- Name: SisuDoc Spine, Doc Reform [a part of]
  - Description: documents, structuring, processing, publishing, search
    - static content generator

  - Author: Ralph Amissah

  - Copyright: (C) 2015 - 2025 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved.

  - License: AGPL 3 or later:

    Spine (SiSU), a framework for document structuring, publishing and

    Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU AFERO General Public License as published by the
    Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
    option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
    more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
    this program. If not, see [https://www.gnu.org/licenses/].

    If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the AGPL should be
    available at these locations:

  - Spine (by Doc Reform, related to SiSU) uses standard:
    - docReform markup syntax
      - standard SiSU markup syntax with modified headers and minor modifications
    - docReform object numbering
      - standard SiSU object citation numbering & system

  - Homepages:

  - Git

module sisudoc.io_out.source_pod;
@system: // is not @safe: use: @system: or @trusted:
template spinePod() {
    std.conv : to;
  void spinePod(T)(T doc_matters) {
    debug(asserts) {
      // static assert(is(typeof(doc_matters) == tuple));
    mixin spineRgxFiles;
    string pwd = doc_matters.env.pwd;
    auto pths_pod = spinePathsPods!()(doc_matters);
    mixin spineLanguageCodes;
    auto lang = Lang();
    static auto rgx_files = RgxFiles();
    assert (doc_matters.src.filename.match(rgx_files.src_fn));
    if (doc_matters.opt.action.pod) {
      try {
          podArchive_directory_tree(doc_matters, pths_pod);
          struct STsrcDigests {
            std.zip.ZipArchive     zip;
            string                 fn_pod;
            string[string][string] digests;
          STsrcDigests _st;
          _st = pod_zipMakeReady(doc_matters, pths_pod, _st);
            zipArchive(doc_matters, _st.fn_pod, _st.zip);
            if (doc_matters.src.language == doc_matters.pod.manifest_list_of_languages[$-1]) {
              zipArchiveDigest(doc_matters, _st.fn_pod, _st.digests);
      } catch (ErrnoException ex) {
        // Handle error
  void podArchive_directory_tree(M,P)(M doc_matters, P pths_pod) { // create directory structure
    if (!exists(pths_pod.pod_dir_())) {
      // used both by pod zipped (& pod filesystem (unzipped) which makes its own recursive dirs)
    if (doc_matters.opt.action.source_or_pod) {
      // if (doc_matters.opt.action.vox_gt0) { writeln(" ", pths_pod.fn_pod_filelist(doc_matters.src.filename).filesystem_open_zpod); }
      if (!exists(pths_pod.text_root(doc_matters.src.filename).filesystem_open_zpod)) {
      if (!exists(pths_pod.conf_root(doc_matters.src.filename).filesystem_open_zpod)) {
      if (!exists(pths_pod.media_root(doc_matters.src.filename).filesystem_open_zpod)) {
      if (!exists(pths_pod.css(doc_matters.src.filename).filesystem_open_zpod)) {
      if (!exists(pths_pod.image_root(doc_matters.src.filename).filesystem_open_zpod)) {
      if (!exists(pths_pod.doc_lng(doc_matters.src.filename, doc_matters.src.language).filesystem_open_zpod)) {
        pths_pod.doc_lng(doc_matters.src.filename, doc_matters.src.language).filesystem_open_zpod.mkdirRecurse;
    if (!exists(pths_pod.pod_dir_() ~ "/index.html")) {
      import sisudoc.io_out.html_snippet;
      mixin htmlSnippet;
      auto f = File(pths_pod.pod_dir_() ~"/index.html", "w");
        (doc_matters.opt.action.webserver_url_doc_root.length > 0)
          ? doc_matters.opt.action.webserver_url_doc_root
          : doc_matters.conf_make_meta.conf.w_srv_data_root_url,
  auto pod_zipMakeReady(M,P,S)(M doc_matters, P pths_pod, S _st) {
    auto pth_dr_doc_src = doc_matters.src_path_info;
    if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do_pod && doc_matters.opt.action.vox_gt1) {
      writeln(__LINE__, ": ",
        doc_matters.src.filename, " -> ",
        pths_pod.fn_doc(doc_matters.src.filename, doc_matters.src.language).filesystem_open_zpod
    auto zip = new ZipArchive(); // needed
    auto fn_pod = pths_pod.pod_filename(doc_matters.src.filename).zpod;
    string[string][string] _digests;
    { // bundle images - get digest
      foreach (image; doc_matters.srcs.image_list) {
        debug(podimages) {
            pth_dr_doc_src.image_root.to!string, "/", image, " -> ",
            pths_pod.image_root(doc_matters.src.filename).zpod, "/", image
        auto fn_src_in = doc_matters.src.image_dir_path ~ "/" ~ image;
        auto fn_src_out_pod_zip_base
          = pths_pod.image_root(doc_matters.src.filename).zpod.to!string
          ~ "/" ~ image;
        auto fn_src_out_filesystem
          = pths_pod.image_root(doc_matters.src.filename).filesystem_open_zpod.to!string
          ~ "/" ~ image;
        if (exists(fn_src_in)) {
          debug(io) { writeln("(io debug) src out found: ", fn_src_in); }
          { // take DIGEST write to pod file digests.txt
            auto data = (cast(byte[]) (fn_src_in).read);
            _digests["shared"]["images"] ~= data.sha256Of.toHexString ~ "::" ~ data.length.to!string ~ " - " ~ image ~ "\n";
            // writeln(data.sha256Of.toHexString, "::", data.length, " - ", image);
          if (doc_matters.opt.action.source_or_pod) {
          if (doc_matters.opt.action.pod) {
            zip = podArchive("file_path_bin", fn_src_in, fn_src_out_pod_zip_base, zip);
        } else {
          if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do_pod && doc_matters.opt.action.vox_gt1) {
            writeln("WARNING (io) src out NOT found (image): ", fn_src_in);
    } { // bundle dr_document_make
      auto fn_src_in = ((doc_matters.src.is_pod)
        ? doc_matters.src.conf_dir_path
        : pth_dr_doc_src.conf_root).to!string
        ~ "/" ~ "dr_document_make";
      auto fn_src_out_pod_zip_base
        = pths_pod.conf_root(doc_matters.src.filename).zpod.to!string ~ "/" ~ "dr_document_make";
      auto fn_src_out_filesystem
        = pths_pod.conf_root(doc_matters.src.filename).filesystem_open_zpod.to!string
        ~ "/" ~ "dr_document_make";
      if (exists(fn_src_in)) {
        debug(io) { writeln("(io debug) src out found: ", fn_src_in); }
        if (doc_matters.opt.action.source_or_pod) {
        if (doc_matters.opt.action.pod) {
          zip = podArchive("file_path_text", fn_src_in, fn_src_out_pod_zip_base, zip);
      } else {
        if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do_pod && doc_matters.opt.action.vox_gt1) {
          writeln("WARNING (io) src out NOT found (document make): ", fn_src_in);
    } { // pod manifest
      auto fn_src_in = doc_matters.src.file_with_absolute_path.to!string;
      auto fn_src_out_pod_zip_base
        = pths_pod.pod_manifest(doc_matters.src.filename).zpod.to!string;
      auto fn_src_out_filesystem
        = pths_pod.pod_manifest(doc_matters.src.filename).filesystem_open_zpod.to!string; // needed without root path
      auto fn_src_out_inside_pod
        = pths_pod.pod_manifest(doc_matters.src.filename).zpod.to!string; // needed without root path
      string[] filelist_src_out_pod_arr;
      string[] filelist_src_zpod_arr;
      if (exists(fn_src_in)) {
        debug(io) { writeln("(io debug) src in found: ", fn_src_in); }
        filelist_src_out_pod_arr ~= fn_src_out_pod_zip_base;
        filelist_src_zpod_arr ~= fn_src_out_inside_pod;
          import dyaml;
          auto pod_filelist_yaml_string
            = File(pths_pod.fn_pod_filelist(doc_matters.src.filename).filesystem_open_zpod, "w");
          Node _pmy;
          string _pm = "doc:\n  filename: " ~ doc_matters.src.filename ~ "\n  language: " ~ doc_matters.pod.manifest_list_of_languages.to!string ~ "\n";
          if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do_pod && doc_matters.opt.action.vox_gt1) {
            try {
              _pmy = Loader.fromString(_pm).load();
            } catch (ErrnoException ex) {
            } catch (Throwable) {
              writeln("ERROR failed to read config file content, not parsed as yaml");
            writeln("pod filename:  ", _pmy["doc"]["filename"].get!string);
            writeln("pod languages: ", doc_matters.pod.manifest_list_of_languages.to!string);
            writeln("pod languages: ", doc_matters.src.language);
            // foreach(string _l; _pmy["doc"]["language"]) {
            //   writeln("language:      ", _l);
            // }
          if (doc_matters.opt.action.source_or_pod) {
          if (doc_matters.opt.action.pod) {
            zip = podArchive("string", _pm, fn_src_out_pod_zip_base, zip);
    } { // bundle primary file (.ssm/.sst) - get digest
      auto fn_src_in = doc_matters.src.file_with_absolute_path.to!string;
      auto fn_src_out_pod_zip_base
        = pths_pod.fn_doc(doc_matters.src.filename, doc_matters.src.language).zpod.to!string;
      auto fn_src_out_filesystem
        = pths_pod.fn_doc(doc_matters.src.filename, doc_matters.src.language).filesystem_open_zpod.to!string; // needed without root path:
      auto fn_src_out_inside_pod
        = pths_pod.fn_doc(doc_matters.src.filename, doc_matters.src.language).zpod.to!string; // needed without root path:
      string[] filelist_src_out_pod_arr;
      string[] filelist_src_zpod_arr;
      if (doc_matters.src.language == doc_matters.pod.manifest_list_of_languages[$-1]) { // wait until all language versions of .ssm parsed
        foreach (_lang; doc_matters.pod.manifest_list_of_languages) { // do for all language versions
          string fn_src_out_filesystem_lng
            = pths_pod.fn_doc(doc_matters.src.filename, _lang).filesystem_open_zpod.to!string;
          string _sstm = (doc_matters.pod.manifest_path ~ "/media/text/" ~ _lang ~ "/" ~ doc_matters.src.filename);
          // writeln(_sstm);
          if (exists(_sstm)) { // what of language?
            debug(io) { writeln("(io debug) src in found: ", _sstm); }
            { // take DIGEST write to pod file digests.txt
              auto data = (cast(byte[]) (_sstm).read);
              _digests[_lang]["sstm"] ~= data.sha256Of.toHexString ~ "::" ~ data.length.to!string ~ " - " ~ doc_matters.src.filename ~ " - [" ~ _lang ~ "]";
              // writeln(data.sha256Of.toHexString, "::", data.length, " - ", doc_matters.src.filename);
            filelist_src_out_pod_arr ~= fn_src_out_pod_zip_base;
            filelist_src_zpod_arr ~= fn_src_out_inside_pod;
            string _pod_to_markup_file = doc_matters.src.pod_name ~ "/" ~ "media/text/" ~ _lang ~ "/" ~ doc_matters.src.filename;
            if (doc_matters.opt.action.source_or_pod) {
            if (doc_matters.opt.action.pod) {
              auto _rgx_sstm = regex(r"(?P<path_to_pod>\S+?)(?P<podname>[a-z_-]+)/(?P<from_root>media/text/)(?P<language>\S+?)/(?P<filename>\S+?\.ss[mt])");
              if (auto _x = _sstm.match(_rgx_sstm)){
                if (doc_matters.src.lng == doc_matters.pod.manifest_list_of_languages[$-1]) { // again wait until all language versions of .ssm parsed
                  string _path_to_pod = _x.captures["path_to_pod"];
                  string _podname = _x.captures["podname"];
                  string _root_to_lang = _x.captures["from_root"];
                  string _language = _x.captures["language"]; // .ssi inserts expected to have same name across languages
                  string _filename = _x.captures["filename"];
                  foreach (_lang1; doc_matters.pod.manifest_list_of_languages) { // do for all language versions
                    string _pth_mkup_src_in = _path_to_pod ~ _podname ~ "/" ~ _root_to_lang ~ _lang1 ~ "/" ~ _filename;
                    string _pth_mkup_src_out = "pod/" ~ _root_to_lang ~ _lang1 ~ "/" ~ _filename;
                    // writeln("\nin:  ", _pth_mkup_src_in, "\nout: ", _pth_mkup_src_out); // DEBUG, REMOVE
                    zip = podArchive("file_path_text", _pth_mkup_src_in, _pth_mkup_src_out, zip);
              } else {
                zip = podArchive("file_path_text", _sstm, fn_src_out_pod_zip_base, zip);
          } else {
            if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do_pod && doc_matters.opt.action.vox_gt1) {
              writeln("WARNING (io) src in NOT found (markup source): ", _sstm);
    } { // bundle insert files (.ssi) - get digest
      if (doc_matters.srcs.file_insert_list.length > 0) {
        auto _rgx_ssi = regex(r"(?P<path_to_pod>\S+?)(?P<podname>[a-z_-]+)/(?P<from_root>media/text/)(?P<language>\S+?)/(?P<filename>\S+?\.ss[i])");
        foreach (insert_file; doc_matters.srcs.file_insert_list) {
          debug(pod) {
              insert_file, " -> ",
          if (auto _x = insert_file.match(_rgx_ssi)){
            if (doc_matters.src.lng == doc_matters.pod.manifest_list_of_languages[$-1]) {
              string _path_to_pod = _x.captures["path_to_pod"];
              string _podname = _x.captures["podname"];
              string _root_to_lang = _x.captures["from_root"];
              string _language = _x.captures["language"];
              string _filename = _x.captures["filename"];
              foreach (_lang; doc_matters.pod.manifest_list_of_languages) {
                string _pth_mkup_src_in = _path_to_pod ~ _podname ~ "/" ~ _root_to_lang ~ _lang ~ "/" ~ _filename;
                { // take DIGEST write to pod file digests.txt
                  auto data = (cast(byte[]) (_pth_mkup_src_in).read);
                  _digests[_language]["ssi"] ~= data.sha256Of.toHexString ~ "::" ~ data.length.to!string ~ " - " ~ _filename ~ " - [" ~ _lang ~ "]" ~ "\n";
                  // writeln(data.sha256Of.toHexString, "::", data.length, " - ", _filename, " - [", _lang, "]");
                string _pth_mkup_src_out = "pod/" ~ _root_to_lang ~ _lang ~ "/" ~ _filename;
                if (exists(_pth_mkup_src_in)) {
                  if (doc_matters.opt.action.source_or_pod) {
                    auto fn_src_out_filesystem // you need to change language sources
                      = pths_pod.fn_doc_insert(
                        doc_matters.src.filename, // doc_matters.src.filename
                        _pth_mkup_src_in, // insert_file
                    _pth_mkup_src_in.copy(fn_src_out_filesystem); // check why here, thought dealt with elsewhere
                  if (doc_matters.opt.action.pod) {
                     zip = podArchive("file_path_text", _pth_mkup_src_in, _pth_mkup_src_out, zip);
                } else {
                  if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do_pod && doc_matters.opt.action.vox_gt1) {
                    writeln("WARNING (io) src out NOT found (insert file): ", _pth_mkup_src_in);
          } else {
            auto fn_src_in = insert_file;
            { // take DIGEST write to pod file digests.txt // FIX likely bug insert_file includes path, not what you wish to write
              auto data = (cast(byte[]) (fn_src_in).read);
              _digests["en"]["ssi"] ~= data.sha256Of.toHexString ~ "::" ~ data.length.to!string ~ " - " ~ insert_file ~ "\n";
              // writeln(data.sha256Of.toHexString, "::", data.length, " - ", insert_file);
            auto fn_src_out_pod_zip_base
              = pths_pod.fn_doc_insert(
            auto fn_src_out_filesystem
              = pths_pod.fn_doc_insert(
            if (exists(fn_src_in)) {
              debug(io) { writeln("(io debug) src out found: ", fn_src_in); }
              if (doc_matters.opt.action.source_or_pod) {
              if (doc_matters.opt.action.pod) {
                zip = podArchive("file_path_text", fn_src_in, fn_src_out_pod_zip_base, zip);
            } else {
              if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do_pod && doc_matters.opt.action.vox_gt1) {
                writeln("WARNING (io) src out NOT found (insert file): ", fn_src_in);
      _st.zip     = zip;
      _st.fn_pod  = fn_pod;
      _st.digests = _digests;
    return _st;
  @system auto podArchive(Z)(
    string _source_type,
    string _data_in,
    string _pth_out,
    Z zip
  ) {
    auto zip_arc_member_file = new ArchiveMember();
    zip_arc_member_file.name = _pth_out;
    auto zip_data = new OutBuffer();
    switch (_source_type) {
    case "file_path_bin":
      zip_data.write(cast(char[]) ((_data_in).read));
      goto default;
    case "file_path_text":
      goto default;
    case "string":
      goto default;
      zip_arc_member_file.expandedData = zip_data.toBytes();
    return zip;
  void zipArchive(M,F,Z)(M doc_matters, F fn_pod, Z zip) {
    auto fn_src_in = doc_matters.src.filename;
    if (doc_matters.opt.action.pod) {
      if (exists(doc_matters.src.file_with_absolute_path)) {
        try {
          createZipFile!()(fn_pod, zip.build());
        } catch (ErrnoException ex) {
          // Handle errors
      } else { writeln("WARNING check missing source file(s): ", doc_matters.opt.action.pod); }
      if (!(exists(fn_pod))) { writeln("WARNING failed to create pod zip archive: ", fn_pod); }
  void zipArchiveDigest(M,F,D)(M doc_matters, F fn_pod, D _digests) {
    import sisudoc.io_out.paths_output;
    auto pths_pod = spinePathsPods!()(doc_matters);
    char[] _zip_digest;
    try {
      if (!exists(pths_pod.pod_dir_())) {
        // used both by pod zipped (& pod filesystem (unzipped) which makes its own recursive dirs)
    } catch (ErrnoException ex) {
      // Handle error
    try {
      // if (doc_matters.opt.action.vox_gt1) { writeln(" ", pths_pod.pod_dir_(), "/", doc_matters.src.filename_base, ".digests.txt"); }
      string _digest_fn = pths_pod.pod_dir_() ~ "/" ~ doc_matters.src.filename_base ~ ".digests.txt";
      // if (doc_matters.opt.action.vox_gt1) { writeln(_digest_fn); }
      auto f = File(_digest_fn, "w");
      if (exists(fn_pod)) {
        try {
          auto data = (cast(byte[]) (fn_pod).read);
          // if (doc_matters.opt.action.vox_gt1) { writeln(" ", doc_matters.src.filename, " > ", doc_matters.src.filename_base, ".zip"); }
          if (doc_matters.opt.action.pod) {
            _zip_digest = (data.sha256Of.toHexString ~ "::" ~ data.length.to!string ~ " - " ~ doc_matters.src.filename_base ~ ".zip");
            if (doc_matters.opt.action.vox_gt0) { writeln(" ", _zip_digest); }
            if (doc_matters.opt.action.vox_gt0) { writeln(" ", pths_pod.pod_dir_(), "/", doc_matters.src.filename_base, "/"); }
            if (doc_matters.opt.action.vox_gt0) { writeln(" ", _digest_fn); }
        } catch (ErrnoException ex) {
          // Handle errors
      foreach (_lang; doc_matters.pod.manifest_list_of_languages) {
        if (_lang in _digests) {
          if (("sstm" in _digests[_lang]) && (_digests[_lang]["sstm"].length > 0)) {
            // if (doc_matters.opt.action.vox_gt1) { writeln(_digests[_lang]["sstm"]); }
          if (("ssi" in _digests[_lang]) && (_digests[_lang]["ssi"].length > 0)) {
            // if (doc_matters.opt.action.vox_gt1) { writeln(_digests[_lang]["ssi"]); }
      if ("shared" in _digests) {
        if (("images" in _digests["shared"]) && (_digests["shared"]["images"].length > 0)) {
          // if (doc_matters.opt.action.vox_gt1) { writeln(_digests["shared"]["images"]); }
    } catch (ErrnoException ex) {
      // Handle error