=begin * Name: SiSU * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search * Author: Ralph Amissah * Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Ralph Amissah All Rights Reserved. * License: GPL 3 or later: SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Ralph Amissah This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be available at these locations: * SiSU uses: * Standard SiSU markup syntax, * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system * Hompages: * Download: * Ralph Amissah ** Description: html generation, html pre-processing =end require "#{SiSU_lib}/param" module SiSU_Tune #require "#{SiSU_lib}/defaults" require "#{SiSU_lib}/sysenv" require "#{SiSU_lib}/param" require "#{SiSU_lib}/html_format" #watch include SiSU_Env include SiSU_Screen @@line_mode='' @@endnote_array=[] @@endnote_call_counter=1 @@table_align='
 \; ' @@table_align_close='    
' @@counter,@@column,@columns=0,0,0 class Output def initialize(data,md) @data,@md=data,md @cX=SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@md.cmd).cX end def hard_output my_make=SiSU_Env::Create_file.new(@md.cmd,@md.fns) @filename_tune=my_make.file_tune data=[] @data.each{|x| x.strip; data << x if not x.empty?} #1.9 array? data.each do |para| @filename_tune.puts para, "\n" #if para !~/¡/ end end def marshal my_make=SiSU_Env::Create_file.new(@md.cmd,@md.fns) @marshal_tune=my_make.marshal_tune File.open(@marshal_tune,'w') {|f| Marshal.dump(@data.to_a,f)} end end class Clean_html def initialize(html='') @html=html end def clean @html.gsub!(/¢/,'¢') # ¢ @html.gsub!(/£/,'£') # £ @html.gsub!(/¥/,'¥') # ¥ @html.gsub!(/§/,'§') # § @html.gsub!(/©/,'©') # © @html.gsub!(/ª/,'ª') # ª @html.gsub!(/«/,'«') # « @html.gsub!(/®/,'®') # ® @html.gsub!(/°/,'°') # ° @html.gsub!(/±/,'±') # ± @html.gsub!(/²/,'²') # ² @html.gsub!(/³/,'³') # ³ @html.gsub!(/µ/,'µ') # µ @html.gsub!(/¶/,'¶') # ¶ @html.gsub!(/¹/,'¹') # ¹ @html.gsub!(/º/,'º') # º @html.gsub!(/»/,'»') # » @html.gsub!(/¼/,'¼') # ¼ @html.gsub!(/½/,'½') # ½ @html.gsub!(/¾/,'¾') # ¾ @html.gsub!(/×/,'×') # × @html.gsub!(/÷/,'÷') # ÷ @html.gsub!(/¿/,'¿') # ¿ @html.gsub!(/À/,'À') # À @html.gsub!(/Á/,'Á') # Á @html.gsub!(/Â/,'Â') #  @html.gsub!(/Ã/,'Ã') # à @html.gsub!(/Ä/,'Ä') # Ä @html.gsub!(/Å/,'Å') # Å @html.gsub!(/Æ/,'Æ') # Æ @html.gsub!(/Ç/,'Ç') # Ç @html.gsub!(/È/,'È') # È @html.gsub!(/É/,'É') # É @html.gsub!(/Ê/,'Ê') # Ê @html.gsub!(/Ë/,'Ë') # Ë @html.gsub!(/Ì/,'Ì') # Ì @html.gsub!(/Í/,'Í') # Í @html.gsub!(/Î/,'Î') # Î @html.gsub!(/Ï/,'Ï') # Ï @html.gsub!(/Ð/,'Ð') # Ð @html.gsub!(/Ñ/,'Ñ') # Ñ @html.gsub!(/Ò/,'Ò') # Ò @html.gsub!(/Ó/,'Ó') # Ó @html.gsub!(/Ô/,'Ô') # Ô @html.gsub!(/Õ/,'Õ') # Õ @html.gsub!(/Ö/,'Ö') # Ö @html.gsub!(/Ø/,'Ø') # Ø @html.gsub!(/Ù/,'Ù') # Ù @html.gsub!(/Ú/,'Ú') # Ú @html.gsub!(/Û/,'Û') # Û @html.gsub!(/Ü/,'Ü') # Ü @html.gsub!(/Ý/,'Ý') # Ý @html.gsub!(/Þ/,'Þ') # Þ @html.gsub!(/ß/,'ß') # ß @html.gsub!(/à/,'à') # à @html.gsub!(/á/,'á') # á @html.gsub!(/â/,'â') # â @html.gsub!(/ã/,'ã') # ã @html.gsub!(/ä/,'ä') # ä @html.gsub!(/å/,'å') # å @html.gsub!(/æ/,'æ') # æ @html.gsub!(/ç/,'ç') # ç @html.gsub!(/è/,'è') # è @html.gsub!(/é/,'é') # é @html.gsub!(/ê/,'ê') # ê @html.gsub!(/ë/,'ë') # ë @html.gsub!(/ì/,'ì') # ì @html.gsub!(/í/,'í') # í @html.gsub!(/î/,'î') # î @html.gsub!(/ï/,'ï') # ï @html.gsub!(/ð/,'ð') # ð @html.gsub!(/ñ/,'ñ') # ñ @html.gsub!(/ò/,'ò') # ò @html.gsub!(/ó/,'ó') # ó @html.gsub!(/ô/,'ô') # ô @html.gsub!(/õ/,'õ') # õ @html.gsub!(/ö/,'ö') # ö @html.gsub!(/ø/,'ø') # ø @html.gsub!(/ù/,'ù') # ú @html.gsub!(/ú/,'ú') # û @html.gsub!(/û/,'û') # ü @html.gsub!(/ü/,'ü') # ý @html.gsub!(/þ/,'þ') # þ @html.gsub!(/ÿ/,'ÿ') # ÿ @html.gsub!(/ý/,'ý') @html end end class Tune @@dp=nil def initialize(data,md) @data,@md=data,md @vz=SiSU_Env::Get_init.instance.skin @env=SiSU_Env::Info_env.new(@md.fns) @sys=SiSU_Env::System_call.new @dp=@@dp ||=SiSU_Env::Info_env.new.digest.pattern @env=SiSU_Env::Info_env.new(@md.fns) @url_brace=SiSU_Viz::Skin.new.url_decoration #@utf8=SiSU_character_encode::UTF8 #.new end def songsheet begin @cX=SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@md.cmd).cX tell=SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@md.cmd,'Tune') tell.txt_grey unless @md.cmd =~/q/ data=Tune.new(@data,@md).endnotes_html data=Tune.new(data,@md).url_markup if @sys.locale =~/utf-?8/i data=Tune.new(data,@md).utf8_markup end if @md.cmd =~/M/ #Hard Output Tune Optional on/off here data=Output.new(data,@md).hard_output Output.new(data,@md).marshal end tuned=Tune.new(@data,@md).output rescue; SiSU_Errors::Info_error.new($!,$@,@md.cmd,@md.fns).error ensure end end def para_numbers data=@data @tuned_file=[] data.each do |para| para.gsub!(/(\d~(\S+))/,'\1#\2. ') @tuned_file << para end end def utf8_markup @tuned_file=[] @data.each do |para| #@utf8.new(para).html #@utf8.html(@para) if @sys.locale =~/utf-?8/i # instead ucs for utf8 #require 'iconv' ? Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn #¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûü #¢£¥§©ª«®°±²³µ¶¹º»¼½¾×÷ ##para.gsub!(//, '&#;') ##para.gsub!(//, '&;') para=SiSU_Tune::Clean_html.new(para).clean end @tuned_file << para end end def urls(data) @words=[] data.each do |word| @words << if word=~/\{(.+?)\}((?:https?|file|ftp)\S+|image)/ if word =~/\{.+?\}(?:(?:https?|file|ftp):\/\/\S+?\.[^'"><\s]+?|image)[;.,]?(?:\s|$)/ m,u,d=/\{(.+?)\}((?:https?|file|ftp):\/\/\S+?\.[^'"><\s]+?|image)([;.,]?(?:\s|$))/.match(word).captures else m,u=/\{(.+?)\}((?:https?|file|ftp)\S+|image)/.match(word).captures d='' end case m when /\.png|\.jpg|\.gif|c=|\d+x\d+/ w,h=/(\d+)x(\d+)/.match(m).captures if m =~/\d+x\d+/ w=%{width="#{w}"} if w h=%{height="#{h}"} if h c=m[/"(.+?)"/m,1] caption=%{


} if c png=m.scan(/\S+/)[0] image_path=if @md.fns =~/\.-ss[tm]$/; @env.url.images_external else @env.url.images_local end ins=if u and u.strip !~/^image$/ %{#{caption}} else %{#{caption}} end word.gsub!(/\{.+?\}((?:https?|file|ftp)\S+|image)/,ins) else link=m[/(.+)/m] png=m.scan(/\S+/)[0].strip link=link.strip ins=%{#{link}#{d}} word.gsub!(/\{.+?\}(?:https?|file|ftp)\S+/,ins) end word else word end word end @words=@words.join(' ') end def url_markup data=@data @tuned_file=[] data.each do |para| para.gsub!(/<:name\#(\S+?)>/,'') para.gsub!(/<-#>/,'') para.gsub!(/<:p[bn]>/,'') para.gsub!(/<(p|br)>/,'<\1 />') para.gsub!(/<:br>/,'
') unless para =~/^<:code>/ if para =~/<::\s+/ #watch para.gsub!(/<::\s+(\S+?)\s+!>/, %{\\1}) end if para =~/<:image\s+/ para.gsub!(/<:image\s+(http\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+>/, %{}) para.gsub!(/<:image\s+(http\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+>/, %{}) para.gsub!(/<:image\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+>/, %{}) para.gsub!(/<:image\s+(\S+)\s+>/, %{}) end if para =~/\{.+?\}((?:https?|file|ftp)\S+|image)/ @word_mode=para.scan(/\{.+?\}(?:(?:https?|file|ftp)\S+|image)|\S+/) words=urls(@word_mode) para.gsub!(/.+/m,words) end if (para !~/^0~|^<:code>/) para.gsub!(/\\copyright/i,%{©}) if (para !~/\<:ad\s+\.\.\//) para.gsub!(/\<:ad\s+(\S+)?\s+(\S+\.png)\s+(.+)?\;\s+(.+)?\;\s*!\>/, %{\n
\n}) else para.gsub!(/\<:ad\s+(\S+)?\s+(\S+\.png)\s+(.+)?\;\s+(.+)?\;\s*\>/, %{\n
\n}) end para.gsub!(/!pick/, %{stellar}) para.gsub!(/!new/, %{ new}) para.gsub!(/<:h(.{1,7}?)>/,'\1') para.gsub!(/<:to(\d{1,7}?)>/,'to { \1 } ') if (para =~/\b\S+\@\S+?\.\S+/ and para !~/(\"\S+\@\S+?\.\S+\"|>\S+\@\S+?\.\S+?<)/) para.gsub!(/\b(\S+\@\S+?\.\S+)(\s)/,'<\1>\2') end para.gsub!(/\b[_\\]((?:https?|file|ftp):\/\/\S+?\.[^'"><\s]+?)([;.,]?(?:\s|$))/,'\1\2') #http ftp matches escaped, no decoration para.gsub!(/((?:^|\s)[}])((?:https?|file|ftp):\/\/\S+?\.[^'"><\s]+?)([;.,]?(?:\s|$))/,'\1\2\3') #special case \{ e.g. \}http://url para.gsub!(/(^|\s)((?:https?|file|ftp):\/\/\S+?\.[^'"><\s]+?)([;.,]?(?=\s|$))/,%{\\1#{@url_brace.xml_open}\\2#{@url_brace.xml_close}\\3}) #http ftp matches with decoration if (para =~/..\/\S+/ and para !~/(\"..\/\S+?\"|>\s*..\/\S+<)/) para.gsub!(/(\.\.\/\S+)/,'\1') end para.gsub!(//m,'\1>') #code-block: angle brackets special characters para.gsub!(/(^|[^}])_/m,'\1>') end @tuned_file << para end end def endnotes_html data=@data @tuned_file=[] data.each do |para| unless para =~/^<:code>/ para.gsub!(/(~[{])(\d+) (.+?) <#@dp>([}]~)/, '  \2  ' + #note- endnote- '\1\2  \2. \3 \4') #endnote- note- (careful may have switched) para.gsub!(/(~\[)([*+]\d+) (.+?) <#@dp>(\]~)/, '  \2  ' + #note- endnote- '\1\2  \2. \3 \4') #endnote- note- (careful may have switched) para.gsub!(/(~\{)([*+]+) (.+?) <#@dp>(\}~)/, '  \2  ' + #note- endnote- '\1\2  \2 \3 \4') #endnote- note- (careful may have switched) end @tuned_file << para end end def output data=@data @tuned_file=[] data.each do |para| para.strip! para.chomp! @tuned_file << para end @tuned_file << "\n" if (@md.fns =~/\.sst0/) #remove @tuned_file end end end __END__