#+TITLE: sdp (project) makefile
#+AUTHOR: Ralph Amissah
#+EMAIL: ralph.amissah@gmail.com
#+STARTUP: indent content
#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:nil _:nil -:t f:t *:t <:t
#+OPTIONS: TeX:t LaTeX:t skip:nil d:nil todo:t pri:nil tags:not-in-toc
#+OPTIONS: author:nil email:nil creator:nil timestamp:nil
#+PROPERTY: header-args :padline no :exports code :noweb yes
#+FILETAGS: :sdp:rel:makefile:
#+TAGS: assert(a) class(c) debug(d) mixin(m) sdp(s) tangle(T) template(t) WEB(W) noexport(n)

[[./org/sdp.org][sdp.org]]  [[./org/][org/]]

* sdp makefile                                                     :makefile:
** settings [+2]                                                  :settings:
*** git version stamp                                         :git:version:

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
PROJECT_VERSION :=$(shell echo `git describe --long --tags | sed -e "s/^[ a-z_-]\+\([0-9.]\+\)/\1/;s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g"`)

*** dub (build tool)                                                  :dub:

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
DUB_FLAGS=-v --force --compiler=

*** Project Details                                           :project:sdp:

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile

*** Emacs Org settings                          :settings:emacs:org:tangle:

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
ORG_VER_AVAILABLE=$(shell echo `ls -d ~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-???????? | cut -d '-' -f2`)
EMACSLISP_ORG=~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-$($(shell echo $(ORG_VER_AVAILABLE)))
ORG_CONTRIB_VER_AVAILABLE=$(shell echo `ls -d ~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-???????? | cut -d '-' -f2`)
EMACSLISP_ORG_CONTRIB=~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-$($(shell echo $(ORG_CONTRIB_VER_AVAILABLE)))
ORGFILELIST=$(shell echo `ls -1 maker.org org/*.org`)
ORGDIR=$(shell echo `pwd`)

** _make_ commands [+2]                                        :make:commands:

- build commands
  - build
  - debug
  - release
- init, clean, distclean etc.
  - init
  - clean
  - expunge
  - distclean
  - distclean_and_init
- org babel tangle
  - tangle
- git snapshot
  - gitsnapshot

*** build commands [+1]                                     :build:compile:
**** _dub_ build rebuild                                               :dub:
***** all compiler builds                               :all:dmd:gdc:ldc:
****** all builds
******* quick                                                   :quick:
******** default                                             :default:
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
all: dmd ldc gdc

******** version                                             :version:

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
all_ver: dmd_ver ldc_ver gdc_ver

******** debug                                                 :debug:

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
all_debug: dmd_debug gdc_debug ldc_debug

******* clean & tangle                                   :clean:tangle:
******** default                                             :default:

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
all_clean: clean tangle dmd ldc gdc

******** version                                             :version:

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
all_ver_clean: clean tangle dmd_ver ldc_ver gdc_ver

******** debug                                                 :debug:

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
all_debug_ver: dmd_debug_ver gdc_debug_ver ldc_debug_ver
all_debug_clean_ver: clean tangle dmd_debug_ver gdc_debug_ver ldc_debug_ver

***** individual compiler builds                                   :each:
****** dmd                                                         :dmd:
******* quick                                                   :quick:
******** default                                             :default:

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
	$(DUB) --compiler=dmd --config=sdp-dmd

******** version                                             :version:

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
	$(DUB) --compiler=dmd --config=sdp-dmd-version
	mv bin/sdp-dmd-ver bin/sdp-dmd-$(PROJECT_VERSION)
	notify-send -t 0 'D dmd compiled test release executable ready' 'sdp-dmd-$(PROJECT_VERSION)'

******** debug                                                 :debug:

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
	$(DUB) --compiler=dmd --config=sdp-dmd-debug

******* clean & tangle                                   :clean:tangle:

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
dmd_rel: expunge skel tangle
	$(DUB) --compiler=dmd --config=sdp-release
dmd_rel_tangle: tangle
	$(DUB) --compiler=dmd --config=sdp-dmd
dmd_rel_expunge_tangle: expunge skel tangle dmd_rel_tangle
dmd_debug_tangle: tangle
	$(DUB) --compiler=dmd --config=sdp-dmd-debug
dmd_debug_docs: clean_docs tangle
	$(DUB) --compiler=dmd --config=sdp-dmd-debug-docs
dmd_debug_unittest: tangle
	$(DUB) --compiler=dmd --config=sdp-dmd-debug-unittest
dmd_debug_clean: tangle
	$(DUB) --compiler=dmd --config=sdp-debug-clean
	$(DUB) --compiler=dmd --config=sdp-dmd-debug-version
	mv bin/sdp-dmd-debug-ver bin/sdp-dmd-debug-$(PROJECT_VERSION)
	notify-send -t 0 'D dmd compiled test release executable ready' 'sdp-dmd-debug-$(PROJECT_VERSION)'
dmd_debug_clean_ver: clean tangle dmd_debug_clean_ver

****** gdc                                                         :gdc:
******* quick                                                   :quick:
******** default                                             :default:

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
	$(DUB) --compiler=gdc --config=sdp-gdc

******** version                                             :version:

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
	$(DUB) --compiler=gdc --config=sdp-gdc-version
	mv bin/sdp-gdc-ver bin/sdp-gdc-$(PROJECT_VERSION)
	notify-send -t 0 'D gdc compiled test release executable ready' 'sdp-gdc-$(PROJECT_VERSION)'

******** debug                                                 :debug:

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
	$(DUB) --compiler=gdc --config=sdp-gdc-debug

******* clean & tangle                                   :clean:tangle:

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
gdc_rel: expunge skel tangle
	$(DUB) --compiler=gdc --config=sdp-release
gdc_rel_tangle: tangle
	$(DUB) --compiler=gdc --config=sdp-gdc
gdc_rel_expunge_tangle: expunge skel tangle gdc_rel_tangle
gdc_debug_tangle: tangle
	$(DUB) --compiler=gdc --config=sdp-gdc-debug
gdc_debug_docs: clean_docs tangle
	$(DUB) --compiler=gdc --config=sdp-gdc-debug-docs
gdc_debug_unittest: tangle
	$(DUB) --compiler=gdc --config=sdp-gdc-debug-unittest
gdc_debug_clean: tangle
	$(DUB) --compiler=gdc --config=sdp-debug-clean
	$(DUB) --compiler=gdc --config=sdp-dmd-debug-version
	mv bin/sdp-gdc-debug-ver bin/sdp-gdc-debug-$(PROJECT_VERSION)
	notify-send -t 0 'D gdc compiled test release executable ready' 'sdp-gdc-debug-$(PROJECT_VERSION)'
gdc_debug_clean_ver: clean tangle gdc_debug_ver

****** ldc                                                         :ldc:
******* quick                                                   :quick:
******** default                                             :default:

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
	$(DUB) --compiler=ldc2 --config=sdp-ldc

******** version                                             :version:

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
	$(DUB) --compiler=ldc2 --config=sdp-ldc-version
	mv bin/sdp-ldc-ver bin/sdp-ldc-$(PROJECT_VERSION)
	notify-send -t 0 'D ldc2 compiled test release executable ready' 'sdp-ldc-$(PROJECT_VERSION)'

******** debug                                                 :debug:

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
	$(DUB) --compiler=ldc2 --config=sdp-ldc-debug

******* clean & tangle                                   :clean:tangle:

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
ldc_rel: expunge skel tangle
	$(DUB) --compiler=ldc2 --config=sdp-release
ldc_rel_tangle: tangle
	$(DUB) --compiler=ldc2 --config=sdp-ldc
ldc_rel_expunge_tangle: expunge skel tangle ldc_rel_tangle
ldc_debug_tangle: tangle
	$(DUB) --compiler=ldc2 --config=sdp-ldc-debug
ldc_debug_docs: clean_docs tangle
	$(DUB) --compiler=ldc2 --config=sdp-ldc-debug-docs
ldc_debug_unittest: tangle
	$(DUB) --compiler=ldc2 --config=sdp-ldc-debug-unittest
ldc_debug_clean: tangle
	$(DUB) --compiler=ldc2 --config=sdp-debug-clean
	$(DUB) --compiler=ldc2 --config=sdp-ldc-debug-version
	mv bin/sdp-ldc-debug-ver bin/sdp-ldc-debug-$(PROJECT_VERSION)
	notify-send -t 0 'D ldc2 compiled test release executable ready' 'sdp-ldc-debug-$(PROJECT_VERSION)'
ldc_debug_clean_ver: clean tangle ldc_debug_ver

***** generic
****** init clean distclean etc.                                 :clean:

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
	mkdir -p $(PRG_SRCDIR)/$(PRG_NAME)/meta; \
	mkdir -p $(PRG_SRCDIR)/$(PRG_NAME)/conf; \
	mkdir -p $(PRG_SRCDIR)/$(PRG_NAME)/output; \
	mkdir -p $(PRG_SRCDIR)/$(PRG_NAME); \
	mkdir -p $(PRG_BINDIR);
init: skel
	rm -rf $(PRG_SRCDIR); \
	rm -rf $(PRG_DOCDIR);
	rm $(PRG_BINDIR)/*
	rm -rf $(PRG_SRCDIR);
	rm -rf $(PRG_DOCDIR)
	rm -f dub.selections.json; \
	rm -rf $(PRG_SRCDIR); \
	rm -rf $(PRG_BINDIR); \
	rm -rf $(PRG_DOCDIR);
distclean: expunge
distclean_and_init: expunge
	mkdir -p $(PRG_SRCDIR)/$(PRG_NAME); \
	mkdir -p $(PRG_BINDIR);

****** version                                                 :version:

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
	echo sdp-$(PROJECT_VERSION)

****** tangle build rebuild                         :clean:tangle:build:

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
clean_tangle_build: clean tangle build
tangle_build: tangle build
build: $(PRG_SRCDIR)/$(PRG_SRC)
	$(DC) $(DC_FLAGS) \
rebuild: $(PRG_SRCDIR)/$(PRG_SRC) $(PRG_BINDIR)/$(PRG_BIN).o clean build
	make -k tangle_maker
restart: clean tangle

*** org babel tangle batch process command                         :tangle:
**** tangle: org babel tangle *.org

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
tangle: skel
	for f in $(ORGFILELIST); do \
		ORGFILES="$$ORGFILES \"$$f\""; \
	done; \
	emacs --batch -Q -q \
	--eval "(progn \
		(add-to-list 'load-path \
			(expand-file-name \"$(EMACSLISP)\")) \
		(add-to-list 'load-path \
			(expand-file-name \"$(EMACSLISP_ORG)\" t)) \
		(add-to-list 'load-path \
			(expand-file-name \"$(EMACSLISP_ORG_CONTRIB)\" t)) \
		(require 'org)(require 'ob)(require 'ob-tangle) \
		(mapc (lambda (file) \
			(find-file (expand-file-name file \"$(ORGDIR)\")) \
				(setq-local org-src-preserve-indentation t) \
			(org-babel-tangle) \
			(kill-buffer)) '($$ORGFILES)))" 2>&1

**** tangle maker: org babel tangle maker.org, makefile new

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
	for f in $(ORGFILELIST); do \
		ORGFILES="\"maker.org\""; \
	done; \
	emacs --batch -Q -q \
	--eval "(progn \
		(add-to-list 'load-path \
			(expand-file-name \"$(EMACSLISP)\")) \
		(add-to-list 'load-path \
			(expand-file-name \"$(EMACSLISP_ORG)\" t)) \
		(add-to-list 'load-path \
			(expand-file-name \"$(EMACSLISP_ORG_CONTRIB)\" t)) \
		(require 'org)(require 'ob)(require 'ob-tangle) \
		(mapc (lambda (file) \
			(find-file (expand-file-name file \".\")) \
				(setq-local org-src-preserve-indentation t) \
			(org-babel-tangle) \
			(kill-buffer)) '($$ORGFILES)))" 2>&1

*** git snapshot

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
gitsnapshot: distclean tangle
	git commit -a

** phony                                                             :phony:

#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle makefile
.PHONY : all build rebuild debug release \
	distclean init \
	tangle gitsnapshot

* dub (configuration)                                            :dub:config:

Every DUB package should contain a [[http://code.dlang.org/package-format?lang=json][dub.json]] (or [[http://code.dlang.org/package-format?lang=sdl][dub.sdl]])

** dub.sdl                                                         :sdl:sdp:
*** header                                                         :header:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle dub.sdl
name              "sdp"
description       "sisu document parser"
homepage          "http://sisudoc.org"
authors           "Ralph Amissah"
copyright         "Copyright © 2016 Ralph Amissah"
license           "AGPL-3+"
targetPath        "./bin"
#sourcePath        "./src/sdp"
stringImportPaths "./views"
buildRequirements "allowWarnings"
dependency        "sdlang-d"  version="~>0.10.1"
dependency        "d2sqlite3" version="~>0.13.1"  # https://code.dlang.org/packages/d2sqlite3  http://biozic.github.io/d2sqlite3/d2sqlite3.html
subconfiguration  "d2sqlite3" "all-included"
dependency        "archive"   version="~>0.6.0"   # http://code.dlang.org/packages/archive     https://github.com/rcythr/archive

*** generic                                                       :generic:
**** sdp-release (sdp)                                           :release:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle dub.sdl
configuration "sdp-release" {
  name                 "release"
  targetType           "executable"
  platforms            "posix"
  targetName           "sdp"
  dflags               "-J=views" "-I=src/sdp"
  buildOptions         "verbose" "releaseMode" "optimize" "inline"
  postGenerateCommands "/usr/bin/notify-send -t 0 'D release executable ready' 'sdp'"

**** sdp-debug                                                     :debug:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle dub.sdl
configuration "sdp-debug" {
  name                 "debuging"
  targetType           "executable"
  platforms            "posix"
  targetName           "sdp-debug"
  dflags               "-g" "-J=views" "-I=src/sdp"
  #lflags               "ld.gold"
  buildRequirements    "allowWarnings"
  buildOptions         "verbose" "debugMode" "debugInfo" "optimize"
  debugVersions        "checkdoc" "summary"
  debugVersions        "dumpdoc"
  postGenerateCommands "/usr/bin/notify-send -t 0 'D (debug) executable ready' 'sdp-debug'"

**** sdp-tmp

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle dub.sdl
configuration "sdp-tmp" {
  name                 "tmp"
  targetType           "executable"
  platforms            "posix"
  targetName           "sdp-tmp"
  dflags               "-J=views" "-I=src/sdp"
  #lflags               "ld.gold"
  buildRequirements    "allowWarnings"
  buildOptions         "verbose" "debugMode" "debugInfo" "optimize"
  debugVersions        "checkdoc" "summary"
  debugVersions        "tmp"
  debugVersions        "crap"
  debugVersions        "header"
  debugVersions        "header1"
  postGenerateCommands "/usr/bin/notify-send -t 0 'D (debug) executable ready' 'sdp-tmp'"

**** sdp-debug-clean                                         :debug:clean:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle dub.sdl
configuration "sdp-debug-clean" {
  name                 "debug-clean"
  targetType           "executable"
  platforms            "posix"
  targetName           "sdp-debug-clean"
  dflags               "-J=views" "-I=src/sdp"
  buildOptions         "verbose" "debugMode" "debugInfo" "optimize"
  postGenerateCommands "/usr/bin/notify-send -t 0 'D (debug) executable ready' 'sdp-debug-clean'"

*** dmd                                                               :dmd:
**** sdp-dmd                                                     :default:
***** sdp-dmd

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle dub.sdl
configuration "sdp-dmd" {
  name                 "dmd"
  targetType           "executable"
  platforms            "posix"
  targetName           "sdp-dmd"
  dflags               "-J=views" "-I=src/sdp"
  buildRequirements    "allowWarnings"
  buildOptions         "verbose" "optimize" "inline" # "releaseMode"
  postGenerateCommands "/usr/bin/notify-send -t 0 'D dmd compiled test release executable ready' 'sdp-dmd'"

***** sdp-dmd-version

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle dub.sdl
configuration "sdp-dmd-version" {
  name                 "dmd"
  targetType           "executable"
  platforms            "posix"
  targetName           "sdp-dmd-ver"
  dflags               "-J=views" "-I=src/sdp"
  buildRequirements    "allowWarnings"
  buildOptions         "verbose" "optimize" "inline" # "releaseMode"

***** sdp-dmd-release

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle dub.sdl
configuration "sdp-dmd-release" {
  name                 "dmd"
  targetType           "executable"
  platforms            "posix"
  targetName           "sdp-dmd"
  dflags               "-J=views" "-I=src/sdp"
  buildRequirements    "allowWarnings"
  buildOptions         "verbose" "optimize" "inline" "releaseMode"
  postGenerateCommands "/usr/bin/notify-send -t 0 'D dmd compiled test release executable ready' 'sdp-dmd'"

**** sdp-dmd-debug                                                 :debug:
***** sdp-dmd-debug

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle dub.sdl
configuration "sdp-dmd-debug" {
  name                 "debuging"
  targetType           "executable"
  platforms            "posix"
  targetName           "sdp-dmd-debug"
  dflags               "-g" "-J=views" "-I=src/sdp"
  buildRequirements    "allowWarnings"
  buildOptions         "verbose" "debugMode" "debugInfo" "optimize"
  debugVersions        "checkdoc" "summary"
  debugVersions        "dumpdoc"
  postGenerateCommands "/usr/bin/notify-send -t 0 'D (debug) executable ready' 'sdp-dmd-debug'"

***** sdp-dmd-debug-version                                     :version:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle dub.sdl
configuration "sdp-dmd-debug-version" {
  name                 "debuging"
  targetType           "executable"
  platforms            "posix"
  targetName           "sdp-dmd-debug-ver"
  dflags               "-g" "-J=views" "-I=src/sdp"
  buildRequirements    "allowWarnings"
  buildOptions         "verbose" "debugMode" "debugInfo" "optimize"
  debugVersions        "checkdoc" "summary"
  debugVersions        "dumpdoc"

***** sdp-dmd-debug-unittest                                   :unittest:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle dub.sdl
configuration "sdp-dmd-debug-unittest" {
  name                 "debuging"
  targetType           "executable"
  platforms            "posix"
  targetName           "sdp-dmd-debug"
  dflags               "-J=views" "-I=src/sdp"
  buildRequirements    "allowWarnings"
  buildOptions         "verbose" "debugMode" "debugInfo" "unittests" "optimize"
  debugVersions        "checkdoc" "summary"
  debugVersions        "dumpdoc"
  postGenerateCommands "/usr/bin/notify-send -t 0 'D (debug) executable ready' 'sdp-dmd-debug'"

***** sdp-dmd-debug-docs                                           :docs:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle dub.sdl
configuration "sdp-dmd-debug-docs" {
  name                 "debuging"
  targetType           "executable"
  platforms            "posix"
  targetName           "sdp-dmd-debug"
  dflags               "-J=views" "-I=src/sdp"
  #lflags               "ld.gold"
  buildRequirements    "allowWarnings"
  buildOptions         "verbose" "debugMode" "debugInfo" "optimize"
  debugVersions        "checkdoc" "summary"
  debugVersions        "dumpdoc"
  postGenerateCommands "/usr/bin/notify-send -t 0 'D (debug) executable ready' 'sdp-dmd-debug'"

*** ldc                                                               :ldc:
**** sdp-ldc                                                     :default:
***** sdp-ldc

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle dub.sdl
configuration "sdp-ldc" {
  name                 "ldc"
  targetType           "executable"
  platforms            "posix"
  targetName           "sdp-ldc"
  dflags               "-O2" "-J=views" "-I=src/sdp"
  buildRequirements    "allowWarnings"
  buildOptions         "verbose" "optimize" "inline" # "releaseMode"
  postGenerateCommands "/usr/bin/notify-send -t 0 'D ldc2 compiled test release executable ready' 'sdp-ldc'"

***** sdp-ldc-version

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle dub.sdl
configuration "sdp-ldc-version" {
  name                 "ldc"
  targetType           "executable"
  platforms            "posix"
  targetName           "sdp-ldc-ver"
  dflags               "-O2" "-J=views" "-I=src/sdp"
  buildRequirements    "allowWarnings"
  buildOptions         "verbose" "optimize" "inline" # "releaseMode"

***** sdp-ldc-release

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle dub.sdl
configuration "sdp-ldc-release" {
  name                 "ldc"
  targetType           "executable"
  platforms            "posix"
  targetName           "sdp-ldc"
  dflags               "-O2" "-J=views" "-I=src/sdp"
  buildRequirements    "allowWarnings"
  buildOptions         "verbose" "optimize" "inline" "releaseMode"
  postGenerateCommands "/usr/bin/notify-send -t 0 'D ldc2 compiled test release executable ready' 'sdp-ldc'"

**** sdp-ldc-debug                                                 :debug:
***** sdp-ldc-debug

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle dub.sdl
configuration "sdp-ldc-debug" {
  name                 "debuging"
  targetType           "executable"
  platforms            "posix"
  targetName           "sdp-ldc-debug"
  dflags               "-g" "-J=views" "-I=src/sdp"
  buildRequirements    "allowWarnings"
  buildOptions         "verbose" "debugMode" "debugInfo" "optimize"
  debugVersions        "checkdoc" "summary"
  postGenerateCommands "/usr/bin/notify-send -t 0 'D (debug) executable ready' 'sdp-ldc-debug'"

***** sdp-ldc-debug-version                                     :version:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle dub.sdl
configuration "sdp-ldc-debug-version" {
  name                 "debuging"
  targetType           "executable"
  platforms            "posix"
  targetName           "sdp-ldc-debug-ver"
  dflags               "-g" "-J=views" "-I=src/sdp"
  buildRequirements    "allowWarnings"
  buildOptions         "verbose" "debugMode" "debugInfo" "optimize"
  debugVersions        "checkdoc" "summary"

***** sdp-ldc-debug-unittest                                   :unittest:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle dub.sdl
configuration "sdp-ldc-debug-unittest" {
  name                 "debuging"
  targetType           "executable"
  platforms            "posix"
  targetName           "sdp-ldc-debug"
  dflags               "-J=views" "-I=src/sdp"
  buildRequirements    "allowWarnings"
  buildOptions         "verbose" "debugMode" "debugInfo" "unittests" "optimize"
  debugVersions        "checkdoc" "summary"
  postGenerateCommands "/usr/bin/notify-send -t 0 'D (debug) executable ready' 'sdp-ldc-debug'"

***** sdp-ldc-debug-docs                                           :docs:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle dub.sdl
configuration "sdp-ldc-debug-docs" {
  name                 "debuging"
  targetType           "executable"
  platforms            "posix"
  targetName           "sdp-ldc-debug"
  dflags               "-J=views" "-I=src/sdp" "-Dddocs"
  buildRequirements    "allowWarnings"
  buildOptions         "verbose" "debugMode" "debugInfo" "optimize"
  debugVersions        "checkdoc" "summary"
  postGenerateCommands "/usr/bin/notify-send -t 0 'D (debug) executable ready' 'sdp-ldc-debug'"

*** gdc                                                               :gdc:
**** sdp-gdc                                                     :default:
***** sdp-gdc

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle dub.sdl
configuration "sdp-gdc" {
  name                 "gdc"
  targetType           "executable"
  platforms            "posix"
  targetName           "sdp-gdc"
  dflags               "-O2" "-J=views" "-I=src/sdp"
  lflags               "-lz"
  buildRequirements    "allowWarnings"
  buildOptions         "verbose" "optimize" "inline" # "releaseMode"
  postGenerateCommands "/usr/bin/notify-send -t 0 'D gdc compiled test release executable ready' 'sdp-gdc'"

***** sdp-gdc-version

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle dub.sdl
configuration "sdp-gdc-version" {
  name                 "gdc"
  targetType           "executable"
  platforms            "posix"
  targetName           "sdp-gdc-ver"
  dflags               "-O2" "-J=views" "-I=src/sdp"
  lflags               "-lz"
  buildRequirements    "allowWarnings"
  buildOptions         "verbose" "optimize" "inline" # "releaseMode"

***** sdp-gdc-release

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle dub.sdl
configuration "sdp-gdc-release" {
  name                 "gdc"
  targetType           "executable"
  platforms            "posix"
  targetName           "sdp-gdc"
  dflags               "-O2" "-J=views" "-I=src/sdp"
  lflags               "-lz"
  buildRequirements    "allowWarnings"
  buildOptions         "verbose" "optimize" "inline" "releaseMode"
  postGenerateCommands "/usr/bin/notify-send -t 0 'D gdc compiled test release executable ready' 'sdp-gdc'"

**** sdp-gdc-debug                                                 :debug:
***** sdp-gdc-debug

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle dub.sdl
configuration "sdp-gdc-debug" {
  name                 "debuging"
  targetType           "executable"
  platforms            "posix"
  targetName           "sdp-gdc-debug"
  dflags               "-O2" "-fbuiltin" "-Wall" "-Werror" "-Wformat=2" "-g" "-J=views" "-I=src/sdp"
  lflags               "-lz"
  buildOptions         "verbose" "debugMode" "debugInfo" "optimize"
  debugVersions        "checkdoc" "summary"
  postGenerateCommands "/usr/bin/notify-send -t 0 'D gdc compiled (debug with -g) executable ready' 'sdp-gdc-debug'"

***** sdp-gdc-debug-version                                     :version:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle dub.sdl
configuration "sdp-gdc-debug-version" {
  name                 "debuging"
  targetType           "executable"
  platforms            "posix"
  targetName           "sdp-gdc-debug-ver"
  dflags               "-O2" "-fbuiltin" "-Wall" "-Werror" "-Wformat=2" "-g" "-J=views" "-I=src/sdp"
  lflags               "-lz"
  buildOptions         "verbose" "debugMode" "debugInfo" "optimize"
  debugVersions        "checkdoc" "summary"

***** sdp-gdc-debug-unittest                                   :unittest:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle dub.sdl
configuration "sdp-gdc-debug-unittest" {
  name                 "debuging"
  targetType           "executable"
  platforms            "posix"
  targetName           "sdp-gdc-debug"
  dflags               "-J=views" "-I=src/sdp" "-Dddocs"
  lflags               "-lz"
  buildRequirements    "allowWarnings"
  buildOptions         "verbose" "debugMode" "debugInfo" "unittests" "optimize"
  debugVersions        "checkdoc" "summary"
  postGenerateCommands "/usr/bin/notify-send -t 0 'D (debug) executable ready' 'sdp-gdc-debug'"

***** sdp-gdc-debug-docs                                           :docs:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle dub.sdl
configuration "sdp-gdc-debug-docs" {
  name                 "debuging"
  targetType           "executable"
  platforms            "posix"
  targetName           "sdp-gdc-debug"
  dflags               "-J=views" "-I=src/sdp" "-Dddocs"
  lflags               "-lz"
  buildRequirements    "allowWarnings"
  buildOptions         "verbose" "debugMode" "debugInfo" "optimize"
  debugVersions        "checkdoc" "summary"
  postGenerateCommands "/usr/bin/notify-send -t 0 'D (debug) executable ready' 'sdp-gdc-debug'"

*** +dub.json+                                                         :json:

**** +sdp+
#+BEGIN_SRC json  :tangle no
#+BEGIN_SRC json  :tangle dub.json
  "name"        : "sdp",
  "targetType"  : "executable",
  "targetName"  : "sdp",
  "targetPath"  : "bin",
  "description" : "sisu document parser.",
  "authors"     : ["Ralph Amissah"],
  "homepage"    : "http://sisudoc.org",
  "license"     : "AGPL-3+",
  "add-path"    : "./src/sdp",
  "dependencies": {
** dub zfunc                                                         :zfunc:
*** ,dubdmd                                                           :dmd:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle no
time dub --compiler=dmd -v --force

*** ,dubldc                                                           :ldc:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle no
time dub --compiler=ldc2 -v --force

*** ,dubgdc                                                           :gdc:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle no
time dub --compiler=gdc -v --force

* .gitignore                                                      :gitignore:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh :tangle .gitignore
# git ls-files --others --exclude-from=.git/info/exclude

* sh script to batch process emacs org babel tangle     :shell_script:tangle:
creates a shell batch script called "tangle", that will tangle (emacs org
babel tangle) org files in ./org/ to create .d source files in ./src/sdp/
(similar functionality is contained within the "makefile" created by this
"maker.org" file make tangle)

#+BEGIN_SRC sh :tangle tangle :tangle-mode (identity #o755) :shebang #!/bin/sh
# -*- mode: shell-script -*-
# tangle files with org-mode
ORG_VER_AVAILABLE=$(shell echo `ls -d ~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-???????? | cut -d '-' -f2`)
EMACSLISP_ORG=~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-$($(shell echo $(ORG_VER_AVAILABLE)))
ORG_CONTRIB_VER_AVAILABLE=$(shell echo `ls -d ~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-???????? | cut -d '-' -f2`)
EMACSLISP_ORG_CONTRIB=~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-$($(shell echo $(ORG_CONTRIB_VER_AVAILABLE)))
# wrap each argument in the code required to call tangle on it
for i in $@; do
emacs --batch -Q -q \
--eval "(progn
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name \"$EMACSLISP\"))
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name \"$EMACSLISP_ORG\" t))
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name \"$EMACSLISP_ORG_CONTRIB\" t))
(require 'org)(require 'ob)(require 'ob-tangle)
(mapc (lambda (file)
  (find-file (expand-file-name file \"$DIR\"))
  (setq-local org-src-preserve-indentation t)
  (kill-buffer)) '($ORGFILES)))" 2>&1 #|grep tangled

* __END__
** D build notes                                                     :notes:
*** compilers

- [X] Set D_COMPILER (one of DMD LDC or GDC)
- [X] Set debug flags (using DMD standard flag -deb

[[http://wiki.dlang.org/Compilers][D Compilers wiki https://wiki.dlang.org/Compilers]]
[[http://dlang.org/download.html][D Compilers download http://dlang.org/download.html]]

*** dub                                                               :dub:


**** dub json or sdlang

Every DUB package should contain a [[http://code.dlang.org/package-format?lang=json][dub.json]] or [[http://code.dlang.org/package-format?lang=sdl][dub.sdl]]


**** dub dependencies

dub list
dub upgrade
dub fetch sdlang-d
dub fetch taggedalgebraic
dub fetch libinputvisitor
dub fetch unit-threaded ?

sdp ~master: /home/ralph/grotto/repo/git.repo/utils/sdp-x/

**** call dub directly

#+BEGIN_SRC sh  :tangle no
dub build -h

*** make

time make dmd
time make gdc
time make ldc
time make gdc ldc
time make all
time make all_ver
time make restart
time make restart ldc

** git project version

echo $(git describe --long --tags | sed 's/^[ a-z_-]\+\([0-9.]\+\)/\1/;s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g')