# coding: utf-8 =begin * Name: SiSU * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search * Author: Ralph Amissah * Copyright: (C) 1997 - 2010, Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved. * License: GPL 3 or later: SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be available at these locations: * SiSU uses: * Standard SiSU markup syntax, * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system * Hompages: * Download: * Ralph Amissah ** Description: document digests (md5|sha256) and structure processing =end module SiSU_Digest_view require "#{SiSU_lib}/particulars" # particulars.rb require "#{SiSU_lib}/i18n" # i18n.rb require "#{SiSU_lib}/shared_markup_alt.rb" # shared_markup_alt.rb pwd=Dir.pwd class Source @@dg=nil def initialize(opt) @opt=opt @fnb=@opt.fnb @@endnotes_para=[] @@dg=nil @dg=@@dg ||=SiSU_Env::Info_env.new.digest.type @particulars=SiSU_Particulars::Combined_singleton.instance.get_all(opt) end def read begin @env,@md,@dal_array=@particulars.env,@particulars.md,@particulars.dal_array unless @opt.cmd =~/q/ tool=(@opt.cmd =~/[MVv]/) \ ? "#{@env.program.text_editor} #{@env.path.output_tell}/#{@md.fnb}/#{@md.fn[:digest]}" \ : @opt.fns @opt.cmd=~/[MVvz]/ \ ? SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,"Document #{@dg} Digests",tool).green_hi_blue \ : SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,"Document #{@dg} Digests",tool).green_title_hi SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,@opt.fns,"#{@env.path.output_tell}/#{@md.fnb}/#{@md.fn[:digest]}").flow if @opt.cmd =~/[MV]/ end SiSU_Digest_view::Source::Scroll.new(@particulars).songsheet SiSU_Env::Info_skin.new(@md).select rescue; SiSU_Errors::Info_error.new($!,$@,@opt.cmd,@opt.fns).error ensure end end private class Scroll \1') para.gsub!(/#{Mx[:fa_italics_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_italics_c]}/,'\1') para.gsub!(/#{Mx[:fa_underscore_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_underscore_c]}/,'\1') if para=~/#{Mx[:en_a_o]}[\d*+]+.+?#{Mx[:id_o]}[0-9a-f]{#{@dl}}#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:en_a_c]}/ para_endnotes << para.scan(/(?:#{Mx[:en_a_o]}|#{Mx[:en_b_o]})([\d*+]+).+?#{Mx[:id_o]}([0-9a-f]{#{@dl}})#{Mx[:id_c]}(?:#{Mx[:en_a_c]}|#{Mx[:en_b_c]})/) end ima=[] if para !~/^%+\s/ \ and para =~/(?:^|[^_\\])#{Mx[:lnk_o]}(\S+\.(png|jpg|gif))\s.+?#{Mx[:lnk_c]}(?:#{Mx[:url_o]}\S+?#{Mx[:url_c]}|image)/ images=para.scan(/(?:^|[^_\\])#{Mx[:lnk_o]}(\S+\.(?:png|jpg|gif))\s.+?#{Mx[:lnk_c]}(?:#{Mx[:url_o]}\S+?#{Mx[:url_c]}|image)/).flatten else image=nil end x=case para when /^#{Mx[:meta_o]}title#{Mx[:meta_c]}/ "\n" + ' '*0 +'@' + ' '*9 when /^#{Mx[:meta_o]}subtitle#{Mx[:meta_c]}/ "\n" + ' '*1 +'@' + ' '*8 when /^#{Mx[:lv_o]}1:/ #fix Mx[:lv_o] "\n" + ' '*2 +':A ' + ' '*6 +'- ' + ocn + ' '*(10-ocn.length) + d_clean + ' ' + d_all when /^#{Mx[:lv_o]}2:/ #fix Mx[:lv_o] "\n" + ' '*3 +':B ' + ' '*5 +'- ' + ocn + ' '*(10-ocn.length) + d_clean + ' ' + d_all when /^#{Mx[:lv_o]}3:/ #fix Mx[:lv_o] "\n" + ' '*4 +':C ' + ' '*4 +'- ' + ocn + ' '*(10-ocn.length) + d_clean + ' ' + d_all when /^#{Mx[:lv_o]}4:/ #fix Mx[:lv_o] "\n" + ' '*5 +'1' + ' '*4 +'- ' + ocn + ' '*(10-ocn.length) + d_clean + ' ' + d_all when /^#{Mx[:lv_o]}5:/ #fix Mx[:lv_o] "\n" + ' '*6 +'2' + ' '*3 +'- ' + ocn + ' '*(10-ocn.length) + d_clean + ' ' + d_all when /^#{Mx[:lv_o]}6:/ #fix Mx[:lv_o] "\n" + ' '*7 +'3' + ' '*2 +'- ' + ocn + ' '*(10-ocn.length) + d_clean + ' ' + d_all else if para =~/MD5\(\S+?\.sst\)=\s*([0-9a-f]{#{@dl}})<\/u>/ #watch @n,@s=/MD5\((\S+?\.sst)\)=\s*([0-9a-f]{#{@dl}})<\/u>/.match(para)[1,2] end x=unless ocn =~ /^0$/ if images \ and images.length > 0 # then get path of image & produce digest @image_name,@image_dgst,@img=[],[],[] images.each do |i| image_source=if FileTest.file?("#{@env.path.image_source_include_local}/#{i}") @env.path.image_source_include_local elsif FileTest.file?("#{@env.path.image_source_include_remote}/#{i}") @env.path.image_source_include_remote elsif FileTest.file?("#{@env.path.image_source_include}/#{i}") @env.path.image_source_include else SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@md.cmd,"ERROR - image:", %{"#{i}" missing}, "search locations: #{@env.path.image_source_include_local}, #{@env.path.image_source_include_remote} and #{@env.path.image_source_include}").error2 unless @md.cmd =~/q/ nil end @img << /\S+\.(png|jpg|gif)/.match(i)[1] not_found_msg='image not found' if image_source para_image = image_source + '/' + i @image_name << i @image_dgst << if @dg =~/^sha(?:2|256)$/; sys.sha256(para_image) else sys.md5(para_image) end else @image_name << ' '*16 + i + ' [image missing]' @image_dgst << '' @image_dgst[1]=not_found_msg + ' '*(32-not_found_msg.length) end end line= "\n" + ' '*9 + ' - ' + ocn + ' '*(10-ocn.length) + d_clean + ' ' + d_all + "\n" line_image=[] c=0 @image_name.each do |ok| line_image << %{ #{@img[c]} #{@image_dgst[c][1]} #{@image_name[c]}} c +=1 end line=line + line_image.join("\n") else "\n" + ' '*9 + ' - ' + ocn + ' '*(10-ocn.length) + d_clean + ' ' + d_all end else prefix='' metad=[@tr.full_title,@tr.author,@tr.translator,@tr.illustrator,@tr.prepared_by,@tr.digitized_by,@tr.description,@tr.subject,@tr.abstract,@tr.publisher,@tr.contributor,@tr.date_created,@tr.date_issued,@tr.date_available,@tr.date_modified,@tr.date_valid,@tr.date,@tr.type,@tr.format,@tr.rights,@tr.identifier,@tr.source,@tr.language,@tr.language_original,@tr.relation,@tr.coverage,@tr.keywords,@tr.comments,@tr.cls_loc,@tr.cls_dewey,@tr.cls_gutenberg,@tr.cls_isbn,@tr.prefix_a,@tr.prefix_b,@tr.sourcefile,@tr.sourcefile_digest,@tr.last_generated,@tr.sisu_version,@tr.ruby_version,@tr.sc_number,@tr.sc_date,'Skin_Digest: ','Generated by: ','Ruby version: '] metad.each do |n| m=rgx_txt(n) if m=~/\S+/ \ and para=~/^#{m}:/ x,o=0,18 while x < 2; o = o + 2 x=o - n.length end space=' '*x prefix="#{n.downcase}#{space}" break else prefix=' '*9 end end m_title=rgx_txt(@tr.full_title) m_author=rgx_txt(@tr.author) m_sourcefile_digest=rgx_txt(@tr.sourcefile_digest) m_sisu_version=rgx_txt(@tr.sisu_version) m_last_generated=rgx_txt(@tr.last_generated) m_ruby_version=rgx_txt(@tr.ruby_version) case para when /#{m_title}: / @t=/#{m_title}: (.+?)#{Mx[:id_o]}~\d;(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:id_o]}[0-9a-f]{#{@dl}}:[0-9a-f]{#{@dl}}#{Mx[:id_c]}/.match(para)[1].gsub(/<\/?u>/,'').strip when /#{m_author}: / @c=/#{m_author}: (.+?)#{Mx[:id_o]}~\d;(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:id_o]}[0-9a-f]{#{@dl}}:[0-9a-f]{#{@dl}}#{Mx[:id_c]}/.match(para)[1].gsub(/<\/?u>/,'').strip when /#{m_sourcefile_digest}.+?/ #watch dgst_extra="\n" + ' '*21 +'source' +' '*4 + @md.dgst[1] + ' '*34 + @md.fns when /Skin_Digest: / dgst_extra="\n" + ' '*21 + 'skin' +' '*6 + @md.dgst_skin[1] + ' '*34 + /(skin_\S+?\.rb)/.match(@md.dgst_skin[0])[1] when /#{m_sisu_version}: / @v=/#{m_sisu_version}: (.+?)#{Mx[:id_o]}~\d;(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:id_o]}[0-9a-f]{#{@dl}}:[0-9a-f]{#{@dl}}#{Mx[:id_c]}/.match(para)[1].gsub(/<\/?u>/,'').strip when /#{m_last_generated}: / @g=/#{m_last_generated}: (.+?)#{Mx[:id_o]}~\d;(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:id_o]}[0-9a-f]{#{@dl}}:[0-9a-f]{#{@dl}}#{Mx[:id_c]}/.match(para)[1].gsub(/<\/?u>/,'').strip when /#{m_ruby_version}: / @r=/#{m_ruby_version}: (.+?)#{Mx[:id_o]}~\d;(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:id_o]}[0-9a-f]{#{@dl}}:[0-9a-f]{#{@dl}}#{Mx[:id_c]}/.match(para)[1].gsub(/<\/?u>/,'').strip end dgst_extra ||='' "\n" + prefix +' - ' + ocn + ' '*(10-ocn.length) + d_clean + ' ' + d_all + dgst_extra + "\n" end end para_endnotes[0].each { |e| y << "\n" + ' '*(28-e[0].length) + "[#{e[0].to_s}] #{e[1].to_s}" } if para_endnotes[0] if y; digests(x,y) else digests(x) end end end manifest="#{@env.url.root}/#{@md.fnb}/sisu_manifest.html" a=%{ocn digest clean (no markup/notes),#{@sp*33}digest all (includes markup & endnotes)\n} description("#{@md.title.full}\n") description("#{@md.author}\n") description("#{@md.fns}\n") description("----------------------------------------------\n") description("SiSU Document Content Certificate (Digest/DCC)\n") description("----------------------------------------------\n") description(" #{@dg} digests\n") description("------------\n") description("Sourcefile digest: #{@md.dgst[1]}\n") description(" source filename: #{@md.fns}\n") description("available outputs: #{manifest}\n") #description(" time generated: #{@g}\n") #description(" SiSU version used: #{@v}\n") #description(" Ruby version used: #{@r}\n") description("------------\n") description("Document Digests\n") description(a) end def dal_structure data=@data endnotes=nil data.each do |t_o| dgst=SiSU_text_representation::Modified_text_plus_Hash_digest.new(@md,t_o).composite.dgst if dgst if t_o.is=='heading' digests("#{@sp*0}#{dgst[:ocn]}#{@sp*(8-dgst[:ocn].to_s.length)}#{dgst[:dgst_stripped_txt]} #{dgst[:dgst_markedup_txt]} #{dgst[:is]} #{t_o.lv}") elsif t_o.is=='heading_insert' digests("#{@sp*0}[#{dgst[:ocn]}]#{@sp*(6-dgst[:ocn].to_s.length)}#{dgst[:dgst_stripped_txt]} #{dgst[:dgst_markedup_txt]} #{dgst[:is]} #{t_o.lv}") else digests("#{@sp*0}#{dgst[:ocn]}#{@sp*(8-dgst[:ocn].to_s.length)}#{dgst[:dgst_stripped_txt]} #{dgst[:dgst_markedup_txt]} #{dgst[:is]}") if dgst[:images] dgst[:images].each do |img| digests("#{@sp*8}#{img[:img_dgst]}#{@sp*66}#{img[:img_type]} #{img[:img_name]}") end end end if dgst[:endnotes] dgst[:endnotes].each do |en| digests("#{@sp*8}#{en[:note_dgst]}#{@sp*66}note [#{en[:note_number]}]") endnotes=en[:note_number] end end end end l=Hash.new(0) ocn=nil dal_structure_tree("------------\n") dal_structure_tree("document structure[*]\n") data.each do |t_o| if t_o.is=='heading' x=case t_o.ln when 1; l[1] +=1 #fix Mx[:lv_o] ' '*0 +':A' when 2; l[2] +=1 #fix Mx[:lv_o] ' '*1 +':B' when 3; l[3] +=1 #fix Mx[:lv_o] ' '*2 +':C' when 4; l[4] +=1 #fix Mx[:lv_o] ' '*3 +'1' when 5; l[5] +=1 #fix Mx[:lv_o] ' '*4 +'2' when 6; l[6] +=1 #fix Mx[:lv_o] ' '*5 +'3' else nil end end ocn=t_o.ocn if defined? t_o.ocn and t_o.is !='heading_insert' dal_structure_tree("#{x}\n") if x and not x.empty? end dal_structure_tree(" [*] heading levels\n") dal_structure_summary("------------\n") dal_structure_summary("document structure[*]\n") [0,1,2,3,4,5,6].each do |y| v=case y when 1; ':A' when 2; ':B' when 3; ':C' when 4; '1 ' when 5; '2 ' when 6; '3 ' end dal_structure_summary("#{v} = #{l[y]}\n") if l[y] > 0 end dal_structure_summary("objects (ocn) = #{ocn}\n") dal_structure_summary("endnotes = #{endnotes}\n") dal_structure_summary(" [*] number of headers (@) and of each heading level (:A to :C and 1 to 3)\n") end def supplementary if defined? @md.sc_number \ and @md.sc_number rcinfo("------------\n") rcinfo("source control information\n") rcinfo(" (the following information while not important for document content certification\n may help the publisher in locating the version referred to)\n") rcinfo(" rcs version number: #{@md.sc_number}\n") if defined? @md.sc_date \ and @md.sc_date rcinfo(" rcs date: #{@md.sc_date}\n") end if defined? @md.sc_time \ and @md.sc_time rcinfo(" rcs time: #{@md.sc_time}\n") end end rcinfo("------------\n") rcinfo("Note: the time generated related fields (text and digests) will vary between otherwise identical document outputs\n") end end end end __END__