SiSU - Commands [0.58]
Ralph Amissah
Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah 2007, part of SiSU documentation, License GPL 3
ebook, epublishing, electronic book, electronic publishing, electronic document, electronic citation, data structure, citation systems, search
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SiSU - Commands [0.58], Ralph Amissah
SiSU Commands
1. Commands Summary
1.1 Synopsis
SiSU - Structured information, Serialized Units - a document
publishing system
sisu [ -abcDdFHhIiMmNnopqRrSsTtUuVvwXxYyZz0-9 ] [ filename/ wildcard ]
sisu [ -Ddcv ] [ instruction ]
sisu [ -CcFLSVvW ]
Note: commands should be issued from within the directory that contains
the marked up files, cd to markup directory.
1.2 Description
SiSU SiSU is a document publishing system, that from a
simple single marked-up document, produces multiple of output formats
including: plaintext, html, LaTeX, pdf, xhtml, XML, info, and SQL
(PostgreSQL and SQLite), which share numbered text objects ("object
citation numbering") and the same document structure information. For
more see: < http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu>
1.3 Document Processing Command Flags
-a [filename/wildcard] produces plaintext with Unix
linefeeds and without markup, (object numbers are omitted), has
footnotes at end of each paragraph that contains them [ -A for
equivalent dos (linefeed) output file] [see -e for endnotes]. (Options
include: --endnotes for endnotes --footnotes for footnotes at the end
of each paragraph --unix for unix linefeed (default) --msdos for msdos
-b [filename/wildcard] produces xhtml/XML output for
browser viewing (sax parsing).
-C [--init-site] configure/initialise shared output
directory files initialize shared output directory (config files such
as css and dtd files are not updated if they already exist unless
modifier is used). -C --init-site configure/initialise site more
extensive than -C on its own, shared output directory files/force
update, existing shared output config files such as css and dtd files
are updated if this modifier is used.
-CC configure/initialise shared output directory files
initialize shared output directory (config files such as css and dtd
files are not updated if they already exist unless modifier is used).
The equivalent of: -C --init-site configure/initialise site, more
extensive than -C on its own, shared output directory files/force
update, existing shared output config files such as css and dtd files
are updated if -CC is used.
-c [filename/wildcard] screen toggle ansi screen colour
on or off depending on default set (unless -c flag is used: if sisurc
colour default is set to 'true', output to screen will be with colour,
if sisurc colour default is set to 'false' or is undefined screen
output will be without colour).
-D [instruction] [filename] database postgresql ( --pgsql
may be used instead) possible instructions, include: --createdb;
--create; --dropall; --import [filename]; --update [filename]; --remove
[filename]; see database section below.
-d [--db-[database type (sqlite|pg)]] --[instruction] [filename]
database type default set to sqlite, (for which --sqlite may
be used instead) or to specify another database --db-[pgsql, sqlite]
(however see -D) possible instructions include: --createdb; --create;
--dropall; --import [filename]; --update [filename]; --remove
[filename]; see database section below.
-F [--webserv=webrick] generate examples of (naive) cgi
search form for sqlite and pgsql depends on your already having used
sisu to populate an sqlite and/or pgsql database, (the sqlite version
scans the output directories for existing sisu_sqlite databases, so it
is first necessary to create them, before generating the search form)
see -d -D and the database section below. If the optional parameter
--webserv=webrick is passed, the cgi examples created will be set up to
use the default port set for use by the webrick server, (otherwise the
port is left blank and the system setting used, usually 80). The
samples are dumped in the present work directory which must be
writable, (with screen instructions given that they be copied to the
cgi-bin directory). -Fv (in addition to the above) provides some
information on setting up hyperestraier for sisu
-H [filename/wildcard] produces html without link
suffixes (.html .pdf etc.) ("Hide"). Requires an appropriately
configured web server. [behaviour switched after 0.35 see -h].
-h [filename/wildcard] produces html (with hardlinks i.e.
with name suffixes in links/local urls). html, with internal document
links that include the document suffix, i.e. whether it is .html or
.pdf (required for browsing directly off a file system, and works with
most web servers). [behaviour switched after 0.35 see -H].
-I [filename/wildcard] produces texinfo and info file,
(view with pinfo).
-L prints license information.
-M [filename/wildcard/url] maintenance mode files created
for processing preserved and their locations indicated. (also see -V)
-m [filename/wildcard/url] assumed for most other flags,
creates new meta-markup file, (the metaverse ) that is used in all
subsequent processing of other output. This step is assumed for most
processing flags. To skip it see -n
-N [filename/wildcard/url] document digest or document
content certificate ( DCC ) as md5 digest tree of the document: the
digest for the document, and digests for each object contained within
the document (together with information on software versions that
produced it) (digest.txt). -NV for verbose digest output to screen.
-n [filename/wildcard/url] skip meta-markup (building of
"metaverse"), this skips the equivalent of -m which is otherwise
assumed by most processing flags.
-o [filename/wildcard/url] output basic document in
opendocument file format (opendocument.odt).
-p [filename/wildcard] produces LaTeX pdf (portrait.pdf
& landscape.pdf). Default paper size is set in config file, or
document header, or provided with additional command line parameter,
e.g. --papersize-a4 preset sizes include: 'A4', U.S. 'letter' and
'legal' and book sizes 'A5' and 'B5' (system defaults to A4).
-q [filename/wildcard] quiet less output to screen.
-R [filename/wildcard] copies sisu output files to remote
host using rsync. This requires that sisurc.yml has been provided with
information on hostname and username, and that you have your "keys" and
ssh agent in place. Note the behavior of rsync different if -R is used
with other flags from if used alone. Alone the rsync --delete parameter
is sent, useful for cleaning the remote directory (when -R is used
together with other flags, it is not). Also see -r
-r [filename/wildcard] copies sisu output files to remote
host using scp. This requires that sisurc.yml has been provided with
information on hostname and username, and that you have your "keys" and
ssh agent in place. Also see -R
-S produces a sisupod a zipped sisu directory of markup
files including sisu markup source files and the directories local
configuration file, images and skins. Note: this only includes the
configuration files or skins contained in ./_sisu not those in
~/.sisu -S [filename/wildcard] option. Note: (this option is
tested only with zsh).
-S [filename/wildcard] produces a zipped file of the
prepared document specified along with associated images, by default
named sisupod.zip they may alternatively be named with the filename
extension .ssp This provides a quick way of gathering the relevant
parts of a sisu document which can then for example be emailed. A
sisupod includes sisu markup source file, (along with associated
documents if a master file, or available in multilingual versions),
together with related images and skin. SiSU commands can be run
directly against a sisupod contained in a local directory, or provided
as a url on a remote site. As there is a security issue with skins
provided by other users, they are not applied unless the flag --trust
or --trusted is added to the command instruction, it is recommended
that file that are not your own are treated as untrusted. The directory
structure of the unzipped file is understood by sisu, and sisu commands
can be run within it. Note: if you wish to send multiple files, it
quickly becomes more space efficient to zip the sisu markup directory,
rather than the individual files for sending). See the -S option
without [filename/wildcard].
-s [filename/wildcard] copies sisu markup file to output
-t [filename/wildcard (*.termsheet.rb)] standard form
document builder, preprocessing feature
-U [filename/wildcard] prints url output list/map for the
available processing flags options and resulting files that could be
requested, (can be used to get a list of processing options in relation
to a file, together with information on the output that would be
produced), -u provides url output mapping for those flags requested for
processing. The default assumes sisu_webrick is running and provides
webrick url mappings where appropriate, but these can be switched to
file system paths in sisurc.yml
-u [filename/wildcard] provides url mapping of output
files for the flags requested for processing, also see -U
-V on its own, provides SiSU version and
environment information (sisu --help env)
-V [filename/wildcard] even more verbose than the -v
flag. (also see -M)
-v on its own, provides SiSU version information
-v [filename/wildcard] provides verbose output of what is
being built, where it is being built (and error messages if any), as
with -u flag provides a url mapping of files created for each of the
processing flag requests. See also -V
-W starts ruby's webrick webserver points at sisu output
directories, the default port is set to 8081 and can be changed in the
resource configuration files. [tip: the webrick server requires link
suffixes, so html output should be created using the -h option rather
than -H; also, note -F webrick ].
-w [filename/wildcard] produces concordance (wordmap) a
rudimentary index of all the words in a document. (Concordance files
are not generated for documents of over 260,000 words unless this limit
is increased in the file sisurc.yml)
-X [filename/wildcard] produces XML output with deep
document structure, in the nature of dom.
-x [filename/wildcard] produces XML output shallow
structure (sax parsing).
-Y [filename/wildcard] produces a short sitemap entry for
the document, based on html output and the sisu_manifest. --sitemaps
generates/updates the sitemap index of existing sitemaps.
(Experimental, [g,y,m announcement this week])
-y [filename/wildcard] produces an html summary of output
generated (hyperlinked to content) and document specific metadata
(sisu_manifest.html). This step is assumed for most processing flags.
-Z [filename/wildcard] Zap, if used with other processing
flags deletes output files of the type about to be processed, prior to
processing. If -Z is used as the lone processing related flag (or in
conjunction with a combination of -[mMvVq]), will remove the related
document output directory.
-z [filename/wildcard] produces php (zend) [this feature
is disabled for the time being]
2. command line modifiers
--no-ocn [with -h -H or -p] switches off object citation
numbering. Produce output without identifying numbers in margins of
html or LaTeX/pdf output.
--no-annotate strips output text of editor
endnotes*1 denoted by asterisk or dagger/plus sign
*1 square brackets
--no-asterisk strips output text of editor
endnotes*2 denoted by asterisk sign
*2 square brackets
--no-dagger strips output text of editor
endnotes+1 denoted by dagger/plus sign
+1 square brackets
3. database commands
dbi - database interface
-D or --pgsql set for postgresql -d or --sqlite default set for sqlite
-d is modifiable with --db=[database type (pgsql or sqlite)]
-Dv --createall initial step, creates required relations
(tables, indexes) in existing postgresql database (a database should be
created manually and given the same name as working directory, as
requested) (rb.dbi) [ -dv --createall sqlite equivalent] it may be
necessary to run sisu -Dv --createdb initially NOTE: at the present
time for postgresql it may be necessary to manually create the
database. The command would be 'createdb [database name]' where
database name would be SiSU_[present working directory name (without
path)]. Please use only alphanumerics and underscores.
-Dv --import [filename/wildcard] imports data specified
to postgresql db (rb.dbi) [ -dv --import sqlite equivalent]
-Dv --update [filename/wildcard] updates/imports
specified data to postgresql db (rb.dbi) [ -dv --update sqlite
-D --remove [filename/wildcard] removes specified data to
postgresql db (rb.dbi) [ -d --remove sqlite equivalent]
-D --dropall kills data" and drops (postgresql or sqlite)
db, tables & indexes [ -d --dropall sqlite equivalent]
The v in e.g. -Dv is for verbose output.
4. Shortcuts, Shorthand for multiple flags
--update [filename/wildcard] Checks existing file output
and runs the flags required to update this output. This means that if
only html and pdf output was requested on previous runs, only the -hp
files will be applied, and only these will be generated this time,
together with the summary. This can be very convenient, if you offer
different outputs of different files, and just want to do the same
-0 to -5 [filename or wildcard] Default shorthand
mappings (note that the defaults can be changed/configured in the
sisurc.yml file):
-0 -mNhwpAobxXyYv [this is the default action run when no
options are give, i.e. on 'sisu [filename]']
-1 -mNHwpy
-2 -mNHwpaoy
-3 -mNhwpAobxXyY
-4 -mNhwpAobxXDyY --import
-5 -mNhwpAobxXDyY --update
add -v for verbose mode and -c for color, e.g. sisu -2vc [filename or
consider -u for appended url info or -v for verbose output
4.0.1 Command Line with Flags - Batch Processing
In the data directory run sisu -mh filename or wildcard eg. "sisu -h
cisg.sst" or "sisu -h *.{sst,ssm}" to produce html version of all
Running sisu (alone without any flags, filenames or wildcards) brings
up the interactive help, as does any sisu command that is not
recognised. Enter to escape.