An ftplugin to provide vim folds for SiSU markup, and to set some defaults for SiSU markup in installed by sisu.
Vim 7 includes sisu markup syntax highlighting.
Vim related files are included in /usr/share/sisu/vim/addons, (including the syntax highlighter which may be used by Vim 6).
sisu-vim actions are activated on files with the suffix .sst .ssm .ssi .-sst ._sst (and the same with a further .meta extension)
<ctrl>F activate folds on headings matched in a document (also provides folds when sourced on a ruby program file), also :F
<ctrl>S search and replace down
<ctrl>G search and replace globally within file
<ctrl>X ruby regex global search and replace within file
<ctrl>C set color scheme to slate which is provided
For more information on SiSU see: < >
or man sisu