#% sax output model, part of SiSU and distributed under the same license default namespace = "" namespace xlink = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" start = element document { element head { (br | meta | element creator { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, (text | element link { attribute xlink:href { xsd:anyURI }, attribute xlink:type { xsd:NCName }, xsd:anyURI })+ } | element date { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date_available { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date_created { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date_issued { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date_modified { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date_valid { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, xsd:NMTOKEN } | element keywords { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, text } | element language { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, xsd:NCName } | element meta { xsd:NMTOKEN } | element rights { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, (text | link)+ } | element source { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, text } | element structure { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, text } | element subject { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, text } | element title { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, text } | element type { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, text } | element source_control { (br | meta | element sc { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, text })+ })+ }, element body { element object { attribute id { text }, element ocn { text }, element text { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, (text | b | br | del | en | i | link | sub | sup | u | element image { attribute alt { text }?, attribute height { xsd:integer }?, attribute width { xsd:integer }?, attribute xlink:actuate { xsd:NCName }, attribute xlink:href { text }, attribute xlink:show { xsd:NCName }, attribute xlink:type { xsd:NCName } })+ }?, element table { attribute align { xsd:NCName }, attribute bgcolor { xsd:NCName }, attribute border { xsd:integer }, attribute cellpadding { xsd:integer }, attribute summary { text }, attribute width { text }, element tr { element td { attribute valign { xsd:NCName }, attribute width { text }, (text | b | i)+ }+ }+ }?, element endnote { attribute notenumber { xsd:integer }?, attribute symbol { text }?, (element number { xsd:integer } | element symbol { text }), element note { (text | b | br | del | i | link | sup | u | element em { xsd:NCName } | element sub { xsd:NCName })+ } }* }+ } } meta = element meta { text } br = element br { empty } b = element b { (text | en | i | link | sup)+ } i = element i { (text | b | br | sup)+ } en = element en { text } sub = element sub { xsd:NCName } sup = element sup { xsd:NCName } link = element link { attribute xlink:href { xsd:anyURI }, attribute xlink:type { xsd:NCName }, (xsd:anyURI | text | b | i | sup)+ } u = element u { (text | b | i)+ } del = element del { (text | b | i | link)+ }