#+PRIORITIES: A F E (emacs:evil mode gifts a "vim" of "alternative" powers! ;) * General ** Finding *** source http://git.sisudoc.org/gitweb/ sisu git repo: http://git.sisudoc.org/gitweb/?p=code/sisu.git;a=summary sisu-markup-samples git repo: http://git.sisudoc.org/gitweb/?p=doc/sisu-markup-samples.git;a=summary *** mailing list sisu at lists.sisudoc.org http://lists.sisudoc.org/listinfo/sisu ** irc oftc sisu ** home pages * * * ** Installing sisu *** where you take responsibility for having the correct dependencies Provided you have *Ruby*, *SiSU* can be run. SiSU should be run from the directory containing your sisu marked up document set. This works fine so long as you already have sisu external dependencies in place. For many operations such as html, epub, odt this is likely to be fine. Note however, that additional external package dependencies, such as texlive (for pdfs), sqlite3 or postgresql (for search) should you desire to use them are not taken care of for you. **** run off the source tarball without installation RUN OFF SOURCE PACKAGE DIRECTORY TREE (WITHOUT INSTALLING) .......................................................... ***** 1. Obtain the latest sisu source using git: http://git.sisudoc.org/gitweb/?p=code/sisu.git;a=summary http://git.sisudoc.org/gitweb/?p=code/sisu.git;a=log git clone git://git.sisudoc.org/git/code/sisu.git or, identify latest available source: https://packages.debian.org/sid/sisu http://packages.qa.debian.org/s/sisu.html http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=sisu@lists.sisudoc.org http://sisudoc.org/sisu/archive/pool/main/s/sisu/ and download the: sisu_5.4.5.orig.tar.xz using debian tool dget: The dget tool is included within the devscripts package https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=devscripts to install dget install devscripts: apt-get install devscripts and then you can get it from Debian: dget -xu http://ftp.fi.debian.org/debian/pool/main/s/sisu/sisu_5.4.5-1.dsc or off sisu repos dget -x http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/archive/pool/main/s/sisu/sisu_5.4.5-1.dsc or dget -x http://sisudoc.org/sisu/archive/pool/main/s/sisu/sisu_5.4.5-1.dsc ***** 2. Unpack the source Provided you have *Ruby*, *SiSU* can be run without installation straight from the source package directory tree. Run ruby against the full path to bin/sisu (in the unzipped source package directory tree). SiSU should be run from the directory containing your sisu marked up document set. ruby ~/sisu-5.4.5/bin/sisu --html -v document_name.sst This works fine so long as you already have sisu external dependencies in place. For many operations such as html, epub, odt this is likely to be fine. Note however, that additional external package dependencies, such as texlive (for pdfs), sqlite3 or postgresql (for search) should you desire to use them are not taken care of for you. **** gem install (with rake) (i) create the gemspec; (ii) build the gem (from the gemspec); (iii) install the gem Provided you have ruby & rake, this can be done with the single command: rake gem_create_build_install to build and install sisu v5 & sisu v6, alias gemcbi separate gems are made/installed for sisu v5 & sisu v6 contained in source. to build and install sisu v5, alias gem5cbi: rake gem_create_build_install_stable to build and install sisu v6, alias gem6cbi: rake gem_create_build_install_unstable for individual steps (create, build, install) see rake options, rake -T to specify sisu version for sisu installed via gem gem search sisu sisu _5.4.5_ --version sisu _6.0.11_ --version to uninstall sisu installed via gem sudo gem uninstall --verbose sisu For a list of alternative actions you may type: rake help rake -T Rake: **** installation with setup.rb this is a three step process, in the root directory of the unpacked *SiSU* as root type: ruby setup.rb config ruby setup.rb setup #[as root:] ruby setup.rb install further information: ruby setup.rb config && ruby setup.rb setup && sudo ruby setup.rb install *** Debian install *SiSU* is available off the *Debian* archives. It should necessary only to run as root, Using apt-get: apt-get update apt get install sisu-complete (all sisu dependencies should be taken care of) If there are newer versions of *SiSU* upstream, they will be available by adding the following to your sources list /etc/apt/sources.list #/etc/apt/sources.list deb http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/archive unstable main non-free deb-src http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/archive unstable main non-free The non-free section is for sisu markup samples provided, which contain authored works the substantive text of which cannot be changed, and which as a result do not meet the debian free software guidelines. *SiSU* is developed on *Debian*, and packages are available for *Debian* that take care of the dependencies encountered on installation. The package is divided into the following components: *sisu*, the base code, (the main package on which the others depend), without any dependencies other than ruby (and for convenience the ruby webrick web server), this generates a number of types of output on its own, other packages provide additional functionality, and have their dependencies *sisu-complete*, a dummy package that installs the whole of greater sisu as described below, apart from sisu -examples *sisu-pdf*, dependencies used by sisu to produce pdf from /LaTeX/ generated *sisu-postgresql*, dependencies used by sisu to populate postgresql database (further configuration is necessary) *sisu-sqlite*, dependencies used by sisu to populate sqlite database *sisu-markup-samples*, sisu markup samples and other miscellany (under *Debian* Free Software Guidelines non-free) *SiSU* is available off Debian Unstable and Testing [link: ] [^1] install it using apt-get, aptitude or alternative *Debian* install tools. * Markup :sisu:markup: ** sisu #% structure - headings, levels * headings (A-D, 1-3) * inline 'A~ ' NOTE title level 'B~ ' NOTE optional 'C~ ' NOTE optional 'D~ ' NOTE optional '1~ ' NOTE chapter level '2~ ' NOTE optional '3~ ' NOTE optional '4~ ' NOTE optional :consider: * node * parent * children #% font face NOTE open & close marks, inline within paragraph * emphasize '*{ ... }*' NOTE configure whether bold italics or underscore, default bold * bold '!{ ... }!' * italics '/{ ... }/' * underscore '_{ ... }_' * superscript '^{ ... }^' * subscript ',{ ... },' * strike '-{ ... }-' * add '+{ ... }+' * monospace '#{ ... }#' #% para NOTE paragraph controls are at the start of a paragraph * a para is a block of text separated from others by an empty line * indent * default, all '_1 ' up to '_9 ' * first line hang '_1_0 ' * first line indent further '_0_1 ' * bullet [levels 1-6] '_* ' '_1* ' '_2* ' * numbered list [levels 1-3] '# ' #% blocks NOTE text blocks that are not to be treated in the way that ordinary paragraphs would be * code * [type of markup if any] * poem * group * alt * tables #% boxes NOTE grouped text with code block type color & possibly default image, warning, tip, red, blue etc. decide [NB N/A not implemented] #% notes NOTE inline within paragraph at the location where the note reference is to occur * footnotes '~{ ... }~' * [bibliography] [NB N/A not implemented] #% links, linking * links - external, web, url * links - internal #% images [multimedia?] * images * [base64 inline] [N/A not implemented] #% object numbers * ocn (object numbers) automatically attributed to substantive objects, paragraphs, tables, blocks, verse (unless exclude marker provided) #% contents * toc (table of contents) autogenerated from structure/headings information * index (book index) built from hints in newline text following a paragraph and starting with ={} has identifying rules for main and subsidiary text #% breaks * line break ' \\ ' inline * page break, column break ' -\\- ' start of line, breaks a column, starts a new column, if using columns, else breaks the page, starts a new page. * page break, page new ' =\\= ' start of line, breaks the page, starts a new page. * horizontal '-..-' start of line, rule page (break) line across page (dividing paragraphs) #% book type index #% comment * comment #% misc * term & definition ** proposals/additions *** TODO [#B] markup syntax code block, indicate syntax of code :feature: ``` code:ruby *** TODO [#C] colored boxes round text :feature:ponder: ``` box:red (select color of box) ``` box:warn ``` box:tip (some default boxes? decide) ``` box:red:"Warn" (select color and lead text of box, else instead select color box & use regular single line bold markup ^!_ Warn$) *** TODO [#D] blockquotes implement? :feature:ponder: ``` quote not sure how best to represent *** TODO [#D] bibliography :feature:ponder: *** TODO speaker, as e.g. play (irc?) :feature:ponder: ``` Ophelia: ::Ophelia *** TODO [#F] time stamp (e.g. for irc, video text?):feature:ponder: ``` 04:03 ``` 04:03 ... 07:12 ``` 04:03 + 03:09 ``` 12:04:03 ``` 12:04:03 ... 12:07:12 ``` 12:04:03 + 03:09 probably not worth the effort, as time stamp is an alternative identifying number (to ocn, and ∴ sisu objects not ideal) *** TODO book index, alternative based on search within text ** syntax hilighting *** vim data/sisu/conf/editor-syntax-etc/vim/ data/sisu/conf/editor-syntax-etc/vim/syntax/sisu.vim *** emacs data/sisu/conf/editor-syntax-etc/emacs/ data/sisu/conf/editor-syntax-etc/emacs/sisu-mode.el * Document Abstraction :sisu:doc_abstr: ** TODO [#D] XML middle layer? *** XMLda sisu consder alternative sisu layer in XML *** TODO [#D] RelaxNG sisu * Output :sisu:output: ** New outputs to consider *** XML :xml: %% xml, docbook.txt fictionbook.txt xldl.txt lml.txt tei.txt emacs.txt xml editor vim emacs nXML plugin emacs.txt evil.txt To validate a book.xml file using xmllint, run the following command: $ xmllint --postvalid --xinclude --noout book.xml The default location where xmllint will look for the catalog file is /etc/xml/catalog. Alternatively, you can set the environment variable XML_CATALOG_FILES to define another default location for catalog files. Once you’ve got the DTD and catalog set up locally, you can validate as before: $ xmllint --postvalid --xinclude --noout book.xml %% Docbook docbook.txt %% Fictionbook fictionbook.txt %% XLDL xldl.txt %% Literature Markup Language lml.txt %% Text Encoding Initiative tei.txt **** TODO [#B] docbook :feature: ***** urls #% docbook book xml.txt ***** rb file lib/sisu/v6/xml_docbook5.rb ***** transformations :transform:markup_docbook: #% structure - headings, levels [] sisu (A-C, 1-3) [] collapsed (1-6) (decoration) [] node (child, parent ...) #% font face [] bold [] italics [] underscore [] superscript [] subscript [] strike [] add #% para [] default [] indent [] default, all [] first line hang or indent further [] bullet #% blocks [] code [] [type of markup if any] [] poem [] group [] alt [] tables #% notes [] footnotes [] [bibliography?] #% links, linking [] links - external, web, url [] links - internal #% images [multimedia?] [] images [] [base 64] #% object numbers [] ocn (object numbers) #% contents [] toc (table of contents) [] index (book index) #% misc **** TODO [#D] fictionbook :feature: ***** urls #% fictionbook xml.txt ***** rb file lib/sisu/v6/xml_fictionbook2.rb ***** transformations :transformations:markup_fictionbok: #% #% structure - headings, levels [] sisu (A-C, 1-3) [] collapsed (1-6) (decoration) [] node (child, parent ...) #% font face [] bold [] italics [] underscore [] superscript [] subscript [] strike [] add [] monospace #% para [] default [] indent [] default, all [] first line hang or indent further [] bullet #% blocks [] code [] [type of markup if any] [] poem [] group [] alt [] tables #% notes [] footnotes [] [bibliography?] #% links, linking [] links - external, web, url [] links - internal #% images [multimedia?] [] images [] [base 64] #% object numbers [] ocn (object numbers) #% contents [] toc (table of contents) [] index (book index) #% breaks [] line break [] horizontal rule [] column break [] page break #% comment [] comment #% misc **** TODO [#D] XLDL :feature: ***** urls %% xml.txt xldl - novels, stories, poems Name: XLDL - an XML doctype for novels, stories, poems, playsName: XLDL - an XML doctype for novels, stories, poems, plays **** TODO [#E] Literature Markup Language - :feature: ***** urls %% Literature Markup Language - "It is assumed, that there are three quite different techniques to provide text, respectively three types of text, this is prose and poetry and code (for example source code of computer programs or from markup languages)." Suggestions and Ideas for Literature Markup Language - 1.1 **** TODO [#E] TEI Lite (Text Encoding Initiative) :feature: ***** urls %% TEI Lite (Text Encoding Initiative) *** Text :txt: sisu_markup.txt asciidoc.txt markdown.txt textile.txt rst.txt **** TODO [#D] asciidoc :feature: ***** urls #% asciidoc cheatsheets ***** rb file lib/sisu/v6/txt_asaciidoc.rb ***** transformations :transformations:markup_asciidoc: #% #% structure - headings, levels [] sisu (A-C, 1-3) [] collapsed (1-4) (decoration) [] inline '== ' '=== ' '==== ' '===== ' '' '' [] underscore '-' '~' '^' '+' '' ['.' proposed] '' ['.' proposed] [] node (child, parent ...) #% font face [open & close marks] [] bold '*' [] italics '_' [] underscore '' [] superscript '^' [] subscript '~' [] strike '-' [] add [] monospace '+' '`' pass markup through unchanged, monospace code #% para [] default [] indent [] default, all [] first line hang or indent further [] bullet [levels 1-6] '*' '**' '***' '****' '*****' '*******' [] numbered list [levels 1-3] '. ' number '.. ' lower alpha '... ' lower roman '.... ' upper alpha '..... ' upper roman #% blocks [] code [source,perl] ---- code here ---- [] [type of markup if any] [] poem [] group ---- grouped text here, actually a listing block ---- [] alt [] tables #% notes [] footnotes [] [bibliography?] #% links, linking [] links - external, web, url http://google.com[Google Search] [] links - internal #% images [multimedia?] [] images [] [base 64] #% object numbers [] ocn (object numbers) #% contents [] toc (table of contents) [] index (book index) #% breaks [] line break "+\n" forced + line break [] horizontal rule [] column break [] page break #% comment [] comment // #% misc [] term & definition Term 1:: Definition 1 Term 2:: Definition 2 [horizontal] Term 2.1;; Definition 2.1 Term 2.2;; Definition 2.2 **** TODO [#E] markdown :feature: ***** urls #% markdown Markdown supports two styles of headers, Setext and atx Setext atx #% pandoc markdown #% multimarkdown #% markdown pandoc v multimarkdown #% rST v markdown ***** rb file lib/sisu/v6/txt_markdown.rb ***** transformations :transformations:markup_markdown: #% #% structure - headings, levels [] sisu (A-C, 1-3) [] collapsed (1-6) (decoration) [inline 1-5] '#' '##' '###' '####' '#####' '######' [underscore 1-5] '=' '-' #'~' #'^' #'+' [] node (child, parent ...) #% font face [open & close marks] [] bold '**' [] italics '*' [] underscore '' [] superscript '' [] subscript '' [] strike '' [] add [] monospace '`' #% para [] default [] indent [] default, all [] first line hang or indent further [] bullet '*' [] numbered list '0.' #% blocks [] code ' ' #indent at least 4 spaces [] [type of markup if any] [] poem [] group [] alt [] tables #% notes [] footnotes [] [bibliography?] #% links, linking [] links - external, web, url [] links - internal #% images [multimedia?] [] images [] [base 64] #% object numbers [] ocn (object numbers) #% contents [] toc (table of contents) [] index (book index) #% breaks [] line break [] horizontal rule (three or more asterisks hypens or underscores) * * * *** ***** - - - ___ [] column break [] page break #% misc **** TODO [#F] rst :feature: ***** urls #% rST #% rST v markdown ***** rb file lib/sisu/v6/txt_rst.rb ***** transformations :transformations:markup_rst: #% #% structure - headings, levels [] sisu (A-C, 1-3) [] collapsed (1-6) (decoration) [inline] N/A [underscore] Titles are underlined (or over- and underlined) with a printing nonalphanumeric 7-bit ASCII character. Recommended choices are "= - ` : ' " ~ ^ _ * + # < >". The underline/overline must be at least as long as the title text. '=' '-' '`' ':' "'" '"' [] node (child, parent ...) #% font face [] bold '**' [] italics '*' [] underscore '+' [] superscript '^' [] subscript [] strike '-' [] add [] monospace '``' #% para [] default [] indent [] default, all [] first line hang or indent further [] bullet "-", "*" or "+" '-' [] numbered list '#.' #% blocks [] code [] [type of markup if any] [] poem [] group [] alt [] tables #% notes [] footnotes [binary] Footnote references, like [5]_. Note that footnotes may get rearranged, e.g., to the bottom of the "page". .. [5] A numerical footnote. -- Autonumbered footnotes are possible, like using [#]_ and [#]_. .. [#] This is the first one. .. [#] This is the second one. [] [bibliography?] #% links, linking [] links - external, web, url Typical result External hyperlinks, like Python_. .. _Python: or External hyperlinks, like `Python `_. [] links - internal Internal crossreferences, like example_. .. _example: This is an example crossreference target. -- Titles are targets, too ======================= Implict references, like `Titles are targets, too`_. #% images [multimedia?] [] images [] [base 64] #% object numbers [] ocn (object numbers) #% contents [] toc (table of contents) [] index (book index) #% breaks [] line break [] horizontal rule [] column break [] page break #% misc **** TODO [#F] textile :feature: ***** urls #% textile v2.4 v2 ***** rb file lib/sisu/v6/txt_textile.rb ***** transformations :transformations:markup_textile: #% #% structure - headings, levels [] sisu (A-C, 1-3) [] collapsed (1-6) (decoration) [inline] h1(#id). An HTML first-level heading h2. An HTML second-level heading h3. An HTML third-level heading h4. An HTML fourth-level heading h5. An HTML fifth-level heading h6. An HTML sixth-level heading [underscore] N/A [] node (child, parent ...) #% font face [] bold *bold text* [] italics _italic text_ [] underscore +underlined text+ [] superscript ^TM^ [] subscript ~subscript~ [] strike -strikethrough text- [] add #% para [] default [] indent [] default, all [] first line hang or indent further [] bullet * bulleted list ** 2-level #% blocks [] code [] [type of markup if any] [] poem [] group [] alt [] tables |Table | with two columns | |and two | rows | #% notes [] footnotes Text with a link to some reference[1] fn1. Footnote explanation [] [bibliography?] #% links, linking [] links - external, web, url "(classname)link text(title tooltip)":link_address "Link to Wikipedia":http://www.wikipedia.org [] links - internal #% images [multimedia?] [] images !http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:Filepath/Wikipedia-logo-en.png! !imageurl(alt text)! [] [base 64] #% object numbers [] ocn (object numbers) #% contents [] toc (table of contents) [] index (book index) #% breaks [] line break [] horizontal rule [] column break [] page break #% misc [] *_bold italic text_* [] *-bold strikethrough text-* [] *_-bold italic strikethrough text-_* [] *+bold underlined text+* [] *_+italic underlined text+_ [] *_+bold italic underlined text+_ [] *_-+bold italic strikethrough underlined text+-_* %{font-size:18pt}font size% %{color:red}text in red% # Chapter 1 #% notes heading inline only footnotes uses marker and endnote, check ** Improvements *** HTML *** XML *** --strict mode (html w3c compliant ocn etc.) * Code (ruby) :sisu:code: ** code enhancements :enhance: *** TODO [#D] directory & path, use ruby directory tools *** TODO [#D] document url shortcut, allow addition of alternative dir stub (e.g. viral Spiral) ** code refactoring :refactor: *** ruby 2.1 *** TODO [#C] refactor ruby :ongoing: ** bugs :bug: *** misc, unclassified **** TODO UNDERWAY (6.0.5) [#B] exclude heading where possible marker '-#' not distinguished from unnumbered heading '~#' * ~# is general & means no ocn (for any object to which it is applied) * -# is relevant only for 1~ dummy headings & instructs that they should be removed from output where possible * where -# is used on any other objects, it is treated the same way as ~# **** TODO [#B] collapsed level work out logic where dummy lev1 heading * exclude heading where lev1 '-#' * means subsequent headings & text belong to parent heading (of lev1 -#) 1 level up * ponder *** DBT Outstanding bugs -- sisu caught by removal of ruby-dbi **** TODO ONGOING #746740 [n|u] manpages incomplete Date: Sat, 03 May 2014 08:45:49 +0200 From: Daniel Baumann Subject: manpages incomplete Package: sisu Version: 5.3.4-1 Tag: upstream Severity: normal sisu supports options like --verbose or --no-manifest, but they are not listed in the sisu manpage. ***** NOTES/COMMENTS documentation for sisu does lag a bit and has omissions, but I think you will find that --verbose is documented, and --no-* options are listed under --exc-* to which there is a pointer --no-manifest works but is actually --no-links-to-manifest and is listed under aliases --exc-links-to-manifest and --exc-manifest-links Will leave bug open as a reminder that updating is necessary and as there are no doubt numerous issues for which this could be (re)opened **** TODO #746742 [n|u] please implement --no-metadata similar to --no-manifest Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 16:12:13 +0200 From: Daniel Baumann Subject: --no-manifest not working anymore Package: sisu Version: 5.3.4-1 Severity: wishlist when running sisu-pdf with --no-manifest, the output (pdf) still contains the sisu manifest at the end of the document. Regards, Daniel *** DBT Outstanding bugs -- Wishlist items; Unclassified (24 bugs) :debian:dbt:wishlist: **** TODO [#D] #744352 [w|u] sisu output: aligning margin numbers when using 'code' From: Daniel Baumann To: 744352@bugs.debian.org Subject: Re: sisu output: too many margin numbers Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 17:27:10 +0200 retitle 744352 sisu output: aligning margin numbers when using 'code' severity 744352 wishlist thanks sorry, i've looked wrongly at the output, the problem is simply an aligning issue. it looks like that: foo bar. [1] [2] baz foo bar baz. [3] rather than: foo bar. [1] baz [2] foo bar baz. [3] Regards, Daniel From: Daniel Baumann To: Debian Bug Tracking System Subject: too many margin numbers Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 12:28:14 +0200 Package: sisu Version: 5.3.4-1 Severity: wishlist when using the following code: foo bar. code{ baz }code foo bar baz. the result in the output (pdf) is: foo bar. [1] [2] baz [3] [4] foo bar baz. [5] the '[n]' designates the margin number at the right site of the page. the problem is that sisu gives margin numbers to *empty* lines, which is wrong. margin numbers should only be assigned to actual content. Regards, Daniel ***** NOTES/COMMENTS issue with pdf, look again, consider, this is cosmetic, a fix should be found, but is not striaghtforward alignment issue for code blocks not so easy to fix in some outputs, have so far ignored this is an issue with other types of text block as well reason why this has not been addressed especially with code blocks: the easiest fix would be to place the numbering at the end of the first line of a code block however, as it is now, if you copy & paste a block of code you should get the code if numbering is moved down to the first line, a copy of the code block will inlcude the extraneous (to the code) object number which is to my mind a bigger problem That said re pdf, LaTeX XeTeX are flexible, it may be possible to drop the ocn at the start of a code block lower on its line so that it is closer to the code that follows **** TODO [#C] #744354 [w|u] sisu output: please do not add '<' and '>' around urls From: Daniel Baumann To: Debian Bug Tracking System Subject: please do not add '<' and '>' around links Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 12:28:37 +0200 Package: sisu Version: 5.3.4-1 Severity: wishlist when using urls in sisu like this: http://example.org sisu then creates in the output (pdf) links like this: Please do not automagically add a '<' and '>' around urls. If the user wants them, he would add one. Regards, Daniel ***** NOTES/COMMENTS is sisu default behavior, would need to make configurable url_visual_delimiters: '<>' look into later **** TODO [#B] #744390 [w|u] sisu: empty sections are ignored From: Daniel Baumann To: Debian Bug Tracking System Subject: sisu: empty sections are ignored Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 17:09:32 +0200 Package: sisu Version: 5.3.4-1 Severity: wishlist if you have the following sisu syntax: :B~ foo 1~ foo1 foo1. 1~ foo2 foo2. :B~ bar 1~ bar1 1~ bar2 :B~ baz 1~ baz1 1~ baz2 then anything (including and) after ':B~ bar' is ignored entirely. ***** NOTES/COMMENTS further info, have not yet been able to duplicate, seemed to work (checked pdf & html (scroll & seg)) was not able to reproduce will look again **** TODO [#D] #744395 [w|u] sisu output: half-page title page in landscape output From: Daniel Baumann To: Debian Bug Tracking System Subject: sisu output: half-page title page in landscape output Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 17:38:03 +0200 Package: sisu Version: 5.3.4-1 Severity: wishlist Tags: upstream in a4 landscape output, there's always two pages on one page, which is nice; except for the title page which spans over the whole page. it would be nice if the first page would be consistent to the same scheme like the rest of the document - spanning only over the half of the page. Regards, Daniel ***** NOTES/COMMENTS think about, should be fairly easily done, but am reluctant note the page numbering in landscape, the two landscape columns are given a single page number it is really a landscape two column per-page text, provided primarily for screen viewing or other convenience if found (many viewers provide two page per screen presentations, which would result in an effect similar to the one requested the issue I guess might arise in that they are not printable on a single page? ... but then the current settings are arguably justified) **** TODO [#C] #744396 [w|u] sisu output: "european" toc indenting From: Daniel Baumann To: Debian Bug Tracking System Subject: sisu output: "european" toc indenting Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 17:40:53 +0200 Package: sisu Version: 5.3.4-1 Severity: wishlist Tags: upstream by default, latex uses the following indenting in the TOC: 1. foo 1.1 bar1 1.1.1 baz 1.2 bar2 there's a latex option that i don't remember off-hand to have the indenting like it's common in europe: 1. foo 1.1 bar1 1.1.1 baz 1.2 bar2 it would be nice if sisu could let the used decide which indenting style to use for TOCs. Regards, Daniel ***** NOTES/COMMENTS will look at: should be possible; requires a configuration option **** TODO [#C] #744407 [w|u] sisu: possibility to influence content/formating of the title page From: Daniel Baumann To: Debian Bug Tracking System Subject: sisu: possibility to influence content/formating of the title page Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 18:32:14 +0200 Package: sisu Version: 5.3.4-1 Severity: wishlist Tags: upstream by default, the title page (in the pdf output) shows @title and @creator. it would be nice if there would be a possibility to influence the formatting (e.g. to have the title written in bold), and to have additional possibilities to influence the content on the title page (like the date or version, an url, or other text strings). Regards, Daniel ***** NOTES/COMMENTS consider, work on possibly, later **** TODO [#C] #744409 [w|u] sisu output: urls in code blocks are not linkified From: Daniel Baumann To: Debian Bug Tracking System Subject: sisu output: urls in code blocks are not linkified Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 18:41:09 +0200 Package: sisu Version: 5.3.4-1 Severity: wishlist Tags: upstream it would be nice if urls written withiin code{...}code blocks would also be automatically transformed into a link within the output (html). Regards, Daniel ***** NOTES/COMMENTS consider, so far code blocks are pretty much untouched ... not tampered with, this could be done though **** TODO [#C] #744685 [w|u] sisu output: copy&past-able wrapped code blocks From: Daniel Baumann To: Debian Bug Tracking System Subject: sisu output: copy&past-able wrapped code blocks Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 19:04:01 +0200 Package: sisu Version: 5.3.4-1 Severity: wishlist Tags: upstream if a line within a 'code{...}code' block is longer and needs to be wrapped, sisu indicates the wrapping with an 'arrow' (←) symbol, which is nice. it would be even nicer if the arrow would not 'selectable', so that when you mark the line spanning over two lines with your mouse, the arrow is not selected and thus not copy&pasted. i don't know how to do this, but it's possible within pdfs, as can be seen in lots of pdfs in the internet. Regards, Daniel ***** NOTES/COMMENTS find out how and implement, further feedback on appropriate xetex tools welcome [Note: if can be applied to random characters, use may be of interest for object numbers as well!] **** TODO [#C] #744734 [w|u] sisu output: replace all occurences of (C) rather than the first only From: Daniel Baumann To: Debian Bug Tracking System Subject: sisu output: replace all occurences of (C) rather than the first only Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 06:11:13 +0200 Package: sisu Version: 5.3.4-1 Severity: wishlist Tags: upstream if you have a '(C)' in :copyright:, it is automatically replaced with a copyright symbol, which is nice, however, it sisu does that with the first occurence only. so if you use: :copyright: (C) john doe
(C) jane doe then the second occurence is not replaced and that combination looks very ugly. i suggest you replace all occurences of '(C)' to the copyright symbol automatically. Regards, Daniel * Reference versions ** v5 5.6.2 5.6.1 5.5.6 (5.5.5)