% SiSU 4.0 @title: SiSU :subtitle: Commands @creator: :author: Amissah, Ralph @date: :created: 2002-08-28 :issued: 2002-08-28 :available: 2002-08-28 :published: 2007-09-16 :modified: 2011-02-07 @rights: :copyright: Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah 2007 :license: GPL 3 (part of SiSU documentation) :A~? @title @creator :B~? SiSU Commands 1~ Synopsis SiSU - Structured information, Serialized Units - a document publishing system sisu [ -abcDdeFhIiMmNnopqRrSsTtUuVvwXxYyZz0-9 ] [ filename/ wildcard ] sisu [ -Ddcv ] [ instruction ] sisu [ -CcFLSVvW ] Note: commands should be issued from within the directory that contains the marked up files, cd to markup directory. sisu ships with version5 and version 6 (which is under development). sisu --v6 [and options/operations as above] or sisu6 [and options/operations as above] sisu version 1 has been discontinued. for settings see sisu --help env sisu [ filename/ wildcard] == sisu -0 [filename/wildcard]