path: root/lib/sisu/v2/db_load_tuple.rb
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* metadata, db sql (table structure), adds OCLC number, and; html metadata, ren...Ralph Amissah2010-04-261-0/+2
* reverts unique words list column and indexes; fix for drop indexes; changelog...sisu_2.2.0Ralph Amissah2010-04-201-6/+6
* db name, tables, columns, indexes changes, review (need another version bump ...Ralph Amissah2010-04-201-14/+18
* db sql table and column structure changes, name prefix "sisu_v2a_" resulting ...Ralph Amissah2010-04-161-7/+169
* introducing version 2, major patch, (version 1 libraries retained)sisu_2.0.0Ralph Amissah2010-03-061-0/+163