% SiSU 4.0 @title: SiSU :subtitle: Help @creator: :author: Amissah, Ralph @date: :created: 2002-08-28 :issued: 2002-08-28 :available: 2002-08-28 :published: 2007-08-30 :modified: 2012-10-03 @rights: :copyright: Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah 2007 :license: GPL 3 (part of SiSU documentation) @classify: :topic_register: SiSU:manual:help;electronic documents:manual:SiSU:help :subject: ebook, epublishing, electronic book, electronic publishing, electronic document, electronic citation, data structure, citation systems, search :A~? @title @creator :B~? SiSU Help 1~help Help 2~ SiSU Manual The most up to date information on sisu should be contained in the sisu_manual, available at: _1 http://sisudoc.org/sisu/sisu_manual/ The manual can be generated from source, found respectively, either within the SiSU tarball or installed locally at: _1 ./data/doc/sisu/markup-samples/sisu_manual _1 /usr/share/doc/sisu/markup-samples/sisu_manual move to the respective directory and type e.g.: _1 sisu sisu_manual.ssm % The manual pages provided with SiSU are also available online, and there is an interactive help, which is being superseded by the man page, and possibly some document which contains this component. 2~ SiSU man pages *~man If SiSU is installed on your system usual man commands should be available, try: _1 man sisu Most SiSU man pages are generated directly from sisu documents that are used to prepare the sisu manual, the sources files for which are located within the SiSU tarball at: _1 ./data/doc/sisu/markup-samples/sisu_manual Once installed, directory equivalent to: _1 /usr/share/doc/sisu/markup-samples/sisu_manual Available man pages are converted back to html using man2html: _1 /usr/share/doc/sisu/html/ _1 ./data/doc/sisu/html An online version of the sisu man page is available here: _* {~^ various sisu man pages }http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/man/ _* {~^ sisu.1 }http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/man/sisu.1.html 2~ SiSU built-in interactive help This is particularly useful for getting the current sisu setup/environment information: _1 sisu --help _1 sisu --help [subject] _2 sisu --help commands _2 sisu --help markup _2 sisu --help env [for feedback on the way your system is setup with regard to sisu] _1 sisu -V [environment information, same as above command] _1 sisu (on its own provides version and some help information) Apart from real-time information on your current configuration the SiSU manual and man pages are likely to contain more up-to-date information than the sisu interactive help (for example on commands and markup). NOTE: Running the command sisu (alone without any flags, filenames or wildcards) brings up the interactive help, as does any sisu command that is not recognised. Enter to escape.