sisu -W [port]
The default port for sisu_webrick is set to 8081, this may be modified in the yaml file: ~/.sisu/sisurc.yaml a sample of which is provided as /etc/sisu/sisurc.yaml (or in the equivalent directory on your system).
sisu_webrick, may be started on it’s own with the command: sisu_webrick [port] or using the sisu command with the -W flag: sisu -W [port]
where no port is given and settings are unchanged the default port is 8081
sisu -W [port] starts Ruby Webrick web-server, serving SiSU output directories, on the port provided, or if no port is provided and the defaults have not been changed in ~/.sisu/sisurc.yaml then on port 8081
For more information on SiSU see: <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu >
or man sisu