  output hub<BR>
  check & generate output types requested
module sdp.ao.composite_make;
template compositeMkCnf() {
  import sdp.ao;
  import std.array;
  mixin SiSUrgxInit;
  string[] _substitutions;
  string[string][] _sub;
  string _bold;
  string _italics;
  string _emphasis;
  auto compositeMkCnf(Mks...)(Mks makes) {
    foreach (make; makes) {
      auto rgx = Rgx();
      if (auto z = "make" in make) {
        if (auto x = "substitute" in *z) {
          foreach (m; (*x).matchAll(rgx.make_simple_substitutions_d)) {
            _sub ~= ["match": (m["match"]), "replace": (m["replace"])];
            _substitutions ~= format("`%s`,\"%s\"",
          foreach (m; (*x).matchAll(rgx.make_simple_substitutions_rb)) {
            _sub ~= ["match": (m["match"]), "replace": (m["replace"])];
            _substitutions ~= format("`%s`,\"%s\"",
        if (auto x = "bold" in *z) {
          _bold = (*x).to!string;
        if (auto x = "italics" in *z) {
          _italics = (*x).to!string;
        if (auto x = "emphasis" in *z) {
          _emphasis = (*x).to!string;
    struct _composite_make {
      auto substitutions() {
        auto _k = _sub;
        return _k;
      auto substitute() {
        auto _k = _substitutions;
        return _k;
      auto italics() {
        auto _k = _italics;
        return _k;
      auto bold() {
        auto _k = _bold;
        return _k;
      auto emphasis() {
        auto _k = _emphasis;
        return _k;
    return _composite_make();
  output hub<BR>
  check & generate output types requested
template compositeMkCnfAA() {
  import sdp.ao;
  import std.array;
  mixin SiSUrgxInit;
  string[] _substitutions;
  string[string][] _sub;
  auto rgx = Rgx();
  auto compositeMkCnfAA(Mks...)(Mks makes) {
     - skip.first_make which is the "composite make output"
     - pass config files as associative arrays,
     - skip.last_make which is getopt, treat separately
    auto _composite_make = makes[0];
    auto _opts = makes[$-1];
    foreach (make; makes[1..$-1]) {
      if (auto z = "make" in make) { // document head: make (part of individual document)
        if (auto x = "substitute" in *z) {
          _composite_make["make"]["substitute"] = *x;
        if (auto x = "italics" in *z) {
          _composite_make["make"]["italics"] = *x;
        if (auto x = "bold" in *z) {
          _composite_make["make"]["bold"] = *x;
        if (auto x = "emphasis" in *z) {
          _composite_make["make"]["emphasis"] = *x;
    /+ logic for adding _opts make instructions to _composite make +/
    return _composite_make;