Title: SiSU - Markup
Creator: Ralph Amissah
Rights: Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah 2007, part of SiSU documentation, License GPL 3
Type: information
Subject: ebook, epublishing, electronic book, electronic publishing, electronic document, electronic citation, data structure, citation systems, search
Date created: 2002-08-28
Date issued: 2002-08-28
Date available: 2002-08-28
Date modified: 2007-09-16
Date: 2007-09-16
1 SiSU - Markup,
Ralph Amissah
2 SiSU Markup 3 1. Introduction to SiSU Markup1 1 From sometime after SiSU 0.58 it should be possible to describe SiSU markup using SiSU, which though not an original design goal is useful. 4 1.1 Summary 5 SiSU source documents are plaintext (UTF-8)2 files 2 files should be prepared using UTF-8 character encoding 6 All paragraphs are separated by an empty line. 7 Markup is comprised of: 8 at the top of a document, the document header made up of semantic meta-data about the document and if desired additional processing instructions (such an instruction to automatically number headings from a particular level down) 9 followed by the prepared substantive text of which the most important single characteristic is the markup of different heading levels, which define the primary outline of the document structure. Markup of substantive text includes: 10 heading levels defines document structure 11 text basic attributes, italics, bold etc. 12 grouped text (objects), which are to be treated differently, such as code blocks or poems. 13 footnotes/endnotes 14 linked text and images 15 paragraph actions, such as indent, bulleted, numbered-lists, etc. 16 Some interactive help on markup is available, by typing sisu and selecting markup or sisu --help markup 17 1.2 Markup Examples 18 1.2.1 Online 19 Online markup examples are available together with the respective outputs produced from <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU/2.html> or from <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/sisu_examples/> 20 There is of course this document, which provides a cursory overview of sisu markup and the respective output produced: <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/sisu_markup/> 21 Some example marked up files are available as html with syntax highlighting for viewing: <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/sample/syntax> 22 an alternative presentation of markup syntax: <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/sample/on_markup.txt> 23 1.2.2 Installed 24 With SiSU installed sample skins may be found in: /usr/share/doc/sisu/sisu_markup_samples/dfsg (or equivalent directory) and if sisu-markup-samples is installed also under: /usr/share/doc/sisu/sisu_markup_samples/non-free 25 2. Markup of Headers 26 Headers consist of semantic meta-data about a document, which can be used by any output module of the program; and may in addition include extra processing instructions. 27 Note: the first line of a document may include information on the markup version used in the form of a comment. Comments are a percentage mark at the start of a paragraph (and as the first character in a line of text) followed by a space and the comment: 28      % this would be a comment     29 2.1 Sample Header 30 This current document has a header similar to this one (without the comments): 31      % SiSU 0.57

     @title: SiSU

     @subtitle: Markup

     @creator: Ralph Amissah

     @rights: Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah 2007, part of SiSU documentation, License GPL 3

     @type: information

     @subject: ebook, epublishing, electronic book, electronic publishing, electronic document, electronic citation, data structure, citation systems, search

     @date.created: 2002-08-28

     @date.issued: 2002-08-28

     @date.available: 2002-08-28

     @date.modified: 2007-09-16

     @date: 2007-09-16

     @level: new=C; break=1; num_top=1

     % comment: in this @level header num_top=1 starts automatic heading numbering at heading level 1 (numbering continues 3 levels down); the new and break instructions are used by the LaTeX/pdf and odf output to determine where to put page breaks (that are not used by html output or say sql database population).

     @skin: skin_sisu_manual

     % skins modify the appearance of a document and are placed in a sub-directory under ./_sisu/skin ~/.sisu/skin or /etc/sisu/skin. A skin may affect single documents that request them, all documents in a directory, or be site-wide. (A document is affected by a single skin)

     @bold: /Gnu|Debian|Ruby|SiSU/

     @links: { SiSU Manual }http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/sisu_manual/
     { Book Samples and Markup Examples }http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU/2.html
     { SiSU @ Wikipedia }http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SiSU
     { SiSU @ Freshmeat }http://freshmeat.net/projects/sisu/
     { SiSU @ Ruby Application Archive }http://raa.ruby-lang.org/project/sisu/
     { SiSU @ Debian }http://packages.qa.debian.org/s/sisu.html
     { SiSU Download }http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU/download.html
     { SiSU Changelog }http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU/changelog.html

32 2.2 Available Headers 33 Header tags appear at the beginning of a document and provide meta information on the document (such as the Dublin Core), or information as to how the document as a whole is to be processed. All header instructions take either the form @headername: or 0~headername. All Dublin Core meta tags are available 34 @indentifier: information or instructions 35 where the "identifier" is a tag recognised by the program, and the "information" or "instructions" belong to the tag/indentifier specified 36 Note: a header where used should only be used once; all headers apart from @title: are optional; the @structure: header is used to describe document structure, and can be useful to know. 37 This is a sample header 38 % SiSU 0.38 [declared file-type identifier with markup version] 39 @title: [title text] This is the title of the document and used as such, this header is the only one that is mandatory 40 @subtitle: The Subtitle if any 41 @creator: [or @author:] Name of Author 42 @subject: (whatever your subject) 43 @description: 44 @publisher: 45 @contributor: 46 @translator: [or @translated_by:] 47 @illustrator: [or @illustrated_by:] 48 @prepared_by: [or @digitized_by:] 49 @date: 2000-08-27 [ also @date.created: @date.issued: @date.available: @date.valid: @date.modified: ] 50 @type: article 51 @format: 52 @identifier: 53 @source: 54 @language: [or @language.document:] [country code for language if available, or language, English, en is the default setting] (en - English, fr - French, de - German, it - Italian, es - Spanish, pt - Portuguese, sv - Swedish, da - Danish, fi - Finnish, no - Norwegian, is - Icelandic, nl - Dutch, et - Estonian, hu - Hungarian, pl - Polish, ro - Romanian, ru - Russian, el - Greek, uk - Ukranian, tr - Turkish, sk - Slovak, sl - Slovenian, hr - Croatian, cs - Czech, bg - Bul garian ) [however, encodings are not available for all of the languages listed.] 55 [@language.original: original language in which the work was published] 56 @papersize: (A4|US_letter|book_B5|book_A5|US_legal) 57 @relation: 58 @coverage: 59 @rights: Copyright (c) Name of Right Holder, all rights reserved, or as granted: public domain, copyleft, creative commons variant, etc. 60 @owner: 61 @keywords: text document generation processing management latex pdf structured xml citation [your keywords here, used for example by rss feeds, and in sql searches] 62 @abstract: [paper abstract, placed after table of contents] 63 @comment: [...] 64 @catalogue: loc=[Library of Congress classification]; dewey=[Dewey classification]; isbn=[ISBN]; pg=[Project Gutenberg text number] 65 @classify_loc: [Library of Congress classification] 66 @classify_dewey: [Dewey classification] 67 @classify_isbn: [ISBN] 68 @classify_pg: [Project Gutenberg text number] 69 @prefix: [prefix is placed just after table of contents] 70 @prefix_a: [prefix is placed just before table of contents - not implemented] 71 @prefix_b: 72 @rcs: $Id: sisu_markup.sst,v 1.2 2007/09/08 17:12:47 ralph Exp $ [used by rcs or cvs to embed version (revision control) information into document, rcs or cvs can usefully provide a history of updates to a document ] 73 @structure: PART; CHAPTER; SECTION; ARTICLE; none; none;
optional, document structure can be defined by words to match or regular expression (the regular expression is assumed to start at the beginning of a line of text i.e. ^) default markers :A~ to :C~ and 1~ to 6~ can be used within text instead, without this header tag, and may be used to supplement the instructions provided in this header tag if provided (@structure: is a synonym for @toc:)
74 @level: newpage=3; breakpage=4
[paragraph level, used by latex to breakpages, the page is optional eg. in newpage]
75 @markup: information on the markup used, e.g. new=1,2,3; break=4; num_top=4 [or newpage=1,2,3; breakpage=4; num_top=4] newpage and breakpage, heading level, used by LaTeX to breakpages. breakpage: starts on a new page in single column text and on a new column in double column text; newpage: starts on a new page for both single and double column texts.
num_top=4 [auto-number document, starting at level 4. the default is to provide 3 levels, as in 1 level 4, 1.1 level 5, 1.1.1 level 6, markup to be merged within level]
num_extract [take numbering of headings provided (manually in marked up source document), and use for numbering of segments. Available where a clear numbering structure is provided within document, without the repetition of a number in a header.] [In 0.38 notation, you would map to the equivalent levels, the examples provided would map to the following new=A,B,C; break=1; num_top=1 [or newpage=A,B,C; breakpage=1; num_top=1] see headings]
76 @bold: [regular expression of words/phrases to be made bold] 77 @italics: [regular expression of words/phrases to italicise] 78 @vocabulary: name of taxonomy/vocabulary/wordlist to use against document 79 @skin: skin_doc_[name_of_desired_document_skin]
skins change default settings related to the appearance of documents generated, such as the urls of the home site, and the icon/logo for the document or site.
80 @links: { SiSU }http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/;
{ FSF }http://www.fsf.org
81 @promo: sisu, ruby, search_libre_docs, open_society
[places content in right pane in html, makes use of list.yml and promo.yml, commented out sample in document sample: free_as_in_freedom.richard_stallman_crusade_for_free_software.sam_williams.sst]
82 3. Markup of Substantive Text 83 3.1 Heading Levels 84 Heading levels are :A~ ,:B~ ,:C~ ,1~ ,2~ ,3~ ... :A - :C being part / section headings, followed by other heading levels, and 1 -6 being headings followed by substantive text or sub-headings. :A~ usually the title :A~? conditional level 1 heading (used where a stand-alone document may be imported into another) 85 :A~ [heading text] Top level heading [this usually has similar content to the title @title: ] NOTE: the heading levels described here are in 0.38 notation, see heading 86 :B~ [heading text] Second level heading [this is a heading level divider] 87 :C~ [heading text] Third level heading [this is a heading level divider] 88 1~ [heading text] Top level heading preceding substantive text of document or sub-heading 2, the heading level that would normally be marked 1. or 2. or 3. etc. in a document, and the level on which sisu by default would break html output into named segments, names are provided automatically if none are given (a number), otherwise takes the form 1~my_filename_for_this_segment 89 2~ [heading text] Second level heading preceding substantive text of document or sub-heading 3, the heading level that would normally be marked 1.1 or 1.2 or 1.3 or 2.1 etc. in a document. 90 3~ [heading text] Third level heading preceding substantive text of document, that would normally be marked 1.1.1 or 1.1.2 or 1.2.1 or 2.1.1 etc. in a document 91      1~filename level 1 heading,

     % the primary division such as Chapter that is followed by substantive text, and may be further subdivided (this is the level on which by default html segments are made)    
92 3.2 Font Attributes 93 markup example: 94      normal text !{emphasis}! *{bold text}* _{underscore}_ /{italics}/ "{citation}" ^{superscript}^ ,{subscript}, +{inserted text}+

     normal text


     *{bold text}*






     +{inserted text}+

95 resulting output: 96 normal text emphasis bold text underscore italics citation superscript subscript inserted text strikethrough 97 normal text 98 emphasis 99 bold text 100 underscore 101 italics 102 citation 103 superscript 104 subscript 105 inserted text 106 strikethrough 107 3.3 Indentation and bullets 108 markup example: 109      ordinary paragraph

     _1 indent paragraph one step

     _2 indent paragraph two steps

     _9 indent paragraph nine steps    
110 resulting output: 111 ordinary paragraph 112 indent paragraph one step 113 indent paragraph two steps 114 indent paragraph nine steps 115 markup example: 116      _* bullet text

     _1* bullet text, first indent

     _2* bullet text, two step indent    
117 resulting output: 118 bullet text 119 bullet text, first indent 120 bullet text, two step indent 121 Numbered List (not to be confused with headings/titles, (document structure)) 122 markup example: 123      # numbered list                numbered list 1., 2., 3, etc.

     _# numbered list numbered list indented a., b., c., d., etc.    
124 3.4 Footnotes / Endnotes 125 Footnotes and endnotes not distinguished in markup. They are automatically numbered. Depending on the output file format (html, odf, pdf etc.), the document output selected will have either footnotes or endnotes. 126 markup example: 127      ~{ a footnote or endnote }~     128 resulting output: 129 3 3 a footnote or endnote 130 markup example: 131      normal text~{ self contained endnote marker & endnote in one }~ continues     132 resulting output: 133 normal text4 continues 4 self contained endnote marker & endnote in one 134 markup example: 135      normal text ~{* unnumbered asterisk footnote/endnote, insert multiple asterisks if required }~ continues

     normal text ~{** another unnumbered asterisk footnote/endnote }~ continues    
136 resulting output: 137 normal text * continues * unnumbered asterisk footnote/endnote, insert multiple asterisks if required 138 normal text ** continues ** another unnumbered asterisk footnote/endnote 139 markup example: 140      normal text ~[* editors notes, numbered asterisk footnote/endnote series ]~ continues

     normal text ~[+ editors notes, numbered asterisk footnote/endnote series ]~ continues    
141 resulting output: 142 normal text *1 continues *1 editors notes, numbered asterisk footnote/endnote series 143 normal text +1 continues +1 editors notes, numbered asterisk footnote/endnote series 144 Alternative endnote pair notation for footnotes/endnotes: 145      % note the endnote marker "~^"

     normal text~^ continues

     ^~ endnote text following the paragraph in which the marker occurs    
146 the standard and pair notation cannot be mixed in the same document 147 3.5 Links 148 3.5.1 Naked URLs within text, dealing with urls 149 urls are found within text and marked up automatically. A url within text is automatically hyperlinked to itself and by default decorated with angled braces, unless they are contained within a code block (in which case they are passed as normal text), or escaped by a preceding underscore (in which case the decoration is omitted). 150 markup example: 151      normal text http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu continues     152 resulting output: 153 normal text <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu> continues 154 An escaped url without decoration 155 markup example: 156      normal text _http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu continues

     deb _http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/archive unstable main non-free    
157 resulting output: 158 normal text http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu continues 159 deb http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/archive unstable main non-free 160 where a code block is used there is neither decoration nor hyperlinking, code blocks are discussed later in this document 161 resulting output: 162      deb http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/archive unstable main non-free
     deb-src http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/archive unstable main non-free    
163 To link text or an image to a url the markup is as follows 164 markup example: 165      about { SiSU }http://url.org markup     166 3.5.2 Linking Text 167 resulting output: 168 about SiSU markup 169 A shortcut notation is available so the url link may also be provided automatically as a footnote 170 markup example: 171      about {~^ SiSU }http://url.org markup     172 resulting output: 173 about SiSU 5 markup 5 <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/> 174 3.5.3 Linking Images 175 markup example: 176      {tux.png 64x80 }image

     % various url linked images

     {tux.png 64x80 "a better way" }http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/

     {GnuDebianLinuxRubyBetterWay.png 100x101 "Way Better - with Gnu/Linux, Debian and Ruby" }http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/

     {~^ ruby_logo.png "Ruby" }http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/

177 resulting output: 178 {tux.png 64x80 }image 179 [tux.png] "Gnu/Linux - a better way" 180 [ ruby_logo (png missing) ] 6 6 <http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/> 181 [GnuDebianLinuxRubyBetterWay.png] "Way Better - with Gnu/Linux, Debian and Ruby" 182 linked url footnote shortcut 183      {~^ [text to link] }http://url.org

     % maps to: { [text to link] }http://url.org ~{ http://url.org }~

     % which produces hyper-linked text within a document/paragraph, with an endnote providing the url for the text location used in the hyperlink    
184      text marker *~name     185 note at a heading level the same is automatically achieved by providing names to headings 1, 2 and 3 i.e. 2~[name] and 3~[name] or in the case of auto-heading numbering, without further intervention. 186 3.6 Grouped Text 187 3.6.1 Tables 188 Tables may be prepared in two either of two forms 189 markup example: 190      table{ c3; 40; 30; 30;

     This is a table
     this would become column two of row one
     column three of row one is here

     And here begins another row
     column two of row two
     column three of row two, and so on

191 resulting output:
This is a table this would become column two of row one column three of row one is here
And here begins another row column two of row two column three of row two, and so on
193 a second form may be easier to work with in cases where there is not much information in each column 194 markup example:7 7 Table from the Wealth of Networks by Yochai Benkler
195      !_ Table 3.1: Contributors to Wikipedia, January 2001 - June 2005

     {table~h 24; 12; 12; 12; 12; 12; 12;}
                                     |Jan. 2001|Jan. 2002|Jan. 2003|Jan. 2004|July 2004|June 2006
     Contributors*                   |       10|      472|    2,188|    9,653|   25,011|   48,721
     Active contributors**           |        9|      212|      846|    3,228|    8,442|   16,945
     Very active contributors***     |        0|       31|      190|      692|    1,639|    3,016
     No. of English language articles|       25|   16,000|  101,000|  190,000|  320,000|  630,000
     No. of articles, all languages  |       25|   19,000|  138,000|  490,000|  862,000|1,600,000

     \* Contributed at least ten times; \** at least 5 times in last month; \*\** more than 100 times in last month.    
196 resulting output: 197 Table 3.1: Contributors to Wikipedia, January 2001 - June 2005
Jan. 2001 Jan. 2002 Jan. 2003 Jan. 2004 July 2004 June 2006
Contributors* 10 472 2,188 9,653 25,011 48,721
Active contributors** 9 212 846 3,228 8,442 16,945
Very active contributors*** 0 31 190 692 1,639 3,016
No. of English language articles 25 16,000 101,000 190,000 320,000 630,000
No. of articles, all languages 25 19,000 138,000 490,000 862,000 1,600,000
199 * Contributed at least ten times; ** at least 5 times in last month; *** more than 100 times in last month. 200 3.6.2 Poem 201 basic markup: 202      poem{

       Your poem here


     Each verse in a poem is given a separate object number.    
203 markup example: 204      poem{

                         'Fury said to a
                        mouse, That he
                      met in the
                 "Let us
                   both go to
                     law:  I will
                         YOU.  --Come,
                            I'll take no
                             denial; We
                          must have a
                      trial:  For
                   really this
                morning I've
              to do."
                Said the
                  mouse to the
                    cur, "Such
                      a trial,
                        dear Sir,
                          no jury
                       or judge,
                     would be
                    "I'll be
                      judge, I'll
                        be jury,"
                           old Fury:
                           try the

205 resulting output: 206 'Fury said to a
mouse, That he
met in the
"Let us
both go to
law: I will
YOU. --Come,
I'll take no
denial; We
must have a
trial: For
really this
morning I've
to do."
Said the
mouse to the
cur, "Such
a trial,
dear Sir,
no jury
or judge,
would be
"I'll be
judge, I'll
be jury,"
old Fury:
try the
207 3.6.3 Group 208 basic markup: 209      group{

       Your grouped text here


     A group is treated as an object and given a single object number.    
210 markup example: 211      group{

                         'Fury said to a
                        mouse, That he
                      met in the
                 "Let us
                   both go to
                     law:  I will
                         YOU.  --Come,
                            I'll take no
                             denial; We
                          must have a
                      trial:  For
                   really this
                morning I've
              to do."
                Said the
                  mouse to the
                    cur, "Such
                      a trial,
                        dear Sir,
                          no jury
                       or judge,
                     would be
                    "I'll be
                      judge, I'll
                        be jury,"
                           old Fury:
                           try the

212 resulting output: 213 'Fury said to a
mouse, That he
met in the
"Let us
both go to
law: I will
YOU. --Come,
I'll take no
denial; We
must have a
trial: For
really this
morning I've
to do."
Said the
mouse to the
cur, "Such
a trial,
dear Sir,
no jury
or judge,
would be
"I'll be
judge, I'll
be jury,"
old Fury:
try the
214 3.6.4 Code 215 Code tags are used to escape regular sisu markup, and have been used extensively within this document to provide examples of SiSU markup. You cannot however use code tags to escape code tags. They are however used in the same way as group or poem tags. 216 A code-block is treated as an object and given a single object number. [an option to number each line of code may be considered at some later time] 217 use of code tags instead of poem compared, resulting output: 218                          'Fury said to a
                        mouse, That he
                      met in the
                 "Let us
                   both go to
                     law:  I will
                         YOU.  --Come,
                            I'll take no
                             denial; We
                          must have a
                      trial:  For
                   really this
                morning I've
              to do."
                Said the
                  mouse to the
                    cur, "Such
                      a trial,
                        dear Sir,
                          no jury
                       or judge,
                     would be
                    "I'll be
                      judge, I'll
                        be jury,"
                           old Fury:
                           try the
219 4. Composite documents markup 220 It is possible to build a document by creating a master document that requires other documents. The documents required may be complete documents that could be generated independently, or they could be markup snippets, prepared so as to be easily available to be placed within another text. If the calling document is a master document (built from other documents), it should be named with the suffix .ssm Within this document you would provide information on the other documents that should be included within the text. These may be other documents that would be processed in a regular way, or markup bits prepared only for inclusion within a master document .sst regular markup file, or .ssi (insert/information) A secondary file of the composite document is built prior to processing with the same prefix and the suffix ._sst 221 basic markup for importing a document into a master document 222      << |filename1.sst|@|^|

     << |filename2.ssi|@|^|    
223 The form described above should be relied on. Within the Vim editor it results in the text thus linked becoming hyperlinked to the document it is calling in which is convenient for editing. Alternative markup for importation of documents under consideration, and occasionally supported have been. 224      r{filename}


     << {filename.ssi}

     % using textlink alternatives


     << |filename.ssi|@|^|

     % using thlnk alternatives


     << <url:filename.ssi>    
225 Markup Syntax History 226 5. Notes related to Files-types and Markup Syntax 227 0.38 is substantially current, depreciated 0.16 supported, though file names were changed at 0.37 228 0.52 (2007w14/6) declared document type identifier at start of text/document: 229 SiSU 0.52 230 or, backward compatible using the comment marker: 231 % SiSU 0.38 232 variations include 'SiSU (text|master|insert) [version]' and 'sisu-[version]' 233 0.51 (2007w13/6) skins changed (simplified), markup unchanged 234 0.42 (2006w27/4) * (asterisk) type endnotes, used e.g. in relation to author 235 0.38 (2006w15/7) introduced new/alternative notation for headers, e.g. @title: (instead of 0~title), and accompanying document structure markup, :A,:B,:C,1,2,3 (maps to previous 1,2,3,4,5,6) 236 0.37 (2006w09/7) introduced new file naming convention, .sst (text), .ssm (master), .ssi (insert), markup syntax unchanged 237 0.35 (2005w52/3) sisupod, zipped content file introduced 238 0.23 (2005w36/2) utf-8 for markup file 239 0.22 (2005w35/3) image dimensions may be omitted if rmagick is available to be relied upon 240 0.20.4 (2005w33/4) header 0~links 241 0.16 (2005w25/2) substantial changes introduced to make markup cleaner, header 0~title type, and headings [1-6]~ introduced, also percentage sign (%) at start of a text line as comment marker 0 Endnotes