Ø' # Ø @s.gsub!(/Ù/um,'Ù') # 'Ù' # Ù @s.gsub!(/Ú/um,'Ú') # 'Ú' # Ú @s.gsub!(/Û/um,'Û') # 'Û' # Û @s.gsub!(/Ü/um,'Ü') # 'Ü' # Ü @s.gsub!(/Ý/um,'Ý') # 'Ý' # Ý @s.gsub!(/Þ/um,'Þ') # 'Þ' # Þ @s.gsub!(/ß/um,'ß') # 'ß' # ß @s.gsub!(/à/um,'à') # 'à' # à @s.gsub!(/á/um,'á') # 'á' # á @s.gsub!(/â/um,'â') # 'â' # â @s.gsub!(/ã/um,'ã') # 'ã' # ã @s.gsub!(/ä/um,'ä') # 'ä' # ä @s.gsub!(/å/um,'å') # 'å' # å @s.gsub!(/æ/um,'æ') # 'æ' # æ @s.gsub!(/ç/um,'ç') # 'ç' # ç @s.gsub!(/è/um,'è') # 'è' # è @s.gsub!(/é/um,'é') # '´' # é @s.gsub!(/ê/um,'ê') # 'ˆ' # ê @s.gsub!(/ë/um,'ë') # 'ë' # ë @s.gsub!(/ì/um,'ì') # 'ì' # ì @s.gsub!(/í/um,'í') # '´' # í @s.gsub!(/î/um,'î') # 'î' # î @s.gsub!(/ï/um,'ï') # 'ï' # ï @s.gsub!(/ð/um,'ð') # 'ð' # ð @s.gsub!(/ñ/um,'ñ') # 'ñ' # ñ @s.gsub!(/ò/um,'ò') # 'ò' # ò @s.gsub!(/ó/um,'ó') # 'ó' # ó @s.gsub!(/ô/um,'ô') # 'ô' # ô @s.gsub!(/õ/um,'õ') # 'õ' # õ @s.gsub!(/ö/um,'ö') # 'ö' # ö @s.gsub!(/ø/um,'ø') # 'ø' # ø @s.gsub!(/ù/um,'ú') # 'ù' # ú @s.gsub!(/ú/um,'û') # 'ú' # û @s.gsub!(/û/um,'ü') # 'û' # ü @s.gsub!(/ü/um,'ý') # 'ü' # ý @s.gsub!(/þ/um,'þ') # 'þ' # þ @s.gsub!(/ÿ/um,'ÿ') # 'ÿ' # ÿ @s.gsub!(/‘/um,'‘') # '‘' # ‘ @s.gsub!(/’/um,'’') # '’' # ’ @s.gsub!(/“/um,'“') # “ # “ @s.gsub!(/”/um,'”') # ” # ” @s.gsub!(/–/um,'–') # – # – @s.gsub!(/—/um,'—') # — # — @s.gsub!(/∝/um,'∝') # ∝ # ∝ @s.gsub!(/∞/um,'∞') # ∞ # ∞ @s.gsub!(/™/um,'™') # ™ # ™ @s.gsub!(/✠/um,'✠') # ✗ # ✠ @s.gsub!(/ /um,' ') # space identify @s.gsub!(/ /um,' ') # space identify @s.gsub!(/#{Mx[:br_paragraph]}/u,'
') end @s end self end def xml_sax def meta_para inf_xml=char_enc(@inf).utf8 < #{Ax[:tab]}#{@tag.capitalize}: #{Ax[:tab]} #{Ax[:tab]*2}#{inf_xml} #{Ax[:tab]} WOK end def metadata Metadata::Summary.new(@md).metadata_base end self end def xml_dom def meta_para inf_xml=char_enc(@inf).utf8 < #{Ax[:tab]*2}#{@tag.capitalize}: #{Ax[:tab]*2}<#{@attrib}> #{Ax[:tab]*3}#{inf_xml} #{Ax[:tab]*2} #{Ax[:tab]} WOK end def metadata Metadata::Summary.new(@md).metadata_base end self end def xhtml_scroll def meta_para inf_xml=char_enc(@inf).utf8 < #{Ax[:tab]}#{@tag.capitalize}: #{Ax[:tab]}<#{@attrib} class="#{@class}"> #{Ax[:tab]*2}#{inf_xml} #{Ax[:tab]} #{Ax[:tab]}
WOK end def metadata Metadata::Summary.new(@md).metadata_base end self end def xhtml_display def meta_para inf_xml=char_enc(@inf).utf8 %{

#{@tag}: #{inf_xml}

} end def metadata Metadata::Summary.new(@md,true).metadata_base end self end def odf def meta_para url_brace=SiSU_Viz::Skin.new.url_decoration if @inf.class==String @inf.gsub!(//,'>') @inf.gsub!(/<br(?: \/)?>/,'
') if @inf =~/&/ inf_array=[] word=@inf.scan(/\S+|\n/) word.each do |w| # _ - / # | : ! ^ ~ w.gsub!(/ /,' ') if w !~/&\S{2,7}?;/ w.gsub!(/&/,'&') end inf_array << w end @inf=inf_array.join(' ') end @inf.gsub!(/#{Mx[:url_o]}_(\S+?)#{Mx[:url_c]}/, '\1') #http ftp matches escaped, no decoration @inf.gsub!(/(#{Mx[:lnk_c]})#{Mx[:url_o]}(\S+?)#{Mx[:url_c]}/, '\1\2') #special case \{ e.g. \}http://url if @inf =~/#{Mx[:url_o]}(\S+?)#{Mx[:url_c]}/ @inf.gsub!(/#{Mx[:url_o]}(\S+?)#{Mx[:url_c]}/, %{#{url_brace.xml_open}\\1#{url_brace.xml_close}}) #http ftp matches with decoration else @inf.gsub!(/(https?:\/\/[^<>()'"\s]+)/, %{#{url_brace.xml_open}\\1#{url_brace.xml_close}}) #http ftp matches with decoration end @inf.gsub!(/([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+)/, %{#{url_brace.xml_open}\\1#{url_brace.xml_close}}) if @inf !~/http:\/\// # improve upon, document crash where url contains '@' symbol end <#{@tag.capitalize}: #{@inf} WOK end def metadata Metadata::Summary.new(@md).metadata_base end self end def plaintext def meta_para <