path: root/org
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'org')
5 files changed, 121 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/org/default_regex.org b/org/default_regex.org
index c237239..5705fb2 100644
--- a/org/default_regex.org
+++ b/org/default_regex.org
@@ -505,9 +505,11 @@ static inline_image = ctRegex!(`(?P<pre>┥)�
static inline_image_without_dimensions = ctRegex!(`(?P<pre>┥)☼(?P<imginf>(?P<img>\S+?\.(?:jpg|gif|png)),w(?P<width>0)h(?P<height>0))\s*(?P<post>.*?┝┤.+?├)`, "mg");
static inline_link_anchor = ctRegex!(`┋(?P<anchor>\S+?)┋`, "mg");
static inline_link = ctRegex!(`┥(?P<text>.+?)┝┤(?P<link>\S+?)├`, "mg");
+static inline_link_number_only = ctRegex!(`(┥.+?┝)┤(?P<num>[0-9]+)├`, "mg");
+static inline_link_stow_uri = ctRegex!(`┥(?P<text>.+?)┝┤(?P<link>[^ 0-9#┥┝┤├][^ 0-9┥┝┤├]+)├`, "mg"); // will not stow (stowed links) or object number internal links
static inline_link_hash = ctRegex!(`┥(?P<text>.+?)┝┤(?P<link>#(?P<segname>\S+?))├`, "mg");
static inline_link_clean = ctRegex!(`┤(?:.+?)├|[┥┝]`, "mg");
-static inline_a_url = ctRegex!(`(┤)(\S+?)(├)`, "mg");
+static inline_a_url = ctRegex!(`(┤)([^\s┥┝┤├]+)(├)`, "mg");
static url = ctRegex!(`https?://`, "mg");
static inline_link_subtoc = ctRegex!(`^(?P<level>[5-7])~ ┥(?P<text>.+?)┝┤(?P<link>.+?)├`, "mg");
static fn_suffix = ctRegex!(`\.fnSuffix`, "mg");
diff --git a/org/doc_reform.org b/org/doc_reform.org
index 55bd41d..fe66011 100644
--- a/org/doc_reform.org
+++ b/org/doc_reform.org
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ struct Version {
int minor;
int patch;
-enum _ver = Version(0, 4, 2);
+enum _ver = Version(0, 4, 3);
** compilation restrictions (supported compilers)
@@ -1369,61 +1369,61 @@ dev notes
*** document objects (table)
- check, keep up to date
-| doc object | doc object | attributes | inline | appended | structure | delimiters |
-| is_of | is_a | | | | | |
-| para/heading | heading | - level | - font face | - object number off | - level | - delimiter == two newlines |
-| | | - object number | - endnotes | - book index meta | (document structure) | |
-| | | - object number off | | | | |
-| | | - dummy (toc & seg) | | | | |
-| | | - tags (internal links) | | | | |
-| | toc | - level | - font face | | | - auto generated from headings |
-| | | | - links (auto) | | | |
-| para | para | - bullet | - font face | - object number off | | - delimiter == two newlines |
-| | | - indent | - links/urls * | - book index meta | | |
-| | | - object number | - images* | | | |
-| | | - object number off | - endnotes | | | |
-| | toc | - indent | - font face | | | - delimiter == two newlines |
-| | endnote | | - font face | | | (generated from |
-| | | | | | | inline markup tags) |
-| | | | | | | - delimiter == two newlines |
-| | bookindex | - auto indent | - font face | | | - delimiter == two newlines |
-| | blurb | - bullet | - font face | - object number off | | - delimiter == two newlines |
-| | | - indent | - links/urls * | - book index meta | | |
-| | | - object number | - images* | | | |
-| | | - object number off | - endnotes | | | |
-| group | group | - object number | - font face | - book index meta | - para break | - delimiter tags (group) |
-| | | - object number off | - links/urls * | | | |
-| | | | - images* | | | |
-| | | | - endnotes | | | |
-| | block | - object number | - font face | - book index meta | - new line | - delimiter tags (block) |
-| | | - object number off | - links/urls * | | | |
-| | | | - images* | | | |
-| | | | - endnotes | | | |
-| | quote | - object number | - font face | - book index meta | | - delimiter tags (quote) |
-| | | | - endnotes | | | |
-| | poem (see verse) | | | - book index meta | | - delimiter tags (poem) |
-| | verse (of poem) | - object number | - font face | | - new line | - (see poem delimiter) |
-| | | | - endnotes | | - preceeding spaces | |
-| group/code | code | - syntax | | | - new line | - delimiter tags (code) |
-| | | - numbered | | | - preceeding spaces | |
-| group/table | table | - object number | | | | - delimiter tags (table) |
+| doc object | doc object | attributes | inline | appended | structure | delimiters |
+| is_a | is_of_type | | | | | |
+| heading | para | - level | - font face | - object number off | - level | - two newlines |
+| | | - object number | - endnotes | - book index meta | (document structure) | |
+| | | - object number off | | | | |
+| | | - dummy (toc & seg) | | | | |
+| | | - tags (internal links) | | | | |
+| toc | para | - level | - font face | | | - auto generated from headings |
+| | | (auto-indent) | - links (auto) | | | |
+| para | para | - bullet | - font face | - object number off | | - two newlines |
+| | | - indent | - links/urls * | - book index meta | | |
+| | | - object number | - images* | | | |
+| | | - object number off | - endnotes | | | |
+| bookindex | para | - auto indent | - font face | | | - two newlines |
+| blurb | para | - bullet | - font face | - object number off | | - two newlines |
+| | | - indent | - links/urls * | - book index meta | | |
+| | | - object number | - images* | | | |
+| | | - object number off | - endnotes | | | |
+| group | block | - object number | - font face | - book index meta | - para break | - block tags |
+| | | - object number off | - links/urls * | | | (group) |
+| | | | - images* | | | |
+| | | | - endnotes | | | |
+| block | block | - object number | - font face | - book index meta | - new line | - block tags |
+| | | - object number off | - links/urls * | | | (block) |
+| | | | - images* | | | |
+| | | | - endnotes | | | |
+| quote | block | - object number | - font face | - book index meta | | - block tags |
+| | | | - endnotes | | | (quote) |
+| poem (see verse) | block | | | - book index meta | | - block tags |
+| | | | | | | (poem) |
+| verse (of poem) | | - object number | - font face | | - new line | - (see poem delimiter) |
+| | | | - endnotes | | - preceeding spaces | |
+| code | block | - syntax | | | - new line | - block tags |
+| | | - numbered | | | - preceeding spaces | (code) |
+| table | block | - object number | | | | - block tags (table) |
+| | | | | | | (table) |
+| endnote | | | - font face | | | (generated from |
+| | | | | | | inline markup tags) |
+| | | | | | | - two newlines |
- consider special treatment for links/urls (& for images?) take them out of
document munge (for various outputs), by storing in own array (within each
diff --git a/org/meta_abstraction.org b/org/meta_abstraction.org
index 4c98f66..5249df1 100644
--- a/org/meta_abstraction.org
+++ b/org/meta_abstraction.org
@@ -2294,6 +2294,37 @@ auto _image_dimensions(M,O)(M manifest_matter, O obj) {
+***** links: think about!!!
+- move actual links to an array in object struct so they cannot be regex munged within text block
+ - you may wish to exclude certain types of internal document link
+ - object number links
+ - toc
+ - book index
+ - footnotes and footnote numbers
+#+name: abs_post
+auto _links(O)(O obj) {
+ if (auto m = obj.text.match(rgx.inline_link_stow_uri)) {
+ debug(links) {
+ writeln("number of link matches to stow: ", (obj.text.match(rgx.inline_link_stow_uri)).count);
+ writeln("links to stow: ", (obj.text.match(rgx.inline_link_stow_uri)));
+ }
+ int _n_matches = (obj.text.match(rgx.inline_link_stow_uri)).count.to!int;
+ for(int i=0; i < _n_matches; ++i) {
+ if (obj.text.match(rgx.inline_link_stow_uri)) {
+ obj.stow.link ~= obj.text.matchFirst(rgx.inline_link_stow_uri)[2];
+ obj.text = obj.text.replaceFirst(
+ rgx.inline_link_stow_uri,
+ format(q"¶┥%s┝┤%s├¶", "$1", i)
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return obj;
***** ↻ Loop section: head
#+name: abs_post
@@ -2327,6 +2358,7 @@ foreach (ref obj; the_document_head_section) {
obj = obj_heading_ancestors(obj, lv_ancestors_txt);
+ obj = _links(obj);
@@ -2360,6 +2392,7 @@ if (the_table_of_contents_section.length > 1) {
obj = obj_heading_ancestors(obj, lv_ancestors_txt);
+ obj = _links(obj);
@@ -2412,6 +2445,7 @@ if (the_document_body_section.length > 1) {
_images ~= extract_images(obj.text);
obj = _image_dimensions(manifest_matter, obj);
+ obj = _links(obj);
auto images=uniq(_images.sort());
@@ -2460,6 +2494,7 @@ if (the_endnotes_section.length > 1) {
obj = obj_heading_ancestors(obj, lv_ancestors_txt);
+ obj = _links(obj);
@@ -2507,6 +2542,7 @@ if (the_glossary_section.length > 1) {
obj.metainfo.ocn = obj_cite_digits.object_number;
obj.metainfo.identifier = obj_cite_digits.identifier;
+ obj = _links(obj);
@@ -2554,6 +2590,7 @@ if (the_bibliography_section.length > 1) {
obj.metainfo.ocn = obj_cite_digits.object_number;
obj.metainfo.identifier = obj_cite_digits.identifier;
+ obj = _links(obj);
@@ -2610,6 +2647,7 @@ if (the_bookindex_section.length > 1) {
obj.metainfo.o_n_book_index = obj_cite_digits.bkidx;
obj.metainfo.object_number_type = OCNtype.bkidx;
+ obj = _links(obj);
/+ TODO assert failure, reinstate
assert(obj_cite_digit_bkidx == ocn_bidx_
@@ -2659,6 +2697,7 @@ if (the_blurb_section.length > 1) {
obj.metainfo.object_number_off = obj_cite_digits.off;
obj.metainfo.object_number_type = OCNtype.non;
+ obj = _links(obj);
@@ -7861,6 +7900,15 @@ struct DocObj_CodeBlock_ {
+**** stow (things to be protected from regular text transformations, so far links)
+#+name: meta_structs_init
+struct DocObj_Stow_ {
+ string[] link = [];
**** pointers
#+name: meta_structs_init
@@ -7903,6 +7951,7 @@ struct ObjGenericComposite {
DocObj_Has_ has;
DocObj_Table_ table;
DocObj_CodeBlock_ code_block;
+ DocObj_Stow_ stow;
DocObj_Pointer_ ptr;
diff --git a/org/output_sqlite.org b/org/output_sqlite.org
index b1c9cf4..bdb2ca7 100644
--- a/org/output_sqlite.org
+++ b/org/output_sqlite.org
@@ -322,6 +322,7 @@ template SQLiteDbDrop() {
import doc_reform.output;
+ std.uri,
std.conv : to;
@@ -534,6 +535,11 @@ auto inline_links(M,O)(
string _xml_type = "seg",
) {
if (obj.has.inline_links) {
+ if (obj.metainfo.is_a != "code") {
+ _txt = replaceAll!(hit =>
+ hit[1] ~ "┤" ~ to!string((obj.stow.link[hit[2].to!ulong])).encode ~ "├"
+ )(_txt, rgx.inline_link_number_only);
+ }
if ((_txt.match(rgx.mark_internal_site_lnk))
&& (_xml_type == "scroll")) { // conditions reversed to avoid: gdc compiled program run segfault
_txt = _txt.replaceAll(
diff --git a/org/output_xmls.org b/org/output_xmls.org
index b9302bd..45a1c3c 100644
--- a/org/output_xmls.org
+++ b/org/output_xmls.org
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import
+ std.uri,
std.conv : to;
@@ -193,7 +194,7 @@ auto header_metadata(M)(
- doc_matters.generator_program.name_and_version,
+ doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do ? "" : doc_matters.generator_program.name_and_version,
return o;
@@ -466,6 +467,11 @@ auto inline_links(M,O)(
) {
string seg_lvs;
if (obj.has.inline_links) {
+ if (obj.metainfo.is_a != "code") {
+ _txt = replaceAll!(hit =>
+ hit[1] ~ "┤" ~ to!string((obj.stow.link[hit[2].to!ulong])).encode ~ "├"
+ )(_txt, rgx.inline_link_number_only);
+ }
if ((_txt.match(rgx.mark_internal_site_lnk))
&& (_xml_type == "scroll")) { // conditions reversed to avoid: gdc compiled program run segfault
_txt = _txt.replaceAll(