-*- mode: org -*- #+TITLE: sisu misc #+DESCRIPTION: documents - structuring, various output representations & search #+FILETAGS: :sisu:misc: #+AUTHOR: Ralph Amissah #+EMAIL: [[mailto:ralph.amissah@gmail.com][ralph.amissah@gmail.com]] #+COPYRIGHT: Copyright (C) 2015 - 2021 Ralph Amissah #+LANGUAGE: en #+STARTUP: content hideblocks hidestars noindent entitiespretty #+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:nil _:nil -:t f:t *:t <:t #+PROPERTY: header-args :exports code #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :noweb yes #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :eval no #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :results no #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :cache no #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :padline no * misc sort ** air.rb #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle "../lib/sisu/air.rb" # <<sisu_document_header>> module SiSU_Air require_relative 'se_hub_particulars' # se_hub_particulars.rb class Source @@ao_array=[] @@fns=nil def initialize(opt) @opt=opt @@fns||@opt.fns @particulars=SiSU_Particulars::Combined.new(opt) #@env=@particulars.env #@md=@particulars.md #@ao_array=@particulars.ao_array end def read end protected def print puts @particulars.md.inspect puts @particulars.env.inspect puts @particulars.ao_array end end end __END__ #+END_SRC ** embedded.rb #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle "../lib/sisu/embedded.rb" # <<sisu_document_header>> module SiSU_Embedded require_relative 'dp' # dp.rb include SiSU_Param require_relative 'se' # se.rb include SiSU_Env class Source def initialize(opt) @opt=opt @md=SiSU_Param::Parameters.new(@opt).get @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new(@md.fns) @rhost=SiSU_Env::InfoRemote.new(@opt).remote_host_base @base_src_dir=@opt.f_pth[:pth].sub(/\/#{@opt.f_pth[:lng]}$/,'') @f=SiSU_Env::FileOp.new(@md) end def read songsheet end def songsheet images audio multimedia begin rescue SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@opt.selections.str,@opt.fns).location do __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__ end ensure end end def images src="#{@base_src_dir}/_sisu/image" ldest=@env.path.output img_dir="#{@env.path.output}/_sisu/image" @rhost.each do |remote_conn| if (@md.opt.act[:verbose][:set]==:on \ || @md.opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \ || @md.opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on \ || @md.opt.act[:rsync][:set]==:on) \ and FileTest.directory?(src) FileUtils::mkdir_p(img_dir) unless FileTest.directory?(img_dir) src_ec=@f.place_file.images.rel + '/' + @md.ec[:image].join(" #{@f.output_path.images.rel}/") unless @opt.fns =~/\.-sst$/ SiSU_Env::SystemCall.new(src_ec,ldest,'q').rsync('--relative',@opt.base_path) #if @md.opt.selections.str.inspect =~/R/ #rsync to remote image directory # SiSU_Env::SystemCall.new(src_ec,remote_rel,'q').rsync('--relative') #end end end end end def audio #p @md.ec[:audio] src="#{@base_src_dir}/_sisu/mm/audio" ldest="#{@env.path.webserv}/#{@env.path.base_markup_dir_stub}/_sisu/mm/audio" @rhost.each do |remote_conn| rdest="#{remote_conn[:name]}/#{@env.path.base_markup_dir_stub}/_sisu/mm/audio" if (@md.opt.act[:verbose][:set]==:on \ || @md.opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \ || @md.opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on \ || @md.opt.act[:rsync][:set]==:on) \ and FileTest.directory?(src) FileUtils::mkdir_p(ldest) unless FileTest.directory?(ldest) src_ec="#{src}/" + @md.ec[:audio].join(" #{src}/") SiSU_Env::SystemCall.new(src_ec,"#{ldest}/.",'q').rsync if @md.opt.act[:rsync][:set]==:on #rsync to remote audio directory SiSU_Env::SystemCall.new(src_ec,"#{rdest}/.",'q').rsync end end end end def multimedia #p @md.ec[:multimedia] src="#{@base_src_dir}/_sisu/mm/video" ldest="#{@env.path.webserv}/#{@env.path.base_markup_dir_stub}/_sisu/mm/video" @rhost.each do |remote_conn| rdest="#{remote_conn[:name]}/#{@env.path.base_markup_dir_stub}/_sisu/mm/video" if (@md.opt.act[:verbose][:set]==:on \ || @md.opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \ || @md.opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on \ || @md.opt.act[:rsync][:set]==:on) \ and FileTest.directory?(src) FileUtils::mkdir_p(ldest) unless FileTest.directory?(ldest) src_ec="#{src}/" + @md.ec[:multimedia].join(" #{src}/") SiSU_Env::SystemCall.new(src_ec,"#{ldest}/.",'q').rsync if @md.opt.act[:rsync][:set]==:on #rsync to remote video directory SiSU_Env::SystemCall.new(src_ec,"#{rdest}/.",'q').rsync end end end end end end __END__ #+END_SRC ** errors.rb #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle "../lib/sisu/errors.rb" # <<sisu_document_header>> module SiSU_Errors require_relative 'se' # se.rb include SiSU_Env; include SiSU_Screen class Rescued <CreateFile def initialize(error,errorlist,cmd,fns='') @fns,@cmd,@error,@errorlist=fns,cmd,error,errorlist @cmd=(cmd \ && (cmd =~/c/)) \ ? 'Vc' : 'V' end def location file=@fns \ ? (SiSU_Env::CreateFile.new(@fns).file_error) : (File.new('/tmp/errorlog.sisu','w+')) file << @fns << "\n" << @error << "\n" << @errorlist file.close if @cmd=~/[vVM]/ SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new('',$!,$@).rescue do (block_given?) ? yield : __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__ end else SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new('',"rescued, exception raised, silenced").puts_grey end end end end __END__ #+END_SRC ** git.rb #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle "../lib/sisu/git.rb" # <<sisu_document_header>> module SiSU_Git require_relative 'dp' # dp.rb require_relative 'se' # se.rb require_relative 'ao' # ao.rb class Source def initialize(opt,process=:complete) @opt,@process=opt,process @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new @md=SiSU_Param::Parameters.new(@opt).get @file=SiSU_Env::FileOp.new(@md) l=SiSU_Env::StandardiseLanguage.new(@md.opt.lng).language unless @opt.lng==l[:c] # @md.i18n[0]==l[:c] p "using: #{@opt.lng} (@make: :language:); filename #{@md.fns} filename language: #{l[:c]}, mismatch" end if @env.output_dir_structure.multilingual? m=/((.+?)(?:\~\w{2,3})?)\.((?:-|ssm\.)?sst|ssm)$/ #watch added match for sss fnb,fnt=@opt.fns[m,2],@opt.fns[m,3] else m=/(.+?)\.((?:-|ssm\.)?sst|ssm)$/ fnb=@fnn=@opt.fns[m,1] fnt=@opt.fns[m,2] end git_path_fnb=@env.processing_path.git + '/' + fnb lng=(@md.opt.lng) ? (@md.opt.lng) : (@md.i18n[0]) @git_path={ fnb: git_path_fnb, doc: git_path_fnb + '/' + Gt[:sisupod] + '/' + Gt[:doc] + '/' + lng, po: git_path_fnb + '/' + Gt[:po] + '/' + lng, pot: git_path_fnb + '/' + Gt[:pot], conf: git_path_fnb + '/' + Gt[:sisupod] + '/' + Gt[:conf], image: git_path_fnb + '/' + Gt[:sisupod] + '/' + Gt[:image], audio: git_path_fnb + '/' + Gt[:sisupod] + '/' + Gt[:audio], video: git_path_fnb + '/' + Gt[:sisupod] + '/' + Gt[:video], conf: git_path_fnb + '/' + Gt[:sisupod] + '/' + Gt[:conf] } SiSU_AO::Source.new(@opt,nil,@process).read # -m end def create_file_structure_git make_dir_fnb if program_found? git_init end end def read create_file_structure_git populate.sisusrc_files #if program_found? # git_commit #end unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on (@opt.act[:verbose][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on) \ ? SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], 'Git path', @git_path[:fnb] ).green_hi_blue : SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], 'Git path', @git_path[:fnb] ).green_title_hi if (@opt.act[:verbose][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on) SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], "Git path", "#{@opt.fns} -> #{@git_path[:fnb]}" ).warn end end end def program_found? found=`whereis git` (found =~/bin\/git\b/) ? true : false end def make_dir_fnb FileUtils::mkdir_p(@git_path[:fnb]) \ unless FileTest.directory?(@git_path[:fnb]) FileUtils::mkdir_p(@git_path[:doc]) \ unless FileTest.directory?(@git_path[:doc]) FileUtils::mkdir_p(@git_path[:po]) \ unless FileTest.directory?(@git_path[:po]) FileUtils::mkdir_p(@git_path[:pot]) \ unless FileTest.directory?(@git_path[:pot]) FileUtils::mkdir_p(@git_path[:conf]) \ unless FileTest.directory?(@git_path[:conf]) FileUtils::mkdir_p(@git_path[:image]) \ unless FileTest.directory?(@git_path[:image]) #FileUtils::mkdir_p(@git_path[:audio]) \ # unless FileTest.directory?(@git_path[:audio]) #FileUtils::mkdir_p(@git_path[:video]) \ # unless FileTest.directory?(@git_path[:video]) end def git_init unless FileTest.directory?("#{@git_path[:fnb]}/.git") pwd=Dir.pwd Dir.chdir(@git_path[:fnb]) system("git init ") Dir.chdir(pwd) end end def git_commit if program_found? if FileTest.directory?("#{@git_path[:fnb]}") pwd=Dir.pwd Dir.chdir(@git_path[:fnb]) system(" git add . \ && git commit -a ") Dir.chdir(pwd) end end end def populate def identify_language_versions print __FILE__ + ':' p __LINE__ end def copy_src_head if @opt.f_pth[:lng] \ and File.exist?("#{@env.path.pwd}/#{@opt.f_pth[:lng]}/#{@opt.fns}") FileUtils::cp_r( "#{@env.path.pwd}/#{@opt.f_pth[:lng]}/#{@opt.fns}", @git_path[:doc] ) elsif @opt.fns =~/\.ssm\.sst/ ssm=@opt.fns.gsub(/\.ssm\.sst/,'.ssm') FileUtils::cp_r( "#{@env.path.pwd}/#{ssm}", @git_path[:doc] ) elsif File.exist?("#{@env.path.pwd}/#{@opt.fns}") FileUtils::cp_r( "#{@env.path.pwd}/#{@opt.fns}", @git_path[:doc] ) end end def copy_related_sst_ssi doc_import=[] @rgx_doc_import=/^<<\s(\S+?\.ss[ti])/ file_array=IO.readlines(@opt.fns,'') file_array.each do |f| if f =~@rgx_doc_import doc_import = doc_import \ + f.scan(@rgx_doc_import).uniq.flatten end end doc_import.each do |f| if @opt.f_pth[:lng] FileUtils::cp_r( "#{@env.path.pwd}/#{@opt.f_pth[:lng]}/#{f}", @git_path[:doc] ) else FileUtils::cp_r( "#{@env.path.pwd}/#{f}", @git_path[:doc] ) end end end def locate_parse_file composite_src=@opt.fns=~/\.ssm$/ ? true : false if composite_src \ and not @opt.act[:ao][:set]==:on ##SiSU_Assemble::Composite.new(@opt).read #SiSU_AO::Source.new(@opt).read # -m @env.processing_path.composite_file \ + '/' \ + @opt.fnb \ + '.ssm.sst' elsif composite_src @env.processing_path.composite_file \ + '/' \ + @opt.fnb \ + '.ssm.sst' else @env.path.pwd + '/' \ + @opt.fns end end def read_composite #print __FILE__ + ':' #p __LINE__ end def sisuyaml_rc sisurc=@env.path.sisurc_path if FileTest.file?(sisurc) FileUtils::cp_r(sisurc,@git_path[:conf]) end end def read_src print __FILE__ + ':' p __LINE__ end def composite_src? @opt.fns=~/\.ssm$/ ? true : false end def sisusrc_files populate.copy_src_head if composite_src? populate.copy_related_sst_ssi end #parse_file_name=locate_parse_file #parse_file=IO.readlines(parse_file_name,'') populate.sisuyaml_rc #(parse_file) #populate.extract_composite_source #populate.read_composite # or read_each_composite populate.identify_language_versions end self end end end __END__ @file.output_path.sisugit #+END_SRC ** qrcode.rb #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle "../lib/sisu/qrcode.rb" # <<sisu_document_header>> module SiSU_QRcode require_relative 'se' # se.rb include SiSU_Env require_relative 'prog_text_translation' # prog_text_translation.rb require_relative 'se_hub_particulars' # se_hub_particulars.rb include SiSU_Particulars require_relative 'html' # html.rb require_relative 'dp' # dp.rb include SiSU_Param require_relative 'generic_parts' # generic_parts.rb require_relative 'i18n' # i18n.rb class Source def initialize(opt) @opt=opt @particulars=SiSU_Particulars::CombinedSingleton.instance.get_all(opt) l=SiSU_Env::StandardiseLanguage.new(@opt.lng).language @doc_language=l[:n] end def read begin @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new(@opt.fns,@opt) @md=SiSU_Param::Parameters.new(@opt).get xbrowser=@env.program.web_browser browser=@env.program.console_web_browser unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on url_html="file://#{@md.file.output_path.manifest.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.manifest}" (@opt.act[:verbose][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on) \ ? SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], 'QR code', "#{xbrowser} #{url_html}" ).green_hi_blue : SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], 'QR code', "[#{@opt.f_pth[:lng_is]}] #{@opt.fns}" ).green_title_hi if (@opt.act[:verbose][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on) SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], "#{browser} #{url_html}" ).grey_tab end end data=SiSU_HTML::Source::HTML_Environment.new(@particulars).tuned_file_instructions OutputInfo.new(@md).check_output(data) rescue SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@opt.selections.str,@opt.fns).location do __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__ end ensure end end private class OutputInfo <Source include SiSU_Parts_Generic def initialize(md) @manifest={ txt: [], txt_title: [] } @md,@fns=md,md.fns @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new(@md.fns,@md.opt) @fnb=@md.fnb @base_url="#{@env.url.root}/#{@fnb}" @f=SiSU_Env::FileOp.new(@md) @base_path=@f.output_path.manifest.dir @@dg ||=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new.digest(@md.opt).type @dg=@@dg l=SiSU_Env::StandardiseLanguage.new(@md.opt.lng).language @language=l[:n] @translate=SiSU_Translate::Source.new(@md,@language) @f.make_path(@f.output_path.qrcode.dir) end def spaces Ax[:spaces] end def output_metadata fn=@f.base_filename.manifest_txt mn='' if @md.opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on fn=@f.base_filename.manifest_txt manifest=@f.write_file.manifest_txt end @manifest[:txt].each do |x| x=x.gsub(/\\\\/m,"\n") puts x if @md.opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on manifest << x if @md.opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on mn += x end manifest.close if @md.opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on cmd=SiSU_Env::SystemCall.new(mn,@f.place_file.qrcode_md.dir,@md.opt.selections.str) cmd.qrencode end def output_metadata_short mn='' @manifest[:txt_title].each do |x| mn += x end cmd=SiSU_Env::SystemCall.new(mn,@f.place_file.qrcode_title.dir,@md.opt.selections.str) cmd.qrencode end def summarize(id,file,pth='',rel='',url='',img='● ') size=(File.size("#{pth}/#{file}")/1024.00).to_s kb=/([0-9]+\.[0-9]{0,1})/m.match(size)[1] @manifest[:txt] <<<<WOK #{id} #{kb} #{the_text.url_open}#{url}/#{file}#{the_text.url_close} WOK end def summarize_html_seg(id,file,pth='',rel='',url='',img='● ') size=(File.size("#{pth}/#{file}")/1024.00).to_s kb=/([0-9]+\.[0-9]{0,1})/m.match(size)[1] @manifest[:txt] <<<<WOK #{id} #{kb} #{the_text.url_open}#{url}/#{file}#{the_text.url_close} WOK end def summarize_sources(id,file,pth,rel,url) sys=SiSU_Env::SystemCall.new dgst=case @dg when :sha512 (sys.sha512("#{pth}/#{file}")) #check when :md5 (sys.md5("#{pth}/#{file}")) else (sys.sha256("#{pth}/#{file}")) end dgst=dgst ? dgst : [ '', 'n/a' ] if (@md.opt.act[:verbose][:set]==:on \ || @md.opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \ || @md.opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on) SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @md.opt.selections.str, "#{dgst[1]} #{file}" ).warn end size=(File.size("#{pth}/#{file}")/1024.00).to_s kb=/([0-9]+\.[0-9]{0,1})/m.match(size)[1] @manifest[:txt] <<<<WOK #{id} #{dgst[1]} #{kb} #{the_text.url_open}#{url}/#{file}#{the_text.url_close} WOK end def published_manifests? @f=SiSU_Env::FileOp.new(@md) #.base_filename @m=[] url=@f.output_path.base.url manifests={} mp,mn,mt=nil,nil,nil ln=SiSU_i18n::Languages.new.language.list Px[:lng_lst].each do |lc| if @env.output_dir_structure.by_language_code? mp="#{@f.output_path.base.dir}/#{lc}/manifest" mn="#{@md.fnb}.html" mt="#{mp}/#{mn}" mu="#{url}/#{lc}/manifest/#{mn}" elsif @env.output_dir_structure.by_filetype? mp="#{@f.output_path.base.dir}/manifest" mn="#{@md.fnb}.#{lc}.html" mt="#{mp}/#{mn}" mu="#{url}/manifest/#{mn}" else mp="#{@f.output_path.base.dir}/#{@md.fnb}" mn="sisu_manifest.#{lc}.html" mt="#{mp}/#{mn}" mu="#{url}/#{mn}" end if FileTest.directory?(mp) \ && FileTest.file?(mt) lng=ln[lc][:t] manifests[lc]={ ln: lng, fn: mn } @m << { mu: mu, l: lng } end end #manifests @m=@m.uniq @m end def languages(id,file) flv=published_manifests? flv.each do |l| SiSU_Translate::Source.new(@md,@language,l[:n]).language_list @manifest[:txt] << "#{l[:mu]} #{l[:l]}\n" end end def published_languages(id,file) flv=published_manifests? flv.each do |l| @manifest[:txt] << "#{l[:l]} #{the_text.url_open}#{l[:mu]}#{the_text.url_close}\n" end end def metadata(id,info) info=info.to_s.gsub(/#{Mx[:br_line]}/,"\n") @manifest[:txt] << %{#{id}: #{info}\n} end def md_title_info(id,info) info=info.to_s.gsub(/#{Mx[:br_line]}/,"\n") @manifest[:txt_title] << %{#{info}\n} end def links(url,lnk,target) static=if url =~/^\.\// then url.gsub(/^\.(\.)?/,@base_url) elsif url =~/^\.\.\// then url.gsub(/^\.(\.)?/,@env.url.root) else url end @manifest[:txt] << %{#{url} #{lnk} #{the_text.url_open}#{static}#{the_text.url_close}\n} end def output_tests if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.html_segtoc.dir)==true pth=@f.output_path.html_seg.dir rel=@f.output_path.html_seg.rel_sm url=@f.output_path.html_seg.url id,file='HTML, table of contents (for segmented text)',@f.base_filename.html_segtoc summarize_html_seg(id,file,pth,rel,url) end if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.html_scroll.dir)==true pth=@f.output_path.html_scroll.dir rel=@f.output_path.html_scroll.rel_sm url=@f.output_path.html_scroll.url id,file='HTML, full length document',@f.base_filename.html_scroll summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url) end if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.html_book_index.dir)==true pth=@f.output_path.html_seg.dir rel=@f.output_path.html_seg.rel_sm url=@f.output_path.html_seg.url id,file='HTML, (book type) index',@f.base_filename.html_book_index summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url) end if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.html_concordance.dir)==true pth=@f.output_path.html_seg.dir rel=@f.output_path.html_seg.rel_sm url=@f.output_path.html_seg.url id,file='HTML, concordance file',@f.base_filename.html_concordance summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url) end if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.epub.dir)==true id,file='EPUB (Electronic Publication, e-book standard)',@f.base_filename.epub pth=@f.output_path.epub.dir rel=@f.output_path.epub.rel_sm url=@f.output_path.epub.url summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url) end if FileTest.file?("#{@f.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@f.base_filename.pdf_p_letter}")==true pth=@f.output_path.pdf.dir rel=@f.output_path.pdf.rel_sm url=@f.output_path.pdf.url id,file="PDF, U.S. letter size, portrait/vertical","#{@f.base_filename.pdf_p_letter}" summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url) end if FileTest.file?("#{@f.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@f.base_filename.pdf_l_letter}")==true pth=@f.output_path.pdf.dir rel=@f.output_path.pdf.rel_sm url=@f.output_path.pdf.url id,file="PDF, U.S. letter size, landscape/horizontal","#{@f.base_filename.pdf_l_letter}" summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url) end if FileTest.file?("#{@f.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@f.base_filename.pdf_p_a4}")==true pth=@f.output_path.pdf.dir rel=@f.output_path.pdf.rel_sm url=@f.output_path.pdf.url id,file="PDF, A4 size, portrait/vertical","#{@f.base_filename.pdf_p_a4}" summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url) end if FileTest.file?("#{@f.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@f.base_filename.pdf_l_a4}")==true pth=@f.output_path.pdf.dir rel=@f.output_path.pdf.rel_sm url=@f.output_path.pdf.url id,file="PDF, A4 size, landscape/horizontal","#{@f.base_filename.pdf_l_a4}" summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url) end if FileTest.file?("#{@f.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@f.base_filename.pdf_p_a5}")==true pth=@f.output_path.pdf.dir rel=@f.output_path.pdf.rel_sm url=@f.output_path.pdf.url id,file="PDF, A5 (book) size, portrait/vertical","#{@f.base_filename.pdf_p_a5}" summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url) end if FileTest.file?("#{@f.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@f.base_filename.pdf_l_a5}")==true pth=@f.output_path.pdf.dir rel=@f.output_path.pdf.rel_sm url=@f.output_path.pdf.url id,file="PDF, A5 (book) size, landscape/horizontal","#{@f.base_filename.pdf_l_a5}" summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url) end if FileTest.file?("#{@f.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@f.base_filename.pdf_p_b5}")==true pth=@f.output_path.pdf.dir rel=@f.output_path.pdf.rel_sm url=@f.output_path.pdf.url id,file="PDF, B5 (book) size, portrait/vertical","#{@f.base_filename.pdf_p_b5}" summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url) end if FileTest.file?("#{@f.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@f.base_filename.pdf_l_b5}")==true pth=@f.output_path.pdf.dir rel=@f.output_path.pdf.rel_sm url=@f.output_path.pdf.url id,file="PDF, B5 (book) size, landscape/horizontal","#{@f.base_filename.pdf_l_b5}" summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url) end if FileTest.file?("#{@f.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@f.base_filename.pdf_p_legal}")==true pth=@f.output_path.pdf.dir rel=@f.output_path.pdf.rel_sm url=@f.output_path.pdf.url id,file="PDF, U.S. legal size, portrait/vertical","#{@f.base_filename.pdf_p_legal}" summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url) end if FileTest.file?("#{@f.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@f.base_filename.pdf_l_legal}")==true pth=@f.output_path.pdf.dir rel=@f.output_path.pdf.rel_sm url=@f.output_path.pdf.url id,file="PDF, U.S. legal size, landscape/horizontal","#{@f.base_filename.pdf_l_legal}" summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url) end if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.odt.dir)==true pth=@f.output_path.odt.dir rel=@f.output_path.odt.rel_sm url=@f.output_path.odf.url id,file='ODF:ODT (Open Document Format)',@f.base_filename.odt summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url) end if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.xhtml.dir)==true pth=@f.output_path.xhtml.dir rel=@f.output_path.xhtml.rel_sm url=@f.output_path.xhtml.url id,file='ODF:ODT (Open Document Format)',@f.base_filename.odt id,file='XHTML',@f.base_filename.xhtml summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url) end if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.xml_sax.dir)==true pth=@f.output_path.xml_sax.dir rel=@f.output_path.xml_sax.rel_sm url=@f.output_path.xml_sax.url id,file='XML SAX',@f.base_filename.xml_sax summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url) end if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.xml_dom.dir)==true pth=@f.output_path.xml_dom.dir rel=@f.output_path.xml_dom.rel_sm url=@f.output_path.xml_dom.url id,file='XML DOM',@f.base_filename.xml_dom summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url) end if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.txt.dir)==true id='Plaintext (UTF-8)' #id=if @md.opt.selections.str =~/a/ then 'Plaintext (Unix (UTF-8) with footnotes)' #elsif @md.opt.selections.str =~/e/ then 'Plaintext (Unix (UTF-8) with endnotes)' #elsif @md.opt.selections.str =~/A/ then 'Plaintext (dos (UTF-8) with footnotes)' #elsif @md.opt.selections.str =~/E/ then 'Plaintext (dos (UTF-8) with endnotes)' #else 'Plaintext (UTF-8)' #end pth=@f.output_path.txt.dir rel=@f.output_path.txt.rel_sm url=@f.output_path.txt.url file=@f.base_filename.txt summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url) end if FileTest.file?("#{@base_path}/#{@md.fns}.tex")==true id,file='LaTeX (portrait)',"#{@md.fns}.tex" pth,rel,url='','','' summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url) end if FileTest.file?("#{@base_path}/#{@md.fns}.tex")==true id,file='LaTeX (landscape)',"#{@md.fns}.landscape.tex" pth,rel,url='','','' summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url) end if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.manpage.dir)==true pth=@f.output_path.manpage.dir rel=@f.output_path.manpage.rel_sm url=@f.output_path.manpage.url id,file='Manpage',@f.base_filename.manpage summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url) end if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.texinfo.dir)==true pth=@f.output_path.texinfo.dir rel=@f.output_path.texinfo.rel_sm url=@f.output_path.texinfo.url id,file='Texinfo',@f.base_filename.texinfo summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url) end if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.hash_digest.dir)==true pth=@f.output_path.hash_digest.dir rel=@f.output_path.hash_digest.rel_sm url=@f.output_path.hash_digest.url id,file="Digest/DCC - Document Content Certificate (#{@dg})",@f.base_filename.hash_digest summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url) end end def published_versions id,file='Markup (SiSU source)',@md.fns #languages(id,file) published_languages(id,file) end def language_versions if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.manifest.dir)==true id,file='Markup (SiSU source)',@md.fns published_languages(id,file) end end def source_tests if @md.fns =~/\.ssm\.sst$/ #% decide whether to extract and include requested/required documents if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.src.dir)==true pth=@f.output_path.src.dir rel=@f.output_path.src.rel url=@f.output_path.src.url id,file='Markup Composite File (SiSU source)',@f.base_filename.src summarize_sources(id,file,pth,rel,url) end else if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.src.dir)==true pth=@f.output_path.src.dir rel=@f.output_path.src.rel url=@f.output_path.src.url id,file='Markup (SiSU source)',@f.base_filename.src summarize_sources(id,file,pth,rel,url) end end if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.sisupod.dir)==true pth=@f.output_path.sisupod.dir rel=@f.output_path.sisupod.rel url=@f.output_path.sisupod.url id,file='SiSU doc (zip)',@f.base_filename.sisupod summarize_sources(id,file,pth,rel,url) end if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.pot.dir)==true pth=@f.output_path.pot.dir rel=@f.output_path.pot.rel_sm url=@f.output_path.pot.url id,file='SiSU pot',@f.base_filename.pot summarize_sources(id,file,pth,rel,url) end end def metadata_tests if defined? @md.title.full \ and @md.title.full=~/\S+/ id,info=@translate.full_title,@md.title.full #id,info=@translate.full_title,%{"#{@md.title.full}"} metadata(id,info) md_title_info(id,info) end if defined? @md.creator.author \ and @md.creator.author=~/\S+/ id,info=@translate.author,@md.creator.author metadata(id,info) md_title_info(id,info) end if defined? @md.creator.editor \ and @md.creator.editor=~/\S+/ id,info=@translate.editor,@md.creator.editor metadata(id,info) end if defined? @md.creator.contributor \ and @md.creator.contributor=~/\S+/ id,info=@translate.contributor,@md.creator.contributor metadata(id,info) end if defined? @md.creator.translator \ and @md.creator.translator=~/\S+/ id,info=@translate.translator,%{(#{@md.creator.translator})} metadata(id,info) md_title_info(id,info) end if defined? @md.creator.illustrator \ and @md.creator.illustrator=~/\S+/ id,info=@translate.illustrator,@md.creator.illustrator metadata(id,info) end if defined? @md.publisher \ and @md.publisher=~/\S+/ #dc id,info=@translate.publisher,@md.publisher metadata(id,info) end if defined? @md.creator.prepared_by \ and @md.creator.prepared_by=~/\S+/ id,info=@translate.prepared_by,@md.creator.prepared_by metadata(id,info) end if defined? @md.creator.digitized_by \ and @md.creator.digitized_by=~/\S+/ id,info=@translate.digitized_by,@md.creator.digitized_by metadata(id,info) end if defined? @md.rights.all \ and @md.rights.all=~/\S+/ #dc id,info=@translate.rights,@md.rights.all metadata(id,info) end if defined? @md.date.published if defined? @md.date.published \ and @md.date.published=~/\S+/ #dc id,info=@translate.date,@md.date.published metadata(id,info) md_title_info(id,info) end if defined? @md.date.created \ and @md.date.created=~/\S+/ #dc id,info=@translate.date_created,@md.date.created metadata(id,info) end if defined? @md.date.issued \ and @md.date.issued=~/\S+/ #dc id,info=@translate.date_issued,@md.date.issued metadata(id,info) end if defined? @md.date.available \ and @md.date.available=~/\S+/ #dc id,info=@translate.date_available,@md.date.available metadata(id,info) end if defined? @md.date.modified \ and @md.date.modified=~/\S+/ #dc id,info=@translate.date_modified,@md.date.modified metadata(id,info) end if defined? @md.date.valid \ and @md.date.valid=~/\S+/ #dc id,info=@translate.date_valid,@md.date.valid metadata(id,info) end end if defined? @md.title.language \ and @md.title.language=~/\S+/ id,info=@translate.language,@md.title.language metadata(id,info) end if defined? @md.original.language \ and @md.original.language=~/\S+/ id,info=@translate.language_original,@md.original.language metadata(id,info) end if defined? @md.classify.subject \ and @md.classify.subject=~/\S+/ id,info=@translate.subject,@md.classify.subject metadata(id,info) end if defined? @md.classify.keywords \ and @md.classify.keywords=~/\S+/ id,info=@translate.keywords,@md.classify.keywords metadata(id,info) end if defined? @md.classify.loc \ and @md.classify.loc=~/\S+/ id,info=@translate.cls_loc,@md.classify.loc metadata(id,info) end if defined? @md.classify.dewey \ and @md.classify.dewey=~/\S+/ id,info=@translate.cls_dewey,@md.classify.dewey metadata(id,info) end if defined? @md.notes.description \ and @md.notes.description=~/\S+/ id,info=@translate.description,@md.notes.description metadata(id,info) end if defined? @md.notes.abstract \ and @md.notes.abstract=~/\S+/ id,info=@translate.abstract,@md.notes.abstract metadata(id,info) end if defined? @md.notes.comment \ and @md.notes.comment=~/\S+/ id,info=@translate.comments,@md.notes.comment metadata(id,info) end if defined? @md.notes.coverage \ and @md.notes.coverage=~/\S+/ id,info=@translate.coverage,@md.notes.coverage metadata(id,info) end if defined? @md.notes.relation \ and @md.notes.relation=~/\S+/ id,info=@translate.relation,@md.notes.relation metadata(id,info) end #if defined? @md.notes.source \ #and @md.notes.source=~/\S+/ # id,info=@translate.source,@md.notes.source # metadata(id,info) #end #if defined? @md.notes.history \ #and @md.notes.history=~/\S+/ # id,info=@translate.history,@md.notes.history # metadata(id,info) #end if defined? @md.notes.type \ and @md.notes.type=~/\S+/ #dc id,info=@translate.type,@md.type metadata(id,info) end if defined? @md.notes.format \ and @md.notes.format=~/\S+/ id,info=@transate.format,@md.notes.format metadata(id,info) end if defined? @md.notes.prefix_a \ and @md.notes.prefix_a=~/\S+/ id,info=@translate.prefix_a,@md.notes.prefix_a metadata(id,info) end if defined? @md.notes.prefix_b \ and @md.notes.prefix_b=~/\S+/ id,info=@translate.prefix_b,@md.notes.prefix_b metadata(id,info) end if defined? @md.original.source \ and @md.original.source=~/\S+/ id,info=@translate.source,@md.original.source metadata(id,info) end if defined? @md.identifier.oclc \ and @md.identifier.oclc=~/\S+/ id,info=@translate.cls_oclc,@md.identifier.oclc @manifest[:txt] << %{#{id}:\n} @manifest[:txt] << %{#{info}\n} end if defined? @md.identifier.isbn \ and @md.identifier.isbn=~/\S+/ id,info=@translate.cls_isbn,@md.identifier.isbn metadata(id,info) end if defined? @md.topic_register_array \ and @md.topic_register_array.length > 0 @manifest[:txt] << %{#{@translate.topic_register}:\n} @md.topic_register_array.each do |t| t.each_with_index do |st,i| if st.is_a?(Array) st.each do |v| @manifest[:txt] << %{#{spaces*i}#{v}\n} end else @manifest[:txt] << %{#{spaces*i}#{st}\n} end end end end if @md.fns id,info=@translate.sourcefile,@md.fns metadata(id,info) end if @md.en[:mismatch] > 0 id,info='WARNING document error in endnote markup, number mismatch',"endnotes: #{@md.en[:note]} != endnote reference marks: #{@md.en[:mark]} (difference = #{@md.en[:mismatch]})" metadata(id,info) end if @md.wc_words id,info=@translate.word_count,@md.wc_words metadata(id,info) end if @md.dgst id,info="#{@translate.sourcefile_digest} (#{@dg})",@md.dgst[1] metadata(id,info) end if @md.sc_number id,info=@translate.sc_number,@md.sc_number metadata(id,info) end if @md.sc_date id,info=@translate.sc_date,"#{@md.sc_date} at #{@md.sc_time}" metadata(id,info) end end def check_output(data) begin @f=SiSU_Env::FileOp.new(@md) #.base_filename url=@f.output_path.base.url @en_manifest=if @env.output_dir_structure.by_language_code? "#{url}/en/manifest/#{@md.fnb}.html" elsif @env.output_dir_structure.by_filetype? "#{url}/manifest/#{@md.fnb}.#{@md.opt.lng}.html" else "#{url}/sisu_manifest.#{@md.opt.lng}.html" end @manifest[:txt] <<<<WOK #{@translate.manifest_description_metadata} #{the_text.url_open}#{@en_manifest}#{the_text.url_close} WOK metadata_tests @manifest[:txt_title] <<<<WOK #{the_text.url_open}#{@en_manifest}#{the_text.url_close} WOK source_tests @manifest[:txt] <<<<WOK #{@translate.language_version_list} WOK language_versions output_metadata output_metadata_short rescue SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@md.opt.selections.str,@md.fns).location do __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__ end ensure end end end end end __END__ #+END_SRC ** relaxng.rb #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle "../lib/sisu/relaxng.rb" # <<sisu_document_header>> module SiSU_Relaxng require_relative 'se' # se.rb class RelaxNG def gpl3_or_later @gpl3_or_later =<<RELAXNG =begin * Name: SiSU generated relaxng * Description: generated relaxng for SiSU (SiSU is a framework for document structuring, publishing and search) * Author: Ralph Amissah * Copyright: (C) 1997 - 2013 Ralph Amissah All Rights Reserved. * License: GPL 3 or later: SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search Copyright: (C) 1997 - 2013 Ralph Amissah This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be available at these locations: <http://www.fsf.org/licenses/gpl.html> [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html] <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/gpl.fsf> * SiSU uses: * Standard SiSU markup syntax, * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system * Homepages: [http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu] [http://www.sisudoc.org] * Ralph Amissah [ralph@amissah.com] [ralph.amissah@gmail.com] =end RELAXNG end def rnc_name def output_sax 'sisu_sax.rnc' end def output_dom 'sisu_dom.rnc' end def output_xhtml 'sisu_xhtml.rnc' end def input_sax 'sisu_sax.rnc' end def input_dom 'sisu_dom.rnc' end def input_node 'sisu_node.rnc' end self end def rng_name def output_sax 'sisu_sax.rng' end def output_dom 'sisu_dom.rng' end def output_xhtml 'sisu_xhtml.rng' end def input_sax 'sisu_sax.rng' end def input_dom 'sisu_dom.rng' end def input_node 'sisu_node.rng' end self end def xsd_name def output_sax 'sisu_sax.xsd' end def output_dom 'sisu_dom.xsd' end def output_xhtml 'sisu_xhtml.xsd' end def input_sax 'sisu_sax.xsd' end def input_dom 'sisu_dom.xsd' end def input_node 'sisu_node.xsd' end self end def rnc_sisu_object_input @relaxng =<<RELAXNG #%% sisu object model: input #{gpl3_or_later} #%% definitions # dublin core: element-semantic = element semantic { # dublin core: element title { text } & element creator { text }? & element subject { text }? & element description { text }? & element publisher { text }? & element contributor { text }? & element date { text }? & element date.created { text }? & element date.issued { text }? & element date.available { text }? & element date.valid { text }? & element date.modified { text }? & element type { text }? & element format { text }? & element identifier { text }? & element source { text }? & element relation { text }? & element coverage { text }? & element rights { text }? & element keywords { text }? # extended semantic metadata: & attribute subtitle { text }? & attribute illustrator { text }? & attribute translator { text }? & attribute prepared_by { text }? & attribute digitized_by { text }? & attribute language { text }? & attribute language.original { text }? & attribute classify.pg { text }? & attribute classify.isbn { text }? & attribute classify.dewey { text }? & attribute classify.loc { text }? & attribute prefix.a { text }? & attribute prefix.b { text }? & attribute suffix { text }? & attribute comments { text }? & attribute abstract { text }? # & attribute information { text }? & attribute contact { text }? & attribute links { text }? } element-processing = element processing { attribute structure { text }? & attribute level { text }? & attribute markup { text }? & attribute bold { text }? & attribute italics { text }? & attribute papersize { text }? & attribute vocabulary { text }? & element date_scheme { text }? & element date.issued.scheme { text }? & element date.available.scheme { text }? & element date.valid.scheme { text }? & element date.modified.scheme { text }? }? element-head = element head { # processing instructions, and semantic data, distinguish?: element metadata { element title { text }, element file { text }, element generator { text }, element-semantic, element-processing }+ } # body text/contents # includes <b> <i> <u> <del> <ins> <indent1> <bullet> etc. element-txt = element txt { text* & element b { text }* & element i { text }* & element u { text }* & element ins { text }* & element del { text }* } element-endnote = element endnote { element number { text }, element note { element-txt }+ }+ element-para = element para { # attribute paragraph_format { text }, element-txt+ & element-endnote? } element-external_space = element external_space { # ignored by sisu, provide program needs element program { # e.g. kdissert element name { text }, element xpos { text }, element ypos { text }, element font { text }, element outline_color { text }, element text_color { text }, element comment { text } }* }*, #%% structure element document { # document head: element-head, # document body: element body { # object, a unit of text, usually a paragraph with any associated endnotes element node { element structure { # structure document using either node:heading levels or node:heading relationships: # (i) sisu default uses node:heading levels (1-6 or A-C,1-3) to build document structure element level { text }?, # (ii) sisu alternatively could use node:heading relationship information to build document structure element node.id { text }, element node.parent { text }, element node.child { text }* }, element node.objects { element object.heading { # nametag used only in headings, especially important for segmented html element nametag { text }, element-para }, element object.para { element-para }* }+, element-external_space }+ } } RELAXNG end def rnc_sisu_object_ao @relaxng =<<RELAXNG #%% sisu object model: ao #{gpl3_or_later} #%% definitions # dublin core: element-semantic = element semantic { # dublin core: element title { text } & element creator { text }? & element subject { text }? & element description { text }? & element publisher { text }? & element contributor { text }? & element date { text }? & element date.created { text }? & element date.issued { text }? & element date.available { text }? & element date.valid { text }? & element date.modified { text }? & element type { text }? & element format { text }? & element identifier { text }? & element source { text }? & element relation { text }? & element coverage { text }? & element rights { text }? & element keywords { text }? # extended semantic metadata: & attribute subtitle { text }? & attribute illustrator { text }? & attribute translator { text }? & attribute prepared_by { text }? & attribute digitized_by { text }? & attribute language { text }? & attribute language.original { text }? & attribute classify.pg { text }? & attribute classify.isbn { text }? & attribute classify.dewey { text }? & attribute classify.loc { text }? & attribute prefix.a { text }? & attribute prefix.b { text }? & attribute suffix { text }? & attribute comments { text }? & attribute abstract { text }? # & attribute information { text }? & attribute contact { text }? & attribute links { text }? } element-processing = element processing { attribute structure { text }? & attribute level { text }? & attribute markup { text }? & attribute bold { text }? & attribute italics { text }? & attribute papersize { text }? & attribute vocabulary { text }? & element date_scheme { text }? & element date.issued.scheme { text }? & element date.available.scheme { text }? & element date.valid.scheme { text }? & element date.modified.scheme { text }? }? element-head = element head { # processing instructions, and semantic data, distinguish?: element metadata { element title { text }, element file { text }, element generator { text }, element-semantic, element-processing }+ } # body text/contents # includes <b> <i> <u> <del> <ins> <indent1> <bullet> etc. element-txt = element txt { text* & element b { text }* & element i { text }* & element u { text }* & element ins { text }* & element del { text }* } element-checksum.endnote = element checksum.clean { text } element-endnote = element endnote { element number { text }, element note { element-txt }+, element-checksum.endnote }+ element-checksum.para = element checksum.para { element checksum.clean { text }, element checksum.marked { text } } element-para = element para { # attribute paragraph_format { text }, element-txt+ & element-endnote? } element-object = element object { element-para, element-checksum.para } # object citation number, unique sequential number for objects: element-ocn = element ocn { text } element-object_structure_summary = element-ocn, # type: heading level value 1 -6, or normal text element type { text }, # type number: sequential number for designated type element type_number { text }, # type category: sequential number for designated category, e.g. sequentially counting all headers element category_number { text } element-external_space = element external_space { # ignored by sisu, provide program needs element program { # e.g. kdissert element name { text }, element xpos { text }, element ypos { text }, element font { text }, element outline_color { text }, element text_color { text }, element comment { text } }* }*, #%% structure element document { # document head: element-head, # document body: element body { # object, a unit of text, usually a paragraph with any associated endnotes element node { element structure { # structure document using either node:heading levels or node:heading relationships: # (i) sisu default uses node:heading levels (1-6 or A-C,1-3) to build document structure element level { text }?, # (ii) sisu alternatively could use node:heading relationship information to build document structure element node.id { text }, element node.parent { text }, element node.child { text }* }, element node.objects { element object.heading { element-object_structure_summary, # nametag used only in headings, especially important for segmented html element nametag { text }, element-object }, element object.para { element-object_structure_summary, element-object }* }+, element-external_space }+ } } RELAXNG end def rnc_model_output_sax @relaxng =<<RELAXNG #% sax output model, part of SiSU and distributed under the same license default namespace = "" namespace xl = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" start = element document { element head { (br | meta | element creator { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, (text | element link { attribute xl:href { xsd:anyURI }, attribute xl:type { xsd:NCName }, xsd:anyURI })+ } | element date { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date_available { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date_created { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date_issued { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date_modified { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date_valid { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, xsd:NMTOKEN } | element keywords { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, text } | element language { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, xsd:NCName } | element meta { xsd:NMTOKEN } | element rights { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, (text | link)+ } | element source { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, text } | element structure { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, text } | element subject { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, text } | element title { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, text } | element type { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, text } | element source_control { (br | meta | element sc { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, text })+ })+ }, element body { element object { attribute id { text }, element ocn { text }, element text { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, (text | b | br | del | en | i | link | sub | sup | u | element image { attribute alt { text }?, attribute height { xsd:integer }?, attribute width { xsd:integer }?, attribute xl:actuate { xsd:NCName }, attribute xl:href { text }, attribute xl:show { xsd:NCName }, attribute xl:type { xsd:NCName } })+ }?, element table { attribute align { xsd:NCName }, attribute bgcolor { xsd:NCName }, attribute border { xsd:integer }, attribute cellpadding { xsd:integer }, attribute summary { text }, attribute width { text }, element tr { element td { attribute valign { xsd:NCName }, attribute width { text }, (text | b | i)+ }+ }+ }?, element endnote { attribute notenumber { xsd:integer }?, attribute symbol { text }?, (element number { xsd:integer } | element symbol { text }), element note { (text | b | br | del | i | link | sup | u | element em { xsd:NCName } | element sub { xsd:NCName })+ } }* }+ } } meta = element meta { text } br = element br { empty } b = element b { (text | en | i | link | sup)+ } i = element i { (text | b | br | sup)+ } en = element en { text } sub = element sub { xsd:NCName } sup = element sup { xsd:NCName } link = element link { attribute xl:href { xsd:anyURI }, attribute xl:type { xsd:NCName }, (xsd:anyURI | text | b | i | sup)+ } u = element u { (text | b | i)+ } del = element del { (text | b | i | link)+ } RELAXNG end def rnc_model_output_dom @relaxng =<<RELAXNG #% dom output model, part of SiSU and distributed under the same license default namespace = "" namespace xl = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" start = element document { element head { element header { meta, (element creator { text } | element date { xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date_available { xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date_created { xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date_issued { xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date_modified { xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date_valid { xsd:NMTOKEN } | element keywords { text } | element language { xsd:NCName } | element rights { (text | link)+ } | element source { text } | element structure { text } | element subject { text } | element title { text } | element type { text } | element source_control { (br | meta | element sc { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, text })+ }) }+ }, element body { element heading1 { heading, contents1*, element heading2 { heading, contents1*, element heading3 { heading, element contents1 { heading, content, element contents2 { heading, content, element contents3 { heading, content }* }* }+ }* }* }+ } } meta = element meta { text } br = element br { empty } heading = element heading { object } contents1 = element contents1 { heading, content, element contents2 { heading, content, element contents3 { heading, content }* }* } content = element content { object* } object = element object { attribute id { xsd:integer }, element ocn { text }, element nametag { text }?, (element table { attribute align { xsd:NCName }, attribute bgcolor { xsd:NCName }, attribute border { xsd:integer }, attribute cellpadding { xsd:integer }, attribute summary { text }, attribute width { text }, element tr { element td { attribute valign { xsd:NCName }, attribute width { text }, (text | b | i)+ }+ }+ } | element text { attribute class { xsd:NCName }?, (text | b | del | endnote | i | link | element br { empty } | element endnote { element number { xsd:integer }, element note { (text | i | link)+ } } | element image { attribute height { xsd:integer }, attribute width { xsd:integer }, attribute xl:actuate { xsd:NCName }, attribute xl:href { text }, attribute xl:show { xsd:NCName }, attribute xl:type { xsd:NCName } } | element sub { text })+ }) } i = element i { text } b = element i { text } u = element u { (text | b | i)+ } sub = element sub { xsd:NCName } sup = element sup { xsd:NCName } del = element del { (text | b | i | link)+ } link = element link { attribute xl:href { xsd:anyURI }, attribute xl:type { xsd:NCName }, xsd:anyURI } endnote = element endnote { (element number { xsd:integer } | element symbol { text }), element note { (text | b | br | del | i | link | sub | sup | u | element em { xsd:NCName } | element sub { xsd:NCName })+ } } RELAXNG end def rnc_model_output_xhtml #not done @relaxng =<<RELAXNG #% xhtml output model, part of SiSU and distributed under the same license default namespace = "" namespace xl = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" start = element document { element head { (br | element creator { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, (text | element link { attribute xl:href { xsd:anyURI }, attribute xl:type { xsd:NCName }, xsd:anyURI })+ } | element date { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date_available { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date_created { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date_issued { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date_modified { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date_valid { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, xsd:NMTOKEN } | element language { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, xsd:NCName } | element keywords { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, text } | element meta { attribute content { text }?, attribute http-equiv { xsd:NCName }?, text } | element rights { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, (text | link)+ } | element source { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, text } | element structure { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, text } | element subject { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, text } | element title { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, text } | element type { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, xsd:NCName })+ }, element body { element object { attribute id { xsd:integer }, (element endnote { attribute notenumber { xsd:integer }?, attribute symbol { text }?, (text | b | br | del | i | link | sup | u | element em { xsd:NCName } | element sub { xsd:NCName })+ } | element ocn { text } | element text { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, (text | b | br | del | en | i | link | sup | u | element image { attribute alt { text }?, attribute height { xsd:integer }?, attribute width { xsd:integer }?, attribute xl:actuate { xsd:NCName }, attribute xl:href { text }, attribute xl:show { xsd:NCName }, attribute xl:type { xsd:NCName } } | element sub { text })+ })+, element table { attribute align { xsd:NCName }, attribute bgcolor { xsd:NCName }, attribute border { xsd:integer }, attribute cellpadding { xsd:integer }, attribute summary { text }, attribute width { text }, element tr { element td { attribute valign { xsd:NCName }, attribute width { text }, (text | b | i)+ }+ }+ }? }+ } } br = element br { empty } en = element en { text } sup = element sup { xsd:NCName } i = element i { (text | b | br | sup)+ } link = element link { attribute xl:href { xsd:anyURI }, attribute xl:type { xsd:NCName }, (text | b | i | sup)+ } b = element b { (text | en | i | link | sup)+ } u = element u { (text | b | i)+ } del = element del { (text | b | i | link)+ } RELAXNG end def rnc_model_input_sax @relaxng =<<RELAXNG #% sax input model, part of SiSU and distributed under the same license default namespace = "" start = element document { element head { element header { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, (element creator { text } | element date { xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date.available { xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date.created { xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date.issued { xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date.modified { xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date.valid { xsd:NMTOKEN } | element italicize { text } | element language { xsd:NCName } | element links { text } | element markup { text } | element rights { text } | element subject { text } | element title { text } | element type { xsd:NCName } | element vocabulary { xsd:NCName }) }+ }, element body { element object { element text { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, (text | b | i | element endnote { attribute symbol { xsd:NCName }, (text | i | element br { empty })+ } | element u { i } | element image.path { text })+ }? }+ } } i = element i { text } b = element b { text } RELAXNG end def rnc_model_input_dom @relaxng =<<RELAXNG #% dom input model, part of SiSU and distributed under the same license default namespace = "" start = element document { element head { element header { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, (element creator { text } | element date { xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date.available { xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date.created { xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date.issued { xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date.modified { xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date.valid { xsd:NMTOKEN } | element italicize { text } | element language { xsd:NCName } | element links { text } | element markup { text } | element rights { text } | element subject { text } | element title { text } | element type { xsd:NCName } | element vocabulary { xsd:NCName }) }+ }, element body { element heading1 { heading, element heading2 { heading, contents1+, element heading3 { heading, contents1+ }+ } } } } heading = element heading { object } contents1 = element contents1 { heading, content, element contents2 { heading, content, element contents3 { heading, content }* }* } object = element object { element text { (text | italic | element bold { xsd:NMTOKEN } | element endnote { element symbol { text }?, element note { (text | italic | element br { empty })+ } } | element underscore { italic } | element image.path { text } | element italic { text })+ } } italic = element italic { text } content = element content { object+ } RELAXNG end def rnc_model_input_node @relaxng =<<RELAXNG #% node input model, part of SiSU and distributed under the same license default namespace = "" start = element document { element head { element header { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, (element creator { text } | element date { xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date.available { xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date.created { xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date.issued { xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date.modified { xsd:NMTOKEN } | element date.valid { xsd:NMTOKEN } | element italicize { (text | i)+ } | element language { xsd:NCName } | element links { text } | element markup { text } | element rights { text } | element subject { text } | element title { text } | element type { xsd:NCName } | element vocabulary { xsd:NCName }) }+ }, element body { element object { (element text { attribute class { xsd:NCName }, (text | b | i | element br { empty } | element endnote { attribute symbol { xsd:NCName }, (text | i)+ } | element image.path { text } | element sub { text })+ } | (element ocn { empty }, element table { attribute align { xsd:NCName }, attribute bgcolor { xsd:NCName }, attribute border { xsd:integer }, attribute cellpadding { xsd:integer }, attribute summary { text }, attribute width { text }, element tr { element td { attribute valign { xsd:NCName }, attribute width { text }, (text | b)+ }+ }+ })), element node { element id { xsd:integer }, element parent { xsd:integer }, element offspring { text }? } }+ } } b = element b { text } i = element i { text } RELAXNG end end end __END__ needs updating #+END_SRC ** remote.rb #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle "../lib/sisu/remote.rb" # <<sisu_document_header>> module SiSU_Remote require_relative 'se' # se.rb include SiSU_Env class Put def initialize(opt) @opt=opt @dir=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new(@opt.fns) @put=(@opt.fns =~/\.ssm\.sst$/) \ ? opt.fns.gsub(/(.+)?\.ssm\.sst$/,'\1.ssm') : opt.fns @remote=SiSU_Env::InfoRemote.new(opt) end def rsync SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], 'Remote placement ->', @put ).dark_grey_title_hi unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on @remote.rsync.document end def rsync_base SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], 'Remote placement ->', 'rsync' ).dark_grey_title_hi unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on @remote.rsync.site_base end def rsync_base_sync SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], 'Remote placement ->', 'rsync and sync' ).dark_grey_title_hi unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on @remote.rsync.site_base_sync end def rsync_sitemaps SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], 'Remote placement sitemaps ->', 'rsync' ).dark_grey_title_hi unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on @remote.rsync_sitemaps end def rsync_harvest SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], 'Remote placement metadata harvest ->', 'rsync_harvest' ).dark_grey_title_hi unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on @remote.rsync.site_harvest end def scp SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], 'Remote placement ->', @put ).dark_grey_title_hi unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on @remote.scp.document end def scp_base SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], 'Remote placement of base site ->', 'excluding images' ).dark_grey_title_hi unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on @remote.scp.site_base end def scp_base_all SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], 'Remote placement ->', 'complete' ).dark_grey_title_hi unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on @remote.scp.site_base_all end end class Get def initialize(opt,get_s) @opt,@get_s=opt,get_s @msg,@msgs='',nil @tell=lambda { SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.act[:color_state][:set], @msg, "#{@msgs.inspect if @msgs}") } end def fns begin require 'open-uri' require 'pp' rescue LoadError SiSU_Utils::CodeMarker.new(__LINE__,__FILE__,:fuchsia). error('open-uri or pp NOT FOUND (LoadError)') end require_relative 'ao_composite' # ao_composite.rb @rgx_image=/(?:^|[^_\\])\{\s*(\S+?\.(?:png|jpg|gif))/ threads=[] for requested_page in @get_s re_fnb=/((?:https?|file):\/\/[^\/ ]+?\/[^\/ ]+?)\/\S+?\/([^\/]+?)\.ss(t)/ #revisit and remove DO threads << Thread.new(requested_page) do |url| open(url) do |f| raise "#{url} not found" unless f base_uri,fnb=re_fnb.match(url)[1..2] if re_fnb imagedir=base_uri + '/_sisu/image' #check on downloaded_file=File.new("#{fnb}.-sst",'w+') image_download_url=SiSU_Assemble::RemoteImage.new.image(imagedir) images=[] f.collect.each do |r| # work area unless r =~/^%+\s/ if r !~/^%+\s/ \ and r =~@rgx_image images << r.scan(@rgx_image).uniq end end downloaded_file << r end if images \ and images.length > 1 images=images.flatten.uniq images.delete_if {|x| x =~/https?:\/\// } images=images.sort @msg,@msgs='downloading images:', [ images.join(',') ] @tell.call.warn unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on image_info=image_download_url + images SiSU_Assemble::RemoteImage.new.download_images(image_info) #SiSU_Assemble::RemoteImage.new.download_images(image_download_url,images) @msg,@msgs='downloading done',nil @tell.call.warn unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on end downloaded_file.close end end end threads.each {|thr| thr.join} if threads #and threads.length > 0 end def sisupod get_p=@get_s if get_p.length > 0 #% remote sisupod begin require 'net/http' rescue LoadError SiSU_Utils::CodeMarker.new(__LINE__,__FILE__,:fuchsia). error('net/http NOT FOUND (LoadError)') end for requested_pod in get_p pod_info=RemoteDownload.new(requested_pod) Net::HTTP.start(pod_info.pod.site) do |http| resp=http.get("#{pod_info.pod.path}/#{pod_info.pod.name_source}") open(pod_info.pod.name,'wb') do |file| file.write(resp.body) end end end end end end class RemoteDownload def initialize(requested_file) @requested_file=requested_file end def pod re_p_div=/https?:\/\/([^\/]+)(\/\S+)\/(sisupod\.(?:txz|zip)|\S+?(?:\.ss[mt]\.(?:txz|zip))?|[^\/]+?\.ssp)$/ re_p=/(sisupod\.(?:txz|zip)|\S+?\.ss[mt]\.(?:txz|zip)?|[^\/]+?\.ssp)$/ if @requested_file =~ re_p_div @site,@pth,@pod= re_p_div.match(@requested_file).captures elsif @requested_file =~ re_p @pod=re_p.match(@requested_file).captures.join end def site @site end def path @pth end def dir_stub re_p_stub=/.+?([^\/]+)$/ re_p_stub.match(path).captures.join if path end def name_source @pod end def name name_source end self end end end __END__ #+END_SRC ** rexml.rb #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle "../lib/sisu/rexml.rb" # <<sisu_document_header>> module SiSU_Rexml # load XML file for REXML parsing begin require 'rexml/document' \ if FileTest.directory?("#{RbConfig::CONFIG['rubylibdir']}/rexml") #RbConfig::CONFIG['sitedir'] rescue LoadError SiSU_Utils::CodeMarker.new(__LINE__,__FILE__,:fuchsia). error('rexml/document NOT FOUND (LoadError)') end require_relative 'dp' # dp.rb include SiSU_Param require_relative 'se' # se.rb include SiSU_Env class Rexml begin require 'rexml/document' \ if FileTest.directory?("#{RbConfig::CONFIG['rubylibdir']}/rexml") #RbConfig::CONFIG['sitedir'] rescue LoadError SiSU_Utils::CodeMarker.new(__LINE__,__FILE__,:fuchsia). error('rexml/document NOT FOUND (LoadError)') end def initialize(md,fno) @md,@fno=md,fno @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new(@md.fns) @prog=SiSU_Env::InfoProgram.new #(md.fns) #if md if File.file?(@fno) @fnap=@fno #index.xml causes problems with index.html in server config end @e_head='/document/head' @e_title='/document/head/title' @e_object='/document/body/object' @e_ocn='/document/body/object/ocn' @e_text='/document/body/object/text' @e_endnote='/document/body/object/endnote' end def xml begin if FileTest.file?(@fnap) if @prog.rexml !=false \ and FileTest.directory?('/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/') #note values can be other than true xmlfile=IO.readlines(@fnap,'').join begin @xmldoc=REXML::Document.new xmlfile SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @md.opt.act[:color_state][:set], 'invert', 'REXML', "XML document #{@fnap} loaded" ).colorize unless @md.opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on if (@opt.act[:verbose][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on) @xmldoc.elements.each(@e_head) do |e| SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @md.opt.act[:color_state][:set], 'brown', e ).colorize unless @md.opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on end end rescue REXML::ParseException puts 'broken XML' end end else SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @md.opt.act[:color_state][:set], 'fuchsia', "File Not Found #{xmlfile}", 'requested XML processing skipped' ).colorize unless @md.opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on exit end rescue SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@md.opt.selections.str,@md.fns).location do __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__ end ensure end end end end __END__ misc e.each do |element| element.each do |child| if child.is_a?(REXML::Text) puts "Text: #{child.to_s.inspect}" else puts "SubElement: #{child.name}" end end end #+END_SRC ** sitemaps.rb #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle "../lib/sisu/sitemaps.rb" # <<sisu_document_header>> module SiSU_Sitemaps require_relative 'dp' # dp.rb include SiSU_Param require_relative 'se' # se.rb include SiSU_Env require_relative 'xml_shared' # xml_shared.rb include SiSU_XML_Munge class Source def initialize(opt) @opt=opt end def read songsheet end def songsheet begin @sys=SiSU_Env::SystemCall.new fn_set_lang=SiSU_Env::StandardiseLanguage.new(@opt.lng).language @fn=SiSU_Env::EnvCall.new(@opt.fns).lang(fn_set_lang[:c]) if @opt.act[:sitemap][:set]==:on @md=SiSU_Param::Parameters.new(@opt).get @trans=SiSU_XML_Munge::Trans.new(@md) #check @md is required @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new(@md.fns) # @file=SiSU_Env::FileOp.new(@md) @rdf=SiSU_XML_Tags::RDF.new(@md) @fnb_utf8_xml=@md.fnb.dup @trans.char_enc.utf8(@fnb_utf8_xml) \ if @sys.locale =~/utf-?8/i output_map(sitemap) elsif @opt.selections.str =~/--sitemaps/ @sitemap_idx_fn='sitemapindex.xml' @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new output_idx(sitemap_index) SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], 'sitemap index:', "#{@env.path.output}/#{@sitemap_idx_fn}" ).result unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on end rescue SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@opt.cmd,@opt.fns).location do __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__ end ensure end end def make_file(path,filename) (File.writable?("#{path}/.")) \ ? (File.new("#{path}/#{filename}",'w+')) : (SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( '', "is the file or directory writable?, could not create #{filename}" ).warn) end def output_map(sitemap) path=@md.file.output_path.sitemaps.dir filename=@fn[:sitemap] touch_path=@md.file.output_path.sitemaps.dir touch_filename=@fn[:sitemap_touch] SiSU_Env::FileOp.new(@md).make_path(path) file=SiSU_Env::FileOp.new(@md).make_file(path,filename) file << sitemap if FileTest.file?("#{touch_path}/#{touch_filename}") FileUtils::rm("#{touch_path}/#{touch_filename}") end end def output_idx(sitemap) path=@env.path.output filename=@sitemap_idx_fn make_path(path) file=make_file(path,filename) file << sitemap end def sitemap_index sitemap_files=Dir.glob("#{@env.path.sitemaps}/sitemap_*.xml") sitemap_idx=[] sitemap_idx << <<WOK <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <sitemapindex xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemaps/0.9 http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemaps/sitemap.xsd" xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemapindex/0.9"> WOK sitemap_files.each do |s| f=s.gsub(/.+?\/sitemap_([^\/]+?)\.xml$/,'\1') @trans.char_enc.utf8(f) \ if @sys.locale =~/utf-?8/i sitemap_idx << <<WOK <sitemap> <loc>#{@env.path.url.remote}/#{f}/sitemap.xml</loc> </sitemap> WOK end sitemap_idx << <<WOK </sitemapindex> WOK sitemap_idx.join end def sitemap if defined? @md.date.modified \ and @md.date.modified=~/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/ sitemap_date_modified else sitemap_no_date end end def sitemap_date_modified <<WOK <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <urlset xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemaps/0.9 http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemaps/sitemap.xsd" xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9"> #{@rdf.comment_xml} <url> <loc>#{@env.path.url.remote}/#{@fnb_utf8_xml}/#{@fn[:toc]}</loc> <lastmod>#{@md.date.modified}</lastmod> <changefreq>monthly</changefreq> <priority>0.7</priority> </url> <url> <loc>#{@env.path.url.remote}/#{@fnb_utf8_xml}/#{@fn[:doc]}</loc> <lastmod>#{@md.date.modified}</lastmod> <priority>0.5</priority> </url> <url> <loc>#{@env.path.url.remote}/#{@fnb_utf8_xml}/#{@fn[:manifest]}</loc> <lastmod>#{@md.date.modified}</lastmod> <priority>0.5</priority> </url> </urlset> WOK end def sitemap_no_date <<WOK <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9"> #{@rdf.comment_xml} <url> <loc>#{@env.path.url.remote}/#{@fnb_utf8_xml}/#{@fn[:toc]}</loc> <changefreq>monthly</changefreq> <priority>0.7</priority> </url> <url> <loc>#{@env.path.url.remote}/#{@fnb_utf8_xml}/#{@fn[:doc]}</loc> <priority>0.5</priority> </url> <url> <loc>#{@env.path.url.remote}/#{@fnb_utf8_xml}/#{@fn[:manifest]}</loc> <priority>0.5</priority> </url> </urlset> WOK end end end __END__ ,* sanitize xml, pass through filter to ensure is valid - done but needs testing ,* remote placement of sitemaps --sitemaps -R (probably makes more sense than doing against -Y [filename/wildcard]) - done but needs testing ,* gzip sitemaps - not before testing / after testing ,* issue with master documnts, naming and mapping, check multilingual <!-- Document processing information: * Generated by: SiSU 0.48.6 of 2006w45/6 (20061111) * Ruby version: ruby 1.8.5 (2006-08-25) [i486-linux] * * Last Generated on: Sat Nov 18 15:28:08 +0000 2006 * SiSU http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu --> #+END_SRC ** termsheet.rb #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle "../lib/sisu/termsheet.rb" # <<sisu_document_header>> require_relative 'se' # se.rb require_relative 'dp' # dp.rb include SiSU_Param @do,@done,@used,@html_output,@txt_input,@txt_output,@@report=Array.new(7){[]} @@info=nil @c=0 @cX=SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new('yes').cX @done << "\n#{@cX.blue_hi}#{@cX.black}Summary#{@cX.off*2}" def talent(termsheet,flag) @@info=nil @@info=termsheet.gsub(/(.+?)\.termsheet\.rb/,'../facility_data/\1.html') @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new @dir_fd="#{@env.path.output}/facility_data" FileUtils::mkdir_p(@dir_fd) unless FileTest.directory?(@dir_fd)==true html_output=[] case termsheet when /.+?\.(termsheet)\.rb$/ @basename=termsheet[/(.+?)\.termsheet\.rb/, 1] @standard_form={} require termsheet include Termsheet @standard_form=Termsheet::StandardForms.new.standardforms puts %{\n#{@@cX.yellow_hi}#{@@cX.black}From#{@@cX.off*2}: #{@@cX.grey_hi}#{@@cX.black}#{@basename}.termsheet.rb#{@@cX.off*3}\n\n} @standard_form.each do |k,v| @c+=1 require v puts %{\n#{@@cX.blue_hi}#{@@cX.black}Producing the following#{@@cX.off*2}: #{@@cX.green}#{@basename}.#{k}#{@@cX.off}\n\n} @done << %{\n\t#{@@cX.grey}Documents generated#{@@cX.off}: #{@@cX.cyan}#{@basename}.#{k}#{@@cX.off}\n} @used << %{\n\t#{@@cX.grey}Using#{@@cX.off}: #{@@cX.ruby}#{v}#{@@cX.off}\n} html_output=<<WOK <br /><a href="../#{@basename}.#{k}/landscape.pdf"> <img border="0" width="18" height="15" src="../_sisu/image/b_pdf.png" alt="pdf landscape"></a> <a href="../#{@basename}.#{k}/portrait.pdf"> <img border="0" width="15" height="18" src="../_sisu/image/b_pdf.png" alt="pdf portrait"></a> <a href="../#{@basename}.#{k}/sisu_manifest.html">#{@basename}.#{k}.sisu_manifest.html</a> WOK @html_output << html_output @txt_input << %{\n\tForm #{@c}: <url:#{Dir.pwd}/#{v}>\n\t |#{Dir.pwd}/#{v}|@|^|\n} @txt_output << %{\n\t#{k}: |../#{@basename}.#{k}/sisu_manifest.html|@|^|\n} @report_file_i=File.new("#{@dir_fd}/#{@basename}.txt",'w+') @report_file_o=File.new("#{@dir_fd}/#{@basename}.html",'w+') @filename_new=File.new("#{@basename}.#{k}.sst",'w+') @do << %{#{k}} @filename_new << @document # "require v" pulls in the composite @document # "termsheet" having all the variables required to complete the standard form @document @filename_new.close end @do.each do |x| system %{sisu -Nhwpo #{@basename}.#{x}.sst\n} end else print "not processed --> ", termsheet, "\n" end @done << %{\n\t#{@@cX.green}Summary:#{@@cX.off} #{@@cX.blue}#{@env.path.output}/facility_data/#{@basename}.html#{@@cX.off}\n} @done << %{\n\t#{@@cX.grey}From details provided in#{@@cX.off}: #{@@cX.green}#{termsheet}#{@@cX.off}\n} terms=%{\nTermsheet: <url:#{Dir.pwd}/#{termsheet}>\n |#{Dir.pwd}/#{termsheet}|@|^|\n} @report_file_i << "<url:all.txt>\n|all.txt|@|^|\n" << terms << "\nForms:\n" << @txt_input << "\nOutput Files\n" << @txt_output @report_file_o << %{<a href="toc.html">^</a><br />\n} << @html_output @@report << @done << @used << "\n" @done,@used=[],[] end require_relative 'dp' # dp.rb @argv=$* @proc="#{@argv[0].to_s}" if @proc =~ /^-?[wft]/ @argv.shift @argv.each do |termsheet| talent(termsheet,@proc) end end @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new @dir_fd="#{@env.path.output}/facility_data" @url="#{@env.url.webserv}/facility_data" @@report << %{\n#{@@cX.grey}See#{@@cX.off}: #{@@cX.blue}#{@dir_fd}/all.txt\t#{@dir_fd}/toc.html\t#{@dir_fd}/#{@@cX.off}\n\n#{@@cX.grey}See#{@@cX.off}: #{@@cX.blue}#{@url}/all.txt\t#{@url}/toc.html\t#{@url}/#{@@cX.off}\n\n} puts @@report File.unlink("#{@dir_fd}/all.txt") if FileTest.file?("#{@dir_fd}/all.txt") File.unlink("#{@dir_fd}/toc.html") if FileTest.file?("#{@dir_fd}/toc.html") summary_file=File.new("#{@dir_fd}/all.txt",'w+') summary_html=File.new("#{@dir_fd}/toc.html",'w+') ls_txt=%x{ls #{@dir_fd}/*.txt} report_thlnk=[] ls_txt.scan(/.+/) ls_txt.each {|x| report_thlnk << x.gsub!(/#{@dir_fd}\/(.+)/,"<url:\\1>\n|\\1|@|^|")} report_thlnk.join("\n") ls_html=%x{ls #{@dir_fd}/*.html} report_html=[] ls_html.split(/.+/) ls_html.each {|x| report_html << x.gsub!(/#{@dir_fd}\/(.+)/,'<a href="\1">\1</a><br />')} report_html.join("\n") summary_file << "#{report_thlnk}" summary_html << "#{report_html}" __END__ ,** NOTE wrapper makes little sense without additional components, additional sample files must be provided - (saved till later as may confuse) ,*** bits sisu -t x_bank.and.* e.g. sisu -t x_bank.and.*.termsheet.rb e.g. sisu_termsheet.rb -t x_bank.and.c*.termsheet.rb program calls upon termsheet file with extension termsheet.rb termsheet.rb calls upon relevant standard form files (to be used) with extension .sForm.rb there is also a standard_terms.rb file - with terms/details that are constant the file produced is named after the termsheet.rb with that extension replaced with .er30 from there scribbler.rb is called upon its usual metaVerse html and pdf creation ! :-) to test run termsheet.rb -f dev.export.import.trade.facility.termsheet.rb the term sheet calls the standard form or template that is to be run against it. #+END_SRC ** update.rb #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle "../lib/sisu/update.rb" # <<sisu_document_header>> module SiSU_UpdateControlFlag require_relative 'se' # se.rb include SiSU_Env include SiSU_Param class Check def initialize(opt) @opt=opt @md=SiSU_Param::Parameters.new(@opt).get end def read begin @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new(@md.fns) out=@env.path.output base_path="#{out}/#{@md.fnb}" SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @md.opt.act[:color_state][:set], 'Checking previous output', base_path ).green_hi_blue unless @md.opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on SetCF.new(@md).set_flags rescue SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@md.opt.selections.str,@md.fns).location do __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__ end ensure end end private class SetCF def initialize(md) @md=md @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new(@md.fns) out=@env.path.output @base_path="#{out}/#{@md.fnb}" @pdf_fn=SiSU_Env::FileOp.new(@md).base_filename end def set_flags #-mNhwpoabxXyv flag='-v' if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.txt.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.txt}")==true flag=flag + 'a' end if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.html_seg.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.html_seg}")==true \ or FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.html_scroll.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.html_scroll}")==true flag=flag + 'h' end if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.xhtml.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.xhtml}")==true flag=flag + 'b' end if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.xml_sax.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.xml_sax}")==true flag=flag + 'x' end if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.xml_dom.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.xml_dom}")==true flag=flag + 'X' end if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.epub.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.epub}")==true flag=flag + 'e' end if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.odt.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.odt}")==true flag=flag + 'o' end if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@pdf_fn.pdf_p_a4}")==true \ or FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@pdf_fn.pdf_l_a4}")==true \ or FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@pdf_fn.pdf_p_letter}")==true \ or FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@pdf_fn.pdf_l_letter}")==true flag=flag + 'p' end if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.html_concordance.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.html_concordance}")==true flag=flag + 'w' end if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.digest.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.digest}")==true flag=flag + 'N' end if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.src.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.src}")==true flag=flag + 's' end if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.sisupod.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.sisupod}")==true flag=flag + 'S' end puts flag flag end end end end __END__ #+END_SRC ** urls.rb #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle "../lib/sisu/urls.rb" # <<sisu_document_header>> module SiSU_Urls require_relative 'se_hub_particulars' # se_hub_particulars.rb include SiSU_Particulars require_relative 'se' # se.rb include SiSU_Env; include SiSU_Screen class Source attr_reader :opt def initialize(opt) @opt=opt end def read begin SiSU_Urls::OutputUrls.new(@opt).songsheet if @opt.fnb rescue SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@opt.selections.str).location do __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__ end ensure end end end class OutputUrls attr_reader :fns,:fnb,:act,:dir,:m_regular,:u def initialize(opt) @opt=opt @particulars=SiSU_Particulars::CombinedSingleton.instance.get_env_md(opt) if @particulars.is_a?(NilClass) if @opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \ or @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on SiSU_Utils::CodeMarker.new(__LINE__,__FILE__,:fuchsia). mark("@particulars is NilClass, acceptable e.g. for --harvest") end exit end @selections=@opt.selections.str @act=@opt.act @md=@particulars.md @env=@particulars.env @fnb=@env.fnb fn_set_lang=SiSU_Env::StandardiseLanguage.new(@opt.lng).language @fnl=@env.i18n.lang_filename(fn_set_lang[:c]) @fn=SiSU_Env::EnvCall.new(@opt.fns).lang(fn_set_lang[:c]) @m_regular=/(.+?)\.(?:(?:-|ssm\.)?sst|ssm)$/ @prog=@env.program end def songsheet begin (@opt.act[:urls_all][:set]==:on) \ ? urls_all \ : (urls_select unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on) rescue SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@opt.selections.str,@opt.fns).location do __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__ end ensure end end def show def report(x) SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], "[#{@opt.f_pth[:lng_is]}]", x[:cmd], x[:viewer] + ' ' \ + x[:f_pth] ).result end def maintenance(x) if @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], "[#{@opt.f_pth[:lng_is]}]", x[:cmd], x[:p_pth] ).maintenance end end self end def report_info def dal { cmd: '--ao', p_pth: @env.processing_path.ao + '/' \ + @opt.fns + '.meta', fn: 'ao', } end def hash_digests { cmd: '--hash-digests (sha512/sha256/md5)', viewer: @prog.web_browser, f_pth: @md.file.output_path.hash_digest.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.hash_digest, fn: @fn[:digest], } end def text def txt { cmd: '--txt', viewer: @prog.web_browser, f_pth: @md.file.output_path.txt.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.txt, fn: @fn[:plain], } end def asciidoc { cmd: '--asciidoc', viewer: @prog.web_browser, f_pth: @md.file.output_path.asciidoc.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.asciidoc, fn: @fn[:txt_asciidoc], } end def markdown { cmd: '--markdown', viewer: @prog.web_browser, f_pth: @md.file.output_path.markdown.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.markdown, fn: @fn[:txt_markdown], } end def rst { cmd: '--rst', viewer: @prog.web_browser, f_pth: @md.file.output_path.rst.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.rst, fn: @fn[:txt_rst], } end def textile { cmd: '--textile', viewer: @prog.web_browser, f_pth: @md.file.output_path.textile.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.textile, fn: @fn[:txt_textile], } end def orgmode { cmd: '--orgmode', viewer: @prog.web_browser, f_pth: @md.file.output_path.orgmode.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.orgmode, fn: @fn[:txt_orgmode], } end self end def html def seg { cmd: '--html-seg', viewer: @prog.web_browser, f_pth: @md.file.output_path.html_seg.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.html_segtoc, p_pth: @env.processing_path.tune + '/' \ + @md.fns + '.tune', fn: @fn[:toc], } end def scroll { cmd: '--html-scroll', viewer: @prog.web_browser, f_pth: @md.file.output_path.html_scroll.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.html_scroll, p_pth: @env.processing_path.tune + '/' \ + @md.fns + '.tune', fn: @fn[:doc], } end def concordance { cmd: '--concordance', viewer: @prog.web_browser, f_pth: @md.file.output_path.html_concordance.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.html_concordance, fn: @fn[:concordance], } end self end def xhtml def xhtml { cmd: '--xhtml', viewer: @prog.web_browser, f_pth: @md.file.output_path.xhtml.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.xhtml, p_pth: @env.processing_path.tune + '/' \ + @md.fns + '.tune', fn: @fn[:xhtml], } end def epub { cmd: '--epub', viewer: @prog.epub_viewer, f_pth: @md.file.output_path.epub.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.epub, p_pth: @env.processing_path.epub + '/' \ + Ep[:d_oebps] + '/' \ + 'index.xhtml', fn: @fn[:epub], } end self end def xml def odt { cmd: '--odt (ODF:ODT)', viewer: @prog.odf_viewer, f_pth: @md.file.output_path.odt.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.odt, p_pth: @env.processing_path.odf + '/' \ + @opt.fns + '/' \ + 'odt/content.xml', fn: @fn[:odf], } end def docbook { cmd: '--docbook', viewer: @prog.web_browser, f_pth: @md.file.output_path.xml_docbook_book.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.xml_docbook_book, fn: @fn[:xml_docbook_book], } end def fictionbook { cmd: '--fictionbook', viewer: @prog.web_browser, f_pth: @md.file.output_path.xml_fictionbook.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.xml_fictionbook, fn: @fn[:xml_fictionbook], } end def sax { cmd: '--xml-sax', viewer: @prog.web_browser, f_pth: @md.file.output_path.xml_sax.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.xml_sax, fn: @fn[:sax], } end def dom { cmd: '--xml-dom', viewer: @prog.web_browser, f_pth: @md.file.output_path.xml_dom.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.xml_dom, fn: @fn[:dom], } end def scaffold_sisu { cmd: '--xml-scaffold-sisu', viewer: @prog.web_browser, f_pth: @md.file.output_path.xml_scaffold_structure_sisu.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.xml_scaffold_structure_sisu, fn: @fn[:xml_scaffold_structure_sisu], } end def scaffold_collapse { cmd: '--xml-scaffold-collapse', viewer: @prog.web_browser, f_pth: @md.file.output_path.xml_scaffold_structure_collapse.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.xml_scaffold_structure_collapse, fn: @fn[:xml_scaffold_structure_collapse], } end self end def json { cmd: '--js (json)', viewer: @prog.web_browser, f_pth: @md.file.output_path.json.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.json, fn: @fn[:json], } end def pdf def landscape { cmd: '--pdf (landscape)', viewer: @prog.pdf_viewer, f_pth: @md.file.output_path.pdf.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.pdf_l \ + @md.papersize_array[0] + '.pdf', p_pth: @env.processing_path.tex + '/' \ + @opt.fns.gsub(/~/,'-') + '.' \ + @md.papersize_array[0] \ + '.landscape.tex', fn: @fn[:pdf_l], } end def portrait { cmd: '--pdf (portrait)', viewer: @prog.pdf_viewer, f_pth: @md.file.output_path.pdf.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.pdf_p \ + @md.papersize_array[0] + '.pdf', p_pth: @env.processing_path.tex + '/' \ + @opt.fns.gsub(/~/,'-') + '.' \ + @md.papersize_array[0] \ + '.tex', fn: @fn[:pdf_p], } end self end def manpage { cmd: '--manpage', viewer: @prog.manpage_viewer, f_pth: @md.file.output_path.manpage.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.manpage, fn: 'manpage', } end def texinfo { cmd: '--texinfo', viewer: '', f_pth: 'cd ' \ + @md.file.output_path.texinfo.dir + ' && ' \ + @env.program.texinfo + ' ' \ + @md.file.base_filename.info \ + '; cd -', fn: 'info', } end def db def psql { cmd: '--psql --update/--import', viewer: '', f_pth: @pwd_stub + '::' \ + @opt.fns \ + 'dbi psql', p_pth: @env.processing_path.postgresql + '/' \ + @md.fns \ + '.sql', fn: 'dbi psql', } end def sqlite { cmd: '--sqlite --update/--import', viewer: 'sqlite3 ', f_pth: @env.path.webserv + '/' \ + @md.opt.f_pth[:pth_stub] + '/' \ + 'sisu_sqlite.db', p_pth: @env.processing_path.sqlite + '/' \ + @md.fns \ + '.sql', fn: 'dbi sqlite3', } end def sqlite_discrete { cmd: '--sqlite', viewer: 'sqlite3 ', f_pth: @md.file.output_path.sqlite_discrete.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.sqlite_discrete, p_pth: @env.processing_path.sqlite + '/' \ + @md.fns \ + '.sql', fn: 'dbi sqlite3', } end self end def po4a def po { cmd: '--po4a/--pot', viewer: @prog.web_browser, f_pth: @prog.text_editor + ' ' \ + @md.file.output_path.po.dir \ + '/' + y, fn: @fn[:pot], } end def pot { cmd: '--po4a/--pot', viewer: @prog.web_browser, f_pth: @prog.text_editor + ' ' \ + @md.file.output_path.pot.dir \ + '/' + y, fn: @fn[:pot], } end self end def source { cmd: '--source (sisu markup)', viewer: @prog.text_editor, f_pth: @md.file.output_path.src.dir + '/' \ + @opt.fno, p_pth: @md.file.output_path.src.dir + '/' \ + @opt.fno, fn: @opt.fno, } end def sisupod { cmd: '--sisupod', viewer: '', f_pth: @md.file.output_path.sisupod.dir + '/' \ + @opt.fno \ + '.txz', p_pth: @md.file.output_path.sisupod.dir + '/' \ + @opt.fno + '/' \ + 'sisupod/', fn: @fn[:sisupod], } end def ruby_profile { cmd: '--profile (ruby profiler)', fn: 'profile', } end def qrcode { cmd: '--qrcode', viewer: @prog.web_browser, f_pth: @md.file.output_path.manifest.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.manifest, fn: @fn[:qrcode], } end def manifest { cmd: '--manifest', viewer: @prog.web_browser, f_pth: @md.file.output_path.manifest.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.manifest, fn: @fn[:manifest], } end def sitemap { cmd: '--sitemap', viewer: @prog.web_browser, f_pth: @md.file.output_path.sitemaps.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.sitemap, fn: @fn[:sitemap], } end self end def urls_select unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on i1='[' + @opt.f_pth[:lng_is] + ']' i2='file://' \ + @md.file.output_path.manifest.dir + '/' \ + @md.file.base_filename.manifest (@opt.act[:verbose][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on) \ ? SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], 'URLs' ).green_title_hi : SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], 'URL (output manifest)', i1, i2 ).grey_title_grey_blue if (@opt.act[:verbose][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on) SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], i1, i2, ).flow end end m=/.+\/(?:src\/)?(\S+)/im @pwd_stub="#{@env.url.output_tell}"[m,1] unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on if @opt.fns =~ @m_regular if (@opt.act[:verbose][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on) if @opt.act[:txt][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.text.txt) #show.maintenance(report_info.text.txt) end if @opt.act[:txt_textile][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.text.textile) #show.maintenance(report_info.text.textile) end if @opt.act[:txt_asciidoc][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.text.asciidoc) #show.maintenance(report_info.text.asciidoc) end if @opt.act[:txt_markdown][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.text.markdown) #show.maintenance(report_info.text.markdown) end if @opt.act[:txt_rst][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.text.rst) #show.maintenance(report_info.text.rst) end if @opt.act[:txt_orgmode][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.text.orgmode) #show.maintenance(report_info.text.orgmode) end if (@opt.act[:html][:set]==:on \ or @opt.act[:html_scroll][:set]==:on \ or @opt.act[:html_seg][:set]==:on) if @opt.act[:html_scroll][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.html.scroll) show.maintenance(report_info.html.scroll) end if @opt.act[:html_seg][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.html.seg) show.maintenance(report_info.html.seg) end end if @opt.act[:concordance][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.html.concordance) #show.maintenance(report_info.html.concordance) end if @opt.act[:xhtml][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.xhtml.xhtml) show.maintenance(report_info.xhtml.xhtml) end if @opt.act[:epub][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.xhtml.epub) show.maintenance(report_info.xhtml.epub) end if @opt.act[:odt][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.xml.odt) show.maintenance(report_info.xml.odt) end if @opt.act[:xml_dom][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.xml.dom) #show.maintenance(report_info.xml.dom) end if @opt.act[:xml_sax][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.xml.sax) #show.maintenance(report_info.xml.sax) end if @opt.act[:xml_docbook_book][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.xml.docbook) #show.maintenance(report_info.xml.docbook) end if @opt.act[:xml_fictionbook][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.xml.fictionbook) #show.maintenance(report_info.xml.fictionbook) end if @opt.act[:xml_scaffold_structure_sisu][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.xml.scaffold_structure_sisu) #show.maintenance(report_info.xml.scaffold_structure_sisu) end if @opt.act[:xml_scaffold_structure_collapse][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.xml.scaffold_collapse) #show.maintenance(report_info.xml.scaffold_collapse) end if @opt.act[:json][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.json) #show.maintenance(report_info.json) end if (@opt.act[:pdf][:set]==:on \ or @opt.act[:pdf_p][:set]==:on \ or @opt.act[:pdf_l][:set]==:on) if @opt.act[:pdf_p][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.pdf.portrait) show.maintenance(report_info.pdf.portrait) end if @opt.act[:pdf_l][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.pdf.landscape) show.maintenance(report_info.pdf.landscape) end end if @opt.act[:psql][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.db.psql) show.maintenance(report_info.db.psql) end if @opt.act[:sqlite_discrete][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.db.sqlite_discrete) show.maintenance(report_info.db.sqlite_discrete) end if @opt.act[:sqlite][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.db.sqlite) show.maintenance(report_info.db.sqlite) end if @opt.act[:texinfo][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.texinfo) #show.maintenance(report_info.texinfo) end if @opt.act[:manpage][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.manpage) #show.maintenance(report_info.manpage) end if @opt.act[:hash_digests][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.hash_digests) #show.maintenance(report_info.hash_digests) end if @opt.act[:po4a_shelf][:set]==:on #if @opt.fns =~/\S+?~\S{2}(?:_\S{2})?\.ss[mt]/ #else #end end if @opt.act[:share_source][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.source) show.maintenance(report_info.source) end if @opt.act[:sisupod][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.sisupod) show.maintenance(report_info.sisupod) end if @opt.act[:qrcode][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.qrcode) #show.maintenance(report_info.qrcode) end if @opt.act[:manifest][:set]==:on show.report(report_info.manifest) show.maintenance(report_info.manifest) end end end end end def urls_all i="(output manifest) [#{@opt.f_pth[:lng_is]}] #{@env.url.output_tell}/#{@fnb}/sisu_manifest.html" SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], 'URLs', i ).grey_title_hi end end end __END__ #+END_SRC ** webrick.rb #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle "../lib/sisu/webrick.rb" # <<sisu_document_header>> module SiSU_Webserv class WebrickStart begin require 'time' require 'webrick' include WEBrick rescue LoadError SiSU_Utils::CodeMarker.new(__LINE__,__FILE__,:fuchsia). error('time or webrick NOT FOUND (LoadError)') end require_relative 'se' # se.rb include SiSU_Env include SiSU_Screen def initialize @cX=SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new('yes').cX @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new port=SiSU_Env::InfoPort.new @host=@env.url.webrick @port=port.webrick @serve=[] Dir.foreach(@env.path.webserv) do |x| if x !~/^\./ \ and FileTest.directory?("#{@env.path.webserv}/#{x}") @serve << x end end @mount=[] @serve.each {|x| @mount << ["/#{x}", "#{@env.path.webserv}/#{x}"]} @pwd=Dir.pwd @week=Time.now.strftime(%{%Yw%W}) puts "\n" @mount.each { |x,y| puts " * #{@cX.blue}#{@host}:#{@port}#{x}/#{@cX.off}" } get=Dir.pwd brick(@port,get) end def brick(port,get='') cgidir=if get=~/pwd/ then Dir.pwd else '/usr/lib/cgi-bin' end port=SiSU_Env::InfoPort.new.webrick begin s=HTTPServer.new( Port: port, DocumentRoot: Dir::pwd + '/htdocs', CGIPathEnv: ENV['PATH'] ) cgi_dir=File.expand_path(cgidir) @mount.each { |x,y| # mount subdirectories s.mount(x, HTTPServlet::FileHandler, y, true) } s.mount('/cgi-bin', HTTPServlet::FileHandler, cgi_dir, { FancyIndexing: true }) trap("INT"){ s.shutdown } s.start rescue SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,'-W',nil).location do #fix __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__ end ensure end end def wb_cgi begin #% wb_s2='' #% writes file wb.cgi to shared directories ... #% wb_top wb_top=%q(#!/usr/bin/env ruby # * arch-tag: webrick info on environment, mounted directories, and contents of pwd begin require 'time' require 'cgi' require 'fcgi' rescue LoadError puts 'time, cgi or fcgi NOT FOUND (LoadError)' end ls=Dir.entries('./') dir_contents=[] ls.each { |x| dir_contents << "<a href=\"./#{x}/\">#{x}</a><br>" unless x =~/^(\.)+$/ } dir_contents=dir_contents.sort.join(' ') #host=ENV['HOSTNAME'] #host=%x{echo $HOSTNAME} ) wb_s1=<<-WOK page=CGI.new "html3" page.out { page.html { page.head { page.title {"#{@host} Webrick Report"} } + page.body { page.h1 {"Webrick #{@host}"} + page.p {"Webrick is Ruby's built in webserver."} + page.center {"Host name: " + page.b{"#{@host} "} + "(#{@host}) port: " + page.b{"#{@port}"}} + page.center {"#{Time.now}"} + page.center {"#{Time.now.strftime(%{%Yw%W})}"} + page.p {''} + page.p {''} + page.p {page.b{"Webrick Served Directories: "}} + WOK #% wb_s2 (mounts) @mount.each do |x,y| wb_s2 += <<-WOK page.p {%{<a href="#{@host}:#{@port}#{x}/">#{x}</a> } + %{<a href="#{@host}:#{@port}#{x}/">#{@host}:#{@port}#{x}</a> (mounts: #{y}/) <a href="#{@host}:#{@port}#{x}/wb.cgi">info (wb.cgi)</a>}} + WOK end #% wb_end wb_end=<<-WOK page.p {page.b{"Contents of PWD (see URL): "}} + page.p {"#\{dir_contents}"} } } } WOK @mount.each { |x,y| #% wb puts puts y filename=File.new("#{y}/wb.cgi",'w') filename << wb_top filename << wb_s1 filename << wb_s2 filename << wb_end filename.close FileUtils::chmod(0755,"#{y}/wb.cgi &") if FileTest.file?("#{y}/wb.cgi &") } rescue SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,'-W',nil).location do #fix __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__ end ensure end end end ensure end __END__ #+END_SRC ** wikispeak.rb #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle "../lib/sisu/wikispeak.rb" # <<sisu_document_header>> module SiSU_Wikispeak require_relative 'ao' # ao.rb require_relative 'se' # se.rb include SiSU_Env include SiSU_Param require_relative 'plaintext_format' # plaintext_format.rb include Format require_relative 'html_parts' # html_parts.rb require_relative 'txt_shared' @@alt_id_count,@@alt_id_count=0,0 @@tablefoot='' class Source def initialize(opt) @opt=opt @@dostype='msdos footnotes' end def read begin @md=SiSU_Param::Parameters.new(@opt).get @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new(@opt.fns) path=@env.path.output_tell tool=(@opt.act[:verbose][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on) \ ? "#{@env.program.text_editor} #{path}/#{@md.fnb}/#{@md.fn[:wiki]}" : '' SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], 'Wikispeak', tool ).green_hi_blue unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on if (@opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on) SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], @opt.fns, "#{@env.path.output_tell}/#{@md.fnb}/#{@md.fn[:wiki]}" ).flow end @ao_array=SiSU_AO::Source.new(@opt).get # ao file drawn here SiSU_Wikispeak::Source::Scroll.new(@ao_array,@md).songsheet rescue SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@opt.selections.str,@opt.fns).location do __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__ end ensure end end private class SplitTextObject <Source require_relative 'plaintext_format' # plaintext_format.rb include Format @@alt_id_count=0 @@dp=nil attr_reader :format,:lev,:text,:ocn,:lev_para_ocn def initialize(para) @para=para @format,@ocn='ordinary','ordinary' @dp=@@dp ||=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new.digest.pattern end def lev_segname_para_ocn @text=nil if @para =~/^(\d~|<:.+?>).+?#{Mx[:id_o]}~(\d+);(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:id_o]}#{@dp}:#{@dp}#{Mx[:id_c]}$/ if /^(([1-6])~(\S+))\s+(\S.+?)#{Mx[:id_o]}~(\d+);(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:id_o]}#{@dp}:#{@dp}#{Mx[:id_c]}$/m.match(@para) @format,@lev,segname,@text,@ocn=$1,$2,$3,$4,$5 elsif /^(([1-6])~)\s+(\S.+?)#{Mx[:id_o]}~(\d+);(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:id_o]}#{@dp}:#{@dp}#{Mx[:id_c]}$/m.match(@para) @format,@lev,@text,@ocn=$1,$2,$3,$4 elsif /<:(.+?)>\s*(\S.+?)#{Mx[:id_o]}~(\d+);(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:id_o]}#{@dp}:#{@dp}#{Mx[:id_c]}$/m.match(@para) @format,@text,@ocn=$1,$2,$3 elsif /^(([1-6])~(\S+))\s+(\S.+?)#{Mx[:id_o]}~(\d+);(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;[um]\d+#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:id_o]}#{@dp}:#{@dp}#{Mx[:id_c]}$/m.match(@para) @@alt_id_count+=1 @format,@lev,segname,@text,@ocn=$1,$2,$3,$4,"x#{@@alt_id_count}" elsif /^(([1-6])~)\s+(\S.+?)#{Mx[:id_o]}~(\d+);[um]\d+;\w\d+#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:id_o]}#{@dp}:#{@dp}#{Mx[:id_c]}$/m.match(@para) @@alt_id_count+=1 @format,@lev,@text,@ocn=$1,$2,$3,"x#{@@alt_id_count}" end else if /(.+?)#{Mx[:id_o]}~(\d+);(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:id_o]}#{@dp}:#{@dp}#{Mx[:id_c]}$/m.match(@para) @text,@ocn=$1,$2 end if @para !~/#{Mx[:id_o]}~(\d+);(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:id_o]}#{@dp}:#{@dp}#{Mx[:id_c]}$|^$/ #added 2002w06 @text=/(.+?)/m.match(@para)[1] end if /^((\d)~(?:~\S+)?)\s+(.+)/m.match(@para) @format,@lev,@text=$1,$2,$3 end end format=@format.dup @lev_para_ocn=if @para =~/.+#{Mx[:id_o]}~\d+;(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:id_o]}#{@dp}:#{@dp}#{Mx[:id_c]}$/ Format::FormatTextObject.new(format,@text,@ocn) else Format::FormatTextObject.new(format,@text,"#{Mx[:id_o]}~(\d+);[um]\d+;\w\d+#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:id_o]}#{@dp}:#{@dp}#{Mx[:id_c]}") end self end end class Scroll <Source include SiSU_TextUtils include SiSU_Parts_HTML @@endnotes_para=[] @@wiki={ body: [], open: [], close: [], head: [], metadata: [], tail: [], endnotes: [] } @@dp=nil def initialize(data,md) @data,@md=data,md @dp=@@dp ||=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new.digest.pattern @regx=/^(?:(?:#{Mx[:br_line]}\s*|#{Mx[:br_nl]}\s*)?#{Mx[:lv_o]}\d:(\S*?)#{Mx[:lv_c]}\s*)?(.+)/ #fix Mx[:lv_o] #m # 2004w18 pb pn removal added @tab="\t" @@dostype='unix footnotes' @br="\n" end def songsheet markup publish end # Used for extraction of endnotes from paragraphs def extract_endnotes(para='') #check para.scan(/(?:#{Mx[:en_a_o]}|#{Mx[:en_b_o]})([\d*+]+\s+.+?)\s*#{Mx[:id_o]}#{@dp}#{Mx[:id_c]}(?:#{Mx[:en_a_c]}|#{Mx[:en_b_c]})/) end def wiki_metadata(meta) util=SiSU_TextUtils::Wrap.new(meta.text,70,15,1) txt=util.line_wrap @@wiki[:metadata] <<= if meta.type=='meta' <<WOK #{@tab}#{meta.el}: #{txt} WOK else '' end end def wiki_tail generator="Generated by: #{@md.project_details.project} #{@md.project_details.version} of #{@md.project_details.date_stamp} (#{@md.project_details.date})" if @md.project_details.version lastdone="Last Generated on: #{Time.now}" rubyv="Ruby version: #{@md.ruby_version}" sc=if @md.sc_info "Source file: #{@md.sc_filename}#{@br}Version number: #{@md.sc_number}#{@br}Version date: #{@md.sc_date}#{@br}" else '' end @@wiki[:tail] <<<<WOK #{@br} Other versions of this document: #{@br} manifest: #{vz.url_root_http}/#{@md.fnb}/#{@md.fn[:manifest]}#{@br} html: #{vz.url_root_http}/#{@md.fnb}/#{@md.fn[:toc]}#{@br} pdf: #{vz.url_root_http}/#{@md.fnb}/#{@md.fn[:pdf_p]} #{vz.url_root_http}/#{@md.fnb}/#{@md.fn[:pdf_l]}#{@br} plaintext (plain text): #{vz.url_root_http}/#{@md.fnb}/#{@md.fn[:plain]}#{@br} at: #{vz.url_site}#{@br} #{sc} ,* #{generator} ,* #{rubyv} ,* #{lastdone} ,* SiSU #{vz.url_sisu} WOK end def wiki_structure(para='',lv='',ocn='',hname='') #% Used to extract the structure of a document lv=lv.to_i lv=nil if lv==0 extract_endnotes(para) para.gsub!(/(?:#{Mx[:en_a_o]}|#{Mx[:en_b_o]})(?:[\d*+]+)\s+(.+?)#{Mx[:id_o]}#{@dp}#{Mx[:id_c]}(?:#{Mx[:en_a_c]}|#{Mx[:en_b_c]})/,'<ref>\1</ref>') # endnote marker marked up para.gsub!(/^#{Rx[:lv]}\S*\s+/,'') # endnote marker marked up para.gsub!(/<\S+?>#{Mx[:id_o]}#{@dp}:#{@dp}#{Mx[:id_c]}/,'') # endnote marker marked up if lv @@wiki[:body] << case lv when 1 then '='*2 << para.strip << @br*2 when 2..3 then '='*2 << para.strip << @br*2 when 4 then '='*4 << para.strip << @br*2 when 5..6 then '='*4 << para.strip << @br*2 end else @@wiki[:body] << para << @br*2 # main text, contents, body KEEP end end def markup # Used for major markup instructions data=@data SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new(@md.fns) @data_mod,@endnotes,@level,@cont,@copen,@wiki_contents_close=Array.new(6){[]} (0..6).each { |x| @cont[x]=@level[x]=false } (4..6).each { |x| @wiki_contents_close[x]='' } wiki_tail table_message='[table omitted, see other document formats]' data.each do |para| para.gsub!(/#{Mx[:gr_o]}Th?#{Mx[:tc_p]}.+/um,"#{@br}#{table_message}") #fix para.gsub!(/.+?<-#>/,'') # remove dummy headings (used by html) #check para.gsub!(/_\*\s+/,'* ') # bullet markup, marked down para.gsub!(/©/,'©') # bullet markup, marked down para.gsub!(/&/,'&') # bullet markup, marked down para.gsub!(/<sup>(.+?)<\/sup>/,'^\1^') para.gsub!(/<sub>(.+?)<\/sub>/,'[\1]') para.gsub!(/<i>(.+?)<\/i>/,"''\\1''") para.gsub!(/<b>(.+?)<\/b>/,"'''\\1'''") para.gsub!(/<u>(.+?)<\/u>/,'_\1_') para.gsub!(/#{Mx[:lnk_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:lnk_c]}#{Mx[:url_o]}(\S+?)#{Mx[:url_c]}/,'[\2 \1]') para.gsub!(/#{Mx[:url_o]}(\S+?)#{Mx[:url_c]}/,'[\1]') para.gsub!(/<:(?:block|group|verse|alt|code)(?:-end)?>(?:\s+#{Mx[:id_o]}~(\d+);(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:id_o]}#{@dp}:#{@dp}#{Mx[:id_c]})?/,'') para.gsub!(/<:p[bn]>/,'') # remove page breaks para.gsub!(/^\s*#{Mx[:id_o]}~\d+;(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:id_o]}#{@dp}:#{@dp}#{Mx[:id_c]}$/,'') # remove empty lines - check para.gsub!(/<a href=".+?">(.+?)<\/a>/m,'\1') para.gsub!(/<:name#\S+?>/,'') # remove name links para.gsub!(/ |#{Mx[:nbsp]}/,' ') # decide on para.gsub!(/(?:^|[^_\\])#{Mx[:lnk_o]}(\S+?\.(?:png|jpg|gif)) .+?#{Mx[:lnk_c]}(?:#{Mx[:url_o]}\S+?#{Mx[:url_c]}|image)/,' [ \1 ]') #"[ #{dir.url.images_local}\/\\1 ]") para.gsub!(/(?:^|[^_\\])#{Mx[:lnk_o]}\s*\S+?\.(?:png|jpg|gif)\s+.+?"(.*?)"\s*#{Mx[:lnk_c]}\S+/,'[image: "\1"]') if para =~/^@(\S+?):\s+(.+?)\Z/m # for headers d_meta=SiSU_TextUtils::HeaderScan.new(@md,para).meta if d_meta; wiki_metadata(d_meta) end end if para !~/(^@\S+?:|#{Mx[:br_endnotes]}|#{Mx[:br_eof]})/ if para =~@regx #/.+?<~\d+;\w\d+;\w\d+>.*/ #watch change paranum=para[@regx,3] @p_num=Format::ParagraphNumber.new(paranum) end @sto=SplitTextObject.new(para).lev_segname_para_ocn ### problem in scroll, it appears tables are getting paragraph numbers m=/#{Mx[:id_o]}~(\d+);(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:id_o]}#{@dp}:#{@dp}#{Mx[:id_c]}$/ if para =~m \ and para=~/\S+/ para=case @sto.format when /^(1)~(?:(\S+))?/ wiki_structure(para,$1,@sto.ocn,$2) @sto.lev_para_ocn.heading_body1 when /^(2)~(?:(\S+))?/ wiki_structure(para,$1,@sto.ocn,$2) @sto.lev_para_ocn.heading_body2 when /^(3)~(?:(\S+))?/ wiki_structure(para,$1,@sto.ocn,$2) @sto.lev_para_ocn.heading_body3 when /^(4)~(\S+)/ # work on see SiSU_text_parts::SplitTextObject wiki_structure(para,$1,@sto.ocn,$2) @sto.lev_para_ocn.heading_body4 when /^(5)~(?:(\S+))?/ wiki_structure(para,$1,@sto.ocn,$2) @sto.lev_para_ocn.heading_body5 when /^(6)~(?:(\S+))?/ wiki_structure(para,$1,@sto.ocn,$2) @sto.lev_para_ocn.heading_body6 else wiki_structure(para,nil,nil,nil) #watch may be problematic para end elsif para =~/#{table_message}/ @@wiki[:body] << para << @br elsif para =~/(Note|Endnotes?)/ \ and para !~/#{Mx[:id_o]}~\d+;(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:id_o]}#{@dp}:#{@dp}#{Mx[:id_c]}$/ elsif para =~/(MetaData)/ \ and para =~/#{Mx[:id_o]}~(\d+);[um]\d+;\w\d+#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:id_o]}#{@dp}:#{@dp}#{Mx[:id_c]}$/ #debug 2003w46 add rc info ####suspect visit elsif para.include? 'Owner Details' \ and para !~/#{Mx[:id_o]}~(\d+);(?:[oh]|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:id_o]}#{@dp}:#{@dp}#{Mx[:id_c]}$/ elsif para =~/(#{Mx[:tc_p]}|#{Mx[:gr_o]}Th?)/u #tables ! #fix elsif para =~/(.*)<!#!>(.*)/ one,two=$1,$2 format_text=FormatTextObject.new(one,two) para=format_text.seg_no_paranum end if (para =~/<a name="n\d+">/ \ and para =~/^(-\{{2}~\d+|<!e[:_]\d+!>)/) # -endnote para='' end case para when /<:i1>/ if para =~/.*<:#>.*$/ format_text=FormatTextObject.new(para,'') para=format_text.scr_indent_one_no_paranum end when /<:i2>/ if para =~/.*<:#>.*$/ format_text=FormatTextObject.new(para,'') para=format_text.scr_indent_one_no_paranum end end if para !~/#{the_margin.txt_0}|#{the_margin.txt_1}|#{the_margin.txt_2}/ # i don't get the condition for no paranum end if para =~/<:center>/ one,two=/(.*)<:center>(.*)/.match(para)[1,2] format_text=FormatTextObject.new(one,two) para=format_text.center end para.gsub!(/<!.+!>/,' ') if para ## Clean Prepared Text para.gsub!(/<:\S+>/,' ') if para ## Clean Prepared Text end end end def publish content=[] content << @@wiki[:open] content << @@wiki[:head] content << @@wiki[:body] Output.new(content.join,@md).wiki @@wiki[:head],@@wiki[:body],@@wiki[:tail],@@wiki[:metadata]=[],[],[],[] end end class Output <Source include SiSU_Param include SiSU_Env def initialize(content,md) @content,@md=content,md end def wiki #%wiki output SiSU_Env::FileOp.new(@md).mkdir filename_wiki=SiSU_Env::FileOp.new(@md,@md.fn[:wiki]).mkfile @sisu=[] @content.each do |para| # this is a hack if para =~/^\S/ if para !~/^([*=-]|\.){5}/; filename_wiki.puts para #unix wiki else filename_wiki.puts para #unix wiki end else filename_wiki.puts para # if para =~/^\s/ end end end end end end __END__ #+END_SRC ** zap.rb #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle "../lib/sisu/zap.rb" # <<sisu_document_header>> module SiSU_Zap require_relative 'se' # se.rb include SiSU_Env class Source def initialize(opt) @opt=opt @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new(opt.fns) end def read zap_path="#{@env.path.output}/#{@env.fnb}" z=SiSU_Env::CleanOutput.new(@opt) if SiSU_Env::InfoSettings.new.permission?('zap') unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on tell=SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], "Clean files related to processing #{@opt.selections.str} ->", "#{@opt.fns} -> #{zap_path}" ) tell.warn end z.zap.remove_output else unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on tell=SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], 'use of -Z (zap) has not enabled in sisurc.yml' ) tell.warn end end end end end __END__ #+END_SRC * document header #+NAME: sisu_document_header #+BEGIN_SRC text encoding: utf-8 - Name: SiSU - Description: documents, structuring, processing, publishing, search misc - Author: Ralph Amissah <ralph.amissah@gmail.com> - Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved. - License: GPL 3 or later: SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be available at these locations: <http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.html> <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html> <http://www.sisudoc.org/sisu/en/manifest/gpl.fsf.html> - SiSU uses: - Standard SiSU markup syntax, - Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the - Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system - Homepages: <http://www.sisudoc.org> - Git <https://git.sisudoc.org/projects/> <https://git.sisudoc.org/projects/?p=software/sisu.git;a=summary> <https://git.sisudoc.org/projects/?p=markup/sisu-markup-samples.git;a=summary> #+END_SRC