#+TITLE: sdp output xmls #+AUTHOR: Ralph Amissah #+EMAIL: [[mailto:ralph.amissah@gmail.com][ralph.amissah@gmail.com]] #+DESCRIPTION for documents - structuring, publishing in multiple formats and search #+KEYWORDS #+LANGUAGE: en #+STARTUP: indent content #+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:nil _:nil -:t f:t *:t <:t #+OPTIONS: TeX:t LaTeX:t skip:nil d:nil todo:t pri:nil tags:not-in-toc #+OPTIONS: author:nil email:nil creator:nil timestamp:nil #+PROPERTY: header-args :padline no :exports code :noweb yes #+EXPORT_SELECT_TAGS: export #+EXPORT_EXCLUDE_TAGS: noexport #+FILETAGS: :sdp:rel:output:xmls: #+TAGS: assert(a) class(c) debug(d) mixin(m) sdp(s) tangle(T) template(t) WEB(W) noexport(n) [[./sdp.org][sdp]] [[./][org/]] [[./output_hub.org][output_hub]] * xml offspring (xhtml html epub) :module:sdp:output_xmls: ** format xhtml objects :format: *** 0. module template #+BEGIN_SRC d :tangle ../src/sdp/output/xmls.d module sdp.output.xmls; template outputXHTMLs() { <<output_imports>> mixin SiSUoutputRgxInit; struct outputXHTMLs { static auto rgx = Rgx(); <<xhtml_format_objects>> <<xhtml_format_objects_code>> } } #+END_SRC *** output imports #+name: output_imports #+BEGIN_SRC d import sdp.output; import std.digest.sha, std.file, std.outbuffer, std.zip, std.conv : to; import sdp.output.create_zip_file, sdp.output.xmls, sdp.output.xmls_css; #+END_SRC *** misc **** special characters #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d string special_characters(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt ){ _txt = (_txt) .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_ampersand, "&") .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_quotation, """) .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_less_than, "<") .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_greater_than, ">") .replaceAll(rgx.nbsp_char, " "); if (!(obj.is_a == "code")) { _txt = (_txt) .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_line_break, "<br />"); } return _txt; } #+END_SRC **** special characters text #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d string special_characters_text(string _txt){ _txt = (_txt) .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_ampersand, "&") .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_quotation, """) .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_less_than, "<") .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_greater_than, ">") .replaceAll(rgx.nbsp_char, " "); return _txt; } #+END_SRC **** font_face #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d string font_face(string _txt){ _txt = (_txt) .replaceAll(rgx.inline_emphasis, ("<em>$1</em>")) .replaceAll(rgx.inline_bold, ("<b>$1</b>")) .replaceAll(rgx.inline_underscore, ("<u>$1</u>")) .replaceAll(rgx.inline_italics, ("<i>$1</i>")) .replaceAll(rgx.inline_superscript, ("<sup>$1</sup>")) .replaceAll(rgx.inline_subscript, ("<sub>$1</sub>")) .replaceAll(rgx.inline_strike, ("<del>$1</del>")) .replaceAll(rgx.inline_insert, ("<ins>$1</ins>")) .replaceAll(rgx.inline_mono, ("<tt>$1</tt>")) .replaceAll(rgx.inline_cite, ("<cite>$1</cite>")); return _txt; } #+END_SRC **** anchor tags #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d string _xhtml_anchor_tags(const(string[]) anchor_tags) { string tags=""; if (anchor_tags.length > 0) { foreach (tag; anchor_tags) { if (!(tag.empty)) { tags ~= "<a name=\"" ~ tag ~ "\"></a>"; } } } return tags; } #+END_SRC **** doc head & tails ***** metadata #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto header_metadata(Dm)( Dm doc_matters, ) { string _title="Title"; string _author="Author"; string _publisher="Publisher"; string _date="Date"; string _date_created="Date"; string _date_issued="Date"; string _date_available="Date"; string _date_valid="Date"; string _date_modified="Date"; string _language="en"; string _rights="Copyright: Copyright (C) year holder"; string _generator="sdp [SiSU 7.1.8 of 2016w08/5 (2016-02-26)] (n*x and D)"; string _generator_home="http://www.sisudoc.org"; string o; o = format(q"¶<!-- SiSU header metadata --> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="dc.title" content="%s" /> <meta name="dc.author" content="%s" /> <meta name="dc.publisher" content="%s" /> <meta name="dc.date" content="%s" /> <meta name="dc.date.created" content="%s" /> <meta name="dc.date.issued" content="%syear" /> <meta name="dc.date.available" content="%syear" /> <meta name="dc.date.valid" content="%syear" /> <meta name="dc.date.modified" content="%syear" /> <meta name="dc.language" content="%s" /> <meta name="dc.rights" content="%s" /> <meta name="generator" content="%s" /> <link rel="generator" href="%s" /> <!-- SiSU header metadata -->¶", _title, _author, _publisher, _date, _date_created, _date_issued, _date_available, _date_valid, _date_modified, _language, _rights, _generator, _generator_home, ); return o; } #+END_SRC ***** site info button #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto site_info_button(Dm)( Dm doc_matters, ) { string _location_1_url ="http://www.sisudoc.org"; string _location_1_lnk ="SiSU"; string _location_2_url ="http://www.sisudoc.org"; string _location_2_lnk ="www.sisudoc.org"; string _location_3_url ="http://www.sisudoc.org"; string _location_3_lnk ="sisu"; string o; o = format(q"¶<!-- Site info button close --> <table summary="home button / home information" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> <tr><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff"> <p class="tiny_left"><a href="%s" target="_top"> %s </a></p> <p class="tiny_left"><a href="%s" target="_top"> %s </a></p> <p class="tiny_left"><a href="%s" target="_top"> %s </a></p> </td></tr> </table> <!-- Site info button close -->¶", _location_1_url, _location_1_lnk, _location_2_url, _location_2_lnk, _location_3_url, _location_3_lnk, ); return o; } #+END_SRC ***** search form #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto inline_search_form(Dm)( Dm doc_matters, ) { string _action="http://www.sisudoc.org/cgi-bin/search.cgi"; string _db="SiSU.7a.manual"; string o; o = format(q"¶<!-- SiSU Search open --> <a name="search"></a> <form method="get" action="%s" target="_top"> <font size="2"> <input type="text" name="s1" size="24" maxlength="255" /> <input type="hidden" name="db" value="%s" /> <input type="hidden" name="ltd" value="1000" /> <input type="hidden" name="off" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="doc" value="live-manual" /><br /> <input type="submit" name="search" value="search doc" /> <input type="submit" name="search" value="search db" /> </font></form> <!-- SiSU Search close -->¶", _action, _db, ); return o; } #+END_SRC ***** html head & head banner #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto html_head(Dm)( Dm doc_matters, string type, ) { string o; o = format(q"¶<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title> %s%s </title> <!-- metadata --> %s <!-- metadata --> <link rel="generator" href="http://www.sisudoc.org/" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="%s" /> <link href="%s" rel="stylesheet" /> </head> <body lang="%s"> <a name="top" id="top"></a> <div class="icon-bar"> <div class="left-bar"> <div class="table-bar"> <table summary="table of contents segment navigation band" id="toc" width="85%%" bgcolor="#ffffff"> <tr><td width="20%%"> <!-- Site info button open --> %s <!-- Site info button close --> </td> <td width="75%%" align="center"> <table summary="segment navigation available documents types: toc,doc,pdf,concordance" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td align="center" bgcolor="#ffffff"> <td align="center" bgcolor="#ffffff"> <a href="../../manifest/sisu.en.html" target="_top"> <font face="verdana, arial, georgia, tahoma, sans-serif, helvetica, times, roman" size="2"> [ document manifest ] </font> </a> </td> <!-- SiSU Search open --> %s <!-- SiSU Search close --> </tr></table> </td> </table> </div> </div>%s¶", doc_matters.dochead_meta["title"]["full"], (doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"].empty) ? "" : ", " ~ doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"], header_metadata(doc_matters), ((type == "seg") ? "../../../" : "../../") ~ "image/rb7.ico", ((type == "seg") ? "../../../" : "../../") ~ "css/html.css", doc_matters.language, site_info_button(doc_matters), inline_search_form(doc_matters), ((type == "seg") ? "" : "\n</div>"), ); return o; } #+END_SRC ***** epub seg head #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto epub3_seg_head(Dm)( Dm doc_matters, ) { string html_base = format(q"¶<!DOCTYPE html> <html>¶", ); string html_simple = format(q"¶<!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:epub="http://www.idpf.org/2007/ops" lang="%s" xml:lang="%s">¶", doc_matters.language, doc_matters.language, ); string html_strict = format(q"¶<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:epub="http://www.idpf.org/2007/ops" lang="%s" xml:lang="%s">¶", doc_matters.language, doc_matters.language, ); string o; o = format(q"¶%s <head> <title> %s%s </title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="dc.title" content="%s" /> <meta name="dc.author" content="%s" /> <meta name="dc.publisher" content="SiSU http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu (this copy)" /> <meta name="dc.date" content="year" /> <meta name="dc.date.created" content="year" /> <meta name="dc.date.issued" content="year" /> <meta name="dc.date.available" content="year" /> <meta name="dc.date.valid" content="year" /> <meta name="dc.date.modified" content="year" /> <meta name="dc.language" content="US" /> <meta name="dc.rights" content="Copyright: Copyright (C) year holder" /> <meta name="generator" content="sdp [SiSU 7.1.8 of 2016w08/5 (2016-02-26)] (n*x and D)" /> <link rel="generator" href="http://www.sisudoc.org/" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="../_sisu/image/rb7.ico" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/epub.css" type="text/css" id="main-css" /> </head> <body lang="%s"> <a name="top" id="top"></a>¶", html_simple, doc_matters.dochead_meta["title"]["full"], (doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"].empty) ? "" : ", " ~ doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"], doc_matters.dochead_meta["title"]["full"], (doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"].empty) ? "" : ", " ~ doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"], doc_matters.language, ); return o; } #+END_SRC ***** xhtml tail #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto tail() { string o; o = format(q"¶ <a name="bottom" id="bottom"></a> <a name="end" id="end"></a> </body> </html>¶"); return o; } #+END_SRC *** inline markup **** links #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto inline_links(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt, string _suffix = ".html", string seg_scroll = "seg", ) { if (obj.inline_links) { if ((_txt.match(rgx.mark_internal_site_lnk)) && (seg_scroll == "scroll")) { // conditions reversed to avoid: gdc compiled program run segfault _txt = (_txt).replaceAll( rgx.inline_seg_link, "$1"); } _txt = (_txt).replaceAll( rgx.inline_link_fn_suffix, ("$1" ~ _suffix)); _txt = (_txt).replaceAll( rgx.inline_link, ("<a href=\"$2\">$1</a>")); _txt = (_txt).replaceAll( rgx.mark_internal_site_lnk, "" ); } debug(markup_links) { if (_txt.match(rgx.inline_link)) { writeln(__LINE__, " (missed) markup link identified (", obj.inline_links, "): ", obj.is_a, ": ", obj.text ); } } debug(markup) { if (_txt.match(rgx.inline_link)) { writeln(__LINE__, " (missed) markup link identified (", obj.inline_links, "): ", obj.is_a, ": ", obj.text ); } } return _txt; } #+END_SRC **** notes scroll #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto inline_notes_scroll(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt, ) { if (obj.inline_notes_reg) { _txt = (_txt).replaceAll( rgx.inline_notes_delimiter_al_regular_number_note, ("<a href=\"#note_$1\"><note id=\"noteref_$1\"> <sup>$1</sup> </note></a>") ); } debug(markup_endnotes) { if (_txt.match(rgx.inline_notes_delimiter_al_regular_number_note)) { writeln(__LINE__, " (missed) markup endnote: ", obj.is_a, ": ", obj.text); } } debug(markup) { if (_txt.match(rgx.inline_notes_delimiter_al_regular_number_note)) { writeln(__LINE__, " (missed) markup endnote: ", obj.is_a, ": ", obj.text); } } return _txt; } #+END_SRC **** notes seg #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto inline_notes_seg(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt, ) { string[] _endnotes; if (obj.inline_notes_reg) { /+ need markup for text, and separated footnote +/ foreach(m; _txt.matchAll(rgx.inline_notes_delimiter_al_regular_number_note)) { _endnotes ~= format( "%s%s%s%s\n %s%s%s%s%s\n %s\n%s", "<p class=\"endnote\">", "<a href=\"#noteref_", m.captures[1], "\">", "<note id=\"note_", m.captures[1], "\"> <sup>", m.captures[1], ".</sup></note></a>", m.captures[2], "</p>" ); } _txt = (_txt).replaceAll( rgx.inline_notes_delimiter_al_regular_number_note, ("<a href=\"#note_$1\"><note id=\"noteref_$1\"> <sup>$1</sup> </note></a>") ); } else if (_txt.match(rgx.inline_notes_delimiter_al_regular_number_note)) { debug(markup) { writeln(__LINE__, " endnote: ", obj.is_a, ": ", obj.text); } } auto t = tuple( _txt, _endnotes, ); return t; } #+END_SRC **** inline markup scroll #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto inline_markup_scroll(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt, string _suffix = ".html", ) { _txt = inline_links(obj, _txt, _suffix, "scroll"); _txt = inline_notes_scroll(obj, _txt); return _txt; } #+END_SRC **** inline markup seg #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto inline_markup_seg(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt, string _suffix = ".html", ) { _txt = inline_links(obj, _txt, _suffix, "seg"); auto t = inline_notes_seg(obj, _txt); return t; } #+END_SRC *** toc **** subtoc #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d string lev4_heading_subtoc(O)( auto return ref const O obj, ) { char[] lev4_subtoc; lev4_subtoc ~= " <div class=\"nav\">\n"; foreach (subtoc; obj.lev4_subtoc) { if (auto m = subtoc.match(rgx.inline_link_subtoc)) { auto indent = to!string(m.captures[1]); auto text = to!string(m.captures[2]); text = font_face(text); auto link = to!string(m.captures[3]); lev4_subtoc ~= subtoc.replaceFirst(rgx.inline_link_subtoc, format(q"¶ <p class="minitoc" indent="h%si%s"> <a href="%s">%s</a> </p> ¶", indent, indent, link, text, )); } } lev4_subtoc ~= " </div>\n"; return lev4_subtoc.to!string; } #+END_SRC **** navigation pre next svg #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto nav_pre_next_svg(O)( auto return ref const O obj, ) { string prev, next, toc; if (obj.segment_anchor_tag == "toc") { toc = ""; prev = ""; } else { toc = format(q"¶ <a href="toc.html" target="_top"> <div class="toc-button menu"> <svg viewbox="0 0 100 100"> <path d="M4,10h24c1.104,0,2-0.896,2-2s-0.896-2-2-2H4C2.896,6,2,6.896,2,8S2.896,10,4,10z M28,14H4c-1.104,0-2,0.896-2,2 s0.896,2,2,2h24c1.104,0,2-0.896,2-2S29.104,14,28,14z M28,22H4c-1.104,0-2,0.896-2,2s0.896,2,2,2h24c1.104,0,2-0.896,2-2 S29.104,22,28,22z"/> </svg> </div> </a> ¶", ); } if (obj.segname_prev == "") { prev = ""; } else { // previous prev = format(q"¶ <a href="%s.html" target="_top"> <div class="prev-next-button previous"> <svg viewbox="0 0 100 100"> <path class="arrow" d="M 50,0 L 60,10 L 20,50 L 60,90 L 50,100 L 0,50 Z" transform=" translate(15,0)"> </svg> </div> </a> ¶", obj.segname_prev, ); } if (obj.segname_next == "") { // next next = ""; } else { next = format(q"¶ <a href="%s.html" target="_top"> <div class="prev-next-button next"> <svg viewbox="0 0 100 100"> <path class="arrow" d="M 50,0 L 60,10 L 20,50 L 60,90 L 50,100 L 0,50 Z "transform="translate(85,100) rotate(180) "> </svg> </div> </a> ¶", obj.segname_next, ); } string _toc_pre_next = format(q"¶ <!-- <div class="icon-bar"> --> <div class="nav-bar"> %s %s %s </div> </div> ¶", toc, prev, next, ); string _pre_next = format(q"¶ <div class="nav-bar"> %s %s </div> ¶", prev, next, ); struct bar { string toc_pre_next() { return _toc_pre_next; } string pre_next() { return _pre_next; } } return bar(); } #+END_SRC *** heading **** heading #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto heading(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt, string _type="html", ) { auto tags = _xhtml_anchor_tags(obj.anchor_tags); string _horizontal_rule = "<hr />"; if ((_type != "html") || (obj.heading_lev_markup == 0 || obj.heading_lev_markup > 4)) { _horizontal_rule = ""; } _txt = font_face(_txt); string o; if (obj.obj_cite_number.empty) { o = format(q"¶%s <div class="substance"> <h%s class="%s">%s %s </h%s> </div>¶", _horizontal_rule, obj.heading_lev_markup, obj.is_a, tags, _txt, obj.heading_lev_markup, ); } else { o = format(q"¶%s <div class="substance"> <label class="ocn"><a href="#%s" class="lnkocn">%s</a></label> <h%s class="%s" id="%s"><a name="%s"></a>%s %s </h%s> </div>¶", _horizontal_rule, obj.obj_cite_number, obj.obj_cite_number, obj.heading_lev_markup, obj.is_a, obj.obj_cite_number, obj.obj_cite_number, tags, _txt, obj.heading_lev_markup, ); } return o; } #+END_SRC **** scroll #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto heading_scroll(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt, string _suffix = ".html", ) { auto tags = _xhtml_anchor_tags(obj.anchor_tags); _txt = inline_markup_scroll(obj, _txt, _suffix); string o = heading(obj, _txt); return o; } #+END_SRC **** seg #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto heading_seg(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt, string _suffix = ".html", string _type = "html", ) { auto t = inline_markup_seg(obj, _txt, _suffix); _txt = t[0]; string[] _endnotes = t[1]; string o = heading(obj, _txt, _type); auto u = tuple( o, _endnotes, ); return u; } #+END_SRC *** para **** para #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto para(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt, ) { auto tags = _xhtml_anchor_tags(obj.anchor_tags); _txt = font_face(_txt); string o; _txt = (obj.bullet) ? ("●  " ~ _txt) : _txt; if (obj.obj_cite_number.empty) { o = format(q"¶ <div class="substance"> <p class="%s" indent="h%si%s">%s %s </p> </div>¶", obj.is_a, obj.indent_hang, obj.indent_base, tags, _txt ); } else { o = format(q"¶ <div class="substance"> <label class="ocn"><a href="#%s" class="lnkocn">%s</a></label> <p class="%s" indent="h%si%s" id="%s">%s %s </p> </div>¶", obj.obj_cite_number, obj.obj_cite_number, obj.is_a, obj.indent_hang, obj.indent_base, obj.obj_cite_number, tags, _txt ); } return o; } #+END_SRC **** scroll #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto para_scroll(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt, string _suffix = ".html", ) { auto tags = _xhtml_anchor_tags(obj.anchor_tags); _txt = inline_markup_scroll(obj, _txt, _suffix); string o = para(obj, _txt); return o; } #+END_SRC **** seg #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto para_seg(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt, string _suffix = ".html", ) { auto t = inline_markup_seg(obj, _txt, _suffix); _txt = to!string(t[0]); string[] _endnotes = t[1]; string o = para(obj, _txt); auto u = tuple( o, _endnotes, ); return u; } #+END_SRC *** quote **** quote #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto quote(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt, ) { _txt = font_face(_txt); string o; if (obj.obj_cite_number.empty) { o = format(q"¶ <div class="substance"> <p class="%s"> %s </p> </div>¶", obj.is_a, _txt ); } else { o = format(q"¶ <div class="substance"> <label class="ocn"><a href="#%s" class="lnkocn">%s</a></label> <p class="%s" id="%s"> %s </p> </div>¶", obj.obj_cite_number, obj.obj_cite_number, obj.is_a, obj.obj_cite_number, _txt ); } return o; } #+END_SRC **** scroll #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto quote_scroll(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt, string _suffix = ".html", ) { auto tags = _xhtml_anchor_tags(obj.anchor_tags); _txt = inline_markup_scroll(obj, _txt, _suffix); string o = quote(obj, _txt); return o; } #+END_SRC **** seg #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto quote_seg(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt, string _suffix = ".html", ) { auto t = inline_markup_seg(obj, _txt, _suffix); _txt = to!string(t[0]); string[] _endnotes = t[1]; string o = quote(obj, _txt); auto u = tuple( o, _endnotes, ); return u; } #+END_SRC *** group **** group #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto group(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt, ) { _txt = font_face(_txt); string o; if (obj.obj_cite_number.empty) { o = format(q"¶ <div class="substance"> <p class="%s"> %s </p> </div>¶", obj.is_a, _txt ); } else { o = format(q"¶ <div class="substance"> <label class="ocn"><a href="#%s" class="lnkocn">%s</a></label> <p class="%s" id="%s"> %s </p> </div>¶", obj.obj_cite_number, obj.obj_cite_number, obj.is_a, obj.obj_cite_number, _txt ); } return o; } #+END_SRC **** scroll #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto group_scroll(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt, string _suffix = ".html", ) { auto tags = _xhtml_anchor_tags(obj.anchor_tags); _txt = inline_markup_scroll(obj, _txt, _suffix); string o = group(obj, _txt); return o; } #+END_SRC **** seg #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto group_seg(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt, string _suffix = ".html", ) { auto t = inline_markup_seg(obj, _txt, _suffix); _txt = to!string(t[0]); string[] _endnotes = t[1]; string o = group(obj, _txt); auto u = tuple( o, _endnotes, ); return u; } #+END_SRC *** block **** block #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto block(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt, ) { _txt = font_face(_txt); string o; if (obj.obj_cite_number.empty) { o = format(q"¶ <div class="substance"> <p class="%s">%s</p> </div>¶", obj.is_a, _txt.stripRight ); } else { o = format(q"¶ <div class="substance"> <label class="ocn"><a href="#%s" class="lnkocn">%s</a></label> <p class="%s" id="%s">%s</p> </div>¶", obj.obj_cite_number, obj.obj_cite_number, obj.is_a, obj.obj_cite_number, _txt.stripRight ); } return o; } #+END_SRC **** scroll #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto block_scroll(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt, string _suffix = ".html", ) { auto tags = _xhtml_anchor_tags(obj.anchor_tags); _txt = inline_markup_scroll(obj, _txt, _suffix); string o = block(obj, _txt); return o; } #+END_SRC **** seg #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto block_seg(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt, string _suffix = ".html", ) { auto t = inline_markup_seg(obj, _txt, _suffix); _txt = to!string(t[0]); string[] _endnotes = t[1]; string o = block(obj, _txt); auto u = tuple( o, _endnotes, ); return u; } #+END_SRC *** poem verse **** verse #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto verse(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt, ) { _txt = font_face(_txt); string o; if (obj.obj_cite_number.empty) { o = format(q"¶ <div class="substance"> <p class="%s">%s</p> </div>¶", obj.is_a, _txt ); } else { o = format(q"¶ <div class="substance"> <label class="ocn"><a href="#%s" class="lnkocn">%s</a></label> <p class="%s" id="%s">%s</p> </div>¶", obj.obj_cite_number, obj.obj_cite_number, obj.is_a, obj.obj_cite_number, _txt ); } return o; } #+END_SRC **** scroll #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto verse_scroll(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt, string _suffix = ".html", ) { auto tags = _xhtml_anchor_tags(obj.anchor_tags); _txt = inline_markup_scroll(obj, _txt, _suffix); string o = verse(obj, _txt); return o; } #+END_SRC **** seg #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto verse_seg(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt, string _suffix = ".html", ) { auto t = inline_markup_seg(obj, _txt, _suffix); _txt = to!string(t[0]); string[] _endnotes = t[1]; string o = verse(obj, _txt); auto u = tuple( o, _endnotes, ); return u; } #+END_SRC *** code #+name: xhtml_format_objects_code #+BEGIN_SRC d auto code(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt, ) { string o; if (obj.obj_cite_number.empty) { o = format(q"¶ <div class="substance"> <p class="%s">%s</p> </div>¶", obj.is_a, _txt ); } else { o = format(q"¶ <div class="substance"> <label class="ocn"><a href="#%s" class="lnkocn">%s</a></label> <p class="%s" id="%s">%s</p> </div>¶", obj.obj_cite_number, obj.obj_cite_number, obj.is_a, obj.obj_cite_number, _txt ); } return o; } #+END_SRC *** table **** TODO tablarize align="left|right|center" <td align="right">$100</td> "style=\"text-align:right\"" "style=\"text-align:left\"" "style=\"text-align:" ~ "right\"" #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto tablarize(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt, ) { string[] _table_rows = (_txt).split(rgx.table_delimiter_row); string[] _table_cols; string _table; string _tablenote; foreach(row_idx, row; _table_rows) { _table_cols = row.split(rgx.table_delimiter_col); _table ~= "<tr>"; foreach(col_idx, cell; _table_cols) { if ((_table_cols.length == 1) && (_table_rows.length <= row_idx+2)) { _tablenote ~= cell; } else { string _col_is = (row_idx == 0 && obj.table_heading) ? "th" : "td"; string _align = ("style=\"text-align:" ~ ((obj.table_column_aligns[col_idx] == "l") ? "left\"" : "right\"")); _table ~= "<" ~ _col_is ~ " width=\"" ~ obj.table_column_widths[col_idx].to!string ~ "%\" " ~ _align ~ ">"; _table ~= cell; _table ~= "</" ~ _col_is ~ ">"; } } _table ~= "</tr>"; } auto t = tuple( _table, _tablenote, ); return t; } #+END_SRC **** table #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto table(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt, ) { auto tags = _xhtml_anchor_tags(obj.anchor_tags); _txt = font_face(_txt); auto t = tablarize(obj, _txt); _txt = t[0]; string _note = t[1]; string o; o = format(q"¶ <div class="substance"> <label class="ocn"><a href="#%s" class="lnkocn">%s</a></label> <p class="%s" id="%s">%s <table summary="normal text css" width="95%%" border="0" bgcolor="white" cellpadding="2" align="center"> %s </table> %s </p> </div>¶", obj.obj_cite_number, obj.obj_cite_number, obj.is_a, obj.obj_cite_number, tags, _txt, _note ); return o; } #+END_SRC *** endnote #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto endnote(O)( auto return ref const O obj, string _txt, ) { string o; o = format(q"¶ <p class="%s" indent="h%si%s"> %s </p>¶", obj.is_a, obj.indent_hang, obj.indent_base, _txt ); return o; } #+END_SRC * _html_ [#A] :module:sdp:output_html: ** module template #+BEGIN_SRC d :tangle ../src/sdp/output/html.d module sdp.output.html; template outputHTML() { <<output_imports>> mixin outputXHTMLs; <<output_html_scroll>> <<output_html_seg>> <<output_html_css>> } #+END_SRC ** scroll :scroll: *** switch (sections & objects) format html output #+name: output_html_scroll #+BEGIN_SRC d void scroll(D,I)( auto return ref const D doc_abstraction, auto return ref I doc_matters, ) { mixin SiSUoutputRgxInit; auto xhtml_format = outputXHTMLs(); auto rgx = Rgx(); string[] doc_html; string[] doc; string suffix = ".html"; foreach (part; doc_matters.keys_seq.scroll) { foreach (obj; doc_abstraction[part]) { string _txt = xhtml_format.special_characters(obj, obj.text); switch (obj.of_part) { case "frontmatter": assert(part == "head" || "toc_scroll"); switch (obj.is_of) { case "para": switch (obj.is_a) { case "heading": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.heading_scroll(obj, _txt, suffix); break; case "toc": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.para_scroll(obj, _txt, suffix); break; default: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); } break; } break; default: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_of); } break; } break; case "body": assert(part == "body" || "head"); // surprise switch (obj.is_of) { case "para": switch (obj.is_a) { case "heading": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.heading_scroll(obj, _txt, suffix); break; case "para": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.para_scroll(obj, _txt, suffix); break; default: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); } break; } break; case "block": switch (obj.is_a) { case "quote": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.quote_scroll(obj, _txt); break; case "group": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.group_scroll(obj, _txt); break; case "block": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.block_scroll(obj, _txt); break; case "poem": break; case "verse": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.verse_scroll(obj, _txt, suffix); break; case "code": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.code(obj, _txt); break; case "table": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.table(obj, _txt); break; default: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); } break; } break; default: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_of); } break; } break; case "backmatter": assert(part == "endnotes" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex_scroll" || "blurb" || "tail"); switch (obj.is_of) { case "para": switch (obj.is_a) { case "heading": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.heading_scroll(obj, _txt, suffix); break; case "endnote": assert(part == "endnotes"); doc_html ~= xhtml_format.para_scroll(obj, _txt, suffix); break; case "glossary": assert(part == "glossary"); doc_html ~= xhtml_format.para_scroll(obj, _txt, suffix); break; case "bibliography": assert(part == "bibliography"); doc_html ~= xhtml_format.para_scroll(obj, _txt, suffix); break; case "bookindex": assert(part == "bookindex_scroll"); doc_html ~= xhtml_format.para_scroll(obj, _txt, suffix); break; case "blurb": assert(part == "blurb"); doc_html ~= xhtml_format.para_scroll(obj, _txt, suffix); break; default: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); } break; } break; default: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_of); } break; } break; case "comment": break; default: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.of_part); writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.text); } break; } } } doc = xhtml_format.html_head(doc_matters, "scroll") ~ doc_html ~ xhtml_format.tail; scroll_write_output(doc_matters, doc); } #+END_SRC *** write output file #+name: output_html_scroll #+BEGIN_SRC d void scroll_write_output(M,C)( M doc_matters, C doc, ) { debug(asserts) { static assert(is(typeof(doc) == string[])); } string fn_src = doc_matters.source_filename; auto src_path_info = doc_matters.src_path_info; string lng = doc_matters.language; auto pth_html = SiSUpathsHTML!()(src_path_info, lng); try { if (!exists(pth_html.base)) { pth_html.base.mkdirRecurse; } auto f = File(pth_html.fn_scroll(fn_src), "w"); foreach (o; doc) { f.writeln(o); } } catch (ErrnoException ex) { // Handle error } writeln(" ", doc_matters.environment["pwd"], "/", pth_html.fn_scroll(fn_src)); } #+END_SRC ** seg :seg: *** switch (sections & objects) format html output #+name: output_html_seg #+BEGIN_SRC d void seg(D,I)( auto return ref const D doc_abstraction, auto return ref I doc_matters, ) { mixin SiSUoutputRgxInit; auto rgx = Rgx(); auto xhtml_format = outputXHTMLs(); string[][string] doc_html; string[][string] doc_html_endnotes; string[] doc; string segment_filename; string[] top_level_headings = ["","","",""]; string _bottom_bar =""; string previous_seg_filename = ""; string suffix = ".html"; foreach (part; doc_matters.keys_seq.seg) { foreach (obj; doc_abstraction[part]) { string _txt = xhtml_format.special_characters(obj, obj.text); if (obj.is_a == "heading") { assert(part == "head" || "toc_seg" || "body" || "endnotes" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex_seg" || "blurb" || "tail"); switch (obj.heading_lev_markup) { case 0: .. case 3: /+ fill buffer, and replace with new levels from 1 to 3 +/ switch (obj.heading_lev_markup) { case 0: top_level_headings[0] = ""; top_level_headings[1] = ""; top_level_headings[2] = ""; top_level_headings[3] = ""; goto default; case 1: top_level_headings[1] = ""; top_level_headings[2] = ""; top_level_headings[3] = ""; goto default; case 2: top_level_headings[2] = ""; top_level_headings[3] = ""; goto default; case 3: top_level_headings[3] = ""; goto default; default: auto t = xhtml_format.heading_seg(obj, _txt, suffix); top_level_headings[obj.heading_lev_markup] = t[0]; break; } break; case 4: segment_filename = obj.segment_anchor_tag; doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.html_head(doc_matters, "seg"); doc_html_endnotes[previous_seg_filename] ~= _bottom_bar; // places after segment text and endnotes auto navigation_bar = xhtml_format.nav_pre_next_svg(obj); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= navigation_bar.toc_pre_next; _bottom_bar = navigation_bar.toc_pre_next; previous_seg_filename = segment_filename; foreach (top_level_heading; top_level_headings) { // writeln(top_level_heading); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= top_level_heading; } auto t = xhtml_format.heading_seg(obj, _txt, suffix); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= to!string(t[0]); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.lev4_heading_subtoc(obj); doc_html_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; case 5: .. case 7: auto t = xhtml_format.heading_seg(obj, _txt, suffix); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= to!string(t[0]); doc_html_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; case 8: .. case 9: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a, ": ", obj.heading_lev_markup); writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.text); } break; default: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a, ": ", obj.heading_lev_markup); } break; } } else { assert(part == "head" || "toc_seg" || "body" || "endnotes" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex_seg" || "blurb" || "tail"); switch (obj.of_part) { case "frontmatter": assert(part == "head" || "toc_seg"); switch (obj.is_of) { case "para": switch (obj.is_a) { case "toc": auto t = xhtml_format.para_seg(obj, _txt, suffix); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= to!string(t[0]); break; default: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); } break; } break; default: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); } break; } break; case "body": assert(part == "body"); switch (obj.is_of) { case "para": switch (obj.is_a) { case "para": auto t = xhtml_format.para_seg(obj, _txt, suffix); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= to!string(t[0]); doc_html_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; default: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); } break; } break; case "block": switch (obj.is_a) { case "quote": auto t = xhtml_format.quote_seg(obj, _txt, suffix); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= to!string(t[0]); doc_html_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; case "group": auto t = xhtml_format.group_seg(obj, _txt, suffix); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= to!string(t[0]); doc_html_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; case "block": auto t = xhtml_format.block_seg(obj, _txt, suffix); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= to!string(t[0]); doc_html_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; case "poem": break; case "verse": auto t = xhtml_format.verse_seg(obj, _txt, suffix); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= to!string(t[0]); doc_html_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; case "code": doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.code(obj, _txt); break; case "table": doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.table(obj, _txt); doc_html_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= ""; break; default: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); } break; } break; default: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_of); } break; } break; case "backmatter": assert(part == "endnotes" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex_seg" || "blurb" || "tail"); switch (obj.is_of) { case "para": switch (obj.is_a) { case "endnote": assert(part == "endnotes"); auto t = xhtml_format.para_seg(obj, _txt, suffix); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= t[0]; break; case "glossary": assert(part == "glossary"); auto t = xhtml_format.para_seg(obj, _txt, suffix); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= t[0]; doc_html_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; case "bibliography": assert(part == "bibliography"); auto t = xhtml_format.para_seg(obj, _txt, suffix); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= t[0]; doc_html_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; case "bookindex": assert(part == "bookindex_seg"); auto t = xhtml_format.para_seg(obj, _txt, suffix); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= t[0]; doc_html_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; case "blurb": assert(part == "blurb"); auto t = xhtml_format.para_seg(obj, _txt, suffix); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= t[0]; doc_html_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; default: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); } break; } break; default: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_of); } break; } break; case "comment": break; default: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.of_part); } break; } } } } seg_write_output(doc_matters, doc_html, doc_html_endnotes); } #+END_SRC *** write output files #+name: output_html_seg #+BEGIN_SRC d void seg_write_output(M,D,E)( M doc_matters, D doc_html, E doc_html_endnotes, ) { debug(asserts) { static assert(is(typeof(doc_html) == string[][string])); } mixin SiSUoutputRgxInit; auto rgx = Rgx(); auto src_path_info = doc_matters.src_path_info; string lng = doc_matters.language; auto pth_html = SiSUpathsHTML!()(src_path_info, lng); auto xhtml_format = outputXHTMLs(); auto m = doc_matters.source_filename.matchFirst(rgx.src_fn); try { if (!exists(pth_html.seg(doc_matters.source_filename))) { pth_html.seg(doc_matters.source_filename).mkdirRecurse; } foreach (seg_filename; doc_matters.segnames) { auto f = File(pth_html.fn_seg(doc_matters.source_filename, seg_filename), "w"); foreach (docseg; doc_html[seg_filename]) { f.writeln(docseg); } foreach (docseg; doc_html_endnotes[seg_filename]) { f.writeln(docseg); } f.writeln(xhtml_format.tail); } } catch (ErrnoException ex) { // handle error } writeln(" ", doc_matters.environment["pwd"], "/", pth_html.fn_seg(doc_matters.source_filename, "toc")); } #+END_SRC ** css :css: #+name: output_html_css #+BEGIN_SRC d void css(M)( auto return ref M doc_matters, ) { auto css = SiSUcss(); auto pth_html = SiSUpathsHTML!()(doc_matters.src_path_info, doc_matters.language); try { if (!exists(pth_html.css)) { (pth_html.css).mkdirRecurse; } auto f = File(pth_html.fn_css, "w"); f.writeln(css.html_css); } catch (ErrnoException ex) { // Handle error } } #+END_SRC * _epub_ [#B] :module:sdp:output_epub3: |-----------------------+--------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------| | function | filename | module | variable | |-----------------------+--------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------| | identify doc filetype | mimetype | epub3_mimetypes | mimetypes | |-----------------------+--------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------| | identify doc root | META-INF/container.xml | epub3_container_xml | meta_inf_container_xml | |-----------------------+--------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------| | doc manifest | OEBPS/content.opf | epub3_oebps_content | oebps_content_opf | |-----------------------+--------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------| | doc navigation | OEBPS/toc_nav.xhtml | epub3_oebps_toc_nav_xhtml | oebps_toc_nav_xhtml | | | OEBPS/toc.ncx | epub2_oebps_toc_ncx | oebps_toc_ncx | |-----------------------+--------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------| | doc contents | OEBPS/[files ... ].xhtml | outputEPub3 | doc_epub3[seg_filename] | | | | | doc_epub3_endnotes[seg_filename] | |-----------------------+--------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------| ** module template #+BEGIN_SRC d :tangle ../src/sdp/output/epub3.d module sdp.output.epub3; template outputEPub3() { <<output_imports>> mixin InternalMarkup; mixin outputXHTMLs; <<output_epub3_fixed>> <<output_epub3_constructs>> <<output_epub3_xhtml>> <<output_epub3_xhtml_seg>> <<output_epub3_css>> } #+END_SRC ** special (epub) files :format: *** DONE static **** _identify doc filetype_ (mimetype) [static] - mimetype file indicating that zip file contains an EPUB #+name: output_epub3_fixed #+BEGIN_SRC d string epub3_mimetypes() { string o; o = format(q"¶application/epub+zip¶") ~ "\n"; return o; } #+END_SRC **** _identify doc root_ (META-INF/container.xml) [static] rootfile: contains document root path - identifies the root package document (so systems can find it), [unchanged from epub2] #+name: output_epub3_fixed #+BEGIN_SRC d string epub3_container_xml() { string o; o = format(q"¶<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>¶") ~ "\n"; o ~= format(q"¶<container version="1.0" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:container"> <rootfiles> <rootfile full-path="OEBPS/content.opf" media-type="application/oebps-package+xml" /> </rootfiles>¶") ~ "\n</container>\n"; return o; } #+END_SRC *** constructs (in dir: OEBPS) **** TODO _doc manifest_ (OEBPS/content.opf) manifest, register content: files, images etc. - manifest, listing all resources - provides the default reading order - identifies the navigation document #+name: output_epub3_constructs #+BEGIN_SRC d string epub3_oebps_content(D,I,P)(D doc_abstraction, I doc_matters, P parts) { auto xhtml_format = outputXHTMLs(); auto pth_epub3 = SiSUpathsEPUB!()(doc_matters.src_path_info, doc_matters.language); string uuid = "18275d951861c77f78acd05672c9906924c59f18a2e0ba06dad95959693e9bd8"; // TODO sort uuid in doc_matters! string content = format(q"¶ <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <package xmlns="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf" version="2.0" unique-identifier="EPB-UUID"> <metadata xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:dcterms="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" unique-identifier="urn:uuid:%s" version="2.0"> <!-- <dc:title id="title">%s</dc:title> --> <dc:title id="title">%s</dc:title> <meta refines="#title" property="title-type">main</meta> <dc:title id="subtitle">%s</dc:title> <meta refines="#subtitle" property="title-type">subtitle</meta> <dc:creator file-as="%s" id="aut">%s</dc:creator> <dc:language>%s</dc:language> <dc:date id="published">%s</dc:date> <dc:rights>Copyright: %s</dc:rights> <dc:identifier scheme="URI">%s</dc:identifier> <dc:identifier id="bookid">urn:uuid:%s</dc:identifier> <!-- <dc:identifier id="EPB-UUID">urn:uuid:%s</dc:identifier> --> </metadata> <manifest> <!-- NCX epub2 navigation --> <item id="ncx" href="toc.ncx" media-type="application/x-dtbncx+xml" /> <!-- CSS Style Sheets --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="%s" type="text/css" id="main-css" /> <!-- nav epub3 navigation --> <item id="nav" href="toc_nav.xhtml" media-type="application/xhtml+xml" properties="nav" /> ¶", uuid, xhtml_format.special_characters_text(doc_matters.dochead_meta["title"]["full"]), xhtml_format.special_characters_text(doc_matters.dochead_meta["title"]["main"]), (doc_matters.dochead_meta["title"]["sub"].empty) ? "" : xhtml_format.special_characters_text(doc_matters.dochead_meta["title"]["sub"]), (doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"].empty) ? "" : xhtml_format.special_characters_text(doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"]), (doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"].empty) ? "" : xhtml_format.special_characters_text(doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"]), doc_matters.language, (doc_matters.dochead_meta["date"]["published"].empty) ? "" : xhtml_format.special_characters_text(doc_matters.dochead_meta["date"]["published"]), (doc_matters.dochead_meta["rights"]["copyright"].empty) ? "" : xhtml_format.special_characters_text(doc_matters.dochead_meta["rights"]["copyright"]), uuid, uuid, uuid, (pth_epub3.fn_oebps_css(doc_matters.source_filename)).chompPrefix("OEBPS/"), ); content ~= " " ~ "<!-- Content Documents -->" ~ "\n "; content ~= parts["manifest_documents"]; // TODO sort jpg & png content ~= " " ~ "<!-- Images -->" ~ "\n "; foreach (image; doc_matters.image_list) { content ~= format(q"¶ <item id="%s" href="%s/%s" media-type="image/%s" /> ¶", image.baseName.stripExtension, (pth_epub3.doc_oebps_image(doc_matters.source_filename)).chompPrefix("OEBPS/"), image, image.extension.chompPrefix("."), ); } content ~= " " ~ "</manifest>" ~ "\n "; content ~= " " ~ "<spine toc=\"ncx\">" ~ "\n "; content ~= parts["spine"]; content ~= " " ~ "</spine>" ~ "\n "; content ~= " " ~ "<guide>" ~ "\n "; content ~= parts["guide"]; content ~= " " ~ "</guide>" ~ "\n "; content ~= "" ~ "</package>"; debug(epubmanifest) { foreach (s; doc_matters.keys_seq.seg) { foreach (obj; doc_abstraction[s]) { if (obj.is_a == "heading") { if (obj.heading_lev_markup == 4) { writefln( "%s~ [%s.xhtml] %s", obj.marked_up_level, obj.segment_anchor_tag, obj.text ); } else if (obj.heading_lev_markup > 4) { writefln( "%s~ [%s.xhtml#%s] %s", obj.marked_up_level, obj.segment_anchor_tag, obj.obj_cite_number, obj.text ); } } } } } return content; } #+END_SRC **** _doc navigation epub3_ (OEBPS/toc_nav.xhtml) epub3 navigable toc using Dom structure - toc_nav.xhtml declared as nav file in content.opf (epub3 navigation document) #+name: output_epub3_constructs #+BEGIN_SRC d string epub3_oebps_toc_nav_xhtml(D,I)(D doc_abstraction, I doc_matters) { enum DomTags { none, open, close, close_and_open, open_still, } auto markup = InlineMarkup(); auto rgx = Rgx(); string toc =format("<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xmlns:epub=\"http://www.idpf.org/2007/ops\"> <head> <title>%s</title> </head> <body> <section epub:type=\"frontmatter toc\"> <header> <h1>Contents</h1> </header> <nav epub:type=\"toc\" id=\"toc\">\n", doc_matters.dochead_meta["title"]["full"], ); foreach (sect; doc_matters.keys_seq.seg) { foreach (obj; doc_abstraction[sect]) { if (obj.is_a == "heading") { string _txt = obj.text.replaceAll(rgx.inline_notes_al_gen, "").strip; foreach_reverse (n; 0 .. 7) { string k = n.to!string; switch (obj.dom_collapsed[n]) { case DomTags.close : toc ~= markup.indent_by_spaces_provided((n + 1), " ") ~ "</li>" ~ "\n"; toc ~= markup.indent_by_spaces_provided(n, " ") ~ "</ol>" ~ "\n"; break; case DomTags.close_and_open : toc ~= markup.indent_by_spaces_provided((n + 1), " ") ~ "</li>" ~ "\n"; if (obj.heading_lev_markup < 4) { toc ~= markup.indent_by_spaces_provided((n + 1), " ") ~ "<li>" ~ "\n" ~ markup.indent_by_spaces_provided((n + 2), " ") ~ "<a href=\"" ~ obj.segment_anchor_tag ~ ".xhtml" ~ "\">" ~ _txt ~ "</a>" ~ "\n"; } else { string hashtag =(obj.heading_lev_markup == 4) ? "" : ("#" ~ obj.ocn.to!string); toc ~= markup.indent_by_spaces_provided((n + 1), " ") ~ "<li>" ~ "\n" ~ markup.indent_by_spaces_provided((n + 2), " ") ~ "<a href=\"" ~ obj.segment_anchor_tag ~ ".xhtml" ~ hashtag ~ "\">" ~ _txt ~ "</a>" ~ "\n"; } break; case DomTags.open : toc ~= markup.indent_by_spaces_provided(n, " ") ~ "<ol>" ~ "\n"; if (obj.heading_lev_markup < 4) { toc ~= markup.indent_by_spaces_provided((n + 1), " ") ~ "<li>" ~ "\n" ~ markup.indent_by_spaces_provided((n + 2), " ") ~ "<a href=\"" ~ obj.segment_anchor_tag ~ ".xhtml" ~ "\">" ~ _txt ~ "</a>" ~ "\n"; } else { string hashtag =(obj.heading_lev_markup == 4) ? "" : ("#" ~ obj.ocn.to!string); toc ~= markup.indent_by_spaces_provided((n + 1), " ") ~ "<li>" ~ "\n" ~ markup.indent_by_spaces_provided((n + 2), " ") ~ "<a href=\"" ~ obj.segment_anchor_tag ~ ".xhtml" ~ hashtag ~ "\">" ~ _txt ~ "</a>" ~ "\n"; } break; default : break; } } } } } toc ~="</nav> </section> </body> </html>\n"; return toc; } #+END_SRC **** TODO _doc navigation epub2_ (OEBPS/toc.ncx) navigable toc using Dom structure - toc.ncx (epub2 navigation document) - (replaced in epub3 by a declared xhtml nav file, in our case toc_nav.xhtml) #+name: output_epub3_constructs #+BEGIN_SRC d string epub2_oebps_toc_ncx(D,I)(D doc_abstraction, I doc_matters) { int counter = 0; string uuid = "18275d951861c77f78acd05672c9906924c59f18a2e0ba06dad95959693e9bd8"; // TODO shared elsewhere auto markup = InlineMarkup(); auto rgx = Rgx(); enum DomTags { none, open, close, close_and_open, open_still, } string toc = format(q"¶<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <ncx xmlns="http://www.daisy.org/z3986/2005/ncx/" version="2005-1"> <head> <!-- four required metadata items (for all NCX documents, (including the relaxed constraints of OPS 2.0) --> <title>%s%s</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/epub.css" type="text/css" id="main-css" /> <meta name="dtb:uid" content="urn:uuid:%s" /> <!-- <meta name="epub-creator" content="SiSU http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu (this copy)" /> --> <meta name="dtb:depth" content="%s" /> <meta name="dtb:totalPageCount" content="0" /> <meta name="dtb:maxPageNumber" content="0" /> </head> <docTitle> <text>%s</text> </docTitle> <docAuthor> <text>%s</text> </docAuthor> <navMap>¶", doc_matters.dochead_meta["title"]["full"], // title (doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"].empty) ? "" : " by " ~ doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"], // author uuid, // uuid "3", // content depth doc_matters.dochead_meta["title"]["full"], // title (doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"].empty) ? "" : doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"], // author ); foreach (sect; doc_matters.keys_seq.seg) { foreach (obj; doc_abstraction[sect]) { if (obj.is_a == "heading") { string _txt = obj.text.replaceAll(rgx.inline_notes_al_gen, "").strip; string hashtag =(obj.heading_lev_markup <= 4) ? "" : ("#" ~ obj.ocn.to!string); foreach_reverse (k; 0 .. 7) { switch (obj.dom_markedup[k]) { case DomTags.close : toc ~= "\n </navPoint>"; break; case DomTags.close_and_open : ++counter; toc ~= "\n </navPoint>"; toc ~= format(q"¶ <navPoint class="chapter" id="navpoint" playOrder="%s"> <navLabel> <text>%s</text> </navLabel> <content src="%s.xhtml%s" />¶", counter, _txt, obj.segment_anchor_tag, hashtag, ); break; case DomTags.open : ++counter; toc ~= format(q"¶ <navPoint class="chapter" id="navpoint" playOrder="%s"> <navLabel> <text>%s</text> </navLabel> <content src="%s.xhtml%s" />¶", counter, _txt, obj.segment_anchor_tag, hashtag, ); break; default : break; } } } } } toc ~= format(q"¶ </navMap> </ncx>¶"); return toc; } #+END_SRC ** the document contents :seg: *** switch (sections & objects) format epub3 xhtml output #+name: output_epub3_xhtml_seg #+BEGIN_SRC d void outputEPub3(D,I)( auto return ref const D doc_abstraction, auto return ref I doc_matters, ) { mixin SiSUoutputRgxInit; auto xhtml_format = outputXHTMLs(); auto rgx = Rgx(); string[][string] doc_epub3; string[][string] doc_epub3_endnotes; string[] doc; string segment_filename; string[] top_level_headings = ["","","",""]; string[string] oepbs_content_parts; string suffix = ".xhtml"; string[] doc_parts_; foreach (part; doc_matters.keys_seq.seg) { foreach (obj; doc_abstraction[part]) { string _txt = xhtml_format.special_characters(obj, obj.text); if (obj.is_a == "heading") { assert(part == "head" || "toc_seg" || "body" || "endnotes" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex_seg" || "blurb" || "tail"); switch (obj.heading_lev_markup) { case 0: .. case 3: /+ fill buffer, and replace with new levels from 1 to 3 +/ switch (obj.heading_lev_markup) { case 0: top_level_headings[0] = ""; top_level_headings[1] = ""; top_level_headings[2] = ""; top_level_headings[3] = ""; goto default; case 1: top_level_headings[1] = ""; top_level_headings[2] = ""; top_level_headings[3] = ""; goto default; case 2: top_level_headings[2] = ""; top_level_headings[3] = ""; goto default; case 3: top_level_headings[3] = ""; goto default; default: doc_parts_ ~= obj.segment_anchor_tag; doc_epub3[obj.segment_anchor_tag] ~= xhtml_format.epub3_seg_head(doc_matters); auto t = xhtml_format.heading_seg(obj, _txt, suffix, "epub"); doc_epub3[obj.segment_anchor_tag] ~= t[0]; doc_epub3_endnotes[obj.segment_anchor_tag] ~= t[1]; break; } break; case 4: segment_filename = obj.segment_anchor_tag; doc_epub3[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.epub3_seg_head(doc_matters); auto t = xhtml_format.heading_seg(obj, _txt, suffix, "epub"); doc_epub3[segment_filename] ~= t[0]; doc_epub3_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; case 5: .. case 7: auto t = xhtml_format.heading_seg(obj, _txt, suffix, "epub"); doc_epub3[segment_filename] ~= t[0]; doc_epub3_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; case 8: .. case 9: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a, ": ", obj.heading_lev_markup); writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.text); } break; default: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a, ": ", obj.heading_lev_markup); } break; } } else { assert(part == "head" || "toc_seg" || "body" || "endnotes" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex_seg" || "blurb" || "tail"); switch (obj.of_part) { case "frontmatter": assert(part == "head" || "toc_seg"); switch (obj.is_of) { case "para": switch (obj.is_a) { case "toc": auto t = xhtml_format.para_seg(obj, _txt, suffix); doc_epub3[segment_filename] ~= t[0]; doc_epub3_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; default: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); } break; } break; default: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_of); } break; } break; case "body": assert(part == "body"); switch (obj.is_of) { case "para": switch (obj.is_a) { case "para": auto t = xhtml_format.para_seg(obj, _txt, suffix); doc_epub3[segment_filename] ~= t[0]; doc_epub3_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; default: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); } break; } break; case "block": switch (obj.is_a) { case "quote": auto t = xhtml_format.quote_seg(obj, _txt, suffix); doc_epub3[segment_filename] ~= to!string(t[0]); doc_epub3_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; case "group": auto t = xhtml_format.group_seg(obj, _txt, suffix); doc_epub3[segment_filename] ~= to!string(t[0]); doc_epub3_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; case "block": auto t = xhtml_format.block_seg(obj, _txt, suffix); doc_epub3[segment_filename] ~= to!string(t[0]); doc_epub3_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; case "poem": break; case "verse": auto t = xhtml_format.verse_seg(obj, _txt, suffix); doc_epub3[segment_filename] ~= to!string(t[0]); doc_epub3_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; case "code": doc_epub3[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.code(obj, _txt); break; case "table": auto t = xhtml_format.para_seg(obj, _txt, suffix); doc_epub3[segment_filename] ~= t[0]; doc_epub3_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; default: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); } break; } break; default: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_of); } break; } break; case "backmatter": assert(part == "endnotes" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex_seg" || "blurb" || "tail"); switch (obj.is_of) { case "para": switch (obj.is_a) { case "endnote": assert(part == "endnotes"); auto t = xhtml_format.para_seg(obj, _txt, suffix); doc_epub3[segment_filename] ~= t[0]; break; case "glossary": assert(part == "glossary"); auto t = xhtml_format.para_seg(obj, _txt, suffix); doc_epub3[segment_filename] ~= t[0]; doc_epub3_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; case "bibliography": assert(part == "bibliography"); auto t = xhtml_format.para_seg(obj, _txt, suffix); doc_epub3[segment_filename] ~= t[0]; doc_epub3_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; case "bookindex": assert(part == "bookindex_seg"); auto t = xhtml_format.para_seg(obj, _txt, suffix); doc_epub3[segment_filename] ~= t[0]; doc_epub3_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; case "blurb": assert(part == "blurb"); auto t = xhtml_format.para_seg(obj, _txt, suffix); doc_epub3[segment_filename] ~= t[0]; doc_epub3_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; default: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); } break; } break; default: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_of); } break; } break; case "comment": break; default: if ((doc_matters.opt_action["debug"])) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.of_part); } break; } } if (obj.is_a == "heading") { if (obj.heading_lev_markup <= 4) { oepbs_content_parts["manifest_documents"] ~= format(q"¶ <item id="%s.xhtml" href="%s.xhtml" media-type="application/xhtml+xml" /> ¶", obj.segment_anchor_tag, obj.segment_anchor_tag, ); oepbs_content_parts["spine"] ~= format(q"¶ <itemref idref="%s.xhtml" linear="yes" /> ¶", obj.segment_anchor_tag, ); oepbs_content_parts["guide"] ~= format(q"¶ <reference type="%s" href="%s" /> ¶", obj.segment_anchor_tag, obj.segment_anchor_tag, ); } else if (obj.heading_lev_markup > 4) { oepbs_content_parts["manifest_documents"] ~= format(q"¶ <item id="%s.xhtml#%s" href="%s.xhtml#%s" media-type="application/xhtml+xml" /> ¶", obj.segment_anchor_tag, obj.obj_cite_number, obj.segment_anchor_tag, obj.obj_cite_number, ); oepbs_content_parts["spine"] ~= format(q"¶ <itemref idref="%s.xhtml#%s" linear="yes" /> ¶", obj.segment_anchor_tag, obj.obj_cite_number, ); oepbs_content_parts["guide"] ~= format(q"¶ <reference type="%s#%s" href="%s#%s" /> ¶", obj.segment_anchor_tag, obj.obj_cite_number, obj.segment_anchor_tag, obj.obj_cite_number, ); } } } } /+ epub specific documents +/ auto mimetypes = epub3_mimetypes; auto meta_inf_container_xml = epub3_container_xml; auto oebps_toc_ncx = epub2_oebps_toc_ncx(doc_abstraction, doc_matters); auto oebps_toc_nav_xhtml = epub3_oebps_toc_nav_xhtml(doc_abstraction, doc_matters); auto oebps_content_opf = epub3_oebps_content(doc_abstraction, doc_matters, oepbs_content_parts); epub3_write_output_files( doc_matters, doc_epub3, doc_epub3_endnotes, mimetypes, meta_inf_container_xml, oebps_toc_nav_xhtml, oebps_toc_ncx, oebps_content_opf, doc_parts_, ); } #+END_SRC ** write output files #+name: output_epub3_xhtml_seg #+BEGIN_SRC d void epub3_write_output_files(M,D,E,Mt,Mic,Otnx,Otn,Oc)( M doc_matters, D doc_epub3, E doc_epub3_endnotes, Mt mimetypes, Mic meta_inf_container_xml, Otnx oebps_toc_nav_xhtml, Otn oebps_toc_ncx, Oc oebps_content_opf, string[] doc_parts_, ) { debug(asserts) { static assert(is(typeof(doc_epub3) == string[][string])); static assert(is(typeof(mimetypes) == string)); static assert(is(typeof(meta_inf_container_xml) == string)); static assert(is(typeof(oebps_toc_nav_xhtml) == string)); static assert(is(typeof(oebps_toc_ncx) == string)); static assert(is(typeof(oebps_content_opf) == string)); } auto src_path_info = doc_matters.src_path_info; string lng = doc_matters.language; auto pth_epub3 = SiSUpathsEPUB!()(src_path_info, lng); auto xhtml_format = outputXHTMLs(); /+ zip file +/ auto fn_epub = pth_epub3.epub_file(doc_matters.source_filename); auto zip = new ZipArchive(); // ZipArchive zip = new ZipArchive(); /+ zip archive member files +/ try { if (!exists(pth_epub3.base)) { pth_epub3.base.mkdirRecurse; } debug(epub_output) { if (!exists(pth_epub3.dbg_doc_meta_inf(doc_matters.source_filename))) { pth_epub3.dbg_doc_meta_inf(doc_matters.source_filename).mkdirRecurse; } if (!exists(pth_epub3.dbg_doc_oebps_css(doc_matters.source_filename))) { pth_epub3.dbg_doc_oebps_css(doc_matters.source_filename).mkdirRecurse; } if (!exists(pth_epub3.dbg_doc_oebps_image(doc_matters.source_filename))) { pth_epub3.dbg_doc_oebps_image(doc_matters.source_filename).mkdirRecurse; } } { /+ OEBPS/[segments].xhtml (the document contents) +/ foreach (seg_filename; doc_matters.segnames_lv_0_to_4) { string fn = pth_epub3.fn_oebps_content_xhtml(doc_matters.source_filename, seg_filename); auto zip_arc_member_file = new ArchiveMember(); zip_arc_member_file.name = fn; auto zip_data = new OutBuffer(); debug(epub_output) { string fn_dbg = pth_epub3.dbg_fn_oebps_content_xhtml(doc_matters.source_filename, seg_filename); auto f = File(fn_dbg, "w"); } foreach (docseg; doc_epub3[seg_filename]) { debug(epub_output) { f.writeln(docseg); } zip_data.write(docseg.dup); } foreach (docseg; doc_epub3_endnotes[seg_filename]) { debug(epub_output) { f.writeln(docseg); } zip_data.write(docseg.dup); } debug(epub_output) { f.writeln(xhtml_format.tail); } zip_data.write(xhtml_format.tail.dup); zip_arc_member_file.expandedData = zip_data.toBytes(); zip.addMember(zip_arc_member_file); /+ create the zip file +/ createZipFile!()(fn_epub, zip.build()); } } string fn; debug(epub_output) { string fn_dbg; } File f; { /+ mimetypes (identify zip file type) +/ debug(epub_output) { fn_dbg = pth_epub3.dbg_fn_mimetypes(doc_matters.source_filename); File(fn_dbg, "w").writeln(mimetypes); } fn = pth_epub3.fn_mimetypes(doc_matters.source_filename); auto zip_arc_member_file = new ArchiveMember(); zip_arc_member_file.name = fn; auto zip_data = new OutBuffer(); zip_data.write(mimetypes.dup); zip_arc_member_file.expandedData = zip_data.toBytes(); zip.addMember(zip_arc_member_file); createZipFile!()(fn_epub, zip.build()); } { /+ META-INF/container.xml (identify doc root) +/ debug(epub_output) { fn_dbg = pth_epub3.dbg_fn_dmi_container_xml(doc_matters.source_filename); File(fn_dbg, "w").writeln(meta_inf_container_xml); } fn = pth_epub3.fn_dmi_container_xml(doc_matters.source_filename); auto zip_arc_member_file = new ArchiveMember(); zip_arc_member_file.name = fn; auto zip_data = new OutBuffer(); zip_data.write(meta_inf_container_xml.dup); zip_arc_member_file.expandedData = zip_data.toBytes(); zip.addMember(zip_arc_member_file); createZipFile!()(fn_epub, zip.build()); } { /+ OEBPS/toc_nav.xhtml (navigation toc epub3) +/ debug(epub_output) { fn_dbg = pth_epub3.dbg_fn_oebps_toc_nav_xhtml(doc_matters.source_filename); File(fn_dbg, "w").writeln(oebps_toc_nav_xhtml); } fn = pth_epub3.fn_oebps_toc_nav_xhtml(doc_matters.source_filename); auto zip_arc_member_file = new ArchiveMember(); zip_arc_member_file.name = fn; auto zip_data = new OutBuffer(); zip_data.write(oebps_toc_nav_xhtml.dup); zip_arc_member_file.expandedData = zip_data.toBytes(); zip.addMember(zip_arc_member_file); createZipFile!()(fn_epub, zip.build()); } { /+ OEBPS/toc.ncx (navigation toc epub2) +/ debug(epub_output) { fn_dbg = pth_epub3.dbg_fn_oebps_toc_ncx(doc_matters.source_filename); File(fn_dbg, "w").writeln(oebps_toc_ncx); } fn = pth_epub3.fn_oebps_toc_ncx(doc_matters.source_filename); auto zip_arc_member_file = new ArchiveMember(); zip_arc_member_file.name = fn; auto zip_data = new OutBuffer(); zip_data.write(oebps_toc_ncx.dup); zip_arc_member_file.expandedData = zip_data.toBytes(); zip.addMember(zip_arc_member_file); createZipFile!()(fn_epub, zip.build()); } { /+ OEBPS/content.opf (doc manifest) +/ debug(epub_output) { fn_dbg = pth_epub3.dbg_fn_oebps_content_opf(doc_matters.source_filename); File(fn_dbg, "w").writeln(oebps_content_opf); } fn = pth_epub3.fn_oebps_content_opf(doc_matters.source_filename); auto zip_arc_member_file = new ArchiveMember(); zip_arc_member_file.name = fn; auto zip_data = new OutBuffer(); zip_data.write(oebps_content_opf.dup); zip_arc_member_file.expandedData = zip_data.toBytes(); zip.addMember(zip_arc_member_file); createZipFile!()(fn_epub, zip.build()); } { /+ OEBPS/_sisu/image (images) +/ foreach (image; doc_matters.image_list) { debug(epub_output) { if (exists(doc_matters.src_path_info.image_root ~ "/" ~ image)) { (doc_matters.src_path_info.image_root ~ "/" ~ image) .copy((pth_epub3.dbg_doc_oebps_image(doc_matters.source_filename)) ~ "/" ~ image); } } } foreach (image; doc_matters.image_list) { debug(epub_output) { debug(epub_images) { writeln( doc_matters.src_path_info.image_root, image, " -> ", pth_epub3.dbg_doc_oebps_image(doc_matters.source_filename), "/", image ); } } auto fn_src = doc_matters.src_path_info.image_root ~ image; auto fn_out = pth_epub3.doc_oebps_image(doc_matters.source_filename).to!string ~ "/" ~ image; if (exists(fn_src)) { { auto zip_arc_member_file = new ArchiveMember(); zip_arc_member_file.name = fn_out; auto zip_data = new OutBuffer(); zip_data.write(cast(char[]) ((fn_src).read)); zip_arc_member_file.expandedData = zip_data.toBytes(); zip.addMember(zip_arc_member_file); createZipFile!()(fn_epub, zip.build()); } } } } { /+ OEBPS/epub.css +/ auto css = SiSUcss(); debug(epub_output) { fn_dbg = pth_epub3.dbg_fn_oebps_css(doc_matters.source_filename); File(fn_dbg, "w").writeln(css.epub_css); } fn = pth_epub3.fn_oebps_css(doc_matters.source_filename); auto zip_arc_member_file = new ArchiveMember(); zip_arc_member_file.name = fn; auto zip_data = new OutBuffer(); zip_data.write(css.epub_css.dup); zip_arc_member_file.expandedData = zip_data.toBytes(); zip.addMember(zip_arc_member_file); createZipFile!()(fn_epub, zip.build()); } } catch (ErrnoException ex) { // Handle error } writeln(" ", doc_matters.environment["pwd"], "/", fn_epub); #+END_SRC ** zip debug, read zip archive #+name: output_epub3_xhtml_seg #+BEGIN_SRC d debug(epub_archive) { if (exists(fn_epub)) { try { auto zipped = new ZipArchive((fn_epub).read); foreach (filename, member; zipped.directory) { auto data = zipped.expand(member); writeln(filename, " length ", data.length); } } catch (ZipException ex) { // Handle errors } } } } #+END_SRC