From 2731b33fe2d05fe3ebc3e2f98d39eacf7295d1e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ralph Amissah <>
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2019 12:16:08 -0500
Subject: module & src renaming

 src/doc_reform/io_out/sqlite.d | 1561 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 1561 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/doc_reform/io_out/sqlite.d

(limited to 'src/doc_reform/io_out/sqlite.d')

diff --git a/src/doc_reform/io_out/sqlite.d b/src/doc_reform/io_out/sqlite.d
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0995fe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/doc_reform/io_out/sqlite.d
@@ -0,0 +1,1561 @@
+module doc_reform.io_out.sqlite;
+import doc_reform.io_out;
+  std.file,
+  std.uri,
+  std.conv : to;
+import d2sqlite3;
+import std.typecons : Nullable;
+mixin spineOutputRgxInit;
+mixin InternalMarkup;
+static auto rgx = Rgx();
+static auto mkup = InlineMarkup();
+long _metadata_tid_lastrowid;
+template SQLiteHubBuildTablesAndPopulate() {
+  void SQLiteHubBuildTablesAndPopulate(D,M)(
+    const D  doc_abstraction,
+          M  doc_matters,
+  ) {
+    auto pth_sqlite = spinePathsSQLite!()(doc_matters.sqlite.filename, doc_matters.output_path);
+    pth_sqlite.base.mkdirRecurse;
+    auto db = Database(pth_sqlite.sqlite_file);
+    template SQLiteDbStatementComposite() {
+      void SQLiteDbStatementComposite(Db,D,M)(
+              Db   db,
+        const D    doc_abstraction,
+              M    doc_matters,
+      ) {
+        {
+          string _db_statement;
+          {
+            if ((doc_matters.opt.action.sqlite_db_create)) {
+              auto pth_sqlite = spinePathsSQLite!()(doc_matters.sqlite.filename, doc_matters.output_path);
+              pth_sqlite.base.mkdirRecurse;
+              _db_statement ~= SQLiteTablesReCreate!()();
+              SQLiteDbRun!()(db, _db_statement, doc_matters.opt.action, "TABLE RE-CREATE");
+            }
+            if (doc_matters.opt.action.sqlite_delete) {
+              _db_statement ~= SQLiteDeleteDocument!()(doc_matters);
+              SQLiteDbRun!()(db, _db_statement, doc_matters.opt.action, "DELETE Document");
+            }
+            if (doc_matters.opt.action.sqlite_update) {
+              _db_statement ~= SQLiteDeleteDocument!()(doc_matters);
+              SQLiteDbRun!()(db, _db_statement, doc_matters.opt.action, "DELETE Document");
+              _db_statement ~= SQLiteInsertMetadata!()(doc_matters);
+              SQLiteDbRun!()(db, _db_statement, doc_matters.opt.action, "INSERT MetaData");
+              /+ get tid (lastrowid or max) for use in doc_objects table +/
+              _db_statement ~= doc_abstraction.SQLiteInsertDocObjectsLoop!()(doc_matters);
+              SQLiteDbRun!()(db, _db_statement, doc_matters.opt.action, "INSERT DocObjects");
+            }
+          }
+          db.close;
+        }
+        if (!(doc_matters.opt.action.quiet)) {
+          writeln(" ", pth_sqlite.sqlite_file);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    SQLiteDbStatementComposite!()(db, doc_abstraction, doc_matters);
+  }
+template SQLiteHubDiscreteBuildTablesAndPopulate() {
+  void SQLiteHubDiscreteBuildTablesAndPopulate(D,M)(
+    const D    doc_abstraction,
+          M    doc_matters,
+  ) {
+    auto url_html = spineUrlsHTML!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.conf.webserv_url_doc_root, doc_matters.src.language);
+    auto pth_sqlite = spinePathsSQLiteDiscrete!()(doc_matters.output_path, doc_matters.src.language);
+    pth_sqlite.base.mkdirRecurse;
+    auto db = Database(pth_sqlite.sqlite_file(doc_matters.src.filename));
+    template SQLiteDiscreteDbStatementComposite() {
+      void SQLiteDiscreteDbStatementComposite(Db,D,M)(
+              Db   db,
+        const D    doc_abstraction,
+              M    doc_matters,
+      ) {
+        {
+          string _db_statement;
+          {
+            _db_statement ~= SQLiteTablesReCreate!()();
+            _db_statement ~= SQLiteInsertMetadata!()(doc_matters);
+            _db_statement ~= doc_abstraction.SQLiteInsertDocObjectsLoop!()(doc_matters);
+            SQLiteDbRun!()(db, _db_statement, doc_matters.opt.action, "table CREATE Tables, INSERT DocObjects");
+          }
+          db.close;
+        }
+        if (!(doc_matters.opt.action.quiet)) {
+          writeln(" ", pth_sqlite.sqlite_file(doc_matters.src.filename));
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    SQLiteDiscreteDbStatementComposite!()(db, doc_abstraction, doc_matters);
+  }
+template SQLiteDbRun() {
+  void SQLiteDbRun(Db,St,O)(
+    Db       db,
+    St       db_statement,
+    O        opt_action,
+    string   note,
+  ) {
+    debug(sql_statement) {
+      writeln(db_statement);
+    }
+    try {
+        "\nBEGIN;\n" ~
+        db_statement ~
+        "\nCOMMIT;\n"
+      );
+      if (!(opt_action.sqlite_discrete)
+        && !(opt_action.sqlite_db_create)
+      ) {
+      }
+    } catch (ErrnoException ex) {
+      writeln("ERROR SQLite : ", ex);
+    } catch (Exception ex) {
+      writeln("ERROR SQLite : ", ex);
+    }
+    { /+ debug +/
+      if (opt_action.debug_do
+      && opt_action.verbose) {
+        writeln(note);
+        if (opt_action.very_verbose) {
+          writeln(db_statement);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+template SQLinsertDelimiter() {
+  auto SQLinsertDelimiter(string _txt) {
+    _txt = _txt
+      .replaceAll(rgx.quotation_mark_sql_insert_delimiter, "$0$0");
+    return _txt;
+  }
+template SQLiteFormatAndLoadObject() {
+  auto SQLiteFormatAndLoadObject(M)(
+    M    doc_matters,
+  ) {
+    mixin spineOutputRgxInit;
+    struct sqlite_format_and_load_objects {
+      string generic_munge_sanitize_text_for_search(
+        string _txt,
+      ) {
+        string _notes;
+        string _urls;
+        if (_txt.matchFirst(rgx.inline_notes_al_gen)) {
+          foreach (m; _txt.matchAll(rgx.inline_notes_al_gen_text)) {
+            _notes ~= "\n" ~ m["text"];
+          }
+          _txt = _txt.replaceAll(rgx.inline_notes_al_gen, "");
+        }
+        if (_txt.matchFirst(rgx.inline_link)) {
+          foreach (m; _txt.matchAll(rgx.inline_link)) {
+            if (m["link"].match(rgx.url)) {
+              _urls ~= "\n" ~ m["link"];
+            }
+          }
+          _txt = _txt.replaceAll(rgx.inline_link_clean, "");
+        }
+        if (_notes.length > 0) {
+          _txt ~= _notes;
+        }
+        if (_urls.length > 0) {
+          _txt ~= _urls;
+        }
+        { /+ debug +/
+          if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do
+          && doc_matters.opt.action.verbose) {
+            writeln(_txt, "\n");
+          }
+        }
+        debug(sql_text_clean) {
+          writeln(_txt);
+        }
+        return _txt;
+      }
+      string munge_html(M,O)(
+              M    doc_matters,
+        const O    obj,
+      ) {
+        string _html_special_characters(string _txt){
+          _txt = _txt
+            .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_ampersand,    "&#38;")
+            .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_quotation,    "&#34;")
+            .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_less_than,    "&#60;")
+            .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_greater_than, "&#62;")
+            .replaceAll(rgx.nbsp_char,          " ")
+            .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_line_break,   "<br />");
+          return _txt;
+        }
+        string _html_font_face(string _txt){
+          _txt = _txt
+            .replaceAll(rgx.inline_emphasis,    "<em>$1</em>")
+            .replaceAll(rgx.inline_bold,        "<b>$1</b>")
+            .replaceAll(rgx.inline_underscore,  "<u>$1</u>")
+            .replaceAll(rgx.inline_italics,     "<i>$1</i>")
+            .replaceAll(rgx.inline_superscript, "<sup>$1</sup>")
+            .replaceAll(rgx.inline_subscript,   "<sub>$1</sub>")
+            .replaceAll(rgx.inline_strike,      "<del>$1</del>")
+            .replaceAll(rgx.inline_insert,      "<ins>$1</ins>")
+            .replaceAll(rgx.inline_mono,        "<tt>$1</tt>")
+            .replaceAll(rgx.inline_cite,        "<cite>$1</cite>");
+          return _txt;
+        }
+        string _notes;
+        string _urls;
+        string _txt = _html_font_face(_html_special_characters(obj.text));
+        if (_txt.matchFirst(rgx.inline_notes_al_gen)) {
+          foreach (m; _txt.matchAll(rgx.inline_notes_al_gen_text)) {
+            _notes ~= "\n" ~ m["text"];
+          }
+          _txt = _txt.replaceAll(rgx.inline_notes_al_gen_ref, "<sup>$1</sup> ");
+        }
+        if (_notes.length > 0) {
+          _txt ~= _notes;
+        }
+        { /+ debug +/
+          if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do
+          && doc_matters.opt.action.verbose) {
+            writeln(_txt, "\n");
+          }
+        }
+        return _txt;
+      }
+      string html_special_characters(string _txt){
+        _txt = _txt
+          .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_ampersand,    "&#38;")
+          .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_quotation,    "&#34;")
+          .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_less_than,    "&#60;")
+          .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_greater_than, "&#62;")
+          .replaceAll(rgx.nbsp_char,          " ")
+          .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_line_break,   "<br />");
+        return _txt;
+      }
+      string html_special_characters_code(string _txt){
+        _txt = _txt
+          .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_ampersand,    "&#38;")
+          .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_quotation,    "&#34;")
+          .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_less_than,    "&#60;")
+          .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_greater_than, "&#62;")
+          .replaceAll(rgx.nbsp_char,          " ");
+        return _txt;
+      }
+      string html_font_face(string _txt){
+        _txt = _txt
+          .replaceAll(rgx.inline_emphasis,    "<em>$1</em>")
+          .replaceAll(rgx.inline_bold,        "<b>$1</b>")
+          .replaceAll(rgx.inline_underscore,  "<u>$1</u>")
+          .replaceAll(rgx.inline_italics,     "<i>$1</i>")
+          .replaceAll(rgx.inline_superscript, "<sup>$1</sup>")
+          .replaceAll(rgx.inline_subscript,   "<sub>$1</sub>")
+          .replaceAll(rgx.inline_strike,      "<del>$1</del>")
+          .replaceAll(rgx.inline_insert,      "<ins>$1</ins>")
+          .replaceAll(rgx.inline_mono,        "<tt>$1</tt>")
+          .replaceAll(rgx.inline_cite,        "<cite>$1</cite>");
+        return _txt;
+      }
+      string inline_images(M,O)(
+                     M  doc_matters,
+        const        O  obj,
+        string          _txt,
+        string          _suffix    = ".html",
+        string          _xml_type = "seg",
+      ) {
+        string _img_pth;
+        if (_xml_type == "epub") {
+          _img_pth = "image/";
+        } else if (_xml_type == "scroll") {
+          _img_pth = "../../image/";
+        } else if (_xml_type == "seg") {
+          _img_pth = "../../../image/";
+        }
+        if (_txt.match(rgx.inline_image)) {
+          _txt = _txt.replaceAll( // TODO bug where image dimensions (w or h) not given & consequently set to 0; should not be used (calculate earlier, abstraction)
+              rgx.inline_image,
+              ("$1<img src=\""
+                ~ _img_pth
+                ~ "$3\" width=\"$4\" height=\"$5\" naturalsizeflag=\"0\" align=\"bottom\" border=\"0\" /> $6"));
+        }
+        return _txt;
+      }
+      string inline_links(M,O)(
+                     M doc_matters,
+        const        O obj,
+        string         _txt,
+        string         _xml_type = "seg",
+      ) {
+        if (obj.has.inline_links) {
+          if  (obj.metainfo.is_a != "code") {
+            _txt = replaceAll!(m =>
+                m[1] ~ "┤" ~ to!string(([m[2].to!ulong])).encode ~ "├"
+              )(_txt, rgx.inline_link_number_only);
+          }
+          if ((_txt.match(rgx.mark_internal_site_lnk))
+          && (_xml_type == "scroll")) { // conditions reversed to avoid: gdc compiled program run segfault
+            _txt = _txt.replaceAll(
+              rgx.inline_seg_link,
+              "$1");
+          }
+          auto pth_html = spinePathsHTML!()(doc_matters.output_path, doc_matters.src.language);
+          if (_xml_type == "seg") {
+            foreach (m; _txt.match(rgx.inline_link_hash)) {
+              if (m.captures[3] in doc_matters.has.tag_associations) {
+                if (m.captures[3] == doc_matters.has.tag_associations[(m.captures[3])]["seg_lv4"]) {
+                  _txt = _txt.replaceFirst(
+                    rgx.inline_link_hash,
+                    "┥$1┝┤"
+                      ~ doc_matters.conf_make_meta.conf.webserv_url_doc_root
+                      ~ "/"
+                      ~ pth_html.tail_fn_seg(doc_matters.src.filename, "$3.html")
+                    ~ "├"
+                  );
+                } else {
+                  _txt = _txt.replaceFirst(
+                    rgx.inline_link_hash,
+                    "┥$1┝┤"
+                      ~ doc_matters.conf_make_meta.conf.webserv_url_doc_root
+                      ~ "/"
+                      ~ doc_matters.has.tag_associations[(m.captures[3])]["seg_lv4"]
+                      ~ ".html"
+                      ~ "#" ~ "$3"
+                    ~ "├"
+                  );
+                }
+              } else {
+                if (!(doc_matters.opt.action.quiet)) {
+                  writeln(
+                    "WARNING on internal document links, anchor to link <<"
+                     ~ m.captures[3]
+                     ~ ">> not found in document, "
+                     ~ "anchor: " ~ m.captures[3]
+                     ~ " document: " ~ doc_matters.src.filename
+                  );
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          } else {
+            if (auto m = _txt.match(rgx.inline_link_hash)) {
+              _txt = _txt.replaceFirst(
+                rgx.inline_link_hash,
+                "┥$1┝┤"
+                  ~ doc_matters.conf_make_meta.conf.webserv_url_doc_root
+                  ~ "/"
+                  ~ pth_html.tail_fn_scroll(doc_matters.src.filename)
+                  ~ "#" ~ "$3"
+                ~ "├"
+              );
+            }
+          }
+          _txt = _txt
+            .replaceAll(
+              rgx.inline_link_fn_suffix,
+              ("$1.html"))
+            .replaceAll(
+              rgx.inline_link,
+              ("<a href=\"$2\">$1</a>"))
+            .replaceAll(
+              rgx.mark_internal_site_lnk,
+              "");
+        }
+        debug(markup_links) {
+          if (_txt.match(rgx.inline_link)) {
+            writeln(__LINE__,
+              " (missed) markup link identified (",
+              obj.has.inline_links,
+              "): ", obj.metainfo.is_a, ": ",
+              obj.text
+            );
+          }
+        }
+        debug(markup) {
+          if (_txt.match(rgx.inline_link)) {
+            writeln(__LINE__,
+              " (missed) markup link identified (",
+              obj.has.inline_links,
+              "): ", obj.metainfo.is_a, ": ",
+              obj.text
+            );
+          }
+        }
+        return _txt;
+      }
+      string inline_notes_scroll(M,O)(
+                     M   doc_matters,
+        const        O   obj,
+        string           _txt,
+      ) {
+        if (obj.has.inline_notes_reg) {
+          // _txt = font_face(_txt);
+          _txt = _txt.replaceAll(
+            rgx.inline_notes_al_regular_number_note,
+            ("<a href=\"#note_$1\"><note id=\"noteref_$1\">&#160;<sup>$1</sup> </note></a>")
+          );
+        }
+        debug(markup_endnotes) {
+          if (_txt.match(rgx.inline_notes_al_regular_number_note)) {
+            writeln(__LINE__, " (missed) markup endnote: ", obj.metainfo.is_a, ": ", obj.text);
+          }
+        }
+        debug(markup) {
+          if (_txt.match(rgx.inline_notes_al_regular_number_note)) {
+            writeln(__LINE__, " (missed) markup endnote: ", obj.metainfo.is_a, ": ", obj.text);
+          }
+        }
+        return _txt;
+      }
+      auto inline_notes_seg(M,O)(
+                     M     doc_matters,
+        const        O     obj,
+        string             _txt,
+      ) {
+        string[] _endnotes;
+        if (obj.has.inline_notes_reg) {
+          /+ need markup for text, and separated footnote +/
+          foreach(m; _txt.matchAll(rgx.inline_notes_al_regular_number_note)) {
+            _endnotes ~= format(
+              "%s%s%s%s\n  %s%s%s%s%s\n  %s\n%s",
+              "<p class=\"endnote\">",
+              "<a href=\"#noteref_",
+              m.captures[1],
+              "\">",
+              "<note id=\"note_",
+              m.captures[1],
+              "\">&#160;<sup>",
+              m.captures[1],
+              ".</sup></note></a>",
+              m.captures[2],
+              "</p>"
+            );
+          }
+          _txt = _txt.replaceAll(
+            rgx.inline_notes_al_regular_number_note,
+            ("<a href=\"#note_$1\"><note id=\"noteref_$1\">&#160;<sup>$1</sup> </note></a>")
+          );
+        } else if (_txt.match(rgx.inline_notes_al_regular_number_note)) {
+          debug(markup) {
+            writeln(__LINE__, " endnote: ", obj.metainfo.is_a, ": ", obj.text);
+          }
+        }
+        auto t = tuple(
+          _txt,
+          _endnotes,
+        );
+        return t;
+      }
+      string xml_type="seg"; /+ set html document type to be linked to here (seg|scroll) +/
+      string inline_markup(M,O)(
+                     M  doc_matters,
+        const        O  obj,
+        string          _txt,
+      ) {
+        _txt = inline_images(doc_matters, obj, _txt, xml_type);
+        _txt = inline_links(doc_matters, obj, _txt, xml_type);
+        _txt = inline_notes_scroll(doc_matters, obj, _txt);
+        return _txt;
+      }
+      string html_heading(M,O)(
+              M   doc_matters,
+        const O   obj,
+      ) {
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_part    == "body" || "frontmatter" || "backmatter");
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_section == "body" || "toc" || "endnotes" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex" || "blurb");
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_type    == "para");
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_a          == "heading");
+        string _txt = munge_html(doc_matters, obj);
+        _txt = inline_markup(doc_matters, obj, _txt);
+        string o = format(q"┃<p class="%s"><b>
+            %s
+          </b></p>┃",
+            obj.metainfo.is_a,
+            _txt,
+          );
+        return o;
+      }
+      string html_para(M,O)(
+              M   doc_matters,
+        const O   obj,
+      ) {
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_part    == "body" || "frontmatter" || "backmatter");
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_section == "body" || "toc" || "endnotes" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex" || "blurb");
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_type    == "para");
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_a          == "para" || "toc" || "endnotes" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex" || "blurb");
+        string _txt = munge_html(doc_matters, obj);
+        _txt = (obj.attrib.bullet) ? ("●&#160;&#160;" ~ _txt) : _txt;
+        _txt = inline_markup(doc_matters, obj, _txt);
+        string o = format(q"┃<p class="%s" indent="h%si%s">
+          %s
+        </p>┃",
+            obj.metainfo.is_a,
+            obj.attrib.indent_hang,
+            obj.attrib.indent_base,
+            _txt
+          );
+        return o;
+      }
+      string html_quote(M,O)(
+              M   doc_matters,
+        const O   obj,
+      ) {
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_part    == "body");
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_section == "body" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex" || "blurb");
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_type    == "block");
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_a          == "quote");
+        string _txt = munge_html(doc_matters, obj);
+        string o = format(q"┃<p class="%s">
+          %s
+        </p>┃",
+            obj.metainfo.is_a,
+            _txt
+          );
+        return o;
+      }
+      string html_group(M,O)(
+              M   doc_matters,
+        const O   obj,
+      ) {
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_part    == "body");
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_section == "body" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex" || "blurb");
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_type    == "block");
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_a          == "group");
+        string _txt = munge_html(doc_matters, obj);
+        string o = format(q"┃<p class="%s">
+          %s
+        </p>┃",
+            obj.metainfo.is_a,
+            _txt
+          );
+        return o;
+      }
+      string html_block(M,O)(
+              M   doc_matters,
+        const O   obj,
+      ) {
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_part    == "body");
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_section == "body" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex" || "blurb");
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_type    == "block");
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_a          == "block");
+        string _txt = munge_html(doc_matters, obj);
+        string o = format(q"┃
+        <p class="%s">%s</p>┃",
+            obj.metainfo.is_a,
+            _txt.stripRight
+          );
+        return o;
+      }
+      string html_verse(M,O)(
+              M   doc_matters,
+        const O   obj,
+      ) {
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_part    == "body");
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_section == "body" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex" || "blurb");
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_type    == "block");
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_a          == "verse");
+        string _txt = munge_html(doc_matters, obj);
+        string o = format(q"┃<p class="%s">%s</p>┃",
+            obj.metainfo.is_a,
+            _txt
+          );
+        return o;
+      }
+      string html_code(O)(
+        const O   obj,
+      ) {
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_part    == "body");
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_section == "body");
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_type    == "block");
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_a          == "code");
+        string _txt = html_special_characters_code(obj.text);
+        string o = format(q"┃<p class="%s">%s</p>┃",
+            obj.metainfo.is_a,
+            _txt
+          );
+        return o;
+      }
+      string html_table(M,O)(
+              M   doc_matters,
+        const O   obj,
+      ) {
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_part    == "body");
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_section == "body");
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_type    == "block");
+        assert(obj.metainfo.is_a          == "table");
+        auto _tablarize(O)(
+          const O         obj,
+                string    _txt,
+        ) {
+          string[] _table_rows = _txt.split(rgx.table_delimiter_row);
+          string[] _table_cols;
+          string _table;
+          string _tablenote;
+          foreach(row_idx, row; _table_rows) {
+            _table_cols = row.split(rgx.table_delimiter_col);
+              _table ~= "<tr>";
+              foreach(col_idx, cell; _table_cols) {
+                if ((_table_cols.length == 1)
+                && (_table_rows.length <= row_idx+2)) { // check row_idx+2 (rather than == ++row_idx)
+                  _tablenote ~= cell;
+                } else {
+                  string _col_is = (row_idx == 0 && obj.table.heading) ? "th" : "td";
+                  string _align = ("style=\"text-align:"
+                  ~ ((obj.table.column_aligns[col_idx] == "l")
+                  ? "left\"" : "right\""));
+                  _table ~= "<"
+                    ~ _col_is
+                    ~ " width=\""
+                    ~ obj.table.column_widths[col_idx].to!string
+                    ~ "%\" "
+                    ~ _align
+                    ~ ">";
+                  _table ~= cell;
+                  _table ~= "</"
+                    ~ _col_is
+                    ~ ">";
+                }
+              }
+              _table ~= "</tr>";
+            }
+          auto t = tuple(
+            _table,
+            _tablenote,
+          );
+          return t;
+        }
+        string _txt = munge_html(doc_matters, obj);
+        auto t = _tablarize(obj, _txt);
+        _txt = t[0];
+        string _note = t[1];
+        string o = format(q"┃<p class="%s">
+          <table summary="normal text css" width="95%%" border="0" bgcolor="white" cellpadding="2" align="center">
+            %s
+          </table>
+          %s
+        </p>┃",
+          obj.metainfo.is_a,
+          _txt,
+          _note
+        );
+        return o;
+      }
+      string sqlite_load_string(M,O)(
+              M   doc_matters,
+        const O   obj,
+      ) {
+        string o;
+        return o;
+      }
+      string postgresql_load_string(M,O)(
+              M   doc_matters,
+        const O   obj,
+      ) {
+        string o;
+        return o;
+      }
+      string sqlite_statement(O)(
+        const O          obj,
+              string     _txt,
+              string     _html,
+      ) {
+        void _sql_exe(O)(
+          string                   _sql,
+        ) {
+          writeln(_html);
+          writeln(_sql);
+        }
+        string _sql;
+        return _sql;
+      }
+      string[string] heading(M,O)(
+              M   doc_matters,
+        const O   obj,
+      ) {
+        string[string] obj_txt = [
+          "text": generic_munge_sanitize_text_for_search(obj.text),
+          "html": html_heading(doc_matters, obj)
+        ];
+        { /+ debug +/
+          if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do
+          && doc_matters.opt.action.verbose) {
+            debug(sql_txt) {
+              writeln(obj_txt["text"]);
+            }
+            debug(sql_html) {
+              writeln(obj_txt["html"]);
+            }
+          } else {
+            // load sql
+          }
+        }
+        return obj_txt;
+      }
+      string[string] para(M,O)(
+              M   doc_matters,
+        const O   obj,
+      ) {
+        string[string] obj_txt = [
+          "text": generic_munge_sanitize_text_for_search(obj.text),
+          "html": html_para(doc_matters, obj)
+        ];
+        { /+ debug +/
+          if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do
+          && doc_matters.opt.action.verbose) {
+            debug(sql_txt) {
+              writeln(obj_txt["text"]);
+            }
+            debug(sql_html) {
+              writeln(obj_txt["html"]);
+            }
+          } else {
+            // load sql
+          }
+        }
+        return obj_txt;
+      }
+      string[string] quote(M,O)(
+              M   doc_matters,
+        const O   obj,
+      ) {
+        string[string] obj_txt = [
+          "text": generic_munge_sanitize_text_for_search(obj.text),
+          "html": html_quote(doc_matters, obj)
+        ];
+        { /+ debug +/
+          if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do
+          && doc_matters.opt.action.verbose) {
+            debug(sql_txt) {
+              writeln(obj_txt["text"]);
+            }
+            debug(sql_html) {
+              writeln(obj_txt["html"]);
+            }
+          } else {
+            // load sql
+          }
+        }
+        return obj_txt;
+      }
+      string[string] group(M,O)(
+              M   doc_matters,
+        const O   obj,
+      ) {
+        string[string] obj_txt = [
+          "text": generic_munge_sanitize_text_for_search(obj.text),
+          "html": html_group(doc_matters, obj)
+        ];
+        { /+ debug +/
+          if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do
+          && doc_matters.opt.action.verbose) {
+            debug(sql_txt) {
+              writeln(obj_txt["text"]);
+            }
+            debug(sql_html) {
+              writeln(obj_txt["html"]);
+            }
+          } else {
+            // load sql
+          }
+        }
+        return obj_txt;
+      }
+      string[string] block(M,O)(
+              M   doc_matters,
+        const O   obj,
+      ) {
+        string[string] obj_txt = [
+          "text": generic_munge_sanitize_text_for_search(obj.text),
+          "html": html_block(doc_matters, obj)
+        ];
+        { /+ debug +/
+          if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do
+          && doc_matters.opt.action.verbose) {
+            debug(sql_txt) {
+              writeln(obj_txt["text"]);
+            }
+            debug(sql_html) {
+              writeln(obj_txt["html"]);
+            }
+          } else {
+            // load sql
+          }
+        }
+        return obj_txt;
+      }
+      string[string] verse(M,O)(
+              M   doc_matters,
+        const O   obj,
+      ) {
+        string[string] obj_txt = [
+          "text": generic_munge_sanitize_text_for_search(obj.text),
+          "html": html_verse(doc_matters, obj)
+        ];
+        { /+ debug +/
+          if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do
+          && doc_matters.opt.action.verbose) {
+            debug(sql_txt) {
+              writeln(obj_txt["text"]);
+            }
+            debug(sql_html) {
+              writeln(obj_txt["html"]);
+            }
+          } else {
+            // load sql
+          }
+        }
+        return obj_txt;
+      }
+      string[string] code(M,O)(
+              M   doc_matters,
+        const O   obj,
+      ) {
+        string[string] obj_txt = [
+          "text": generic_munge_sanitize_text_for_search(obj.text),
+          "html": html_code(obj)
+        ];
+        { /+ debug +/
+          if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do
+          && doc_matters.opt.action.verbose) {
+            debug(sql_txt) {
+              writeln(obj_txt["text"]);
+            }
+            debug(sql_html) {
+              writeln(obj_txt["html"]);
+            }
+          } else {
+            // load sql
+          }
+        }
+        return obj_txt;
+      }
+      string[string] table(M,O)(
+              M   doc_matters,
+        const O   obj,
+      ) {
+        string[string] obj_txt = [
+          "text": generic_munge_sanitize_text_for_search(obj.text),
+          "html": html_table(doc_matters, obj)
+        ];
+        { /+ debug +/
+          if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do
+          && doc_matters.opt.action.verbose) {
+            debug(sql_txt) {
+              writeln(obj_txt["text"]);
+            }
+            debug(sql_html) {
+              writeln(obj_txt["html"]);
+            }
+          } else {
+            // load sql
+          }
+        }
+        return obj_txt;
+      }
+    }
+    return sqlite_format_and_load_objects();
+  }
+template SQLiteTablesReCreate() {
+  string SQLiteTablesReCreate()() {
+    string _sql_instruct;
+    _sql_instruct = format(q"┃
+      DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_ocn;
+      DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_uid;
+      DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_digest_clean;
+      DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_digest_all;
+      DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_clean;
+      DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_title;
+      DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_creator_author;
+      DROP INDEX IF EXISTS src_filename;
+      DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_language_document_char;
+      DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_classify_topic_register;
+      DROP TABLE IF EXISTS metadata_and_text;
+      DROP TABLE IF EXISTS topic_register;
+      DROP TABLE IF EXISTS doc_objects;
+      CREATE TABLE metadata_and_text (
+        uid                              VARCHAR(256)      UNIQUE, -- filename, language char, pod/txt (decide on delimiter [,;:/])
+        src_composite_id_per_txt         VARCHAR(256)  NOT NULL,   -- UNIQUE, z pod name if any + src filename + language code
+        src_composite_id_per_pod         VARCHAR(256)  NOT NULL,   -- z pod name if any + src filename
+        title                            VARCHAR(800)  NOT NULL,
+        title_main                       VARCHAR(400)  NOT NULL,
+        title_sub                        VARCHAR(400)      NULL,
+        title_short                      VARCHAR(400)      NULL,
+        title_edition                    VARCHAR(10)       NULL,
+        title_language                   VARCHAR(100)      NULL,
+        title_language_char              VARCHAR(6)        NULL,
+        creator_author                   VARCHAR(600)  NOT NULL,
+        creator_author_email             VARCHAR(100)      NULL,
+        creator_author_hon               VARCHAR(100)      NULL,
+        creator_author_nationality       VARCHAR(100)      NULL,
+        creator_editor                   VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+        creator_contributor              VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+        creator_illustrator              VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+        creator_photographer             VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+        creator_translator               VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+        creator_prepared_by              VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+        creator_digitized_by             VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+        creator_audio                    VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+        creator_video                    VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+        language_document                VARCHAR(100)      NULL,
+        language_document_char           VARCHAR(6)    NOT NULL,
+        language_original                VARCHAR(100)      NULL,
+        language_original_char           VARCHAR(6)        NULL,
+        date_added_to_site               VARCHAR(10)       NULL,
+        date_available                   VARCHAR(10)       NULL,
+        date_created                     VARCHAR(10)       NULL,
+        date_issued                      VARCHAR(10)       NULL,
+        date_modified                    VARCHAR(10)       NULL,
+        date_published                   VARCHAR(10)       NULL,
+        date_valid                       VARCHAR(10)       NULL,
+        date_translated                  VARCHAR(10)       NULL,
+        date_original_publication        VARCHAR(10)       NULL,
+        date_generated                   VARCHAR(10)       NULL,
+        original_title                   VARCHAR(800)      NULL,
+        original_publisher               VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+        original_language                VARCHAR(100)      NULL,
+        original_language_char           VARCHAR(6)        NULL,
+        original_source                  VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+        original_institution             VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+        original_nationality             VARCHAR(100)      NULL,
+        rights_copyright                 VARCHAR(2500)     NULL,
+        rights_copyright_audio           VARCHAR(2500)     NULL,
+        rights_copyright_cover           VARCHAR(2500)     NULL,
+        rights_copyright_illustrations   VARCHAR(2500)     NULL,
+        rights_copyright_photographs     VARCHAR(2500)     NULL,
+        rights_copyright_text            VARCHAR(2500)     NULL,
+        rights_copyright_translation     VARCHAR(2500)     NULL,
+        rights_copyright_video           VARCHAR(2500)     NULL,
+        rights_license                   VARCHAR(2500)     NULL,
+        identifier_oclc                  VARCHAR(30)       NULL,
+        identifier_isbn                  VARCHAR(16)       NULL,
+        classify_topic_register          VARCHAR(2500)     NULL,
+        classify_subject                 VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+        classify_loc                     VARCHAR(30)       NULL,
+        classify_dewey                   VARCHAR(30)       NULL,
+        classify_keywords                VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+        notes_abstract                   TEXT              NULL,
+        notes_description                TEXT              NULL,
+        notes_comment                    TEXT              NULL,
+        notes_coverage                   VARCHAR(200)      NULL,
+        notes_relation                   VARCHAR(200)      NULL,
+        notes_history                    VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+        notes_type                       VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+        notes_format                     VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+        notes_prefix                     TEXT              NULL,
+        notes_prefix_a                   TEXT              NULL,
+        notes_prefix_b                   TEXT              NULL,
+        notes_suffix                     TEXT              NULL,
+        publisher                        VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+        src_filename                     VARCHAR(256)  NOT NULL,
+        src_fingerprint                  VARCHAR(256)      NULL,
+        src_filesize                     VARCHAR(10)       NULL,
+        src_wordcount                    VARCHAR(10)       NULL,
+        pod_name                         VARCHAR(256)      NULL, -- zipped pod, work to be done here
+        pod_fingerprint                  VARCHAR(256)      NULL, -- zipped pod, work to be done here
+        pod_size                         VARCHAR(10)       NULL, -- zipped pod, work to be done here
+        site_url_doc_root                VARCHAR(256)      NULL, -- url path to doc root
+        site_url_html_toc                VARCHAR(256)      NULL,
+        site_url_html_scroll             VARCHAR(256)      NULL,
+        site_url_epub                    VARCHAR(256)      NULL,
+        links                            TEXT              NULL
+      );
+      CREATE TABLE topic_register (
+        -- tid                              BIGINT            PRIMARY KEY,
+        uid_metadata_and_text            VARCHAR(256)      REFERENCES metadata_and_text(uid) ON DELETE CASCADE,
+        -- src_composite_id_per_txt         VARCHAR(256)  NOT NULL,  - UNIQUE, - z pod name if any + src filename + language code
+        -- src_composite_id_per_pod         VARCHAR(256)  NOT NULL,  - z pod name if any + src filename
+        topic_register_lv0               VARCHAR(250)  NOT NULL,
+        topic_register_lv1               VARCHAR(250)      NULL,
+        topic_register_lv2               VARCHAR(250)      NULL,
+        topic_register_lv3               VARCHAR(250)      NULL,
+        topic_register_lv4               VARCHAR(250)      NULL,
+        site_url_doc_root                VARCHAR(256)      NULL, -- url path to doc root
+        site_url_html_toc                VARCHAR(256)      NULL,
+        site_url_html_scroll             VARCHAR(256)      NULL
+      );
+      CREATE TABLE doc_objects (
+        lid                              BIGINT            PRIMARY KEY,
+        uid_metadata_and_text            VARCHAR(256)      REFERENCES metadata_and_text(uid) ON DELETE CASCADE,
+        ocn                              SMALLINT,
+        obj_id                           VARCHAR(6)        NULL,
+        clean                            TEXT              NULL,
+        body                             TEXT              NULL,
+        seg                              VARCHAR(256)      NULL,
+        lev_an                           VARCHAR(1),
+        is_of_type                       VARCHAR(16),
+        is_a                             VARCHAR(16),
+        lev                              SMALLINT          NULL,
+        node                             VARCHAR(16)       NULL,
+        parent                           VARCHAR(16)       NULL,
+        last_decendant                   VARCHAR(16)       NULL, -- headings only
+        digest_clean                     CHAR(256),
+        digest_all                       CHAR(256),
+        html_seg_url                     CHAR(256),
+        types                            CHAR(1)           NULL
+      );
+      CREATE INDEX idx_ocn ON doc_objects(ocn);
+      CREATE INDEX idx_digest_clean ON doc_objects(digest_clean);
+      CREATE INDEX idx_digest_all ON doc_objects(digest_all);
+      CREATE INDEX idx_clean ON doc_objects(clean);
+      CREATE INDEX idx_title ON metadata_and_text(title);
+      CREATE INDEX idx_author ON metadata_and_text(creator_author);
+      CREATE INDEX idx_uid ON metadata_and_text(uid);
+      CREATE INDEX idx_filename ON metadata_and_text(src_filename);
+      CREATE INDEX idx_language ON metadata_and_text(language_document_char);
+      CREATE INDEX idx_topics ON metadata_and_text(classify_topic_register);
+    ┃",);
+    return _sql_instruct;
+  }
+template SQLiteDeleteDocument() {
+  string SQLiteDeleteDocument(M)(
+    M doc_matters,
+  ) {
+    string _uid = doc_matters.src.doc_uid;
+    string _delete_uid = format(q"┃
+    DELETE FROM metadata_and_text
+    WHERE uid = '%s';
+    DELETE FROM doc_objects
+    WHERE uid_metadata_and_text = '%s';
+    ┃",
+      _uid,
+      _uid,
+    );
+    return _delete_uid;
+  }
+template SQLiteInsertMetadata() {
+  string SQLiteInsertMetadata(M)(
+    M doc_matters,
+  ) {
+    string _uid = SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.src.doc_uid);
+    string _insert_metadata = format(q"┃
+      INSERT INTO metadata_and_text (
+        uid,
+        src_filename,
+        src_composite_id_per_txt,
+        src_composite_id_per_pod,
+        title,
+        title_main,
+        title_sub,
+        title_short,
+        title_edition,
+        title_language,
+        creator_author,
+        creator_author_email,
+        creator_illustrator,
+        creator_translator,
+        language_document,
+        language_document_char,
+        date_added_to_site,
+        date_available,
+        date_created,
+        date_issued,
+        date_modified,
+        date_published,
+        date_valid,
+        rights_copyright,
+        rights_copyright_audio,
+        rights_copyright_cover,
+        rights_copyright_illustrations,
+        rights_copyright_photographs,
+        rights_copyright_text,
+        rights_copyright_translation,
+        rights_copyright_video,
+        rights_license,
+        identifier_oclc,
+        identifier_isbn,
+        classify_dewey,
+        classify_keywords,
+        classify_loc,
+        classify_subject,
+        classify_topic_register,
+        original_title,
+        original_publisher,
+        original_language,
+        original_language_char,
+        original_source,
+        notes_abstract,
+        notes_description,
+        publisher,
+        site_url_doc_root
+      )
+      VALUES (
+        '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s'
+      );
+    ┃",
+      _uid,
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.src.filename),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.src.docname_composite_unique_per_src_doc),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.src.docname_composite_unique_per_src_pod),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.title_full),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.title_main),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.title_subtitle),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.title_short),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.title_edition),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.title_language),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.creator_author),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.creator_author_email),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.creator_illustrator),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.creator_translator),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.language_document),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.language_document_char),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.date_added_to_site),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.date_available),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.date_created),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.date_issued),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.date_modified),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.date_published),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.date_valid),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.rights_copyright),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.rights_copyright_audio),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.rights_copyright_cover),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.rights_copyright_illustrations),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.rights_copyright_photographs),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.rights_copyright_text),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.rights_copyright_translation),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.rights_copyright_video),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.rights_license),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.identifier_oclc),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.identifier_isbn),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.classify_dewey),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.classify_keywords),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.classify_loc),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.classify_subject),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.classify_topic_register),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.notes_abstract),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.notes_description),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.original_title),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.original_publisher),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.original_language),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.original_language_char),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.original_source),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.publisher),
+      SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.conf.webserv_url_doc_root)
+    );
+    if (doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.classify_topic_register_arr.length > 0) {
+      string _insert_topics;
+      foreach (topic; doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.classify_topic_register_arr) {
+        string[] subject_tree = topic.split(mkup.sep);
+    _insert_topics ~= format(q"┃
+      INSERT INTO topic_register (
+        uid_metadata_and_text,
+        topic_register_lv0,
+        topic_register_lv1,
+        topic_register_lv2,
+        topic_register_lv3,
+        topic_register_lv4
+      )
+      VALUES (
+        '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s'
+      );
+    ┃",
+      _uid,
+      (subject_tree.length > 0) ? subject_tree[0] : "",
+      (subject_tree.length > 1) ? subject_tree[1] : "",
+      (subject_tree.length > 2) ? subject_tree[2] : "",
+      (subject_tree.length > 3) ? subject_tree[3] : "",
+      (subject_tree.length > 4) ? subject_tree[4] : ""
+    );
+      }
+    }
+    return _insert_metadata;
+  }
+template SQLiteInsertDocObjectsLoop() {
+  string SQLiteInsertDocObjectsLoop(D,M)(
+    const D    doc_abstraction,
+          M    doc_matters,
+  ) {
+    string _uid = SQLinsertDelimiter!()(doc_matters.src.doc_uid);
+    auto url_html = spineUrlsHTML!()(doc_matters.conf_make_meta.conf.webserv_url_doc_root, doc_matters.src.language);
+    string insertDocObjectsRow(O)(O obj) {
+      string _insert_doc_objects_row = format(q"┃
+        INSERT INTO doc_objects (
+          uid_metadata_and_text,
+          ocn,
+          obj_id,
+          clean,
+          body,
+          lev,
+          is_of_type,
+          is_a,
+          html_seg_url
+        )
+        VALUES (
+          '%s', %s, '%s', '%s', '%s', %s, '%s', '%s', '%s'
+        );
+      ┃",
+        _uid,
+        obj.metainfo.ocn,
+        obj.metainfo.identifier,
+        SQLinsertDelimiter!()(obj_txt["text"]),
+        SQLinsertDelimiter!()(obj_txt["html"]),
+        obj.metainfo.heading_lev_markup,
+        obj.metainfo.is_of_type,
+        obj.metainfo.is_a,
+        url_html.fn_seg_obj_num(doc_matters.src.filename, obj.tags.html_segment_anchor_tag_is, obj.metainfo.identifier),
+      );
+      return _insert_doc_objects_row;
+    }
+    auto format_and_sqlite_load = SQLiteFormatAndLoadObject!()(doc_matters);
+    string[string] obj_txt;
+    string doc_text;
+    string[] _insert_doc_objects;
+    foreach (part; doc_matters.has.keys_seq.sql) {
+      foreach (obj; doc_abstraction[part]) {
+        switch (obj.metainfo.is_of_part) {
+        case "frontmatter":              assert(part == "head", part);
+          switch (obj.metainfo.is_of_type) {
+          case "para":
+            switch (obj.metainfo.is_a) {
+            case "heading":
+              obj_txt = format_and_sqlite_load.heading(doc_matters, obj);
+              break;
+            default:
+              { /+ debug +/
+                if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do
+                && doc_matters.opt.action.verbose) {
+                  writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_a);
+                }
+              }
+              break;
+            }
+            break;
+          default:
+            { /+ debug +/
+              if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do
+              && doc_matters.opt.action.verbose) {
+                writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_of_type);
+              }
+            }
+            break;
+          }
+          break;
+        case "body": //                    assert(part == "body", part);
+          switch (obj.metainfo.is_of_type) {
+          case "para":
+            switch (obj.metainfo.is_a) {
+            case "heading":
+              debug (asserts) {
+                if (part != "body") {
+                  writeln(__LINE__, ": ", obj.text);
+                }
+              }
+              obj_txt = format_and_sqlite_load.heading(doc_matters, obj);
+              break;
+            case "para":
+              obj_txt = format_and_sqlite_load.para(doc_matters, obj);
+              break;
+            default:
+              { /+ debug +/
+                if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do
+                && doc_matters.opt.action.verbose) {
+                  writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_a);
+                }
+              }
+              break;
+            }
+            break;
+          case "block":
+            switch (obj.metainfo.is_a) {
+            case "quote":
+              obj_txt = format_and_sqlite_load.quote(doc_matters, obj);
+              break;
+            case "group":
+              obj_txt =, obj);
+              break;
+            case "block":
+              obj_txt = format_and_sqlite_load.block(doc_matters, obj);
+              break;
+            case "poem":                        // double check on keeping both poem & verse
+              break;
+            case "verse":
+              obj_txt = format_and_sqlite_load.verse(doc_matters, obj);
+              break;
+            case "code":
+              obj_txt = format_and_sqlite_load.code(doc_matters, obj);
+              break;
+            case "table":
+              obj_txt = format_and_sqlite_load.table(doc_matters, obj);
+              break;
+            default:
+              { /+ debug +/
+                if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do
+                && doc_matters.opt.action.verbose) {
+                  writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_a);
+                }
+              }
+              break;
+            }
+            break;
+          default:
+            { /+ debug +/
+              if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do
+              && doc_matters.opt.action.verbose) {
+                writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_of_type);
+              }
+            }
+            break;
+          }
+          break;
+        case "backmatter":
+          assert(part == "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex" || "blurb" || "tail", part);
+          switch (obj.metainfo.is_of_type) {
+          case "para":
+            switch (obj.metainfo.is_a) {
+            case "heading":
+              obj_txt = format_and_sqlite_load.heading(doc_matters, obj);
+              break;
+            case "glossary":             assert(part == "glossary", part);
+              obj_txt = format_and_sqlite_load.para(doc_matters, obj);
+              break;
+            case "bibliography":         assert(part == "bibliography", part);
+              obj_txt = format_and_sqlite_load.para(doc_matters, obj);
+              break;
+            case "bookindex":            assert(part == "bookindex", part);
+              obj_txt = format_and_sqlite_load.para(doc_matters, obj);
+              break;
+            case "blurb":                assert(part == "blurb", part);
+              obj_txt = format_and_sqlite_load.para(doc_matters, obj);
+              break;
+            default:
+              { /+ debug +/
+                if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do
+                && doc_matters.opt.action.verbose) {
+                  writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_a);
+                }
+              }
+              break;
+            }
+            break;
+          default:
+            { /+ debug +/
+              if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do
+              && doc_matters.opt.action.verbose) {
+                writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_of_type);
+              }
+            }
+            break;
+          }
+          break;
+        case "comment":
+          break;
+        default:
+          { /+ debug +/
+            if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do
+            && doc_matters.opt.action.verbose) {
+              writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_of_part); // check where empty value could come from
+              writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_a);
+              writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.text); // check where empty value could come from
+            }
+          }
+          break;
+        }
+        if (obj.metainfo.is_a == "heading") {
+          if ((doc_matters.opt.action.very_verbose)) {
+            writeln(
+              "markup: ", obj.metainfo.heading_lev_markup,
+              "> ", obj.metainfo.dom_structure_markedup_tags_status,
+              "; collapsed: ", obj.metainfo.heading_lev_collapsed,
+              "> ", obj.metainfo.dom_structure_collapsed_tags_status,
+              "; ocn: ", obj.metainfo.ocn,
+              " node: ", obj.metainfo.node,
+              "; parent: ", obj.metainfo.parent_lev_markup,
+              "; ocn: ", obj.metainfo.parent_ocn,
+              "; ",
+            );
+          }
+        }
+        if (!(obj.metainfo.is_a == "comment")) {
+          _insert_doc_objects ~= insertDocObjectsRow(obj);
+        }
+      } // loop closes
+    }
+    return!(char[]).toUTF8;
+  }
+template SQLiteTablesCreate() {
+  void SQLiteTablesCreate(E,O)(E env, O opt_action) {
+    import d2sqlite3;
+    template SQLiteTablesReCreate() {
+      string SQLiteTablesReCreate()() {
+        string _sql_instruct;
+        _sql_instruct = format(q"┃
+          DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_ocn;
+          DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_uid;
+          DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_digest_clean;
+          DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_digest_all;
+          DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_clean;
+          DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_title;
+          DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_creator_author;
+          DROP INDEX IF EXISTS src_filename;
+          DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_language_document_char;
+          DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_classify_topic_register;
+          DROP TABLE IF EXISTS metadata_and_text;
+          DROP TABLE IF EXISTS topic_register;
+          DROP TABLE IF EXISTS doc_objects;
+          DROP TABLE IF EXISTS urls;
+          CREATE TABLE metadata_and_text (
+            uid                              VARCHAR(256)      UNIQUE, -- filename, language char, pod/txt (decide on delimiter [,;:/])
+            src_composite_id_per_txt         VARCHAR(256)  NOT NULL,   -- UNIQUE, z pod name if any + src filename + language code
+            src_composite_id_per_pod         VARCHAR(256)  NOT NULL,   -- z pod name if any + src filename
+            title                            VARCHAR(800)  NOT NULL,
+            title_main                       VARCHAR(400)  NOT NULL,
+            title_sub                        VARCHAR(400)      NULL,
+            title_short                      VARCHAR(400)      NULL,
+            title_edition                    VARCHAR(10)       NULL,
+            title_language                   VARCHAR(100)      NULL,
+            title_language_char              VARCHAR(6)        NULL,
+            creator_author                   VARCHAR(600)  NOT NULL,
+            creator_author_email             VARCHAR(100)      NULL,
+            creator_author_hon               VARCHAR(100)      NULL,
+            creator_author_nationality       VARCHAR(100)      NULL,
+            creator_editor                   VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+            creator_contributor              VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+            creator_illustrator              VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+            creator_photographer             VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+            creator_translator               VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+            creator_prepared_by              VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+            creator_digitized_by             VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+            creator_audio                    VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+            creator_video                    VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+            language_document                VARCHAR(100)      NULL,
+            language_document_char           VARCHAR(6)    NOT NULL,
+            language_original                VARCHAR(100)      NULL,
+            language_original_char           VARCHAR(6)        NULL,
+            date_added_to_site               VARCHAR(10)       NULL,
+            date_available                   VARCHAR(10)       NULL,
+            date_created                     VARCHAR(10)       NULL,
+            date_issued                      VARCHAR(10)       NULL,
+            date_modified                    VARCHAR(10)       NULL,
+            date_published                   VARCHAR(10)       NULL,
+            date_valid                       VARCHAR(10)       NULL,
+            date_translated                  VARCHAR(10)       NULL,
+            date_original_publication        VARCHAR(10)       NULL,
+            date_generated                   VARCHAR(10)       NULL,
+            original_title                   VARCHAR(800)      NULL,
+            original_publisher               VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+            original_language                VARCHAR(100)      NULL,
+            original_language_char           VARCHAR(6)        NULL,
+            original_source                  VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+            original_institution             VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+            original_nationality             VARCHAR(100)      NULL,
+            rights_copyright                 VARCHAR(2500)     NULL,
+            rights_copyright_audio           VARCHAR(2500)     NULL,
+            rights_copyright_cover           VARCHAR(2500)     NULL,
+            rights_copyright_illustrations   VARCHAR(2500)     NULL,
+            rights_copyright_photographs     VARCHAR(2500)     NULL,
+            rights_copyright_text            VARCHAR(2500)     NULL,
+            rights_copyright_translation     VARCHAR(2500)     NULL,
+            rights_copyright_video           VARCHAR(2500)     NULL,
+            rights_license                   VARCHAR(2500)     NULL,
+            identifier_oclc                  VARCHAR(30)       NULL,
+            identifier_isbn                  VARCHAR(16)       NULL,
+            classify_topic_register          VARCHAR(2500)     NULL,
+            classify_subject                 VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+            classify_loc                     VARCHAR(30)       NULL,
+            classify_dewey                   VARCHAR(30)       NULL,
+            classify_keywords                VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+            notes_abstract                   TEXT              NULL,
+            notes_description                TEXT              NULL,
+            notes_comment                    TEXT              NULL,
+            notes_coverage                   VARCHAR(200)      NULL,
+            notes_relation                   VARCHAR(200)      NULL,
+            notes_history                    VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+            notes_type                       VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+            notes_format                     VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+            notes_prefix                     TEXT              NULL,
+            notes_prefix_a                   TEXT              NULL,
+            notes_prefix_b                   TEXT              NULL,
+            notes_suffix                     TEXT              NULL,
+            publisher                        VARCHAR(600)      NULL,
+            src_filename                     VARCHAR(256)  NOT NULL,
+            src_fingerprint                  VARCHAR(256)      NULL,
+            src_filesize                     VARCHAR(10)       NULL,
+            src_wordcount                    VARCHAR(10)       NULL,
+            pod_name                         VARCHAR(256)      NULL, -- zipped pod, work to be done here
+            pod_fingerprint                  VARCHAR(256)      NULL, -- zipped pod, work to be done here
+            pod_size                         VARCHAR(10)       NULL, -- zipped pod, work to be done here
+            site_url_doc_root                VARCHAR(256)      NULL, -- url path to doc root
+            site_url_html_toc                VARCHAR(256)      NULL,
+            site_url_html_scroll             VARCHAR(256)      NULL,
+            site_url_epub                    VARCHAR(256)      NULL,
+            links                            TEXT              NULL
+          );
+          CREATE TABLE topic_register (
+            -- tid                              BIGINT            PRIMARY KEY,
+            uid_metadata_and_text            VARCHAR(256)      REFERENCES metadata_and_text(uid) ON DELETE CASCADE,
+            -- src_composite_id_per_txt         VARCHAR(256)  NOT NULL,  - UNIQUE, - z pod name if any + src filename + language code
+            -- src_composite_id_per_pod         VARCHAR(256)  NOT NULL,  - z pod name if any + src filename
+            topic_register_lv0               VARCHAR(250)  NOT NULL,
+            topic_register_lv1               VARCHAR(250)      NULL,
+            topic_register_lv2               VARCHAR(250)      NULL,
+            topic_register_lv3               VARCHAR(250)      NULL,
+            topic_register_lv4               VARCHAR(250)      NULL,
+            site_url_doc_root                VARCHAR(256)      NULL, -- url path to doc root
+            site_url_html_toc                VARCHAR(256)      NULL,
+            site_url_html_scroll             VARCHAR(256)      NULL
+          );
+          CREATE TABLE doc_objects (
+            lid                              BIGINT            PRIMARY KEY,
+            uid_metadata_and_text            VARCHAR(256)      REFERENCES metadata_and_text(uid) ON DELETE CASCADE,
+            ocn                              SMALLINT,
+            obj_id                           VARCHAR(6)        NULL,
+            clean                            TEXT              NULL,
+            body                             TEXT              NULL,
+            seg                              VARCHAR(256)      NULL,
+            lev_an                           VARCHAR(1),
+            is_of_type                       VARCHAR(16),
+            is_a                             VARCHAR(16),
+            lev                              SMALLINT          NULL,
+            node                             VARCHAR(16)       NULL,
+            parent                           VARCHAR(16)       NULL,
+            last_decendant                   VARCHAR(16)       NULL, -- headings only
+            digest_clean                     CHAR(256),
+            digest_all                       CHAR(256),
+            html_seg_url                     CHAR(256),
+            types                            CHAR(1)           NULL
+          );
+          CREATE INDEX idx_ocn ON doc_objects(ocn);
+          CREATE INDEX idx_digest_clean ON doc_objects(digest_clean);
+          CREATE INDEX idx_digest_all ON doc_objects(digest_all);
+          CREATE INDEX idx_clean ON doc_objects(clean);
+          CREATE INDEX idx_title ON metadata_and_text(title);
+          CREATE INDEX idx_author ON metadata_and_text(creator_author);
+          CREATE INDEX idx_uid ON metadata_and_text(uid);
+          CREATE INDEX idx_filename ON metadata_and_text(src_filename);
+          CREATE INDEX idx_language ON metadata_and_text(language_document_char);
+          CREATE INDEX idx_topics ON metadata_and_text(classify_topic_register);
+        ┃",);
+        return _sql_instruct;
+      }
+    }
+    if (opt_action.sqlite_db_create) {
+      string _db_statement;
+      auto pth_sqlite = spinePathsSQLite!()(opt_action.sqlite_filename, opt_action.output_dir_set);
+      pth_sqlite.base.mkdirRecurse;
+      auto db = Database(pth_sqlite.sqlite_file);
+      {
+        _db_statement ~= SQLiteTablesReCreate!()();
+      }
+      SQLiteDbRun!()(db, _db_statement, opt_action, "TABLE RE-CREATE");
+    }
+  }
+template SQLiteDbDrop() {
+  void SQLiteDbDrop(O)(O opt_action) {
+    writeln("db drop");
+    if ((opt_action.sqlite_db_drop)) {
+      auto pth_sqlite = spinePathsSQLite!()(opt_action.sqlite_filename, opt_action.output_dir_set);
+      writeln("remove(", pth_sqlite.sqlite_file, ")");
+      try {
+        remove(pth_sqlite.sqlite_file);
+      } catch (FileException ex) {
+        // handle error
+      }
+    }
+  }
cgit v1.2.3